Archive for the ‘Liberals’ category

Toys Я Us Submits to Progressivism’s Stupidity; Goes “Gender-Neutral” in Swedish Advertisements

26 November, 2012

Just sheer stupidity from an insane world of “progressive” Libtards. 

From birth, boys and girls are mentally wired differently—period!  

How can I be so sure?  

From day one, I have used our daughter as a test subject for scientific purposes:

Since her birth I have supplemented her “girlie” toys with a healthy smattering of footballs, baseballs, toy guns, GI Joes (with all those ultra-cool accessories!), microscopes, toy dinosaurs,  etc.   As for clothes?  Her clothes are a healthy mix of pants and dresses.  Her pajamas are 1 each Buzz Lightyear, Woody, and Disney Princesses.  Furthermore, Mrs. Bulldog and I never pushed any particular color of clothing on her. 

What does she play with the most?  Her Monster High and Barbie dolls!  What’s her favorite color?  Pink!  When given a choice between blue-jeans and dresses, what does she pick 98% of the time?  Dresses!  Which pajamas see more down time in the sleeper drawer than actually on her at night?  The Buzz Lightyear and Woody.  What’s her favorite gaming website?!

Therefore, after more than five years of using our own daughter as a test subject (in as carefully a controlled environment as one can get with a child), whenever some Libtard claims that toys encourage stereotypes, I can confidently tell them they are full of crap!  

Even before we exit the womb, the brains of males and females are wired differently.  

Girls will be girls and boys will be boys!

Get over it, Libtards!   And, quit trying to push your gay agenda onto our innocent children!:

Sweden’s Dreaming of a Gender-Neutral Christmas
By Patrick Goodenough

( – Guns for girls and dolls for boys: Prodded by the country’s advertising standards watchdog, the Swedish franchisee for retail giant Toys “R” Us has adapted its Christmas catalogue to avoid accusations of gender stereotyping.

“With the new gender thinking, there is nothing that is right or wrong. It’s not a boy or a girl thing, it’s a toy for children,” Jan Nyberg of Top Toy was quoted as telling the Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra.

Top Toy, the franchise holder for both Toys “R” Us and BR Toys in northern Europe and Scandinavia, was scolded by Sweden’s advertising regulatory body in 2008 for gender stereotyping in its Christmas catalogues that year.

This year’s Toys “R” Us Swedish catalogue features a girl toting a toy gun and a little boy cuddling a doll. In neighboring Norway, however, the store’s equivalent catalogue shows a boy with the gun and a girl with the doll.

Similarly, BR Toys’ Christmas catalogue in Sweden shows a boy playing at hairdressing, while the same product is promoted in the equivalent catalogues in Denmark and Germany with a picture of a girl.

In other differences between the Swedish and nearby countries’ catalogues, a girl’s t-shirt was changed from pink to blue.

Nyberg said the company had received “training and guidance” from the ad watchdog about gender stereotypes.

Earlier this year Sweden stoked debate by adding to its official lexicon a new, gender-neutral pronoun, in a bid to bring language into line with progressive norms being promoted as early as preschool level.

The Swedish term for “he” is “han” and for “she” is “hon.” The newly-coined “hen” can be used to refer to a person without signifying gender.

Woman Gives The Bird To The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier; Posts it On FB For The World To Witness Her Stupidity

20 November, 2012

Disrespectful?  Check!  

Stupid?  Check!

Twenty bucks says she voted for Obama:

Facebook Photo Of Plymouth Woman At Tomb Of The Unknowns Sparks Outrage

BOSTON (CBS) – Two women have been placed on unpaid leave from their jobs after their photo at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia angered thousands of people on Facebook.

Lindsey Stone was visiting the Tomb of the Unknowns last month on a business trip when she posed for a picture next to a sign that reads “silence and respect.”

In the photo, Stone is pretending to yell and she’s showing her middle finger.

The photo, taken by co-worker Jamie Schuh, went viral and sparked thousands of angry comments.

Some of those comments were posted on the Facebook page of their employer, Living Independently Forever, Inc.,(LIFE) a non-profit organization in Hyannis that helps adults with disabilities on Cape Cod.

The uproar forced the organization to post this statement Tuesday afternoon:

“On Nov. 19 at approximately 6 p.m., we became aware that one of our employees had posted an offensive, inappropriate photograph on her personal Facebook page. The photo was taken at a national historic site in October by a fellow employee during a trip to Washington, D.C. attended by 40 residents and eight staff. The photo has since been removed from Facebook, and both employees have been placed on unpaid leave pending the results of an internal investigation.

