Archive for August 2009

Open Thread

31 August, 2009

I will be out and about today.  So, I won’t be able to post anything until later on.  Feel free to leave any interesting links in the comments section that you find while cruising the net, today.  Our other readers will appreciate it, as well as I.


Dr. Bulldog

Gen. McChrystal Says a New Strategy Needed to Defeat Taliban

31 August, 2009

What a load of hooey!  We don’t need a “new” strategy to defeat the Taliban—that is already being done with Obama’s Team Delta Force Kumbaya, which is a failure and is responsible the recent uptick in our soldiers coming back in body bags—we need to go back to an old strategy; like, being able to shoot and bomb the freakin’ enemy, even when he is using civilians as a shield.  You would think that these idiots in Washington DC would have learned their lessons by now with the Vietnam War (err, police action) but, Nooooo!  They just don’t get it!  You’ve got to just step aside and let our military do what they do best; fighting wars!  Once politicians start mucking about and placing restrictions on what the military can and cannot do, our body bag count can’t help but respond by rising in direct proportion to the number of restrictions.

Team Delta Force Kumbaya can kiss my butt!!!

US general: New strategy needed to defeat Taliban
Aug 31 08:13 AM US/Eastern
Jason Straziuso – via Breitbart

KABUL (AP) – The top commander of U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan said Monday the situation in the country is “serious” and a new strategy is needed to defeat the Taliban.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal sent his strategic review of the Afghan war to the Pentagon on Monday.

He did not ask for more troops but is expected to do so in a separate request, two NATO officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter.
U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates ordered the 60-day review to size up the rapidly deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan as Taliban attacks rise and U.S. deaths spiral upward.


Congresswoman Shea-Porter Has Retired Policeman Removed from Town Hall Meeting

30 August, 2009

The hypocrisy never ends!

Shea-Porter Instructs Security to Remove a Former Peace Officer from Town Hall
August 30, 2009 by Staff Reporter –

In four short years Carol Shea-Porter has evolved from a rabble-rousing, town hall disrupting anti-war activist who once had to be forcibly removed from a President George Bush event in Portsmouth to a Member of Congress who instructed armed security guards to remove a frustrated voter from her own town hall event in Manchester on Saturday.

In the appended video, Shea-Porter can be seen instructing security to remove a man for standing to ask a question without a ticket. Shea-Porter previously held a lottery to determine who could ask questions. She can also be heard taunting the man on his way out by saying, “I do hope the movie theater can be a little quieter for you.” has learned that the gentlemen Shea-Porter removed, Carl Tomanelli from Londonderry, is a retired New York City patrolman.


In recent weeks, Shea-Porter has become, in the words of one Democratic operative who asked to remain anonymous, “unhinged.”

This week she derisively referred to opponents of health reform as “tea-baggers” in front of a crowd of liberal activists. She also accused former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte of colluding with the so-called “tea-baggers” after she bumped into her randomly at a hotel bathroom in Portsmouth.


“The irony is, of course, that Shea-Porter used to be a ‘tea-bagger’ on the left,” writes Nashua Telegraph columnist Kevin Landrigan. “She stalked then-congressman Jeb Bradley at town hall-style meetings the 1st District Republican incumbent held throughout his district.”

Four years ago Carol Shea-Porter protested at the State House alongside people dressed as Nazis while accusing the federal government of trying “to brand us like sheep.” On Saturday, she disparagingly referred to people who do not trust the same federal government to run our health care system as “these people.”

“We remember when, Carol, do you,” asks Landrigan.

Interview with Dick Cheney on FOX

30 August, 2009

Oh, the Lefturds will be talking about this one for a few day:

Oil for Murderers

30 August, 2009

Just shameful.  Someone needs to lock up these politicians!


Lockerbie bomber ‘set free for oil’

The British government decided it was “in the overwhelming interests of the United Kingdom” to make Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, eligible for return to Libya, leaked ministerial letters reveal.

Gordon Brown’s government made the decision after discussions between Libya and BP over a multi-million-pound oil exploration deal had hit difficulties. These were resolved soon afterwards.

The letters were sent two years ago by Jack Straw, the justice secretary, to Kenny MacAskill, his counterpart in Scotland, who has been widely criticised for taking the formal decision to permit Megrahi’s release.

