Archive for 23 February, 2008

At 280 lbs., Abu Hamza Claims He is Starving to Death

23 February, 2008

Warner emailed us with more of the “Hungry Hippo’s” whining.  You can read his other whinings HERE and HERE.


By John Twomey – Sunday Express UK

OVERWEIGHT preacher of hate Abu Hamza has given prison officials a list of demands after telling his lawyer: “I’m starving in here.”

Hamza, 49, who weighs about 20 stone, (280 lbs) has told jail chiefs he wants more and better food, extra phone time and an end to constant strip searches.

The former imam of Finsbury Park Mosque in north London, who is fighting extradition to the US, also objects to squatting during searches as it contravenes Islamic law.

Hamza, who has hooks after losing both hands, is serving seven years at Belmarsh prison in south London for soliciting the murder of non-Muslims and inciting racial hatred.

A dossier of complaints compiled by his solicitors states: “He receives insufficient food which appears to be out-of-date and does not meet his dietary requirements.

“He has been left in a room without adequate facilities to meet the needs of a disabled person. This included no heads on taps so he did not have access to cold water and didn’t have his diabetic pack.”

His team at Arani Solicitors claims Hamza was strip searched 13 times in one day, making him feel “degraded”.


Fighting Back: Taking on Creeping Sharia.

23 February, 2008

It will not take you long to figure out which side I am on.

By Jessica Ravitz, 23 February, 2008, The Salt Lake Tribune
In the aftermath of 9/11, Pete Dixon’s job changed. The then-new airport express shuttle driver said he found himself, with other Christians, standing as a human wall between praying Muslim cabbies and the traffic that sped by them.

Between the racial slurs and thrown bottles, it was the least Dixon, now 63, could do for his new friends, who as Muslims pray five times a day.

“They need to get back inside,” he recently called out from his van, where take-out Somali food sat beside him. “This [building] has been a model of good relations, and that’s been spoiled.”

The building Dixon spoke of is the modest brick one beside the lot where, until earlier this week, taxi and shuttle drivers queued up before making airport pick-ups. The doors to the then-vacant building opened in 2001, offering refuge for drivers who, on slow days, might wait several hours before being dispatched. Inside were a restroom and a break room, vending machines, a television and a microwave. There also was the small area deemed a “quiet room,” where drivers, presumably of all faiths and backgrounds, could offer prayers, meditate, take naps or simply sit in silence, away from public taunts.

But fallout over this room, in fact the whole building, has been anything but quiet. One man filed a complaint in October with a federal agency, and last month he was charged with assaulting a Muslim taxi driver. On Jan. 18, amid the growing tensions, the Salt Lake City International Airport closed the small building permanently to drivers.

Man with a mission

To hear Jeffrey Brueningsen tell it, he’s a modern-day Rosa Parks. He likens himself to the civil-rights legend when he speaks of the charge he led to shut down “the mosque,” which is how he refers to the building. The 53-year-old Park City shuttle driver says he was victimized – by, he contends, Muslim drivers who accosted him and by airport officials who ignored him – and even goes so far as to suggest that he risked his life in the interest of national security and constitutional law.

He doesn’t hide his disdain for what he saw around him, beyond the prayers. He speaks of the wet stall walls in the bathroom, the way men blew their noses using water, saying it was “obvious to me that they wanted to make it . . . gross and uninviting.”

They changed television stations without checking first with other viewers, left outside doors propped open, sometimes turned off the air conditioning and the lights. Never mind that many of these men were recent immigrants from African nations. These were actions Brueningsen describes as “aggressively militant.”

He tried to tip off government officials to what he viewed as potential terrorists in his midst.

But it was the praying – the shoes they took off, the prayer rugs strewn about, the copies of the Quran – that fired him up and got him the most traction.

“I almost quit last summer because I didn’t want to live and work under Shariah [Islamic] law . . . sponsored by the airport,” he says.

But he didn’t quit, nor did he stop going into the facility his job never required he enter.

He demanded tables and chairs be placed in the small “quiet room,” where Muslims had grown accustomed to floor space for their rugs. He stationed himself in that room, shoes always on, to exert his rights. He videotaped men during their holiest moments. And he began to call media to share his outrage about religious practices in a public building.

Days after Salt Lake Tribune columnist Rebecca Walsh wrote about her own constitutional concerns, he filed a formal complaint with the Federal Aviation Administration. Walsh, whom he quoted and continues to quote in conversations, called the building a “government-sanctioned Islamic center.” Her attention to the issue seemingly emboldened him.