This photograph in no way reflects the opinions or values of the LIFE organization, which holds our nation’s veterans in the highest regard. We are proud to have veterans serving on our staff and board of trustees, and we value their service. The men and women who have selflessly fought and sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and lives of Americans deserve our utmost respect and gratitude. We are acutely aware that this photo has done a disservice to veterans and we are deeply saddened that it was taken and shared in a public medium.”

WBZ-TV has reached out to Stone and her Schuh for comment, but has not heard from them yet. When atWBZ reporter approached Schuh at her home Tuesday afternoon, she slammed the door on him.

Elmo Accused of Having Sexual Relation With 16-Year-Old Boy

12 November, 2012

Your tax dollars at work:

Voice of Elmo on leave from Sesame Street after he was accused of having ‘sexual relationship with underage boy’
Kevin Clash, 52, is on leave after the programme’s lawyers were contacted by a 23-year-old man
Accuser claims he had a sexual relationship with the puppeteer seven years ago, when he was aged 16

By Jill Reilly – Daily Mail UK – 12 November 2012

The man who voices the puppet of Elmo on Sesame Street has taken leave amid allegations he had a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old boy.

Kevin Clash, 52, has taken a leave of absence from the popular children’s show after the programme’s lawyers were contacted by a 23-year-old man who claims he had a sexual relationship with the puppeteer seven years ago, when he was aged 16.

TMZ, who reported the allegations, said that Mr Clash had admitted he had a relationship with the man, but only after the accuser was an adult and said the accusations were both false and defamatory.


Hmmm… A now self-admitted homosexual helping to indoctrinate your children into a life of Libtardism … Why am I not surprised?

Those Who Will Not Be Governed By God Will Be Ruled By Tyrants

11 November, 2012

You know America has hit a crossroad when you find yourself agreeing with Pravda:

The Reason Obama is President
By Xavier Lerma – Pravda

The reason America has the trillion dollar war monger Obama as president today is because of immorality and materialism in America. President John Adams once said,

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” -October 11, 1798.

“It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible” – George Washington.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, and that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

The revisionist historians have tried to “cover up” God himself by not allowing recent generations to know that America was once a nation of religious people. Now, over half the people in America are not well informed and are willing to believe the spoon fed propaganda from the Democrats and Republicans.

The Democrats and Republicans are notorious for wanting to stay in power. Their worshipers get their education from TV and their friends. In the future, after it becomes obvious that their plan failed, these “useful idiots” will still blame Bush for the economy, overlook Obama as they overlooked Clinton’s mistakes or think their vote counts and they actually have freedom while approving of wars overseas. Such people are the product of America’s decaying society whose reality has been warped by drugs and other selfish pleasures. America has gradually become worse from the drugs, rock and roll of the 60′s and 70′s to the drugs and rap music of today. The communists won while Americans smoked pot.

The alienation of God in society began in the classroom. Today, blasphemies can easily be seen on TV and the cinema. Hollywood portrays the sane as the insane. The abnormal and perverted as normal. The unborn babies are seen as nothing. The silent holocaust continues. Is it any wonder America is in trouble?

The economy destroyed by white collar crimes were done by men of immoral character. They are not personally responsible for all of America’s failings but are a symptom of America’s spiritual illness most commonly referred to in previous centuries as “sin”. This is the connection that most fail to see. Where there is no God there is chaos.


Amid Sandy’s Aftermath, Obama Supporter in Prius Steals Power From Victim’s Emergency Generator

1 November, 2012

Mrs. Bulldog was reading the comments to an article over at the Atlantic Journal when she stumbled across the following comment from a reader, Joe Doakes.  

I got a pretty good laugh from it and thought I’d share it with you all, as it’s just like an Obama supporter to think he has the right to steal, err, redistribute:

Comment #697471623:


Like most people in the northeast my power is out. But like some I planned ahead. My generator is humming along and it is doing it’s necessary work in keeping the food cold, the food frozen, and far more importantly my wife happy. I wonder how Mr. Biden manages to do this with that mouth of his. I’ve found the only two words in a marriage that are necessary are “yes dear,” and the only words I hear are my first name followed by noise. So this morning I wake up to find a plug in Prius in my driveway stealing my electricity, complete with an “Obama Sticker.” After a simple investigation I determined that this perpetrator had spent the night here stealing my electricity.

