Archive for 13 April, 2007

Best Piece of War Journalism in Years!!!

13 April, 2007

Don’t miss out on this incredible piece of journalism from Michael Yon. He is in the trenches of Iraq and his writing style hearkens back to an era of patriotic journalism not seen since World War II:

British Forces at War: As Witnessed by an American

P.S. – Kudos to DP111 for bringing this to my attention.

Hamas on Palestinian Television

13 April, 2007

Here are a couple of interesting videos recently uploaded to YouTube by Palestinian Media Watch :

The Hamas spokesman Dr. Ismail Radwan, on PA TV March 30 2007, calls for genocide of Jews.

From Hamas TV channel, Al Aqsa TV, and published by Palestinian Media Watch. The four-year-old daughter of female suicide bomber singing to her dead mother and vowing to follow in her footsteps.

Tampa Islamic Center Attacked

13 April, 2007

Ok, as much as think someday this will all come to a head and a violent future a waits us all. Today is not that day. Do not give the jihadi anything to whine about or use for propaganda purposes. There are still many legal ways to show your displeasure and distrust without resorting to violence.

By KEITH MORELLI The Tampa Tribune
Published: Apr 13, 2007
TOWN – ‘N COUNTRY – Local, state and federal investigators sifted through the ashes of a deliberately set fire at the Islamic Education Center of Florida on Thursday morning and tried to allay fears the arson was a crime of hate. They couldn’t say for sure, however.
Initial reports said there was an explosion, but responding firefighters said were unaware of any blast.
Area Muslims feared the torching of the building, which serves as a mosque and educational center for children, was a hate crime, the next progressive step from a burglary nine months ago in which the culprits set fire to several religious artifacts inside.
“It is a concern that this is a hate crime,” said Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Tampa, a Muslim advocacy group. Fueling the supposition was the fact that the FBI was at the scene collecting evidence.
FBI spokesman Al Rivera would not say for sure, though, that the arson was a hate crime.
“At this point, this is just an arson investigation,” he said Thursday evening
He said the FBI would be investigating any arson attempt at any house of worship, because of the civil rights issues.
Single Room Damaged
The fire, the damage of which was limited to one room, was caused by someone who splashed a flammable liquid through a broken window and down the outside of the building, fire officials said. (more…)

Violent Regime Change for Russia?

13 April, 2007

Boris Berezovsky is one of the, “Persons of Interest,” in the death of ex-KGB spy, Litvinenko. Perhaps he is a little upset with the Kremlin’s recent scrutiny of his actions, since he is now claiming to be in the process of plotting a new Russian revolution. Let’s all wish him, “good luck,” in his new endeavor, as he will definitely need lots of it!

(Boris Berezovsky pictured in his London office. )

‘I am plotting a new Russian revolution’
London exile Berezovsky says force necessary to bring down President Putin

Audio: Berezovsky on change in Russia (25 secs)

Audio: Berezovsky on his personal safety (34 secs)

Ian Cobain, Matthew Taylor and Luke Harding in Moscow
Friday April 13, 2007
The Guardian

The Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky has told the Guardian he is plotting the violent overthrow of President Putin from his base in Britain after forging close contacts with members of Russia’s ruling elite.

In comments which appear calculated to enrage the Kremlin, and which will further inflame relations between London and Moscow, the multimillionaire claimed he was already bankrolling people close to the president who are conspiring to mount a palace coup.

“We need to use force to change this regime,” he said. “It isn’t possible to change this regime through democratic means. There can be no change without force, pressure.” Asked if he was effectively fomenting a revolution, he said: “You are absolutely correct.”

Although Mr Berezovsky, with an estimated fortune of £850m, may have the means to finance such a plot, and although he enjoyed enormous political influence in Russia before being forced into exile, he said he could not provide details to back up his claims because the information was too sensitive.

Last night the Kremlin denounced Mr Berezovsky’s comments as a criminal offence which it believed should undermine his refugee status in the UK. (more…)

WWIII Technology Update

13 April, 2007

Lasers used to detect Anthrax:


Aggie physicists unite with Ivy League to develop anthrax detection method

(PressZoom) – COLLEGE STATION, April 12, 2007 — Texas A&M University and Princeton University physicists have joined forces to perfect a powerful new weapon in the war on terrorism – a laser technique to identify deadly anthrax spores. Their results are published in the prestigious journal Science, due to hit newsstands tomorrow.

“Our report shows how to use lasers to detect anthrax in real time as opposed to the cumbersome and wieldy way it is done now,” says Marlan Scully, Distinguished Professor of Physics at Texas A&M and holder of a joint faculty appointment at Princeton’s Applied Physics and Materials Science Group. “We do our experiments ‘on the fly’, so we can get a signature within a tiny fraction of a second. Our procedure can work for monitoring anthrax in mail, but it can also scan the whole atmosphere. And there are a lot of other potential applications — monitoring glucose in the blood, for example.” (more…)

Another Epic PBS Documentary: America at a Crossroads

13 April, 2007

From those fellows at PBS, who subject us to endless hours of languid Ken Burns documentaries, we are now going to be assaulted with a six-night long look at post-9/11 life (as if we don’t know what post 9/11 is like, and they need to make sure that it is slowly drilled through our bloodshot eyes and into our MTV saturated brains)… Yup, prepare yourself for the new Epic Documentary, “America at a Crossroads.”

