Archive for the ‘Italy’ category

Women disappointed by Gaddafi “party”

16 November, 2009

Ok, except for the convert to islam thang, I could find nothing wrong with wanting to hire 500 women willing to “party”. He was smart enough to request young shapely women. His mistake was thinking he could find 500 thin Italians. (I am going to take flak for that)

16 Nov, 09 ROME (Reuters) – Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in Rome for a U.N. food summit, spent several hours in the company of 200 Italian women recruited by an agency and tried to convert them to Islam, Italian media reported on Monday.

“Seeking 500 attractive girls between 18 and 35 years old, at least 1.70 meters (5 foot, 7 inches) tall, well-dressed but not in mini-skirts or low cut dresses,” read the ad by the Hostessweb agency and quoted in Italy’s Corriere dell Sera newspaper in its story.
-My ad would have said “Seeking 500 attractive girls between 18 and 35 years old, at least 1.70 meters (5 foot, 7 inches) tall, dressed in mini-skirts or low cut dresses,” but I am not a muslim.

Some 200 women showed up at a Rome villa, having been told they would receive 60 euros ($90) and “some Libyan gifts.” Among them was an undercover reporter for Italian news agency ANSA, who took photos and described the evening’s proceedings.

Most had expected to attend a party, according to ANSA, but instead were invited to wait in a large hall until the arrival of Gaddafi, who gave them a lesson on Libya and the role of women in Islam.
-The fool blew a chance to party with hundreds of women that wanted to make a few bucks, what an idiot. (more…)

Italy: Senate approves anti-(islam) rape law

23 April, 2009

First let me say congratulations to the Italians and then I will explain why this is an anti islam law. Like most of Europe Italy is facing an aging populace and knows it needs fresh and younger blood. The large Italian families are no longer sustainable and are rapidly fading away. Enter the EU and their answer of tossing immigrants around as an answer. Along with a few hard working communities Italy got a nice sized dosage of a disease we call islam. That disease is what this new law is really designed to control. As long as the Italians resist the English model of granting deranged backwards savages focused on seventh century values the right to practice them, islam in Italy can be controlled.

Rome, 22 April (AKI) – The Italian Senate on Wednesday approved a law that introduces tough penalties for rape and makes stalking a crime. A total of 262 senators from the ruling conservative coalition and from opposition parties backed the law, while one senator voted against it and three senators from the libertarian Radical party abstained.
-This new law will outlaw sharia and can easily be used against immigrants who arrive with child brides, sell their children or have multiple wives (muslims)

The new law makes murder committed after sexual violence, sexual assault and lewd sexual acts against minors, gang rape and stalking all punishable with life in jail.
-Gee that sounds like it was custom made to stop the one group that honors people that abuse and sometimes murder their own children, gang rape infidels and abuse their own children sexually. (more…)

Hundreds of thousands march in Italy over world economic crisis

4 April, 2009

We are going to see more protests, many more. Globally, leaders have failed their people through greed, incompetence, and inability. Globally, people are suffering and starting to make their voices heard.

On 15 April, in thousands of cities across America, tax payers will hold Tea Parties (Taxed Enough Already) to protests our own government’s mismanagement and weakening of our constitutional rights. I think it will help thin out our worthless MSM. People will check to see how and if the protests were covered. Many of MSM will fall after they refuse to cover the story or dismiss the importance. No worries though, Doc and I will still be here.

In some countries, people are calling for “democracy” and, in others, for some other form of representation. In all cases, the common theme is a total distrust of their current government and a demand for change.

Revolutions are coming. Some will be racially motivated, some political; and, many will be class struggles. When the people are hurting, it just takes a spark and a willing leader.

The one benefit to the global crisis is most of the ruling elites and many of the old money power brokers will fall. Viva La Revolution.

By Deepa Babington, 5 Apr. 09, Reuters
HUNDREDS of thousands of Italians shouting anti-Government slogans marched in Rome today to protest at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s handling of the economic crisis and demand more spending to create jobs.
-They should also be calling for a halt to new immigration and less taxes.

Waving red union banners and balloons, students, workers and leftist politicians marched in five processions through the city in the rally, organised by Italy’s biggest union CGIL. Much of central Rome was blocked off to traffic.

