Archive for February 2010

Allah Murders Muslims in Morocco

21 February, 2010

I do not really believe in “Allah” his story was re-invented by a sick twisted pedophile named mohammed for personal gain. However, since muslims see everything in religious context I decided to explain what happened to these poor minions from the religion of perpetual warfare.

21 Feb 10, Gulf News
MEKNES (Morocco): Moroccan King Mohammed VI on Saturday ordered experts to check the safety of the country’s historic mosques as the death toll from the collapse of a centuries-old minaret rose to 41 people, the official news agency said.
-Allah, seeing his religion being used to justify crimes against children, family and basic human rights brought down ruin on the heads of those following today’s islam.

The minaret fell onto a crowded mosque during prayers Friday in the city of Meknes, a Unesco heritage site and a walled city that is a maze of winding narrow streets.
-Witness saw a huge finger give it a little thump and heard a heavenly war whoop of victory as young and old muslims were crushed. After the thump the big finger slowly rotated, until a single finger was seen.

Some 75 people were injured, 17 of whom are still hospitalized, the official MAP news agency said.
-Witnesses say they heard a heavy voice hand picking targets: this is for assaulting your own daughter” “this is for planning to honor kill a child I sent to you” “this is beating your wife and treating her as a slave” “this is supporting terror in my name”. There were more but you get the idea, Allah was pissed. (more…)

The Only Thing the Stinkulus Package Increased Was Unemployment and National Debt

20 February, 2010

An interesting article from the Investors Business Daily that reflects what we have been saying all along:

The ‘Stimulus’ Actually Raised Unemployment

President Obama seized on the one-year anniversary of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) as an opportunity to take credit for the belated and tenuous economic recovery.

But the economy always recovered from recessions, long before anyone imagined that government borrowing could “create jobs.” And we didn’t used to have to wait nearly two years for signs of recovery, as we did this time.

A famous 1999 study by Christina Romer, who now heads the Council of Economic Advisers, found the average length of recessions from 1887 to 1929 was only 10.3 months, with the longest lasting 16 months.

Recessions lasted longer during the supposedly enlightened postwar era, with three of them lasting 16 to 21 months.

Keynesian countercyclical schemes have never worked in this country, just as they never worked in Japan.

The issue of “fiscal stimulus” must not be confused with TARP or with the Federal Reserve slashing interest rates and pumping up bank reserves.

One might argue that those Treasury and Fed programs helped prevent a hypothetical depression, but it’s impossible to make that argument about ARRA.

The “fiscal stimulus” refers only to a deliberate $862 billion increase in budget deficits. Importantly, only 23% ($200 billion) was spent in 2009, with 47% in 2010 and 30% in later years (according to the Congressional Budget Office this January).

How could the initial $200 billion have possibly had anything to do with the 5.7% rise in fourth-quarter GDP?

The Keynesian fable presumes that faster federal spending and consumers spending their federal benefit checks were the driving forces in the rebound.

Yet the GDP report clearly said the gain “reflected an increase in private inventory investment, a deceleration of imports and an upturn in nonresidential, fixed investment that was partly offset by decelerations in federal government (defense) spending and in personal consumption expenditures.”

Since federal spending accounted for exactly zero of the only significant increase GDP, how could such spending possibly have “created or saved” 2 million jobs?


Jury in ‘terror’ trial see ‘pretend beheading’ video

20 February, 2010

Anyone that watches islam already understands the UK is infested with crazed pedophile worshipers that want nothing better than to finish off all non muslims. I am not saying that all UK muslims are violent just that all have one goal, the complete domination and replacement of the traditional UK culture with a bastardized form of islam.

This article tells about the trial and gives a brief look in to the muslim mindset but there is a much bigger problem brewing. As more and more minions infiltrate into a society and into positions of authority the damage done will speed up at an amazing rate.

Will a muslim prosecutor, judge and jury see anything wrong with these men? Will the laws against islamic terrorism change or be deleted from the books? How fast will sharia creep into the mix?

By Neil Docking, 19th February 2010, this is Lancashire
AN ALLEGED terrorist from Blackburn took a boy by the neck and raised a large machete over his head to show how he would behead a ‘non believer’.
-Everyone can relax this is just a case of make believe.

