Archive for 12 February, 2008

Big Brother: Senate Approves Terror Surveillance Bill

12 February, 2008

The cartoon was for fun. I’m sure hell will be raised over this but I am in 100% agreement with it. The hard truth is someone’s rights may well be violated but at some point we have to face the truth-WE ARE AT WAR not just our troups-ALL OF US.

Our government, schools, and hospitals have been infiltrated. Our current system is insufficient. Will this plan put us on an even playing field-no but it is an improvement and doing something is always better than doing nothing.

So big brother-go get um, all of them and their little dog toto too.

The bottom line here is if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. Our intel types may overhear your private conversation but they may also overhear someone planning to kill you. If your sweet nothings mean more to you than your loved ones safety-reset your priorities.

12 February, 2008, FOX
WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday approved new rules for government eavesdropping on phone calls and e-mails, giving the White House much of the latitude it wanted and granting legal immunity to telecommunications companies that helped in the snooping after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Protection for the telecom companies is the most prominent feature of the legislation, something President Bush had insisted on as essential to getting private sector cooperation in spying on foreign terrorists and other targets. The bill would give retroactive protection to companies that acted without court permission.

The House did not include the immunity provision in a similar bill it passed last year. House Republicans now want to adopt the Senate bill, which would avoid contentious negotiations to work out differences between the competing legislation. House Democrats said they would vote on Wednesday for a 21-day extension of current but expiring legislation to take a look at the Senate bill.

About 40 lawsuits have been filed against telecom companies by people alleging violations of wiretapping and privacy laws.

Bush promised to veto any new surveillance bill that did not protect the companies, arguing that it is essential if the private sector is to give the government the help it needs.

The president called the Senate bill a good piece of legislation that allows the intelligence community to monitor communications of foreign terrorists while protecting Americans’ liberties. He urged the House to pass the bill and send it to his desk without delay.

The Senate bill provides “fair and just liability protection to those private companies who have been sued for billions of dollars only because they are believed to have done the right thing and assisted the nation after the September 11th terrorist attacks,” Bush said.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers said Tuesday he still opposes retroactive immunity.

“There is no basis for the broad telecommunications company amnesty provisions advocated by the administration,” Conyers wrote in a letter to White House Counsel Fred Fielding asking for documents about the wiretapping program. The documents have been withheld from Congress.

The 68-29 Senate vote Tuesday to update the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act belied the nearly two months of stops and starts and bitter political wrangling that preceded it. The two sides had battled to balance civil liberties with the need to conduct surveillance on potential adversaries.

At issue is the government’s post-9/11 Terrorist Surveillance Program, which circumvented a secret court created 30 years ago to oversee such activities. The court was part of the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, a law written in response to government abuse of its surveillance authority against Americans.

The surveillance law has been updated repeatedly since then. Congress hastily adopted a FISA modification in August in the face of dire warnings from the White House that changes in telecommunications technology and FISA court rulings were dangerously constraining the government’s ability to intercept terrorist communications.

Shortly after its passage, privacy and civil liberties groups said the new law gave the government unprecedented authority to spy on Americans, particularly those who communicate with foreigners.

That law, already extended once, expires Feb. 16. (more…)

Oh, Happy Day! — Muslim Leader Drops Complaint Against Ezra Levant

12 February, 2008

Excellent!  Chalk one up for freedom of speech.  Also, Ezra Levant says he is going to sue Syed Soharwardy for the thousands of dollars in legal fees!  Go get ’em, Ezra!!! 


Muslim leader drops Ezra Levant cartoon complaint
Western Standard publisher plans to launch a civil lawsuit

Graeme Morton, Canwest News Service  February 12, 2008

National Post —CALGARY — Calgary Muslim leader Syed Soharwardy says he is withdrawing his Alberta Human Rights Commission complaint against former Western Standard publisher Ezra Levant.

The complaint was launched in February 2006, after the Western Standard and the Jewish Free Press reprinted cartoons from a Danish newspaper that many in the Muslim world felt insulted the prophet Muhammad. The cartoons sparked violent protests in a number of countries.

“Over the two years that we have gone through the process, I understand that most Canadians see this as an issue of freedom of speech, that that principle is sacred and holy in our society,” said Soharwardy, president of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada.

