Archive for 6 February, 2008

Muslims ashamed of Mohammed pictures demand removal

6 February, 2008

Yet another flap over pictures of the worlds most famous pedophile. As with all things Islam there is no consensus as to the exact rules covering the viewing and posting of these pictures. Some Muslims accept them, as they should because Muslims painted them and other Muslims want to erase his image.

Well I have a few things to say about this subject so ….

February 6 2008, Fox
Online encyclopedia Wikipedia has again stirred up controversy — this time over a biographical entry on the prophet Muhammad.
-Darn and Wikipedia has such an outstanding reputation as a source of factual knowledge.

Nearly 100,000 people worldwide have signed a Web-based petition asking Wikipedia to remove all depictions of the Prophet from its English-language entry, viewable on the wikipedia site
-100,000 from a billion and a half is squat, leave the pedophile alone.

“I request all brothers and sisters to sign this petitions so we can tell Wikipedia to respect the religion and remove the illustrations,” the creator of the petition at The Petition Site asks.
-What they are really mad at is Mohammed is presented as a vertically challenged weirdo playing with his balls as other Muslims watch.

Opposition among Muslims to images of Muhammad has its roots in the prohibition of “graven images” in the Ten Commandments, but has varied over time.
-This issue is important as work stopped in Islamic countries when the story broke. Muslims are running all over the place screaming about having bigger balls than the prophet. Kinda sick if you ask me. (more…)

10 Year Old Al Qaeda Fanatics Caught on Tape

6 February, 2008

This is an update to Ronin’s previous post on this subject HERE.

It’s not like no one saw this coming.  We posted an article about this growing threat over a year ago HERE


Caught on camera: The 10-year-old Al Qaeda fanatics ready to launch terror attacks in Iraq
6th February 2008

Al Qaeda is training boys as young as 10 to carry out kidnappings, assassinations and suicide bombings against civilians in Iraq, the US military has claimed.

Officials in Baghdad released a video seized during a raid on a suspected Al Qaeda safe-house which showed the children apparently undergoing training.

The images are said to be a propaganda tool designed to recruit more children to the cause.

Even by the standards of the terror network, the pictures are chilling, with black-masked boys – some of whom appeared to be aged about 10 – storming a house and holding guns to the heads of mock residents.

Another tape showed a young boy wearing a suicide vest and posing with automatic weapons while a third contained pictures of masked youngsters forcing a man from a bicycle at gunpoint in an apparent kidnapping.

About 20 boys wearing ski masks are shown carrying rocket propelled grenade launchers – some of which dwarf the youngsters – assault rifles and pistols.

The release of the video, which was seized last December from a house at Khan Bani Saad, north-east of Baghdad, was further indication that Al Qaeda is increasingly using children and women for its terror operations, the military said.

Iraqi officials say that more and more young boys are being snatched by militias and Al Qaeda as “recruits” suitable for training. (more…)

Khan: “She’ll Marry into them and Give Birth to them”

6 February, 2008

Three years old, and she’s already been jobbed out for marriage and childbirth by her dad …

parvizkhan_police203.jpgMan ‘wanted girl to wed militant’

BBC News

A Birmingham man who has admitted plotting to kidnap and behead a British soldier wanted his daughter to marry a militant fighter, a court has heard.

The daughter of Parviz Khan was only three, but he was recorded telling a friend: “She’ll marry into them and give birth to them“.

(Damn those giant, mutated ants… )

Transcripts featuring the voices of Khan and his co-accused Zahoor Iqbal were read to Leicester Crown Court.

Iqbal, 30, and Amjad Mahmood, 32, are on trial for terror offences.

Khan, 37, an unemployed charity worker from Birmingham, has pleaded guilty to plotting to kidnap and kill a British Muslim soldier between 2 April 2006 and 1 February 2007.

The jury has heard that Khan, of Alum Rock, intended to use drug dealers to kidnap the soldier while the man was on a night out.

Khan then intended to behead the serviceman in a lock-up garage and release footage of the killing to the public.


Air Line Pilots Association International Wants Passenger Profiling

6 February, 2008

Gee, it’s so obvious…  Why didn’t we think of it before?  Oh, yeah…  Now I remember… 

Well, good luck fighting CAIR and all those other Liberal dhimmi whiners who would rather see us all dead as victims of suicide bombers and hijackers than to actually allow for profiling of (*gasp*) Muslims… 


Canadian Pilots Say Passenger Profiling May Be Way To Go
Wed, 06 Feb ’08 –

Wants Country To Develop Program Similar To TSA, El Al

Passenger profiling has some negative connotations in today’s politically-correct society, but a growing number of governments are becoming believers in the technique as a tool to make airline flight safer. Now, the Air Line Pilots Association International, representing 2,100 Canadian pilots at six airlines, wants Canada to develop a profiling program of its own.

The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) already conducts profiling — not based on racial or ethnic factors, but rather on behavior. TSA claims that in 2006, the 600 agents in its “Screening Passengers by Observation Techniques” or SPOT program identified 70,000 travelers exhibiting suspicious behavior, and 700 of them were arrested after being pulled aside for more detailed questioning.

Israel’s El Al Airlines has long used the technique, and individually interviews each passenger to put trained agents in actual eye contact with travelers before boarding. Techniques used by El Al agents put the airline on the cutting edge of what is now called “microexpression analysis,” or the science of watching even minute facial and body movements to detect signs of nervousness or deception.

In the US, the TSA wants to double the number of trained SPOT agents. In response to June’s unsuccessful terrorist attack at Glasgow’s airport, the British government is set to employ a high-tech variant of microexpression screening, in which video cameras feed images of passengers’ faces to computers, which are programmed to analyze not only 10,000 individual facial movements, but even the subject’s skin temperature.

The Calgary Herald reports that introducing SPOT to Canada would raise unique issues. Transport Canada is reported to be researching what it calls “behaviour pattern recognition” and the legal implications for Canada.