In his handwritten complaint, he wrote: “Islamists are required to wage cultural jihad and they seem to be engaging in ‘sharia [sic] by the inch’ here.”

He says his actions came with a price. He says he was bullied and called a racist.

The Associated Press once photographed Brueningsen protesting with the Utah Minuteman Project – deemed a “nativist extremist” organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil-rights agency. He’s not a member of the project but aligned with them in May 2006 during then-Mexican President Vincente Fox’s Utah visit. He also alleges Muslims told one driver, whom he won’t identify, they would slit his throat.

Asked if he really thought his life was in danger, he doesn’t hesitate to say: “Did you ever see the Nick Berg video? The beheading video?” referencing the American businessman abducted in Iraq and decapitated in a May 2004 video. “That’s what they do to people.”

Not as intended

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The airport, which does not employ taxi and shuttle drivers, had no obligation to provide a facility to drivers and opened the vacant building’s doors as a courtesy, spokeswoman Barbara Gann says. The stories of Muslim drivers being threatened as they prayed on a grassy roadside strip got to her and others.
“It’s hard not to humanly respond to that,” she says.

But that wasn’t the impetus to open the building; the timing just happened to be right. The airport roads had been redesigned, the staging area for taxis and shuttles was established, and the empty facility was sitting there.

“We never intended this to be a prayer room, nor did we create it as that,” she says, pointing to the former “quiet room.”

“But, in fact, that’s what it became.”

The mere notion of such a room, as she now knows too well, is fraught with challenges. The airport is a department of Salt Lake City Corp., though it is not funded by local tax dollars, she explains. It is mostly supported by tenants and money made from airlines, she says, but it does receive some federal funding. So constitutionally the airport hoped to find a balance between allowing people to exercise their rights of expression while not promoting religion of any sort. By virtue of the numbers – the vast majority of cab drivers are Muslim – and the daily prayer expectations in Islam, what resulted didn’t match the airport’s intentions.

“This was a space that could be used by the people out there for whatever relaxing purpose they chose,” explains Salt Lake City Attorney Ed Rutan. “But the way in which a number of people were conducting themselves in the facility raised the concern that it had in effect been converted to religious use, and the airport just can’t allow that to happen.”

Brueningsen wasn’t the only one who complained over the years, although he was the only one to do so formally, but Gann says the airport was generally able to address people’s issues. For example, when some cabbies complained about Muslim drivers washing their feet in the bathroom, the airport opened a janitor’s closet so the mop sink could be used for ritual washing. The airport spoke to the taxi company owners, telling them to convey messages of concern. But between degrees of separation, language and cultural barriers, it’s hard to know what every Muslim driver understood.

And, Gann adds, no one other than Brueningsen ever complained about feeling physically threatened. On top of the alleged death threat, he spoke of being stared at, surrounded, pushed and robbed.

“His allegations were never founded,” she says of the multiple internal investigations, but the confrontations involving him continued and “ultimately resulted in the arrest for assault.” (more…)

Federal Court of Canada refuses to recognize phoned in Islamic divorce

23 February, 2008

There is no justice in Islam. Sharia is just a set of rules to force compliance to seventh century values.

By TOM GODFREY, 23 February, 2008 SUN MEDIA

A Toronto businessman has been refused permission to sponsor his second wife to Canada because a telephone divorce conducted under sharia law in Pakistan is not recognized in Canada, a high court has ruled.
-What kind of coward phones in a divorce? I bet he crapped himself worrying about his wife beating his a$$. What a low life cowardly dog, she is better off without him and congrats to Canada for getting this right.

Tariq Amin lost a bid to bring his spouse here when an Immigration and Refugee Board in 2002 turned him down due to questions surrounding his Islamic divorce which they claim wasn’t registered in Pakistan, court documents show.

He appealed the rejection to the Federal Court of Canada, which last week threw out his claim.
-Lol he is brave enough to face Canadians but not his first wife.

Court heard Amin and his first wife Nazish Nayyar were divorced in 1993 over the telephone and in front of witnesses, in accordance with the Islamic decree of talaq (divorce). The divorce, however, was void since it was not registered in Pakistan until July 2005.

“I have never heard of a successful talaq case in Canada,” Amin’s lawyer Wennie Lee said yesterday.

“(The judge) had problems recognizing Sharia law as it is.”
-No kidding, well good for the judge.