Manchester Crown Court was shown video footage of what the prosecution said was Abbas Iqbal at his family home in Percival Street, off Whalley Range.

He was said to have declared in the film: “This is what I am going to do to somebody, God-willing, when I find Kussar, this I show, I am going to take his head of.”
-Any ‘god” that demands blood sacrifice is not worthy of worship.
Abbas along with his brother Ilyas and Muhammad Ahmad, 26, of Whalley Range, are on trial accused of preparing for acts of terrorism.

The court heard police raided the Iqbal brothers’ homes on August 14 last year.

This came after Abbas, 24, and another alleged extremist were found to be carrying alleged terrorism data as they attempted to board a flight to Northern Europe from Manchester airport, the jury was told.

Edward Brown, prosecuting, said officers discovered a weapons cabinet used by the brothers.

Ahmed’s fingerprints were found on air rifles, knives, five machetes, a sword, crossbows, live ammunition, camouflage paint, tape, clothing and books on weaponry , Holy War and urban combat techniques, the court heard.
-Upside of my weapons cache these guys sound like rookies.

Elsewhere in the house military clothing, including eight black balaclavas the trio had worn were found, along with rope, a catapult, baseball bats and video cassettes, the jury was told.
-Yeppers they are amateurs. That does not mean that they are harmless, islamic minions can and do a lot of damage but islam has no professional military force and has proven incapable of winning force on force confrontations. (more…)

Open Thread

19 February, 2010

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post anything before heading off to do some work.  I’ll be back later this afternoon.  In the meantime, be sure to leave any interesting links here and feel free to chit-chat amongst yourselves.


– DB

Lunatic or Patriot?

18 February, 2010

By now, you have probably heard the story; another pissed off American has attacked another government building. Although workplace violence is not new or unfortunately even rare. Attacking Government infrastructure is rare. This was not a pissed off worker, it was a pissed off and disillusioned citizen. Seen any of those around lately? Thankfully, attacking our own does not seem to be increasing-yet.

Read the attackers rant carefully. Decide for yourself-lunatic or the shape of things to come. I will comment sporadically in an attempt to add insight. After years of watching the worst of humanity act out their impulses, I shamefully admit that I understand the rage and worse it does not surprise me. Violence is rarely the answer, it is a coward’s way but those in power despite the rhetoric rarely understand the message-they are pushing people to their limits. No sensitivity classes and flowerily speeches will change the facts the people are in pain and wounded animals are dangerous.

18 Feb, 10, FOX
Joseph Stack Suicide Manifesto
If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt asking yourself, “Why did this have to happen?” The simple truth is that it is complicated and has been coming for a long time. The writing process, started many months ago, was intended to be therapy in the face of the looming realization that there isn’t enough therapy in the world that can fix what is really broken. Needless to say, this rant could fill volumes with example after example if I would let it. I find the process of writing it frustrating, tedious, and probably pointless… especially given my gross inability to gracefully articulate my thoughts in light of the storm raging in my head. Exactly what is therapeutic about that I’m not sure, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
-This is his justification to himself. He had already decided on a plan. This was just motivation to act on it.

We are all taught as children that without laws there would be no society, only anarchy. Sadly, starting at early ages we in this country have been brainwashed to believe that, in return for our dedication and service, our government stands for justice for all. We are further brainwashed to believe that there is freedom in this place, and that we should be ready to lay our lives down for the noble principals represented by its founding fathers. Remember? One of these was “no taxation without representation”. I have spent the total years of my adulthood unlearning that crap from only a few years of my childhood. These days anyone who really stands up for that principal is promptly labeled a “crackpot”, traitor and worse.
-Catch that? What is worse than a traitor?

While very few working people would say they haven’t had their fair share of taxes (as can I), in my lifetime I can say with a great degree of certainty that there has never been a politician cast a vote on any matter with the likes of me or my interests in mind. Nor, for that matter, are they the least bit interested in me or anything I have to say.