“The government keeps making announcements instead of taking proper actions like giving a cheque to people who lose their jobs,” said one protester, Achille Mantovani.
-We feel your pain brother.

“Berlusconi talks and talks but the money never shows up.”
-Hmmmm sounds familiar. (more…)

Italy pulls out of racist U.N. conference on racism

5 March, 2009

More U.N. anti Semitism exposed. The pullout will not change anything but muslims fear exposure of islam over everything. Anything that once again shows the world that the U.N. is a corrupt and worthless body designed to shove agendas down unsuspecting throats cannot be all-bad.

5 March 2009, (AP) ROME – Italy said Thursday it is pulling out of a U.N. conference on racism _ the latest blow to a meeting seen by many Western governments as marred by Muslim attempts to attack Israel and shield Islam from criticism.
-And this is new how?

Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said Italy has withdrawn its delegation from the preparatory negotiations ahead of the so-called Durban II conference due to «aggressive and anti-Semitic statements» in the draft of the event’s final document.

Frattini’s comments, made on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Brussels, were reported by Italian news agencies. Ministry Spokesman Maurizio Massari confirmed Frattini’s statements and said Rome would not participate in the conference unless the document was changed.

«There are expressions of anti-Semitism,» Massari said by telephone. «Until the document is modified we will not have a part in it.

The United States has imposed similar conditions. Israel and Canada have already announced a boycott.
-The sad truth is many nations will willingly support the U.N. agenda.

Italy is the first EU country to officially withdraw from the conference, though other nations have threatened not to attend.

Islamic countries, still angry over cartoons and films attacking Muslims, have been campaigning for wording that would equate criticism of a religious faith with a violation of human rights.
-Who is still angry? How and when did they recently express this anger? Where are the people who are still angry at the hundreds of thousand victims of islam since 9/11? (more…)

Rome Grand Mosque’s Islamic Cultural Centre boycotts meeting with even more radical Muslims

15 February, 2009

This is what we call a publicity stunt, a simple continuation of a very old game where one group of muslims attempts to paint themselves as “moderates” and distracts people by pointing out the less than moderate muslims. In most cases the term “moderate” is itself the problem. The so called “moderates” distance themselves from violent acts and keep their hate filled speeches confined to the inside of a mosque. That does not make them moderate it just makes them slick.

As long as islam itself remains trapped in the seventh century there can never truly be a “moderate” muslim. All sects of islam turn their backs on women’s rights, allow child abuse, slavery and recognize muslim men above all others. How moderate is that?

Rome, 13 Feb. (AKI) – Rome Grand Mosque’s Islamic Cultural Centre has boycotted a meeting being organised by several radical mosques from northern Italy, in a move welcomed by Moroccan immigrants in the country.
-Welcomed but it does nothing to improve the oppression of muslim women and children.

“I welcome the decision…moderate Muslims are now more than ever before showing their determination not to comprise with extremists,” said centre-right MP for the ruling People of Freedom party, Souad Sbai.
-This is more about competing sects of islam than the amount of support to radicals. Control of the minions means control of the area; this is about territory not ideology. (more…)


9 January, 2009

H/T – Ciccio

Muslims Submit to Christianity

Italy’s church asks EU to fight Christianophobia

21 September, 2008

Even in the USA, there are those that speak out against the power of “organized religion” a code for Christianity. Blamed for all types of conspiracies the sad truth is those who oppose Christians just cannot live up to their higher standards of personal behavior and acceptance of personal responsibility.

Stephen Brown, Angus MacSwan, 21 Sep 2008,
ROME, Sept 21 (Reuters) – Italy’s Roman Catholic bishops urged the European Union on Sunday to treat the persecution of Christians overseas as a humanitarian emergency after deadly attacks on Christian churches and homes in India.
-It is highly doubtful the EU will care or even make an effort to pretend that they do. Although quick to fight “islamophobia” they have never shown much love for Christians.

The bishops’ newspaper Avvenire used a front-page editorial to demand that violence against Christians must be on the agenda of an upcoming summit between the EU and India.

It warned of the growth of “Christianophobia” in many parts of the world, which it termed “the new anti-semitism of today” and equated with the spread of “Islamophobia” in the West.
-A cute link but a false one. Any comparison between the two is a distracting “apple vs oranges” argument and you already know what I think about those. (more…)

Italy’s right to curb Islam with mosque law

16 September, 2008

No immigrant should expect any culture to blindly allow them to bring an alien culture into its society. After monitoring islam for as long as I have I think it is safe to say muslims have not assimilated into any western culture and already enjoy more rights and freedoms than many would have at home. Italy owes them nothing.

