Archive for 28 August, 2009

Exclusive Photos of the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, California

28 August, 2009

Rob sent us a set of photographs that he took today at the Tea Party Express Kickoff in Sacramento, CA.

The Tea Party Express will be winding its way through the United States and arrive on Saturday, September 12, 2009 for the MASSIVE Tea Party Protest in Washington D.C.

It’s an event of a lifetime!  I encourage EVERYONE to visit Washington D.C. on September 12th.

[Click on the map to check out the Tea Party Express’s schedule of cities, dates, and times. ]


Also, you can keep up with Tea Party Express bloggers HERE and HERE.

We can’t thank Rob enough for sending us all the cool photos.   We REALLY appreciate it.

So kick back, relax, and enjoy Rob’s great pics:

[Click on images to enlarge]







Liberal Gives Sarah Palin Due “Props”

28 August, 2009

A fun read that certainly shows that we’ve got the Libtards and Lefturds on the ropes!

How Sarah Palin Rope-a-Doped All-Too-Many Liberals

Ron Rosenbaum

As a liberal myself, I was amazed by the obtuseness of the liberal reaction to Sarah Palin’s “death panels” quote. They fell into a trap because all too many were blinded by their class-conscious, snobbish disdain for Palin, who, whatever else you think of her, is one cagey operator.

And in doing so they allowed that one brilliantly crafted propaganda phrase to undo the chance for some necessary health care reforms (portability of coverage, no disqualification for previous conditions, eligibility to some plan for all, subsidized coverage for the impoverished uninsured).

They couldn’t believe that Sarah Palin was capable of something as canny as that deadly “death panels” phrase. They couldn’t see that it was a metaphoric shorthand for something real. Instead they thought she was too dumb, that she meant it literally (to have seen the potential for rationed end-of-life care in the bill), and instead indulged in an orgy of disdain for her “crazy,” “ignorant” “lies” and malicious misrepresentation.

No! “Death panels” was a Lenny Bruce black-humored kind of line and she proved herself far hipper than the terminally square liberals who didn’t get it. And who started an ill-conceived war on the phrase which most of the country, when the facts came out, saw as meretricious or ignorant on the liberals’ part — with good reason. And caused ordinary citizens to turn against the whole cause of health care — really it should be health insurance — reform.

Liberals should have responded the way my friend Joe Conason (and a few other non-snotty liberals) did, by pointing out that we already have death panels of a sort: the ones manned by the insurance companies who ration and deny coverage for the sake of their profit margins. Would government rationing be better? It might be less greed-motivated, but maybe not. There at least should have been a discussion of the real issue of health care rationing.

Because yes, there is a “panel” in the bill that will “evaluate” the cost effectiveness of various expensive, minimally life-extending treatment decisions — decisions that any health-care program, public or private, may have to make. No, individuals won’t have to stand before it, but individuals will be affected — and sometimes suffer — from its decisions.

But liberals and, shamefully, liberal oriented media — most of them — made the mistake they keep making about Sarah Palin: because she didn’t go to Princeton she’s incapable of seeing or cutting to the heart of the matter so shrewdly. They had a chance to respond as Conason did: put her on the spot by asking her exactly what she’d do about existing insurance company “death panels.” Instead, they didn’t believe she was sophisticated enough (like them) to make the point she was making.

And then the facts began to leak out, as even the media began to read the bill and its implications and backtrack on its deeply flawed literal-to-the point of stupidity “fact checks”– and people got legitimately outraged at being treated like Sarah Palin: too dumb to understand. When in fact they — the liberals and the media — were the ones whose knee jerk reactions were ignorant.

Of course the overreaction by genuinely ignorant right-wingers (”I don’t want the government to mess with my Medicare”) and the thuggish, lynch mob behavior at town halls (boasting of shouting others’ down and other mob tactics, Hitler mustaches etc., rather than making rational arguments and respecting other citizens) including the terrorist tactic of bringing guns to town hall meetings, showed that the right could squander an advantage in legitimate debate by making an ugly spectacle of itself.