Why is it that a handful of thugs and plunderers can commit unthinkable atrocities (and in the case of the GM executives, for scores of years) and when it’s time for their gravy train to crash under the weight of their gluttony and overwhelming stupidity, the force of the full federal government has no difficulty coming to their aid within days if not hours? Yet at the same time, the joke we call the American medical system, including the drug and insurance companies, are murdering tens of thousands of people a year and stealing from the corpses and victims they cripple, and this country’s leaders don’t see this as important as bailing out a few of their vile, rich cronies. Yet, the political “representatives” (thieves, liars, and self-serving scumbags is far more accurate) have endless time to sit around for year after year and debate the state of the “terrible health care problem”. It’s clear they see no crisis as long as the dead people don’t get in the way of their corporate profits rolling in.
-This is the real danger the majority of Americans agree at least according to the polls. How many more will act on it depends on the same people that have shown an amazing ability to ignore those people. (more…)

Muzzies Attempt Massive Food Poisoning of Ft. Jackson Soldiers

18 February, 2010

Nice going there, Obama.  Until you have a foolproof way of insuring you are not hiring Islamic Terrorists, I say, don’t hire ANY freakin’ Mohammedans.  If you need Arabic speaking translators, hire some Israelis.  They won’t lie to you about what a document their translating for you says, and they certainly won’t dump a bunch a packet of botulism into your soup at the chow-hall:

Army Investigates Alleged Attempt by Soldiers to Poison Food at Fort Jackson
Thursday, February 18, 2010- FOX News

The U.S. Army is investigating allegations that soldiers were attempting to poison the food supply at Fort Jackson in South Carolina.

The ongoing probe began two months ago, Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, told Fox News.

The Army is taking the allegations “extremely seriously,” Grey said, but so far, “there is no credible information to support the allegations.”

The suspects were part of a Arabic translation program called “09 Lima” and use Arabic as their first language, two sources told Fox News. Another military source said they were Muslim.

Grey would not confirm or deny the sources’ information.

Fox News’ Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.

An Open Thread & We The People are Re-Establishing America

18 February, 2010

Again, I will be away doing some work and won’t be able to post until later this afternoon.  So, you are in charge while I’m out.  Leave interesting links you have come across, here, and don’t be afraid to chit-chat amongst yourselves.

In the meantime, I really enjoyed the following article with my morning cup of coffee and thought I would share it with you:

The Re-Establishment of America

By Herbert E. Meyer – February 18, 2010 – American Thinker

America is on the verge of something unprecedented in history: the peaceful, constitutional replacement of our country’s entire political establishment. This is what lies behind the decisions of so many elected officials, at every level, to step aside rather than fight for reelection. And it explains how the Tea Party movement can exert so much political leverage without nominating its own candidates or even without formally choosing its own leaders.

Most of the time, we Americans don’t pay much attention to politics. We focus all of our energy on our jobs, our families, and our faith. We work hard, play by the rules, and wish only to be left alone. We love our country, consider ourselves blessed to be living here, and ask little from the men and women we elect except to keep from screwing things up.

But in just the last decade, Americans were shocked by two catastrophes we hadn’t imagined our political establishment would allow to happen. The first was 9-11, when nineteen terrorists successfully attacked our homeland, and by doing so revealed that for years, al-Qaeda and its allies had been waging holy war against us. The second was the 2008 financial crash, which revealed that our economy is a house of cards built on a pile of debt so high we cannot possibly repay it.

Republicans blame Democrats, and Democrats blame Republicans. To ordinary, non-political Americans — who grasp intuitively, and correctly, that both parties share responsibility for these two catastrophes — these politicians seem like children who’ve turned a party into a food fight. And what do parents do when a children’s party gets out of control? They turn off the music, turn out the lights, and send everyone home, including those few who weren’t behaving badly and just got caught up in the melee.

Americans don’t like getting tangled in the details of politics. We prefer to stand back and see the big picture. (This, by the way, helps explain the extraordinary appeal of Ronald Reagan and Sarah Palin. That’s what they do, too.) What the big picture is showing now is that our entire political establishment has failed. These were the men and women, both Republicans and Democrats, we relied upon to focus on the details, and by doing so, to keep us safe from terrorists and to keep the world’s most powerful economy from imploding. And they blew it. So we’ll replace them with a wholly new establishment — some of whom will be Republicans, others Democrats, and a few Independents here and there — and hope our next political establishment will get it right.