My advice to muslims; look up the definition of two words and compare them:
“Right and privilege”.

By Stephen Brown, 16 September, 2008, Reuters
ROME (Reuters) – Italy’s Northern League, allies of centre-right Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, want to limit the growth of Islam in the centre of world Catholicism by blocking the construction of mosques through strict new regulations.
-Muslims are quick to condemn this action but no mainstream muslim organization is pushing for any muslim country to allow construction of a non muslim house of worship.

Muslim immigrants using Italy as a route into Europe already get a foretaste of the mistrust with which many Europeans view their religion, with many projects for mosques and prayer halls already blocked by the opposition of local Italian residents.
-Residents who have a right to control their own neighborhoods and maintain their property values.

But if the anti-immigrant Northern League pushes its bill through parliament — where Berlusconi’s coalition has a strong majority — Italy will soon have a new law effectively blocking the construction of new mosques in much of the country.
-I have seen no anti immigrant bias just an effort to control islam. A duel ideology and religious order already proven to bring violence, intolerance and crime along with its seventh century values.

Fearing the advent of “Eurabia”, the League has used its control of Berlusconi’s interior ministry since helping him to power to push through tough new laws against illegal immigrants.

It has now turned its attention to the newcomers’ religion, emboldened by polls showing many Italians mistrust Muslims and a third do not want a mosque in their neighborhood.
-Pointing out that no muslim organization has pointed out a single radical speaks volumes and completely destroys the authors attempt to paint the muslims as the victims here. (more…)

Italy: Get Rid of Mosque Leaders Unless they Recognize Israel

10 July, 2008

An interesting proposition…

Let the whining from the Islamic community commence!

On Islam and fingerprints, the European Affairs Minister takes the bench in Strasbourg and reiterated Italy’s position.

According to Italian Roman Daily, “Il Tempo,” Andrea Ronchi [the European Affairs Minister], stresses that it is essential to identify mosques in Italy and ensure that whoever manages them recognizes Israel.

Meeting the president of the European Parliament, Hans Gert Poettering, Ronchi said that “we must ensure that mosques do not contain those organizations that do not sign an agreement of intent in which, among other things, recognises the right to the State of Israel.

To deny this right now, or make distinctions – said the minister – is anti-historical and dangerous, especially when that troubled region is working for a lasting peace. ”

A resolution tabled by the Socialists, Liberal Democrats, Greens and the European Left asks the Government not to proceed with collecting fingerprints pending the next evaluation announced by the European Commission, ‘because this is clearly an act of discrimination based on racial or ethnic origin’, In breach of .14 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Poettering told Minister Ronchi, “We do not want to stereotype anyone, but we have the problem of tens of thousands of children exploited, used, often victims of racketeering,” then he added during a press conference at the end of the interview. “we have set the problem of how to protect the children “, adding that there is the question of just, ” Who those are; and when they go to school, if they are subjected to physical or psychological pressure.

This “is a social duty, first and politically,” concluded the minister.

Poettering reiterated its super parties’ position in comparison to a vote today [and] has listened very carefully to the position of the Italian Government.

Italy: Muslim women literally living in chains

14 February, 2008

Rome, 14 Feb.(AKI) – Association of Moroccan Women in Italy president, Souad Sbai, claims that some Muslim women in the north of Italy are being kept chained up in their homes.
-No surprise women are considered as property to most Muslims and slavery is still practiced all over the Islamic world. Old habits move with the minions.

“In northern Italy, there are women that live chained at home, from the kitchen to the bathroom, without being able to open the door,” said the leader of the women’s group.

“In the North,[of Italy] there are 4 and 5 year old girls that wear the [Islamic] veil in the summer, and in the winter. This is the culture of male chauvinists, of fundamentalists – and nobody is shocked,” said Sbai.
-Duh! They are Muslims and liberals love them enough to forgive them.
Sbai also claims that Egypt’s Islamist Muslim Brotherhood organistion is slowly ‘infiltrating’ Italian politics.
-I don’t know about “slowly” they seem to be working fast. (more…)