Archive for the ‘Chinese Connection’ category

Obama, Like Clinton in the 1990s, Using Space Systems/Loral to Once Again Export Technology to Communist China

23 July, 2012

I worked for Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) in the 1990s.  During that time, Bill Clinton and Bernard Schwartz (CEO of SS/L) cozied up to Communist China and allowed free access to the technology behind our satellites and launch vehicles.  

On numerous occasions, I personally witnessed communist spies at SS/L taking copious notes concerning almost every aspect of our operations and technology.  I brought all of this to the attention of upper management, only to be given the cold shoulder and told to keep quiet—which I didn’t do.  

After repeated attempts at bringing attention to these communist spies, I was given a ‘time out’ by being sent to a swing shift.  That was pretty much the nail in the coffin and I quit shortly thereafter. 

Had SS/L’s management listened to me, they could have saved not only the United States of America from a massive transfer of space technology to the communists, but $14 million in penalties that they (SS/L) were eventually forced to pay. 

Apparently, no one has learned their lessons and so, we are all doomed to repeat history:


BY: Bill Gertz – July 23, 2012 –

The Obama administration recently notified Congress that it has agreed to license exports of sensitive U.S. space technology to China from a U.S. company that was fined in the past for illegally supplying space support that improved Chinese ballistic missiles.

The State Department’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, the unit that licenses exports of sensitive technology, notified House and Senate leaders on Wednesday of plans to go ahead with an export license for a deal between Space Systems/Loral and AsiaSat, a company owned in part by a Chinese state-run investment company linked to past satellite deals in the 1990s.

Additionally, U.S. government reports indicate that China’s People’s Liberation Army, which is currently engaged in a major space warfare program that involves anti-satellite missiles and lasers, used AsiaSat communications satellites in the past.


Documents obtained by the Free Beacon reveal that the Obama administration appeared to ignore two U.S. laws prohibiting space cooperation with China. They include sanctions against selling military goods to China imposed after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre by Chinese military forces, and a 1999 law requiring all space exports to China to be treated as military transfers.


David S. Adams, assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs, stated in a July 18 letter to Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Sen. John Kerry and House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and their minority counterparts that unless Congress objects, the export license will be issued for the $263.4 million deal between Loral and Asia Satellite Telecommunications Co., Ltd (AsiaSat) and its Hong Kong representative, Barry Turner, a Canadian resident of Hong Kong. Thailand’s Thaicom Public Co., Ltd. also is part of the deal.

Congress has 28 days to decide whether or not to block the sale.


Loral spokeswoman Wendy Lewis said: “Space Systems/Loral is very rigorous in our compliance with export control regulations.”

Speaking from my own personal expertise in this matter:  Bullspit!  The communist Chinese spies will infest every aspect of the program, and then some!

According to U.S. officials, the export license will permit the transfer of what the congressional notification describes as “defense articles, including technical data, and defense services necessary for the post-preliminary design review design, manufacturing and delivery phases of AsiaSat 6 commercial communications satellite program.”


The license to AsiaSat is being carried out under the Arms Export Control Act, and is part of the Obama administration program of seeking a major loosening of export controls of sensitive technology.


Congressional investigators said both CITIC and AsiaSat were involved in the strategic compromise of U.S. missile technology that grew out of satellite launch and space cooperation between U.S. companies and China in the 1990s.

For example, a representative of CITIC, Wang Jun, met at the White House on Feb. 6, 1996—the same day that then-President Clinton approved the launch of four U.S. satellites on Chinese rockets.

Records at the time also revealed that Loral chairman Bernard L. Schwartz gave large donations to the Democratic Party, including $15,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on Feb. 15, 1996—just over a week after Clinton approved the satellite launches in China. On Feb. 29, 1996, Schwartz gave $50,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The satellite launches were the first step in the ill-fated technology transfer that made Chinese intercontinental ballistic missile more reliable.

Eight days after the satellite launches were approved, a Chinese launcher carrying a Loral satellite blew up on launch and destroyed a nearby Chinese village.

The launch failure investigation over the next several months led to the improper sharing of restricted U.S. missile technology.