In the looming political battles, persona will matter more than policy. As we move toward the 2010 elections, of course we’ll ask candidates to outline their plans for how to improve our health care system, what to do about illegal immigration, how to bring down the unemployment rate, how to fight the war, and all the rest. But what will determine who gets elected this year won’t be a set of specific policies, but something simpler, and in a way much deeper: a recognition among grassroots voters across the political spectrum that character is more important than personality, that education isn’t the same thing as judgment, and that expertise without common sense is dangerous.

Stand back from politics and you’ll see the same re-establishment trend unfolding in other public arenas. Americans have decided that the mainstream media has failed, and so we are replacing The New York Times, the television network news departments, and all the rest with an entirely new media, including FOX News and websites like American Thinker and Americans have decided that our country’s education establishment has failed — our kids are barely learning to read and write, let alone taught our country’s history — so we’re seeing the rise of private schools, charter schools, and home-schooling. Would anyone like to bet that within just a few years, we’ll have a wholly new financial establishment on Wall Street to replace the greedy idiots who run it now?

The re-establishment of America won’t be easy, and we’ll make mistakes along the way. Some of the new people will prove just as worthless as they ones they replaced. And some very good people who now hold key positions in politics, the media, education, and finance will be swept away by the avalanche. That’s too bad, but collateral damage is unavoidable.

No other country in history has ever attempted to replace its establishments so smoothly and so peacefully — and so cheerfully — as we are doing right now. And it isn’t likely that any other country ever will attempt something like this. How exhilarating to realize that 234 years after our revolution, the United States is still the most dynamic, forward-looking, optimistic place on Earth. Boy, what an exciting time to be an American.

Herbert E. Meyer served during the Reagan administration as Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council. He is the author of How to Analyze Information and The Cure for Poverty.

Practicing muslim sentenced to life in prison for terror activity

17 February, 2010

You will notice a trend in today’s posts.

By Irwin Block, 17 Feb, 2010, Montreal Gazette
MONTREAL — Moroccan-born Sa-d Namouh has become the second person in Canada to receive a life sentence on terrorism-related charges.

Describing Namouh as dangerous, unrepentant and enthusiastic in encouraging violent jihad, Quebec Court Judge Claude Leblond ruled the sentence should be as severe as that handed out in January to the main organizer of the so-called Toronto 18.
-I am not sure I would call many muslims dangerous, unrepentant-yeah they are that.
Zakaria Amara, 25, who admitted to plotting massive bombs at the Toronto Stock Exchange was sentenced to life in prison.

In his 30-page written sentence, Leblond said the seriousness of Namouh’s crimes and his moral guilt were close to Amara’s. Using his computer in a rented apartment in Maskinonge, 100 kilometres northeast of Montreal, Namouh edited videos for the propaganda arm of al-Qaida, urging Islamic insurgents in Iraq, Afghanistan and else where to participate in holy war.

There is more here:

Islamic Terror plotters jailed for stockpiling explosives

17 February, 2010

Just another story of devout muslims following the example set by old mo.

16 February 2010, (AP)
Five Muslim men have been jailed for between 23 and 28 years in prison in Australia for stockpiling explosive chemicals and firearms for terrorist attacks on unspecified targets.

Justice Anthony Whealy of the New South Wales Supreme Court expressed little hope the men could be rehabilitated, saying they were motivated by “intolerant, inflexible religious conviction” and had shown contempt for the Australian government, its leaders and laws.
-Yeppers, sounds about right, they only change when they wake in hell.

Whealy noted the men remained dangerous and unrepentant, appearing to “wear their imprisonment like some kind of badge of honor.”
-Many prisons are dominated by islamic gangs, they will love it.

“Each man’s conviction was that the plight of Muslims in other lands demanded violent action in this country to redress those wrongs and, through fear and panic in the community, to change the government’s policies,” he said.

The men, aged 25 to 44, were found guilty last October on charges linked to preparing a terrorist act between July 2004 and November 2005. The men — Australian-born or naturalized citizens with Muslim immigrant backgrounds — all pleaded innocent.
-Innocent and muslim-nah, does not fit. Anyone that claims the title of “muslim” passively supports terror in the name of allah. Passive support is still support. (more…)

Open Thread

17 February, 2010

Well, I have to go out and make some money.  So, I won’t be able to post anything else until sometime later this afternoon.  That, of course, puts you all in charge, today.

Be sure to post any interesting links or chit-chat topics in the comments section for others to read and comment on.


– DB