Chinese Students learn to Ignore Islamic Violence and Propaganda

23 February, 2008

The ideas found in the article are simplistic, poorly thought out and doomed to failure. I love trashing enemy propaganda-let’s rock

By Zakir Hussain, 23 February, 2008, The Straits Times
A new call was made on Saturday for non-Muslims to join the fight against radicalism.
-This implies the non-Muslims are the bigger problem a common theme and not supported by any type of research. In simplistic terms, it is plain BullS*&^.

Their role in this continuous campaign against terrorist ideology was spelt out at a seminar that saw, for the first time, the participation of Chinese students from SAP schools.
-Just freakin great we have to place the future of the free wolds on a bunch of Chinese children (sarcasm)
They can perform it in two ways.
-I can not wait for this one.

One, step forward and challenge any prejudiced view about Muslims whenever they hear it.
-Lol, yeah that will work, bury your head in the sand and demand others also fail to warn, plan or react to Islamonazis. They will all just sit down clasp hands and sing happy songs if we ignore them.

Two, non-Muslim community leaders should speak up about the dangers of radicalism to their own people, including the extremists among them.
-I am sure somewhere among these extremists would be Doctor Bulldog and my own loving self. We are no friends to radical Islam, refuse to bury our heads in the sand, sit down or sing. Besides Doc can not even carry a tune. His try out for American Idol did not go well.

Seriously though blaming non-Muslims will never work. Muslim’s have shown no attempt to contain the threat of radical Islam and why would they? By refusing to engage them and counter the efforts of radical Islamists to recruit and train they are the ones helping them. Passive support is still support.

This call by security analyst Jolene Jerard found strong support among the 200 secondary and junior college students, One of them was Nan Hua High School student Tan Wei Qing, 16, who said: ‘If people challenge the stereotype that Muslims are prone to radicalism, there can be more trust between Muslims and non-Muslims.’
-Misguided trust has benefited radical Islamists and helped them slowly push the peaceful jihad by infiltrating critical infrastructure. It would be far easier for a Muslim to spot Muslims who harbor radical beliefs than an outsider. In most cases, they simply have to look in a mirror. (more…)

Ahmadinejad to US: Apologize and Pay the Jizyah

23 February, 2008

Cocky little bastard, isn’t he…

Ahmadinejad: US Should Apologize to Iran

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the U.S. and its allies Saturday to “apologize” to Iran for accusing it of seeking nuclear weapons—a day after the U.N. nuclear watchdog released its latest report on Iran’s atomic program.

Ahmadinejad said the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency vindicated Iran and warned that Tehran would take unspecified “reciprocal measures” against any country that imposed additional sanctions against Iran.

The IAEA report said several past questions about Iran’s nuclear program had been resolved, but highlighted Tehran’s continued refusal to halt uranium enrichment.

Ahmadinejad said in a televised address to the nation that the best way for the U.S. and its allies to “compensate for their mistakes” is to “apologize and pay compensation.”

“If they continue” pursuing sanctions, he said, “we have definitely drawn up reciprocal measures.” Ahmadinejad did not elaborate.

Bank Stops Handing Out Piggy Banks For Fear of Offense

23 February, 2008

I told you this would happen when I captioned the photograph for the banking article HERE.

Perhaps they could start giving out these spiffy “moon” god worshiper banks (aka – Fanny Banks). They emit lovely sounds of flatulence when you deposit a coin… What better way to honor Mohammad?


Piggy banks are given the chop as bank tries to attract young Muslims

David Charter, Europe Correspondent – Times Online

Knorbert the piglet has been dropped as the mascot of Fortis Bank after it decided to stop giving piggy banks to children for fear of offending Muslims.

The decision has been viewed in the Netherlands as the ritual slaughter of a popular pig by political correctness. To some, it is the latest sign of uncertainty in Europe’s most tolerant country about how far it should go to accommodate the sensitivities of minorities. It comes as the country is braced for a backlash against the plans of Geert Wilders, a right-wing politician, to release a critical film about the Koran.

Pigs are considered an unclean animal by Muslims and Jews, and Knorbert was culled after seven years as the Fortis mascot. A spokesman told the Dutch media that “Knorbert does not meet the requirements that the multicultural society imposes on us”. The bank added that there had been “a number of reactions to the pig” and that a new gift and character were being developed that would be “fun for children of any persuasion”. Children who had received a Knorbert piggy bank for opening a EuroKids account will be given a junior encyclopaedia instead.