“I believe Canadian society is mature enough not to absorb the messages that the cartoons sent. Only a very small fraction of Canadian media decided to publish those cartoons.”

Mr. Levant said he isn’t buying Mr. Soharwardy’s promise, calling it a “temporary, tactical truce.”

“I don’t believe him. He thought this would be easy to do, just sic the human rights commission on me and it would be done. But I decided to fight back,” said Mr. Levant.

“He’s hurting right now. . . . What he’s now saying he is going to do is not a true reflection of his feelings.”

Mr. Levant said he plans to launch a civil lawsuit against Mr. Soharwardy to recover the tens of thousands of dollars he said he has spent battling the complaint.

“I put in at least 100 hours fighting this guy. He may want to run away from this issue, but I’m not going to. His values are out of sync with Canadian society.”


Muslim’s reach new low and Poison Iraqi children

12 February, 2008

Just when I am convinced Muslim’s have finally hit bottom-they dig deeper.

By Jim Muir, 9 February 2008, BBC
The UK government has flown antidote medicine to the Middle East after some Iraqis became seriously ill from eating cakes laced with the poison thallium.

Two of the victims, both children, died after eating cake delivered to a military club in Baghdad.
Others are being treated in hospital in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

It is the first time the deadly toxin has been used since the downfall of Saddam Hussein, whose regime used it to kill its opponents.
-They could have attacked them any number of ways, this is a message sent by former Saddam cronies. (more…)

Bomber Bunny Rabbit Hits the Airwaves

12 February, 2008

Well, those darn Zionist Joos!!! After eradicating Farfur (aka – “Ben”) the psycho rat last year, they have gone too far and eliminated Nahul the killer bee!  Oh, the humanity!  Where are those Human Rights watchdogs at this most heinous of times?  Clearly this is a crime against humanity perpetrated by those evil Zionist Joos.

But, never fear, Hamas has plenty more where those two came from (the Jihadi-Henson Creature Shop, perhaps?) and have found a replacement — Assud, the bomber bunny rabbit…

Stay tuned, as I’m sure those evil Joos will continue to slaughter more of these beloved and peaceful creatures to the horror of Palestinian children everywhere… (/sarcasm)

Geez, and here I am all worried about my daughter learning Spanglish from Dora the Explorer… Kind of puts things in perspective…

H/T to IslamsForLosers for predicting the demise of Nahul by those evil Joos.


Hamas launches TV Bugs Bunny-lookalike who declares ‘I will eat the Jews’
By MATTHEW KALMAN in Jerusalem – 12th February 2008

A Hamas TV show for children which was condemned last year for a Mickey Mouse lookalike character who encouraged terror attacks against Israelis has produced a new outrage – a Bugs Bunny lookalike who declares “I will eat the Jews”.

Assud the rabbit is the latest star of the Hamas children’s TV show “Tomorrow’s Pioneers”. The show is produced in Gaza by the Hamas-controlled Al-Aqsa TV station and beamed around the Arabic-speaking world by satellite.

The show, which is aimed at children under 12, is hosted by a sweet-looking girl in a headscarf called Saraa and at first glance looks like any other kids TV program.

But Farfur, the Mickey Mouse-lookalike who urged his young audience to shoot Israelis, was beaten to death by “soldiers” in front of the cameras.

His successor Nahul the Bee “died” just over a week ago when the Israeli “siege” of Gaza prevented him from reaching a hospital to get urgent medical treatment.

Nahul was hailed by the winsome Saraa as a “martyr” in the style of Hamas suicide bombers who are promised they will marry 72 virgins in paradise.

“Today we say to you Nahul congratulations, we don’t see this as your death, we see this as your wedding,” Saraa declared.

Now Assud has stepped into the breach, swearing to devour the Jews with his bare rabbit teeth.

The Bomber Bunny was said to have sneaked into Gaza from Egypt when Hamas smashed down then border fence two weeks ago.

They then urged their young audience to liberate Tel Aviv through “resistance”.

The program ended with the catchy song: “We will never recognize Israel.”


Acting Director of Baghdad Psychiatric Hospital Arrested

12 February, 2008

Ever wonder where al-Qaeda and other Islamonazis get those Downs Syndrome suicide bombers??? Well, Warner emailed us with the following story that sheds some light on that question.

