Archive for 23 July, 2009

Pat Condell’s Newest Rant

23 July, 2009

Lou Dobbs Lied to by the State of Hawaii!!!!!!!

23 July, 2009

I caught this today on Lou Dobbs, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!  According to Lou Dobbs, the State of Hawaii has said that they no longer have Obama’s original Birth Certificate because it was discarded 8 years ago when Hawaii switched to an electronic Birth Certificate system.

That is an outright, bold-faced lie!!!!!!!!!!!

There is NO WAY that they would be allowed to dispose of the original copies!  It’s the law of the land that the original Birth Certificates must be kept on file.

And,  more importantly,  DOH Director, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, on October 31st, 2008, said she has “personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.

“There have been numerous requests for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama’s official birth certificate. State law (Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §338-18) prohibits the release of a certified birth certificate to persons who do not have a tangible interest in the vital record,” DOH Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said.

Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama’s original birth certificate.”Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures,” Fukino said.

I’m hoping that our readers will take the time to expose this lie from the State of Hawaii and post it on as many websites as you can.  It’s got to go viral!!!!!!   And, hopefully, Lou Dobbs will eventually see it and realize that he’s been lied to, yet again!

There is something seriously rotten in Hawaii…

P.S. – While watching the video, take care to note how Libtards debate:  They shout down anyone who has a different opinion other than their own.  That’s because they don’t want anyone listening to hear another point of view—no matter how logical, well thought out, and reasoned it may be.  Nor, do they have the intelligence to understand that it is We the People who run the government, not that freakin’ meglomaniac, Obama!  He answers to us, we don’t answer to him!

Anger as art gallery shows sculpture of suicide bomber girl

23 July, 2009

Gee who would have a problem with a suicide bomber doll? Certainly not muslims I have seen plenty of pro-jihadi literature designed to appeal to children.

By Daily Mail Reporter, 23rd July 2009
An art gallery has provoked controversy by displaying a doll of a child dressed as a suicide bomber in its front window less than a mile from where hate preacher Abu Hamza used to whip up Islamic fanatics.
-As opposed to non muslim fanatics?

The 3ft model at Gallery 90 in Finsbury Park, North London, shows an eight-year-old girl clad in a black balaclava and wired up to grenades and bombs.
-How cute.

Artist Mason Storm admits that his piece, titled Little Terror, is meant to make people angry – though he claims the point is to protest against the exploitation of children.

He said: ‘The reason I created the piece Little Terror was to get a reaction from some of the narrow-minded locals who have been moaning over certain pieces in the gallery.
-Lol, good.

‘If you find this piece offensive, have a collection, raise £1000 and donate it to a charity that helps children who have been damaged by war or made to fight wars. When you have done that I will happily destroy the piece.’

He added: ‘It’s time for “outraged of Islington” to put up or shut up.’
-A similar tactic was used by the state of Kentucky years ago-an anti fishing group was demanding that fishing be stopped in the state. Kentucky offered to do so as soon as the group replaced the millions of dollars that would be lost by unsold fishing licenses. The group went away.

Residents said they were concerned about the impact of the mock suicide bomber on people who lost friends and relatives in the devastating Tube and bus bombings of July 7, 2005.
-Following that logic a GI Joe could not be sold because the families of fallen soldiers might be offended.

Amy Murphy, 25, said she found the piece ‘totally offensive’.

She said: ‘I was walking past the gallery and I had to do a double-take. A little girl dressed up as a suicide bomber was staring back at me and I just thought “how insensitive”.
-Then walk your happy ass up to the nearest mosque and give pure hell to the imam. Demand that as a muslim cleric he personally write the palestinian authorities and demand they stop encouraging real children to die for a myth created by a seventh century pedophile. (more…)

New Jersey Mayors and Rabbi’s Arrested in Corruption Probe

23 July, 2009

A list of those who were arrested is included at the end of the following article:

Corruption probe shakes NJ with arrests and a resignation

By Inquirer Staff –

A federal corruption investigation rattled New Jersey today, snaring political figures, including two assemblymen and three mayors, and prompting the resignation of a member of Gov. Corzine’s cabinet.

Altogether, federal agents arrested 44 people in what officials called a two-track corruption and international money laundering investigation that also targeted a group of rabbis in Broolyn and New Jersey.

Hours later, Joseph Doria, the state Community Affairs commissioner, resigned.

Doria, a former state legislator and ex-mayor of Bayonne, was not charged, but his home and Trenton office had been searched earlier in the day federal investigators.

Before Doria’s resignation, Corzine said, “The scale of corruption we’re seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated.”

Public officials arrested on bribe taking charges included Assemblymen Daniel Van Pelt (R-Ocean) and L. Harvey Smith (D-Hudson), Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano III, Secaucus Mayor Dennis Elwell and Ridgefield Mayor Anthony Suarez, all Democrats.

The rabbis were charged in separate money laundering complaints with offenses ranging from the trafficking of kidneys from Israeli donors to laundering proceeds from selling fake Gucci and Prada bags.