The bank, which is based in the Netherlands and Belgium, was keen to play down the influence of cultural concerns on its decision. Lilian Tackaert, a spokeswoman, said that Knorbert had reached the natural end of his product life cycle.

[Yeah. Right… Typical PR statement to avoid controversy…]

“The piglet was indeed being given to children opening a savings account but we ran out of stock, although some branches still had some,” she said. “Now we are looking for something else.”

[Oooo! Oooo! Pick me! Pick me! – (see above photograph) ]


Saudi men arrested for flirting

23 February, 2008

The Press Association

Saudi Arabia have began interrogating 57 men who were arrested for flirting with women in front of a shopping mall in the holy city of Mecca, a local newspaper reported.

The country’s religious police arrested the men for behaviour that also allegedly included dancing to pop music blaring from their cars and wearing improper clothing, reported the Okaz newspaper, which is deemed close to the government.

The newspaper report did not say what kind of outfits the young men were wearing, but T-shirts emblazoned with drawings or English writing are often an invitation for harassment by the religious police. Islamic radicals also consider pop music a corrupting force.

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice runs the fearsome religious police, which is charged with enforcing Saudi Arabia’s strict Islamic lifestyle. Its members patrol public places to make sure women are covered and not wearing make up, the sexes don’t mingle, shops close five times a day for Muslim prayers and men go to the mosque and worship.

The police, informally known as the muttawa (literally “enforcer”), don’t wear uniforms, but are recognisable by their long beards and their robes, shorter than the ones normally worn by Saudi men. They also shun the black cord that sits atop the head-dress worn by most Saudi men.

Women in Saudi Arabia are required to wear a long, enveloping black cloak called an abaya and cover their hair with a headscarf.

The newspaper report said the men who were arrested could be released if they could prove they did not flirt with any women. Otherwise, they will be transferred to court and stand trial, the paper added.

Satellite Shoot-Down Is Warning to Iran

23 February, 2008

Hey, we got some bang for our bucks ($30,000,000 estimated). First, we don’t have one massive satellite smashing through our roof – now, we’ve got lots of little fragments that can hit more houses, but do less damage; Secondly, we don’t have that deadly hydrazine fuel in one big, toxic lump – we’ve got it dispersed all over the place, leaching slowly into our atmosphere (I’m sure the global climate change and chem-trail fanatics will jump on that bandwagon); Thirdly, the Generals over at the Puzzle Palace don’t have to stay up at night wondering if some geek might find the darn thing and sell it on e-bay – exposing classified equipment; And, finally, we have the following train of thought sent in to us by Warner:

0013729e4abe092869134c.jpgSatellite shoot-down is a clear warning to Iran
James Lewis – American Thinker
Wednesday night’s SM-3 shoot-down of a US spy satellite tumbling out of its orbit was a magnificent success for anti-missile defense. It meant hitting a bullet with a bullet, with only a ten-second time window for the shot. The hit was kinetic, meaning that there was no conventional warhead to explode, and the SM-3 hit the fuel tank of the bus-sized spy satellite right in the sweet spot in order to disperse the toxic propellant. The small pieces left over will now burn up in the atmosphere.

The SM-3 was traveling at 17,000 miles per hour when it hit the spy sat. The target was “cold,” so that heat-seeking sensors designed to locate hot missiles were not even used. This was a last-minute modification of an anti-missile system for a special job, an extraordinary technical achievement, and one that is now sending ripple effects all around the world. The Chinese People’s Army and the Russkis are all upset, poor babies. But this fast, off-the-shelf demonstration of US technical prowess was really a direct shot across the bows of Iran — and also North Korea.

Why? Because the Russians and Chinese have had ICBMs for decades and never used them. They respond to the balance of terror in a rational way. But Iran and North Korea are constantly threatening us, unpredictable, and often crazy-sounding.

Just this week we heard official statements like this:

“The cancerous growth Israel will soon disappear… I am convinced that with every passing day Hizbullah’s might is increasing and in the near future, we will witness the disappearance of this cancerous growth Israel by means of the Hizbullah fighters’ radiation [therapy].”

Well, “Hizbullah” means “party of Allah,” and that refers to the whole Khomeini cult, not just its Lebanese lapdog. So “radiation therapy” from the Party of Allah has a pretty clear meaning. Tehran’s head guru, Ayatollah Khamenei, also explained that Allah hates any Iranians who don’t support the nuke program. Exactly where he found that in the Koran wasn’t explained.
