Archive for 7 February, 2008

Guinea: Children Exploited, Abandoned, Sold Into Slavery

7 February, 2008

Anyone see the hand of mohammed in all this? Even without the article mentioning the role of the minions, I think you will see it without any problems.

UN Integrated Regional Information Networks
7 February 2008

After the sun sets on the streets of the Guinean capital, Conakry, children drift by darkened storefronts and settle into nooks between buildings, curling up to sleep on the pavement.

Residents in the city told IRIN they had noticed more and more children living on the streets in recent years – children like orphans Abubakar and Alya who have been on the street together for one year.

“We sleep together, we eat together, we do everything together,” Abubakar said.

They both said they were 13, but Alya is very small and Abubakar laughs when he says his age. The boys said they walked the streets at night looking through rubbish to see if someone had thrown away something they could eat.
“We are very afraid to stay here,” Abubakar said. “But we have nowhere else to go.”

Both the boy’s parents are dead. Alya said he stayed with his grandmother until the beatings got too bad and he ran away.


Manimam Condé, who coordinates between the Guinean government and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Forecariah (city in southern Guinea), said unwanted children had reason to be afraid: Traffickers solicited children’s parents and guardians, promising to give them a better life but actually putting them to work – or worse.

“Some children are sold and others are put directly to work – sent to work on plantations, or to sell things [carrying them] on their heads in markets,” she told IRIN

Some children are… sent to work on plantations or to sell things… Sometimes parts of children are used as sacrificial offerings for ceremonies

“You also have sales of organs and body parts for medical uses. Sometimes parts of the children are used as sacrificial offerings for ceremonies.”

According to the Conakry-based non-governmental organisation (NGO), Action Contre l’Exploitation des Enfants et des Femmes (ACEEF – Action Against the Exploitation of Children and Women), tens of thousands of unwanted children like these in Guinea are being forced to work in slave-like conditions.

At the least abusive end of the spectrum, when parents find themselves unable to afford to raise a child, they often give them to someone who shares their last name. (more…)

American Traitor Adam Gadahn Dead?

7 February, 2008

Warner sent us an interesting piece of news that might brighten your day:


American al-Qaeda leader also killed?

By our correspondent – The

PESHAWAR: Following unconfirmed reports of killing of a high-profile al-Qaeda commander Abu Laith al-Libi, there are now rumours that an American al-Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn, also known as Azzam al-Amriki, had been killed in the alleged Predator attack by the US on a house in Mirali, North Waziristan, a few days back.

Two for the price of one?  Excellent!  Now, that’s really putting my tax dollars to work!

32-year-old Adam Gadahn, who is American citizen belonging to southern California, has been accused by the US of praising the perpetrators of September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington and attending al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal areas.

According to sources, American officials who are yet to publicly confirm the killing of Abu Laith al-Libi, had reportedly sharing information with western media that most likely another most wanted figure, Adam Gadahn, has also been killed in the air strike by the CIA-operated unmanned drone on a house in Khushali Torikhel village near Mirali town.


Muslim Donations to Al Qaeda Declining

7 February, 2008

Former Iraqi Insurgents guard a meeting between Sunnis and Shi’ites.

US sees shift in Muslim attitudes toward Al-Qaeda

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US intelligence chiefs said Thursday they are seeing some signs that public opinion in the Muslim world is turning against Al-Qaeda.

They cited indications that donations to Al-Qaeda are falling off, unusual criticism of the group by other Muslim fundamentalists, and efforts by Al-Qaeda’s leadership to reach out to the umma, the body of Muslim believers.

The shifting attitudes come despite other evidence that Al-Qaeda has gained strength in its safe havens in Pakistan’s tribal areas and are improving their ability to launch attacks in the west.

“We don’t know if we’ve reached a tipping point yet. That’s something were trying to get a focus on to get a feel for it,” said Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence.

But he told lawmakers, “There are a number of positive signs.”


Gay Mo and Jesus Stirring up the Honey Pot

7 February, 2008

Gee, now that the picture has been picked up by Reuters and Fox News, I wonder which group of peace-lovers are going to stage massive violent protests and call for the murder of the artist?  Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or Muslims???  Limit one guess per customer….

Velvet Hammer, over at Ironic Surrealism has the scoop HERE:


Archbishop of Canterbury Calls for Sharia Law in Britain

7 February, 2008

If you don’t like the laws in Britain, then just frackin’ move (and, good riddance!), you morons! Geez! What a load of dhimmi crap!