The two companies involved in the illicit space cooperation were Loral Space and Communications Co. that owns Space Systems/Loral, and Hughes Electronics Corp. In 2002, Loral was fined $14 million for the illegal exports; Hughes was fined $32 million in 2003 for its role in the transfer. A Pentagon technology security report on the tech transfer concluded that “the significant benefits derived by China from these activities are likely to lead to improvements in the overall reliability of their launch vehicles [i.e., rockets] and ballistic missiles and in particular their guidance systems.”

It’s Historic! Obama Administration Allows China to Take Over U.S. Bank

9 May, 2012

Anyone else think the reason Obama re-announced his support for Queer Marriages today was to slip this pile of dookie in under the radar?: 

Fed clears China’s first US bank takeover

By Veronica Smith | AFP

The United States on Wednesday opened its banking market to ICBC, China’s biggest bank, for the first time clearing a takeover of a US bank by a Chinese state-controlled company.

Just days after high-level US-China economic talks in Beijing, the Federal Reserve approved an application from Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to buy a majority stake in the US subsidiary of Bank of East Asia.

The transaction will make ICBC the first Chinese state-controlled bank to acquire retail bank branches in the United States.

ICBC has been the most aggressive of China’s “big four” banks in expanding overseas.

According to the Fed the bank has total assets of roughly $2.5 trillion.

It will buy up to 80 percent of the US unit of the Hong Kong-based Bank of East Asia, which operates 13 branches in New York and California.

As part of the deal ICBC and two state-backed financial firms — China’s sovereign wealth fund the China Investment Corporation (CIC), and Central Huijin Investment — will be recognized as bank holding companies, regulated as commercial US banks.

The broad expansion of China’s footprint in the US market comes amid a series of financial reforms in China that could begin to open the lucrative market to US firms.

After the May 3-4 meeting, the US Treasury noted China had made “encouraging progress” on a number of issues sought by the Obama administration, including taking steps toward a more open and market-oriented financial system.


Obama Administration Throws Blind Pro-Lifer Under the Bus

2 May, 2012

Hm…  Note to self:  Never seek asylum in a U.S. embassy as long as pro-abortionists are in charge of the White House…

H/T – Islam’s Not For Me

Chen Guangcheng Prevented From Meeting Family, Congressman

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC |

As news continues to surface related to Chinese forced abortion opponent Chen Guangcheng leaving the U.S. Embassy and going to a local hospital for treatment following house arrest over a number of years, more concerning information is coming to light.

Chen has been imprisoned and subjected to home confinement for exposing brutal forced abortion campaigns in China under the one child policy. Late last week, Chen fled his hometown after escaping and supporters drove him to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing after they were unable to keep him safe in homes in the Asian nation’s capital. When Chinese authorities attempted to apprehend him, he fled to the U.S. Embassy for protection.

As LifeNews has reported, media reports from AP and elsewhere indicate China and the United States agreed to a deal that allows Chen to receive a medical checkup and be reunited with his family at the hospital. He would then be relocated to a safe place in China where he could study at a university.

However, those initial reports turned out to the misleading, as new information surfaced showing Chen was reportedly pressured to leave the U.S. Embassy and accept the deal the United States struck with China to release Chen from its temporary protection. Now, Chen reportedly wants to leave China with his family, as he is worried about their safety.


Chinese Successfully Test Penis Attack Eel

13 September, 2011

I got over poisoned baby and dog food, I can deal with defective power tools and I understand slaves make horrible electronics, but this is too much. Training animals to attack a mans penis is beyond evil.

I realize this is part of a master plan to fight back against the global pro homosexual agenda but it is still evil.

I also heard the eel is an unwilling victim forced into service by the evil Chinese government. I wouldn’t put it past um.

Mark Pangallo, Metro, 13th September, 2011

Zhang Nan was bathing with live eels to cleanse his skin when one rogue serpent took a liking to his manhood.

-I realize that most of you are reading this and wondering why I posted it but you have to remember, we search the global media to warn you about threats and penis attack eels are no laughing matter. The chinese are sick and twisted to even consider this as an option.