Also, I’m pretty sure that this will put an end to those rumors that the suicide bombers were not afflicted with Downs Syndrome, but just looked that way because the explosion’s compressive effects had deformed their faces

You know, this is just reprehensible… Downs Syndrome children and adults are the most loving, caring, and honest people you will ever meet in your life.. To do something like this to them… It’s just… It’s just insane… I’m sure there’s a special place in Hell for those who take advantage of such gentle beings.

Update: Recent reports put in doubt that the two women were Downs Syndrome patients, as the staff at the hospital claim they do not treat patients with Downs Syndrome, but rather the usual run of the mill mental patients… So, until the dust settles, take everything about this story with a grain of salt. – Doc B.

downs360_276867a.jpgHospital boss arrested over al-Qaeda attack by human boobytraps
February 12, 2008 –
Martin Fletcher in Baghdad

The acting director of a Baghdad psychiatric hospital has been arrested on suspicion of supplying al-Qaeda in Iraq with the mentally impaired women that it used to blow up two crowded animal markets in the city on February 1, killing about 100 people.

Iraqi security forces and US soldiers arrested the man at al-Rashad hospital in east Baghdad on Sunday. They then spent three hours searching his office and removing records. Sources told The Times that the two women bombers had been treated at the hospital in the past.

“They [the security forces] arrested the acting director, accusing him of working with al-Qaeda and recruiting mentally ill women and using them in suicide bombing operations,” a hospital official said.

Ibrahim Muhammad Agel, director of the hospital, was killed in the Mansour district of Baghdad on December 11 by gunmen on motorbikes. Colleagues suspect that he was shot for refusing to cooperate with al-Qaeda. Even before Sunday’s arrest, US officials believed that al-Qaeda was scouring Iraq’s hospitals for mentally impaired patients whom it could dupe into acting as suicide bombers. They said that al-Qaeda had used the mentally impaired as unwitting bombers before. “We have fairly good reason to believe this is not the first time they have recruited mentally handicapped individuals,” said one senior officer, though he did not think there had been more than half a dozen cases.

The attraction of mentally impaired women to al-Qaeda was obvious, he said. Being women they could get close to targets with less chance of being stopped or searched; being mentally impaired, they were “less likely to make a rational judgment about what they are being asked to do”.


Islamonazis Have Infiltrated Britain’s Government

12 February, 2008

Perhaps this might explain why the British Government has dropped the “War on Terror” phraseology. 

H/T – Warner

Revealed: Islamist extremists have penetrated the heart of Britain

Islamist extremists have infiltrated Government and key public utilities to pass sensitive information to terrorists, the security services have warned.

Counter-terrorism officials say “insiders” or their associates are almost certainly working “undetected” in sensitive posts and are actively supporting the activities of extremists.

In some cases, lifelong relationships between friends or relatives are being exploited to obtain crucial information from those in sensitive posts.

The development is detailed in intelligence reports circulated to the Home Office, police and Whitehall officials.

The London Underground, Gatwick airport and BT are cited as examples of organisations which have been targeted by individuals linked to terrorists.

Officials say the idea of “penetrating the enemy is pervasive” for Islamist extremists.

It is understood a number of suspected jihadists working in Government departments and the public services are being monitored by the security services.

Details of the threat emerged months after the Daily Mail revealed fears that Scotland Yard has been infiltrated by individuals linked to extremist groups including Al Qaeda.

Several police officers and civilian staff are being monitored amid claims they are long-term sleepers trying to gain sensitive information of use to terrorists.

Some are even believed to have attended terror training camps in Pakistan or Afghanistan.


Islamic terror suspects seized over plot to murder ‘Mohammad’ cartoonist

12 February, 2008

12th February 2008 –

Danish police arrested several people today in a terror plot to kill one of the 12 cartoonists behind the Prophet Mohammad drawings that sparked an uproar in the Muslim world and in Britain two years ago, authorities said.

The arrests were made in pre-dawn raids in Aarhus, western Denmark, “to prevent a terror-related murder,” the police intelligence agency said. It did not say how many people were arrested nor did it mention which cartoonist was targeted.

However Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the drawings on September 30, 2005, said the suspects were planning to kill its cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard, 73.

“There were very concrete murder plans against Kurt Westergaard,” said Carsten Juste, the paper’s editor-in-chief.