The correspondence makes it plain that the key decision to include Megrahi in a deal with Libya to allow prisoners to return home was, in fact, taken in London for British national interests.

Edward Davey, the Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman, said: “This is the strongest evidence yet that the British government has been involved for a long time in talks over al-Megrahi in which commercial considerations have been central to their thinking.”

Two letters dated five months apart show that Straw initially intended to exclude Megrahi from a prisoner transfer agreement with Colonel Muammar Gadaffi, under which British and Libyan prisoners could serve out their sentences in their home country.

In a letter dated July 26, 2007, Straw said he favoured an option to leave out Megrahi by stipulating that any prisoners convicted before a specified date would not be considered for transfer.

Downing Street had also said Megrahi would not be included under the agreement.

Straw then switched his position as Libya used its deal with BP as a bargaining chip to insist the Lockerbie bomber was included.

The exploration deal for oil and gas, potentially worth up to £15 billion, was announced in May 2007. Six months later the agreement was still waiting to be ratified.

On December 19, 2007, Straw wrote to MacAskill announcing that the UK government was abandoning its attempt to exclude Megrahi from the prisoner transfer agreement, citing the national interest.

In a letter leaked by a Whitehall source, he wrote: “I had previously accepted the importance of the al-Megrahi issue to Scotland and said I would try to get an exclusion for him on the face of the agreement. I have not been able to secure an explicit exclusion.

“The wider negotiations with the Libyans are reaching a critical stage and, in view of the overwhelming interests for the United Kingdom, I have agreed that in this instance the [prisoner transfer agreement] should be in the standard form and not mention any individual.”

Within six weeks of the government climbdown, Libya had ratified the BP deal. The prisoner transfer agreement was finalised in May this year, leading to Libya formally applying for Megrahi to be transferred to its custody.


Gaza: Big Jihad vs. Little Jihad

30 August, 2009

I always enjoy reading the work of Dr. Walid Phares, he has a unique viewpoint rarely seen in today’s fight against islamic fascism. This article points out what is obvious to our regular readership but is a totally alien concept to American officials, senior military officers and intelligence analysts. Jihad by any name, any group or any strategy remains jihad.

The goal of jihad in global enslavement. I would like to see our government develop a plan to widen the fissures in these jihadi groups and cause them to feast on themselves. The world’s best killers of muslims have always been other muslims. The diversity of the radical islamic groups should make it easy to work them into a full blown, frothing at the mouth jihadi rage and unleash them on each other.

By Dr. Walid Phares, 28 Aug 09, Muslim world today
Hamas’ attack against a Jihadist group inside Gaza is about to provide the Palestinian Islamist organization a pass to become a “mainstream” movement, acceptable internationally as a partner in negotiations. Or at least, that is what Hamas strategists think may happen as a result of crushing the minuscule militant entity known as Jund Ansar Allah (The Soldiers or the Partisans of Allah) last week. This is another murky development in the world of Jihadism, where the biggest brothers in holy war devoured the little ones, in a race between who can achieve final victory against the Kuffar (infidels). But in Gaza, these intra-Jihadist slaughter fests are peculiar in as much as the “Palestine cause” is so central to the Islamist political narrative worldwide.

In November of 2008, a new group in Rafah declared itself as the ultimate Salafi Jihadist force of Palestine. After many previous attempts made previously by al Qaeda-inspired factions at least since 2001, Jund Ansar Allah (JAA) led by Abel Latif Mussa, aka Abu al Nour al Maqdissi, seized the control of a local Mosque and segments of a neighborhood and launched a couple attacks against Israel as of early 2009.

The JAA issued many declarations calling for “real Jihad,” ending negotiations with Fatah, the international community and opposing any type of elections and constitutional structure in Gaza other than pure Sharia. From his pulpit, Sheikh Mussa criticized Hamas’ leadership for failing the Jihad they promised to deliver, and for betraying their own constitution calling for an Islamic Emirate all over Palestine, not just in Gaza and the West Bank. Hundreds of already indoctrinated youth joined the JAA and formed the nucleus of a Jihadi militia. Their ranks were growing at an alarming rate for Hamas, which felt time came to squash them, before they became a competitive organization. The JAA was on its ballistic way to devour Hamas from the inside. It was using the same doctrines upon which Hamas was founded, grew, and used to overthrow Fatah from Gaza.
-Love islamic style, build friendships and attack when their guard is down.