The eel treatment in question is a similar concept to the popular London spas that offer fish pedicures.

-I get the chinese testing a new weapon, they are evil but the Brits do it because they are stupid and wait until you read what the hindu kids play with.

Thinking that the eels would make him look ten years younger, Nan dived into the water and let them feast upon layers of dead skin.

-Um, look chin, I think someone has played a bad trick on you.

But after laying in the spa bath, Nan felt a sharp pain and realised a small eel was working its way up his urethra and into his bladder.

‘I climbed into the bath and I could feel the eels nibbling my body. But then suddenly I felt a severe pain and realised a small eel had gone into the end of my penis,’ the 56-year-old from Honghu, Hubei province said.

-He should have used Kung Fu to protect himself. (more…)

Chinese Military Show Accidentally Reveals Previously Denied Hacking Endeavors

22 August, 2011

Huang Xueping, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Defense, said back in February 2010:

“Linking Internet hacking activities to the Chinese government and military is totally unfounded and utterly irresponsible […] This is stirring up a fuss for ulterior motives.”

Hm…  Seems Xueping has a “rot of  ezprain’n” to do:

EXPOSED: A picture of the hacking software shown during the Chinese military program. The large writing at the top says "Select Attack Target." The IP Addres was selected from a drop-down list of Falun Gong websites, while the button on the left says "Attack."

Slip-Up in Chinese Military TV Show Reveals More Than Intended
Piece shows cyber warfare against US entities
By Matthew Robertson & Helena Zhu
Epoch Times 

A standard, even boring, piece of Chinese military propaganda screened in mid-July included what must have been an unintended but nevertheless damaging revelation: shots from a computer screen showing a Chinese military university is engaged in cyberwarfare against entities in the United States.

The documentary itself was otherwise meant as praise to the wisdom and judgment of Chinese military strategists, and a typical condemnation of the United States as an implacable aggressor in the cyber-realm. But the fleeting shots of an apparent China-based cyber-attack somehow made their way into the final cut.

The screenshots appear as B-roll footage in the documentary for six seconds—between 11:04 and 11:10 minutes [0:38 to 0:44 on the Youtube video]—showing custom-built Chinese software apparently launching a cyber-attack against the main website of the Falun Gong spiritual practice, by using a compromised IP address belonging to a United States university. As of Aug. 22 at 1:30pm EDT, in addition to Youtube, the whole documentary is available on the CCTV website.

The screenshots show the name of the software and the Chinese university that built it, the Electrical Engineering University of China’s People’s Liberation Army—direct evidence that the PLA is involved in coding cyber-attack software directed against a Chinese dissident group.

The software window says “Choose Attack Target.” The computer operator selects an IP address from a list—it happens to be—and then selects a target. Encoded in the software are the words “Falun Gong website list,” showing that attacking Falun Gong websites was built into the software.

A drop-down list of dozens of Falun Gong websites appears. The computer operator chooses, the main website of the Falun Gong spiritual practice.

The IP address belongs to the University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB), according to an online trace.

The shots then show a big “Attack” button on the bottom left being pushed, before the camera cuts away.

“The CCP has leaked its top secret here,” says Jason Ma, a commentator for New Tang Dynasty Television. “This is the first time we see clearly that one of the top Chinese military universities is doing this research and developing software for cyber-attacks. There’s solid proof of it in this video,” he said.

The Chinese Communist Party has consistently denied that it is involved in cyber-attacks, but experts have long suspected that the Chinese military engages in them.


Red Dawn II Quietly Gets Pussified

20 March, 2011

Reel China: Hollywood tries to stay on China’s good side

Without Beijing even uttering a critical word, MGM is changing the villains in its ‘Red Dawn’ remake from Chinese to North Korean. It’s all about maintaining access to the Asian superpower’s lucrative box office.

By Ben Fritz and John Horn, Los Angeles Times

China has become such an important market for U.S. entertainment companies that one studio has taken the extraordinary step of digitally altering a film to excise bad guys from the Communist nation lest the leadership in Beijing be offended.