But, what can you expect from a Druid Priest???

nwilliams1071.jpgRowan Williams sparks Sharia law controversy

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent, and Andrew Porter, Political Editor
07/02/2008 –

The Archbishop of Canterbury has sparked a political storm by calling for aspects of Sharia law to be adopted in Britain.

Dr Rowan Williams said it “seems inevitable” that elements of Islamic law, such as divorce proceedings, would be incorporated into British law.

The Archbishop said the UK had to “face up to the fact” that some citizens do not relate to the British legal system, and argued that officially sanctioning Sharia law would improve community relations.

“Nobody in their right mind would want to see in this country the kind of inhumanity that has sometimes been associated with the practice of the law in some Islamic states,” he told the BBC’s World at One programme.

“But there are ways of looking at marital disputes, for example, which provide an alternative to the divorce courts as we understand them.”

But his intervention put him at odds with Gordon Brown, who has repeatedly encouraged ethnic communities to integrate.


Two Chinese Companies Indicted for Contaminated Pet Food

7 February, 2008

As my dog, Gabriella, was killed by these commie SOB’s last year, I tend to take a personal interest in what’s going on with this story.

And, mark my words! – It’s only a matter of time before these little SOB’s slip something by the FDA that will kill thousands of Americans…


3 companies indicted for poisoned pet food
Contaminated gluten just latest in list of ‘filthy’ products from China
February 06, 2008

Just six months after an epidemic of pet illnesses and deaths across the United States was blamed on contaminated Chinese proteins in pet food, the federal government has announced indictments against three companies, including two from China.

Named in the indictments released by the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas City, Mo., were Xuzhou Anying Biologic Technology Development Co., Suzhou Textiles, Silk, Light Industrial Products, Arts and Crafts I/E Co. and ChemNutra Inc. of Las Vegas, according to a report from the Associated Press.

The tainted pet food was blamed for the deaths of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of house pets last year and an inflation in the fear American consumers felt toward products from China amidst a long series of reports about contaminated products ranging from sardines to toothbrushes.

Just a personal note: My dog died two weeks before the pet food recall. At the time, we were perplexed as to what had caused it, and thought someone had poisoned her. It was TWO WEEKS after her death that we finally figured out what killed her…  So, I have no doubt that thousands of dogs died, but it went unreported.

The companies were named in two separate but related indictments, the report said.

One alleged Xuzhou Anying Biologic, headquartered in China’s Jiangsu Province, and Suzhou Textiles, of the city with the same name, introduced contaminated or adulterated food into interstate commerce as well as introducing “misbranded” food, for a total of 26 counts.

The report said ChemNutra, owned by Chinese national Sally Quing Miller and husband Stephen S. Miller, were accused of the same charges plus one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud.


Jordanian Official: “Russia’s Involvment … is Almost Like a Return to its Cold War Stance.”

7 February, 2008

To quote one of my favorite lines from Independence Day, “Good God!!!  I been saying it!  I been saying it for 10 damn years!!!  Ain’t I been saying it, Miguel?”

Syria acquiring Russian rockets at ‘furious’ pace
Security official: ‘It’s like a return to the Cold War
February 06, 2008
By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – Syria, aided by Russia and Iran, in recent months has been furiously acquiring rockets and missiles, including projectiles capable of hitting the entire state of Israel, according to Jordanian and Israeli security officials speaking to WND.

A Jordanian security official said one of the main reasons Damascus did not retaliate after Israel carried out its Sept. 6 airstrike inside Syria allegedly targeting a nascent nuclear facility was because Syria’s rocket infrastructure was not yet complete.

The official said after the Israeli airstrike, Syria picked up the pace of acquiring rockets and missiles, largely from Russia with Iranian backing, with the goal of completing its missile and rocket arsenal by the end of the year. The Jordanian official said Syria is aiming to possess enough projectiles to fire over 100 rockets into Israel per hour for a sustained period of time.

“The Syrians have three main goals,” explained the Jordanian official. “To maximize their antitank, antiaircraft and ballistic missile and rocket capabilities.”

According to Israeli and Jordanian officials, Syria recently quietly struck a deal with Russia that allows Moscow to station submarines and warboats off Syrian ports. In exchange, Russia is supplying Syria with weaponry at lower costs, with some of the missiles and rockets being financed by Iran.

“The Iranians opened an extended credit line with Russia for Syria with the purpose of arming Syria,” said one Jordanian security official.

“Russia’s involvement and strategic positioning is almost like a return to its Cold War stance,” the official said.


What do Some Muslims and Michael Vick Have in Common???

7 February, 2008

Shiva, over at Illustrated Pig has an article that you might want to check out when you have a few minutes: “Moslem, what have you to say to this?