Could you just see the “Drudge Headline?” Joe Doakes whacks Obama voter while he steals electricity! I wonder if it would get the siren or the red thing? No matter. You see all this jacka$$ had to do was ask nicely and I would have said yes. Kind of like Mr. Bidens wife . . . 🙂 . . . I live by a few simple creeds, because real life is very hard. One of them is “Don’t steal, the government hates competition” I often wonder why people bother to steal, it such a waste of effort, and you put yourself, especially if you steal from me, at extreme risk. Now I have your plate number, make, model, and the location of your Obama Sticker . . . now I have a choice to make; would a liberal make the same one? It’s a good thing I did not give that guy the “whole load.”



Joe Doakes

Drinking With Bob: Taxpayer Funded Sex Change Operation for Convicted Killer Serving Life in Prison

6 September, 2012

Yup, this is what Libtardism brings to the table, folks:

Libtard Shoots Security Guard at Family Research Council HQ

15 August, 2012

Interesting that the Left wants to disarm you, but not themselves…

You can bet your sweet patootie that if this had been a security guard for Planned Barrenhood getting shot, Obama and the MSM would be all over it with calls for civil discourse, gun control, yada yada.  However, since it occurred at a Conservative Christian, faith based institution, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

P.S. – The Southern Poverty Law Center labels the FRC  as a hate group.  Wonder if they’ll award the shooter a medal, or something:

Hero DC security guard shot thwarting attack at Family Research Council HQ
AP via NYPost

WASHINGTON — An armed man walked into the Washington headquarters of a conservative Christian lobbying group Wednesday morning and was confronted by a security guard, whom he shot in the arm before the guard and others wrestled him to the ground, authorities said.

The man was taken into custody by the FBI and was being interviewed. Authorities did not identify the man or disclose where he was being interviewed.

Police and FBI officials said it’s too early to know the circumstances of the shooting, which occurred around 10:45 a.m. at the headquarters of the Family Research Council, or whether it was connected to the group’s activities.


The Family Research Council advocates conservative positions on social issues and strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion.

Perkins was an outspoken defender of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s public stand against same-sex marriage, which made the fast-food chain a flashpoint in the nation’s culture wars. The Cathy family foundation has funded the Family Research Council.


Alfonzo Rachel’s Godly Message to Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas

15 August, 2012

Good stuff here for everyone to absorb:

Santa Barbara Architectural Board Blocks Construction of New Chick-fil-A

9 August, 2012

Welcome to Libtopia, where one’s religious morality will not be tolerated (unless you’re a Muzzie):

California Board Blocks Chick-fil-A Opening

The gay marriage controversy may now be standing in the way of a new Chik-fil-A opening in California.

This week, five members of Santa Barbara’s architectural board abstained from approving a landscaping plan for a restaurant. The move essentially halts the project from moving forward.

City Councilman Frank Hotchkiss condemned the board and requested its members resign.

“For a group thats supposed to working on architectural benefits for the city to just stop what they’re doing because of their political views is outrageous,” he said.

Board member Gary Mosel disagreed with Hotchkiss.

“I feel he’s jumping the gun, and not knowing the situation and asking for our resignation is not a fair assessment,” he said.

Mosel admitted he abstained from the vote because he’s a member of two gay and lesbian groups. But he said each board member has their own reasons for not voting.


Parents Astounded that Paying $32,000 per-year for Blue Man Group’s Progressive School Leaves their Children Illiterate

14 June, 2012

Whaddya’ know?  The Blue Man Group has managed to create a Progressive school that is even worse than public schools:

A blue man ‘dupe’: Parent panic at 32G ‘progressive’ school

The Blue School is one big play date in desperate need of adult supervision.

Parents are yanking their kids out of the “progressive,” $32,000 per-year private school founded by the Blue Man Group — which has no books and no tests — because their kids are barely learning to read, The Post has learned.

One mother, who is yanking her son at the end of the school year, complained that the school is “unstructured.”

“It’s true,” she said when asked if her kid was struggling to read.

In all, she added, four of her son’s first-grade classmates are leaving the Financial District institution.

Another parent who dropped her first-grade son off yesterday said he’s not coming back next year — because he’s got nothing to do.

“When a 6-year-old says they’re bored, there’s a problem,” the mother said. “I think they bit off more than they can chew.”

Other moms have taken to a popular message board to vent.

“It’s all fun and games until you realize your second-grader can’t read,” a parent wrote on