When MGM decided a few years ago to remake “Red Dawn,” a 1984 Cold War drama about a bunch of American farm kids repelling a Soviet invasion, the studio needed new villains, since the U.S.S.R. had collapsed in 1991. The producers substituted Chinese aggressors for the Soviets and filmed the movie in Michigan in 2009.

But potential distributors are nervous about becoming associated with the finished film, concerned that doing so would harm their ability to do business with the rising Asian superpower, one of the fastest-growing and potentially most lucrative markets for American movies, not to mention other U.S. products.

As a result, the filmmakers now are digitally erasing Chinese flags and military symbols from “Red Dawn,” substituting dialogue and altering the film to depict much of the invading force as being from North Korea, an isolated country where American media companies have no dollars at stake.

The changes illustrate just how much sway China’s government has in the global entertainment industry, even without uttering a word of official protest. Although it’s unclear if anyone in China has seen “Red Dawn,” a leaked version of the script last year resulted in critical editorials in the Global Times, a communist party-controlled paper.


In the last few weeks, MGM has begun showing “Red Dawn” to potential buyers at other studios. Several people who have seen the movie but requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record said they couldn’t risk distributing it given the potential blowback in China.


People close to the picture said the changes will cost less than $1 million and involve changing an opening sequence summarizing the story’s fictional backdrop, re-editing two scenes and using digital technology to transform many Chinese symbols to Korean. It’s impossible to eliminate all references to China, the people said, though the changes will give North Korea a much larger role in the coalition that invades the U.S.


“Red Dawn” is not the only piece of entertainment to swap out Chinese villains for North Koreans recently. The video game “Homefront,” which was released this week and features a script by John Milius, writer of the original “Red Dawn,” was also originally intended to feature a Chinese invasion. For business reasons, publisher THQ changed the occupying forces to North Korea.

When China attacks

17 January, 2011

I should start by admitting that the only time I buy something “made in China” is to modify it for a useful purpose. I routinely buy their junk just to cut it up and build something useful from it, mostly tools but occasionally something that I need a small engine for. With a little American ingenuity, even Chinese made products can be made useful. Right now, a complete boycott of Chinese made junk is impossible but it is a goal of mine.

I look at Chinese products like I do things that I find in a flea market, I realize that I am buying junk and that I will have to work on it before I can trust it. When I do buy their junk, I buy it used. It is cheaper and it keeps my money in my own neighborhood.

China is attacking America, in 2009, it swindled obama into agreements on energy research programs that only favored China and hurt the US. No shocker to anyone that watches obama or China. The U.S. has filed a complaint at the World Trade Organization against China’s policies favoring its producers of wind and solar equipment. I expect the WTO is be about as useful as a Chinese made socket set, they look good but will break if used for its intended purpose, bottom line, is the WTO is useless.

Wrapped up into the myth of global warming is the global effort to control “green house gases” so far China has refused to play into that particular scam but still continues to keep the yuan low and hurt our non existent economic recovery. I cannot think of a single coworker, friend or neighbor that has seen any recovery-have you?

With $240 billion a year in trade, you would expect China to want a strong US economy but they are smarter than that. The Chinese are slowing buying America. Their cheap made junk is everywhere, and American made products are rare. Once they own Americas businesses, resources and real estate then you will see recovery.

In the name of global business and trade designed to ease global economic imbalances, America has lost its economic edge. With no money to buy and no ability to make, we can bitch, scream, cry and no one will really care. In truth we shot ourselves in the foot and now we complain about it hurting. (more…)

U.S. Military Computers Hacked; Broadcast Nuclear Attack Message

8 March, 2010

Thank you, Mr. Clinton

Nuke hack attack puts military on high alert
Chinese, North Koreans suspects in security breach

Posted: March 08, 2010
By Mike Maloof

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A message that North Korea had conducted a nuclear attack on the Japanese island of Okinawa turned out to be false, but the fact it was delivered via U.S. military communications has prompted a high alert, according to U.S. officials who asked to remain anonymous.

U.S. military channels were hacked either by the Chinese or North Koreans, the source said. Access to such communications – even unclassified military systems – suggests a serious breach of technology security.