A federal complaint alleges that Van Pelt, a former mayor of Ocean Township in Ocean County, took $10,000 in bribes to move along a development in his hometown, which is better known as Waretown.

His district includes Long Beach Island and Washington Township in Burlington County and he also is township administrator in Lumberton, Burlington County.


Capitol Hill Allows Porn Sites, but is Blocking Conservative Websites!!!

23 July, 2009

Like we didn’t see this coming…

Breaking: Capitol Hill Censoring Conservative Web Sites
Posted on 23 July 2009 by Guardian Council – TheDCWriteup

Capitol Hill offices have censored at least two conservative-leaning Web sites without providing a public justification, The D.C. Writeup has found.

The Politicizer, a site that bills itself as “A Fresh Perspective On Politics and Society From the Internet Generation,” has been inaccessible every day for the last two weeks on Capitol Hill. For the entirety of that period, users from a variety of other locations – including other D.C. government buildings and nearby offices – had no difficulty loading the site.

While the Politicizer does not claim to be partisan, the site’s content is mostly ideologically conservative, including recent articles such as “Obama’s Small Business Problem” and “Oppose Obamacare.”

The D.C. Writeup has also been inaccessible from the Hill since July 10. Like the Politicizer, the site is not explicitly right-of-center, but features a significant amount of content critical of the Obama administration.

Prior to July 10, the site loaded properly, suggesting that either an automated system or a government official decided to prevent it from functioning.

Neither the Politicizer nor The D.C. Writeup contains objectionable images or excessive language, especially when compared to other sites that remain functional.

Numerous extremely gay pornography sites, such as and, as well as straight pornography strongholds like, load without incident.


CLICK HERE to continue reading this article in full

Reid Announces that the Health Care War is Lost!

23 July, 2009

R-i-i-i-ght…  Like I believe that.  Look for congress to slip ObamaCare legislation, piece by piece, into other bills that come up before the House and Senate.  By rook, or by crook, they’ll shove it down our throats!

Reid: No health care vote in Senate until fall

via yahoo news

By RICARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR, Associated Press Writer Ricardo Alonso-zaldivar, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – Senate Democratic leaders on Thursday abandoned plans for a vote on health care before Congress’ August recess, dealing a blow to President Barack Obama’s ambitious timetable to revamp the nation’s $2.4 trillion system of medical care.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., delivered the official pronouncement on what had been expected for weeks, saying, “It’s better to have a product based on quality and thoughtfulness rather than try to jam something through.”


Soooo, after jamming through the Stinkulus Package and “Cap and Trade” without even reading the damn thing, now we are suppose to believe that  they are suddenly concerned about jamming something through, eh?  What a bunch of lying sacks of crap!  Vote ’em ALL out!!!!!!!

Michelle Obama Involved with Patient Dumping Scheme

23 July, 2009

These charges against Michell Obama and the University of Chicago Medical Center are not new.  The bloggers have been reporting on this since well before the election.  However, no one in the media really seemed to pay any attention to it, nor did they seem to understand the implications of all of this:  If Obama is to implement a government controlled healthcare system, then don’t you think it’s a good idea to observe how his wife handled healthcare when she was an administrator of a hospital???

Thankfully, Sean Hannity is shedding some light on this story:

CLICK HERE for the video

Program Linked to First Lady Michelle Obama Accused of Patient ‘Dumping’

Thursday, July 23, 2009 Fox News

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity,” July 22, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Now, earlier this week, we send our own Ainsley Earhardt to Chicago to investigate allegations of patient dumping that have rocked the University of Chicago Medical Center. Now, the former administrator at the heart of this controversy is none other than first lady Michelle Obama. Let’s take a look.


AINSLEY EARHARDT, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Before you buy into Barack Obama’s universal health care plan, you might want to hear about a little known medical program key members of his administration started on Chicago’s South Side. It’s called the Urban Health Initiative, and it’s been stirring up quite a controversy in the Windy City.

The program began in 2006 as the brainchild of first lady Michelle Obama when she was the VP at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

Its mission? To provide quality care to the area’s poor and streamline the hospital’s E.R. by directing non-emergency cases to nearby clinics. Despite numerous phone calls and e-mails to the medical center, we were denied interviews with any of the program’s employees, but we did talk to a former student at the university’s medical school who was familiar with the initiative.

DR. JIM JIRJIS, DIR. OF PRIMARY CARE AT VANDERBILT : This program helps by helping to identify people who are using the emergency room in ways that really aren’t appropriate because they have no other options. And it helps with those patients with a far superior patient-centered medical home model. That’s the biggest win/win situation there is because the patient benefits, and the health care costs go down, but it requires some investment.

EARHARDT: To get that investment, Michelle Obama, along with close friend and future Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, hired — you guessed it — Obama spin doctor David Axelrod. He began to wage the initiative’s PR Campaign. It worked. The good press surrounding the program helped the hospital win $23 million grant. And even today, the initiative continues to be the beneficiary of government funding. It received $190,000 from the omnibus spending bill, which is on top of the more than $50 million in tax breaks the hospital is given every year.

But now, critics are asking whether redirecting patients helps the poor or the hospital’s bottom line.