[Uh… I’m going to just pretend he didn’t  just go off and spout out all that Lame Stream Media BS.  We all know that the mob tactics are from coming from the likes of SEIU, ACORN, and other Obamites.  The Tea Parties were non-violent, family events until those Jackbooters showed up.  And, the La Rouche PAC are the ones with the Hitler mustaches on their signs; they are LEFT-Wingers, not Right-Wingers.  But, the gun thing… Okay, we may not be bringing them inside the Town Halls, but we certainly WILL carry them with us outside the Town Halls, especially now that Obama’s Purple-Shirted People Eaters are trying to beat the crap out of us in an effort to silence us into submission.  It’s called “protecting our First Amendment Rights via practical application of the Second.”  Knucklehead.]

Nonetheless, when the history of the whole misbegotten health care reform effort is written, Sarah Palin has to be given credit for stopping it on a dime — and the snotty liberals who underestimated her should be held responsible.

Trailer – Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

28 August, 2009

From Alex Jones, the guy who brought us “The Obama Deception,” comes a new film:

The side notes for this are as follows:


Here is a first glimpse of Alex Jones most powerful film yet, to be titled Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama. The globalists want the Republic to fall, and they are trying to use their newest, and slickest ever puppet to destroy the last vestiges of Americas freedom, Constitution and economy, all while helping the bankers loot the country clean. But this film shows how we can turn it around, and restore all that was good and right in our nation.

Saudi prince escapes islamic terrorist suicide bomber

28 August, 2009

You have to love the irony of this one: a member of the world’s biggest state supporter of islamic terrorism is himself attacked by an islamic terrorist. The saudis fund radical extremist mosques all over the world. Because of the hundreds of thousands of dead jihadi the USA has sent to hell, terror training is not what it used to be. Looks like they are down to the minor league teams. This one only managed to kill himself. The other terrorist was barely scratched.

29 Aug, 2009, AFP
Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, a Saudi royal family member who heads the kingdom’s anti-terror fight, escaped little harmed from a suicide bomb attack in Jeddah, official news agency SPA said yesterday.
-The prince’s job is to fight the terrorists that attack saudi interests. The saudi government still controls the global jihad though a global network of jihadi producing schools.

The deputy interior minister suffered only superficial injuries after the suicide bomber got close to him and detonated his explosives on Thursday evening, the agency said, quoting a royal court statement.
-Piss poor training produces piss poor performance.

The Saudi wing of al-Qaeda was swift in claiming responsibility.
-I don’t know why, it was a miserable failure.

In a statement posted on an Islamist Web site late on Thursday, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said it was behind the bomb, according to US-based monitoring group, SITE Intelligence.
-Most of those clowns are south of saudi in a lovely garden spot called yemen. A place so miserable they envy the saudis.

The bomber was the only casualty. Prince Mohammed was receiving guests at the end of the day’s fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, SPA said.
-Nice security there prince. Stop hiring relatives and get a few professionals.

The royal court said the bomber was a wanted terrorist who had approached the prince under the pretext he wanted to give himself up.
-And they believed him and decided to let him in before searching him, idiots.

He detonated his device while he was undergoing security checks, it said.
-I could suggest multiple rings of security but since it was the saudis I think you should forgive this attack, dismiss it as a lone madman and relax and trust the next al qaeda guy that wants to chat. If you cannot trust a muslim trained in one of your state sponsored madrassas then who can you trust? (more…)

Fascist Cop Strong Arms Protester Holding Joker-Obama Poster!!!

28 August, 2009

I found this while digging around on YouTube.  It was originally posted yesterday.


Be sure to link it on ALL the blogs you visit today!

From the notes on the YouTube sidebar:

This video was taken on Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 at Rep. Jim Moran’s (D-VA) Town Hall meeting on Obama Deathcare (Howie Dean was there too) held at South Lakes High School in Reston, VA.