A Pentagon spokesman declined comment.

A purportedly “U/FOUO” or “Unclassified but For Official Use Only” message claimed to have been put out Saturday by the Office of National Intelligence and prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency. It said:

“Today, March 06, 2010 at 11.46 AM local time (UTC/GMT -5 hours),US seismographic stations recorded seismic activity in the area of Okinawa Island (Japan). According to (sic) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has carried out an average range missile attack with use of nuclear warhead (sic). The explosion caused severe destructions (sic) in the northern part of the (sic) Okinawa island. Casualties among the personnel of the US military base are being estimated at the moment.”

An analyst noted the grammatical errors suggested the text was written by someone who has not yet mastered the English language use of articles.

The report included a long list of U.S. agencies that should be on alert, from the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security to the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps and Navy.

U.S. officials have expressed growing concern over cyber attacks, especially from China. The attacks have targeted not only Google and other Western companies but also the Pentagon.


Counterintelligence Officials in Shock as Our Dark Overlord Lowers Priority Placed on Intelligence Collection for China

20 January, 2010

Yup.  Like birds of a feather, Commies flock together:

China removed as top priority for spies
Intelligence chiefs object
Washington Times

By Bill Gertz

The White House National Security Council recently directed U.S. spy agencies to lower the priority placed on intelligence collection for China, amid opposition to the policy change from senior intelligence leaders who feared it would hamper efforts to obtain secrets about Beijing’s military and its cyber-attacks.

The downgrading of intelligence gathering on China was challenged by Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair and CIA Director Leon E. Panetta after it was first proposed in interagency memorandums in October, current and former intelligence officials said.

The decision downgrades China from “Priority 1” status, alongside Iran and North Korea, to “Priority 2,” which covers specific events such as the humanitarian crisis after the Haitian earthquake or tensions between India and Pakistan.

The National Security Council staff, in response, pressed ahead with the change and sought to assure Mr. Blair and other intelligence chiefs that the change would not affect the allocation of resources for spying on China or the urgency of focusing on Chinese spying targets, the officials told The Washington Times.

White House National Security Council officials declined to comment on the intelligence issue. Mike Birmingham, a spokesman for Mr. Blair, declined to comment. A CIA spokesman also declined to comment.

[Hmmm…  How’s all that “change” and “transparency in government” working out for you? ]

But administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the new policy is part of the Obama administration’s larger effort to develop a more cooperative relationship with Beijing.


Chinese Cyberattack on Google Part of Espionage Campaign

14 January, 2010

Contrary to what Obama and the Lame Stream Media would have you to believe, Communist China is NOT a close ally.  They are a fascist-Commie regime with a litany of human rights abuses.

BTW – There is a really good editorial about Google and China in yesterday’s Investors Business Daily.  If you are interested, CLICK HERE to read it.

Google China cyberattack part of vast espionage campaign, experts say

By Ariana Eunjung Cha and Ellen Nakashima
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Computer attacks on Google that the search giant said originated in China were part of a concerted political and corporate espionage effort that exploited security flaws in e-mail attachments to sneak into the networks of major financial, defense and technology companies and research institutions in the United States, security experts said.

At least 34 companies — including Yahoo, Symantec, Adobe, Northrop Grumman and Dow Chemical — were attacked, according to congressional and industry sources. Google, which disclosed on Tuesday that hackers had penetrated the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights advocates in the United States, Europe and China, threatened to shutter its operations in the country as a result.

Human rights groups as well as Washington-based think tanks that have helped shape the debate in Congress about China were also hit.

Security experts say the attacks showed a new level of sophistication, exploiting multiple flaws in different software programs and underscoring what senior administration officials have said over the past year is an increasingly serious cyber threat to the nation’s critical industries.

“Usually it’s a group using one type of malicious code per target,” said Eli Jellenc, head of international cyber-intelligence for VeriSign’s iDefense Labs, a Silicon Valley company helping some firms investigate the attacks. “In this case, they’re using multiple types against multiple targets — but all in the same attack campaign. That’s a marked leap in coordination.”
