Archive for 19 November, 2009

Murderous Muslims Whine about Negative Image at the UN.

19 November, 2009

I say muslims are responsible for islams negative image. By refusing to address the corrupt, deviant and murderous muslims spreading like cancer across the globe they are covering up the largest criminal empire in the history of mankind. Islam doesn’t need laws to protect it, it needs a civil war. If there are “good” muslims they need to rise up or shut up. Whining for the UN to cover up the crimes of islam is passive support for the same crimes that caused the negative image and passive support is still support.

I am all for muslims improving the image of islam – so get started already. You have extremists to hunt.

By Frank Jordans, 19 Nov 09, AP GENEVA – Four years after cartoons of the prophet Muhammad set off violent protests across the Muslim world, Islamic nations are mounting a campaign for an international treaty to protect religious symbols and beliefs from mockery – essentially a ban on blasphemy that would put them on a collision course with free speech laws in the West.

Documents obtained by The Associated Press show that Algeria and Pakistan have taken the lead in lobbying to eventually bring the proposal to a vote in the U.N. General Assembly.

If ratified in countries that enshrine freedom of expression as a fundamental right, such a treaty would require them to limit free speech if it risks seriously offending religious believers. The process, though, will take years and no showdown is imminent.

The proposal faces stiff resistance from Western countries, including the United States, which in the past has brushed aside other U.N. treaties, such as one on the protection of migrant workers.

Experts say the bid stands some chance of eventual success if Muslim countries persist. And whatever the outcome, the campaign risks reigniting tensions between Muslims and the West that President Barack Obama has pledged to heal, reviving fears of a “clash of civilizations.”
-The myth of islamophobia should never erase exposure of criminals using an ideology to justify, murder, slavery, pedophilia and child abuse. If the ideology didn’t support those things it would not need protection. Taken as individual crimes all of those crimes can be condemned but remind everyone that a seventh century madman encouraged it all and you are suddenly a hate filled islamophobe? (more…)

Senator Coburn Wusses Out

19 November, 2009

Figures.  All talk, no action:

GOP senator backs off threat to read health bill

By LAURIE KELLMAN (AP) – via Google News

WASHINGTON — Republican Sen. Tom Coburn is backing off his threat to require that the Senate read the 2,074-page health care bill because some GOP colleagues aren’t supporting the effort.

The Oklahoma lawmaker said there’s uncertainty about whether reading the bill during Thanksgiving week would be productive. He also said that if the Republicans do decide to tie up the Senate for the dozens of hours it would take, six GOP colleagues have committed to pitching in on reading duty.


Obama’s Approval Index at -14 for Two Days Straight!

19 November, 2009

Pray for Obama—Psalm 109:8

More Scaremongering from Al Goracle

19 November, 2009

Watts Up With That has a cute little post that demonstrates the depths Al Goracle and his Ecotards go through to scare an uninformed public, all the while reaping mountains of cold, green cash:

Not finding any, Gore airbrushes in hurricanes for his new book

Al Gore’s new book had a problem – no big hurricanes since Katrina to put in the book to look “threatening” to the USA. Any imagined link between hurricanes and global warming has evaporated.

Solution: the artist’s airbrush.

Ryan Maue, hurricane expert from the University of Florida writes:


Not a lot of hurricanes here.

The cover opens and closes half and half — so you only see one hurricane…as in the press release photo or the one on  Amazon.

But this is the real picture sequence from the book which I looked at Borders today and took cell-phone pictures, original (before the retouching by some “artist”) Note all of the Arctic ice and the size of the Florida Peninsula…

and the final product:

Now with 4 scary hurricanes - hey where's the ice?


A midget Southern Hemisphere cyclone is off the coast of Florida, another hurricane is sitting on the equator off the coast of Peru — and the Arctic Ice is gone (perhaps it is summer) and the Florida Peninsula is half gone

There are other differences I am sure you can find — but the hurricanes are just nonsense…


Here’s the book cover:

Nonsense?  No, more like scaremongering, especially when it has been shown time and again that there is no hurricane to global warming linkage, and we are at a 30 year low.

Mr. Gore, you are a charlatan.

Geitner Asked to Step Down

19 November, 2009

He refuses, of course, blaming everything on that eeeevil bogeyman, Bush:

NRA Action Alert for Virginia

19 November, 2009

Virginia: Shooting Ranges Under Attack in Sussex County!

Please Contact the Sussex County Board of Supervisors Immediately!

In July, the Sussex County Planning Commission unanimously passed a proposal to require “pistol and sporting clays ranges” in A-1 zoning areas to apply for and receive a conditional use permit before opening.  A public hearing of the Sussex County Board of Supervisors (BOS) was held on August 20, 2009 and the BOS unanimously sent the proposed ordinance back to the planning commission to “clearly define the terms “sporting clays fields and pistol ranges in Sussex County.”  The Planning Commission has now resubmitted the proposal to the Sussex BOS and a public hearing will be held at 7:00 p.m. TODAY, Thursday, November 19.

Your attendance is needed to defeat this proposal.  It should be noted that the planning commission is the originator of this proposal, not the BOS.

This is becoming an all too familiar story in Virginia.  Recreational shooters, firearm enthusiasts and land-owners are being driven away from their shooting sports heritage by bureaucratic hurdles and red-tape.

If you are a gun owner living in Sussex County or shoot competitively at a club currently located in the county, it is important that you attend this public hearing and voice your opposition to this proposed ordinance.

The hearing will be held in the Sussex County General District Courtroom located at 15080 Courthouse Road in Sussex.

If you are unable to attend, please contact the Board of Supervisors and respectfully urge them to oppose this ordinance.

Blackwater District
Wayne M. Harrell
406 Jasper Lane
Post Office Box 1
Waverly, Virginia 23890
Home: (804) 834-2603

Courthouse District
T. Wayne Birdsong
116 Nicholson Drive
Wakefield, Virginia 23888
Home: (757) 899-3806

Henry District
Rufus E. Tyler Sr., Vice-Chairman
25359 Blue Star Highway
Jarratt, Virginia 23867
Home: (434) 246-4246
Office: (434) 634-2490 or (804) 834-3522

Stony Creek District
Charlie E. Caple, Jr.
12038 Palestine Road
Stony Creek, Virginia 23882
Home: (434) 246-2602

Wakefield District
C. Eric Fly, Chairman
38411 Rocky Hock Road
Wakefield, Virginia 23888
Cell: (757) 647-8190

Waverly District
Harris L. Parker
300 Barkley Place
P.O. Box 616
Waverly, Virginia 23890
Home: (804) 834-3136

Biden—The Stinkulus Job Fairy

19 November, 2009

Obama Admits He Uses Our Troops for Photo Ops

19 November, 2009

We all instinctively knew it;  the only reason Obama pays any attention to the military is for the great photo op it provides him!

Washington Post


Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time), and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cell phones to snap pictures.

You guys make a pretty good photo op,” the president said.

Standing on a riser wearing a blue suit and red tie, with a cluster of troops and a large American flag behind him, Obama expressed “the gratitude of the American public” and said his meetings in four countries over eight days in Asia will help deliver a “safer more prosperous world for all of us.”

He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. “That’s what you call an applause line,” he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.

Presumably, because they make a pretty good photo op…