Many people were left outside when the school filled to capacity. [Policeman] Wesley Cheeks, Jr. did not like the anti-Obamacare poster which used one of the gone-viral “Joker” graphics.

When said to Officer Cheeks, “This used to be America!” his response was: “It ain’t no more, OK?”

P.S. – I just saw that TGUSA left a comment with this video in it, so I’ll give TGUSA a tip of the hat for being first on the scene.

Health Care Deform Protesters To Crash Massive D.C. Tea Party

28 August, 2009

No surprise there!  We knew Obama’s Jackboots were coming.  And, they’ll be violent.

Obamacare activists to crash D.C.’s massive tea party?
Health ‘reform’ advocates organize ‘well-funded’ counterattack for next day

August 28, 2009
By Chelsea Schilling

Just as thousands of taxpayers from across the nation are planning to descend on Washington, D.C., to take their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol – “Obamacare” proponents have responded with a well-funded counterattack scheduled for the following day.

In a major movement unaffiliated with – but inspired by – Fox News’ Glenn Beck’s 9-12 Project, called the National Taxpayer Protest, thousands of Americans are answering the call and booking travel arrangements to make their voices heard at Capitol Hill on Sept. 12.

Robert Reich, former Labor secretary for President Bill Clinton, called for yet another “march on Washington” on Sept. 13 in support of including a public option in Obama’s health “reform.”

“If enough people feel that’s the best way for their voices to be heard, and can’t be heard in any other way, then we march,” he said in Politico’s Arena.

Reich encouraged public option proponents to “make a racket.”

He wrote, the “first step is to be very loud and very vocal: Write, phone, e-mail, your congressional delegation and the White House. Second step: Get others to do the same. Third step: Get voters in Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, and other states where Blue Dog Dems and wavering Senate Dems live, and have them make a hell of a fuss. Fourth step: March on Washington.”

Health-care proponents have created a Facebook group with more than 2,000 members to help organize the counterattack.

[LOL!!!  Organizers for the D.C. Tea Party are kicking around numbers that are an astronomical TWO MILLION!!!  Even if they only manage to pull in half of that, that is still about one million Tea Party protesters!  Let’s see if those 2,000 idiots can compete with that!]

Dick Armey, chairman of FreedomWorks, one of the groups organizing the Sept. 12 event, said in a newsletter, “It’s no coincidence he picked the day after our event to try and organize his – Reich, allied with the likes of, the AFL-CIO, and the other usual suspects on the Left, are trying to overshadow and drown out our event and its limited government message.”


“With a war chest that some are estimating is in excess of $150 million, we have to take their threat very seriously,” Armey said. “The only way we will be able to win is through real grass roots.”


Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots told WND the groups are focused on “protecting the values and principles that have made America the greatest nation for future generations.”

Brendan Steinhauser of FreedomWorks told WND the movement is gaining momentum as thousands of taxpayers plan trips to Washington to join the fight against big government.

“People want to do this,” he said. “The people who have been protesting around the country want to come to Washington and do this in D.C. In a lot of ways, they are being ignored and the media is underrepresenting them and their numbers. They want to come together for one big event and send a very clear message.”

In his memo, Armey reminded attendees of several Democrats who have called the movement “Astroturf,” saying the crowds do not represent real grass-roots activism.

“They’re saying that your voice doesn’t count and that you will not be heard,” he said. “At the 9-12 Taxpayer March on Washington we have an opportunity to show them just how wrong they are.”

Lunch Care

28 August, 2009

CavMom forwarded the following cartoon to us that just had me rolling on the floor!:

[Click on image to enlarge]


Two Years, 1000 Banks

28 August, 2009

1,000 Banks to Fail In Next Two Years: Bank CEO

By: Natalie Erlich – Writer/ProducerCNBC

The US banking system will lose some 1,000 institutions over the next two years, said John Kanas, whose private equity firm bought BankUnited of Florida in May.