After a few incidents, Hamas forces overwhelmed the headquarters of JAA killing dozens of militants. The fighting took its toll on both groups. Unverified reports said Abu Jibril Shemali, commander of Izzedine al Qassam Brigades (Hamas’ SS-like force) and Abu Abdallah al Suri, JAA’s military commander were both killed in the clashes. The founder of the Jund Ansar Allah Abdel Latif Moussa was killed during the explosion of one of his suicide bombers as he targeted advancing Hamas fighters. By now, the “Jund” has been crushed, its mosque seized and its survivors pursued. In return, JAA underground has threatened to punish Hamas leadership for their apostasy against “Allah’s true fighters.” In this is Jihad versus Jihad inside a world of indoctrinated circles of militants, one circle enjoying power, money and recognition and the smaller circle wanting to snatch it away from the most powerful. But what are lessons we need to learn from this pool of piranhas, where big Jihadi fish eat little Jihadi fish?

1. According to many commentators on al Jazeera, Hamas chose to finish up the “Jund” as a maneuver to lure the West in general – Great Britain and the United States in particular – into “engaging” the organization, lifting its name from terror lists and adding it to the peace process between the Palestinians and Israel. Hamas spokespersons rushed to use one term that resonates greatly in Western ears, especially with the Obama Administration and the Brown Government: “We too are fighting the extremists, the terrorists as you are fighting them and pursuing al Qaeda,” declared Hamas English speaking communicators, hours after the combat was over. Analysts in the Arab world, shrewd enough to detect the Hamas tactical move, weren’t greedy in revealing their game: crushing an “al Qaeda” like group in Gaza would grant an immediate license to the mainstream for Hamas. One must expect sympathizing journalists, apologist academics and (soon enough) diplomats and envoys citing the “glorious” deeds of Hamas as evidence of fight “against terrorism.” Some savvier analysts believe many “engagement” architects in Europe and America have even suggested such a move to break the veto against Hamas.

Interestingly, the U.S. narrative lately has been underlining that there is no war against “Global Jihadsim” but only a “war against al Qaeda.” So those in the business of Jihad, including Hamas, Hezbollah and a plethora of other groups, can make their credential known to the West by slapping some local, little al Qaeda boys, and claiming a green card to the world of “accepted Jihadists.” Two summers ago, the Syrian regime and to an extent, Hezbollah, tried to come up with a similar model: Damascus released a copycat group in northern Lebanon, Fatah al Islam, before they claimed they beheaded the organization few months later, suggesting to Washington that Bashar can also kill al Qaeda crowds.
-Any American official, intelligence analyst or military officer that has not read the koran for themselves and measured its guidance against our American concept of respect, tolerance and fairness should be relieved for cause. If they did not take the time in the last eight years to learn about the evil ideology guiding our enemies then they are worthless. If one of you read this and disagree with my assessment, read the koran and we will discuss it. (more…)

A Christian Nation

29 August, 2009

An excellent post written by Jeremy D. Boreing over at Big Hollywood.  Here is just one snippet:


The tired argument that the Founders were not Christians but Deists is not only false (there were more overtly Christian men among the Founders than even supposed Deists by orders of magnitude), but more importantly, it is irrelevant. Whatever the nuances of their personal faiths, the Founders were to-a-man theists, believers in God, and in the Christian tradition. While some of them, men like Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson, were skeptical of many of the miraculous claims of the Bible, they were none-the-less scholarly about and reverent toward what they saw as its philosophy, and its God. They may not have been Christians by the standards of the church, but they were certainly Christians by the standards of atheists. They believed in the God of the Bible and believed faith was critical to the workings of a free society. Not only that, but they made clear what they thought about the relationship between God and government in both word and deed. Franklin called for prayer at the Constitutional Convention and suggested spending government revenue on chaplains. Adams declared the Constitution was “made only for a moral and religious people…” and wrote the Massachusetts State Constitution, which required that its governors pledge their Christian faith in order to serve (This was considered a legitimate state law under the original reading of the First and Tenth Amendment). Jefferson spent federal revenue on Bibles, declared that the Bible should be taught in public schools, and approved of the use of federal buildings for church gatherings – including the capital building where he personally attended services during his presidency. Oh, and he wrote the Declaration of Independence.