You know it is going to be an exercise in stamina when they don’t even make an attempt to remove the, “s” in favor of using the slightly shorter word, “Crossroad”

But, be that as it may, I will probably end up watching it anyway, just like I’ve done for every other epic Ken Burns style documentary that has found its way to PBS… (You know for a guy with such a short name, Ken Burns can make some long ass documentaries!)

Perhaps my sister, Amy, can help me out and bring home an I.V. kit from the hospital, where she works as a nurse. Yup, a six day long regiment of slow-dripped-intravenous coffee… That should do the trick… Amy, call me, STAT!!!


‘America at a Crossroads,’ a six-night series of documentaries, examines terrorism, the Iraq war and other issues.
The Associated Press

Clear your TV-viewing calendar next week.

PBS has brought together “America at a Crossroads,” a six-night television package that aims to explore challenges confronting the United States in a post-9/11 world.

Topics to be tackled include the war on terrorism; conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan; the experience of American troops serving abroad; the struggle for balance within the Muslim world; and global perspectives on America’s role overseas.

The series, airing Sunday through Friday from 9 to 11 p.m., consists of 11 documentaries from a variety of producers, probing urgent issues in a variety of voices. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting developed the initial concept, issuing an open call for film projects. Veteran journalist (and former co-anchor of PBS’ “NewsHour”) Robert MacNeil serves as series host.

Here is the lineup: (more…)

Stanford Restricts Access to Walid Shoebat Lecture

13 April, 2007

Well, it seems that my old stomping grounds, Stanford, is engaged in a cover-up when it comes to letting their students hear the truth…

Officials bar public from panel featuring ‘ex-terrorists’

Nanette Asimov, Chronicle Staff Writer


Friday, April 13, 2007

Stanford University, renowned as a global hub of intellectual freedom, says it will bar the public from attending a panel discussion Monday night because one of the speakers is “controversial.”

The speaker, who goes by the name Walid Shoebat, has been making the rounds on the nation’s lecture circuit claiming to be a former Palestinian terrorist-turned-Israeli-sympathizer.

The Stanford College Republicans, a student group, invited Shoebat and two companions who bill themselves as the “3 Ex-Terrorists.” They made the invitation as a favor to another group, Students for an Open Society, which lacks the official standing needed to invite speakers to campus.

The students thought the public would be able to attend the event, but were told a couple of weeks ago that attendance would be restricted due to “security concerns,” said Megan Reiss, president of the Stanford College Republicans.

“At a private school, we’re not subject to the same rights as public schools,” Reiss said. “But I’m writing an op-ed piece right now saying they may have the right to do this, but it’s going against Stanford’s tradition of allowing the free flow of ideas.”

Stanford spokeswoman Elaine Ray said security was not the university’s concern. (more…)

Eritrea Begins to Backpedal from Somalian/Ethiopian Conflict

13 April, 2007

Having just finished working alongside several Eritreans living in California, and having asked them many questions about Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia over the last four months, I must confess that the denial by Eritrea, in the following article, is less than honest…

According to my Eritrean friends, Eritrea still has a lot of animosity towards Ethiopia for its false claims to Eritrean land and Ethiopia’s attempts to reclaim it.

They say that, “Eritrea will always do what is best for Eritrea, even if it means supporting a radical Muslim community…” Well, at least that is the gist of what my Eritrean friends say.

BTW – They are Christian Eritreans.


(War Memorial in Massawa, Eritrea)

Eritrea denies fuelling crisis in Somalia
People’s Daily Online – English
Eritrea on Friday denied accusations by Somalia and the United States that it is supporting insurgents in Somalia in order to fight a proxy war against its archrival, Ethiopia.

Addressing a regional meeting of ministers in Nairobi, Andeab Gebremeskel, the director of Africa, Asia and Pacific in Eritrea’s foreign ministry, said his country has no interest in fuelling crisis in Somalia where Ethiopian troops is fighting pitched battles against insurgents in Mogadishu.

“Eritrea does not wish to engage in fruitless discourse of acrimony, but it should be emphasized that Eritrea firmly rejects all groundless accusations peddled against it in the past few months,” Gebremeskel told the Council of Ministers from the seven- member regional bloc, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

“I would like to reassure you … that Eritrea has never seen Somalia as a proxy battlefield to settle scores with Ethiopia. Grave as it may be, the border conflict with Ethiopia is a problem between the two countries that cannot be played out in Somalia,” he said. (more…)