“We’ve already lost 81 this year,” Kanas told CNBC. “The numbers are climbing every day. Many of these institutions nobody’s ever heard of. They’re smaller companies.” (See the accompanying video for the complete interview.)

Failed banks tend to be smaller and private, which exacerbates the problem for small business borrowers, said Kanas, who became CEO of BankUnited when his firm bought the bank and is the former chairman and CEO of North Fork bank.

“Government money has propped up the very large institutions as a result of the stimulus package,” he said. “There’s really very little lifeline available for the small institutions that are suffering.”


See?  The Stinkulus Package was designed to boost the large institutions that helped get Obama into office.  The Obamanomics of it all is that the smaller institutions will suffer and fail; that way, the larger institutions will be able to gobble them up at chicken-feed prices!  Which, of course, fattens the larger institutions so that they can better finance  Obama’s fascist programs.

Communist China Flag to Fly on the South Lawn of the White House

28 August, 2009

H/T – CavMom.

White House to fly Communist Chinese Flag
By Dr. Richard Swier

According to

The national flag of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will be hoisted at the South Lawn of the White House in Washington on September 20, media reported Sunday.

Chinese associations in the United States had applied to hold a ceremony in front of the US President’s residence to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC.

Chen Ronghua, chairman of Fujian Association of the United States, told reporters that their application was approved not only because of the sound Sino-US relations but also because China is a responsible country.

“Many Americans admire China due to the success of last year’s Beijing Olympics,” said Chen.

More than 1,000 people will attend the ceremony and the performances held after it, according to Zhao Luqun, who will direct the performances.

Zhao said the performances will demonstrate the friendship, magnanimous spirit and kindness of modern Chinese people.

Gee, I spent twenty-three years in the U.S. Army fighting the Communists. I faced the Russians in Europe, American soldiers fought the Communist Chinese in Korea, I fought Communist North Vietnam, which was supported by both the U.S.S.R. and Communist China.

Celebrating Americans of Chinese descent is one thing. Celebrating Communism is another. Now our President will hoist the Communist flag over the White House. How fitting and in sync with his political belief system. I can hardly wait for President Obama’s May Day parade. Where is Senator “Tail Gunner” Joe Mcarthy when you need him?

CLICK HERE to read it all at

One of Kennedy’s Favorite Topics of Humor was…Chappaquiddick

28 August, 2009

Gee, now why am I not surprised?

“One of his favorite topics of humor was Chappaquiddick”

[Mark Hemingway] – NRO

Jules Crittenden mentioned on his blog he heard Ed Klein, former foreign editor of Newsweek and editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine, recalling on air that Ted Kennedy liked to joke about Chappaquiddick. It seemed to defy belief, so I listened to the episode of The Diane Rehm Show in question and sure enough — I’ve transcribed what Klein told guest host Katy Kay (Here’s a link to the audio in WMA format, relevant portion starts at about 30:15):

I don’t know if you know this or not, but one of his favorite topics of humor was indeed Chappaquiddick itself. And he would ask people, “have you heard any new jokes about Chappaquiddick?” That is just the most amazing thing. It’s not that he didn’t feel remorse about the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, but that he still always saw the other side of everything and the ridiculous side of things, too.

EXCUSE ME? If that’s true it makes Kennedy kind of a monster. The odd thing is that if you listen to the whole show, the tone of everyone involved is nauseatingly haigographic and reverential. Klein apparently let his guard down a bit; after he lets it slip Kennedy liked to joke about the woman he killed you can actually hear in his voice that he’s trying to backpedal. The show actually cuts to a break as he’s trying to explain himself, and I seriously wonder if it wasn’t the producers trying to do Klein a favor. But I’m sorry, there appears to be little to that could explain this. It goes way beyond “you had to be there.”