I highly recommend reading this excellent article in full by CLICKING HERE

The Warm and Fuzzy Hug-a-Muzzie War

29 August, 2009

Do you want to know why so many more of our soldiers have been coming back in body bags since Obama and “Team Delta Force Kumbaya” took over operations in Afghanistan?  Oh, wait…I already gave you the answer inside the question:

US Military Leaders Bowing Down to Islam

By Christopher Logan

As I write this article I want to make it clear that I don’t blame the US Military as a whole for this. This is directed towards the decision makers, who clearly do not understand two things. The first is Islam itself, and the second being that catering to Muslims does not work. It just leads to non-Muslims becoming more like Muslims.

In the last two months there has been an upsurge in the idea department of pleasing the Islamic world. Yesterday it was revealed that the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen had stated that the US has to get more credibility with the Islamic world.

“Our messages lack credibility because we haven’t invested enough in building trust and relationships, and we haven’t always delivered on promises,” he added.

Does Adm. Mullen even begin to realize that non-Muslims have been reaching out to Muslims for centuries? Obviously it does not change things as the threat of Islamic takeover has spread across the world and is even in our own backyard.

Adm. Mullen has even gone as far as to say that the Islamic world demands appreciation and that we need to show it to them. This approach sounds awfully familiar. Take a good look at the UK to see how well bowing down to Muslims has worked out.

Mullen said the Muslim community is “a subtle world” that demands appreciation. The U.S. must demonstrate that appreciation if it wishes to succeed at supplanting the “extremist narrative.”

Unfortunately Adm. Mullen is not the only military leader who has gone down this path. Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond, commanding general of the 4th Infantry Division has become a mouthpiece of Islam, as he is promoting it to his troops.

At the Fort Carson military base in Colorado, Maj. Gen. Hammond actually brought in local Muslim leaders to “educate” thousands of US soldiers on Islam.

“We want to talk to (soldiers) about this beautiful religion”, Hammond said at the one-hour meeting…

Does Maj. Gen. Hammond think that extortion, lying, rape, and terrorism are beautiful? Because Islam allows all of these things.

CLICK HERE to continue reading this over at Islam In Action.

Mason Weaver Speaking at the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, CA

29 August, 2009

Mason Weaver’s website is HERE.

H/T – Rob

Navy Seaman Shoots and Kills Burglar in East St. Louis, Illinois

29 August, 2009

Good shootin’, sailor!   Nice tactic; leaving one of them alive to warn all the other punks to stay the frack away!

Man rehabbing home shoots, kills teen trying to break in
BY CAROLYN P. SMITH – News-Democratbnd

EAST ST. LOUIS — A man rehabbing a home shot to death an East St. Louis teenager who tried to force his way into the house Thursday, police said.

Michael Holmes III, 18, of 635 N. 52nd St., was fatally shot at 5202 Ohio Ave., which is near his home.

St. Clair County Chief Deputy Coroner Ace Hart pronounced Holmes dead at 12:15 p.m. This was the third homicide in East St. Louis this week and the 17th in the city this year.

Illinois State Police Master Sgt. Dave Wasmuth said the homeowner of the Ohio Avenue house was inside working on the boarded-up building when Holmes and another man, whose name wasn’t released, tried to break into the home.

The 22-year-old homeowner, whose name was not released, shot and killed Holmes.The homeowner’s mother, Brenda Sanders, said her son, whom she declined to identify, was on leave from the Navy and was working inside the house with a friend, fixing it up in preparation to move there with his wife and child.

The 19-year old burglary suspect who was with Holmes fled from the scene. When he walked back, police nabbed him.

The homeowner was taken to the East St. Louis police station to be questioned. Police also were interviewing the man who was with Holmes. No charges have been filed in the case.

Below is an earlier report that adds a few details to the above story; like the fact that the home had been broken into and burglarized at least twice before:
