Archive for 26 February, 2008

New Survey Attempts to re-write Western perception of Islam

26 February, 2008

This is the worst type of propaganda, it is designed to change perceptions by seemingly showing the majority opinion is already fixed and rigid. It is also crap, no poll can explain away almost 1400 years of terror or the tens of thousands of terror attacks committed under the name of Islam since 9/11.

Remember a few months back we told you about the multi-million dollar effort by the Saudi’s to whitewash Islam, this may be linked.

27 February 2008, AFP
A HUGE survey of Muslims conducted over six years and three continents that was presented here on Tuesday threatens to turn preconceived Western notions equating Islam with radicalism and violence on their heads.
-I bet if I surveyed a large group of Klansmen and asked similar questions I would get similar answers. The survey only proves Muslims think their actions are justified not if they are correct, fair to non Muslims are in touch with modern human rights.

‘What we discovered is that Muslims don’t hate Western freedoms and democracy,’ said Dr John Esposito, co-author of the book ‘Who Speaks for Islam”, which arose from the study and will be published next month.
-Not hating has nothing to do with a desire to change non-Muslims by force or their perception that they have a religious obligation to do so.

The Gallup polling agency launched the study shortly after the Sept 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, after which US President George W. Bush asked in a speech: ‘Why do they hate us?’ ‘They hate … a democratically elected government,’ President Bush offered as a reason.

‘They hate our freedoms – our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.’
-All that and they fact we refuse to follow the rants of a seventh century pedophile.

Contrary to that speech, the poll, which was conducted over a sample representing 90 per cent of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims, showed that most Muslims, including a small minority of radicals, in fact admire the West for its democracy, freedoms and technological prowess.
-Again, this is meaningless apple vs oranges BS. Respecting it and attempting to force compliance to Islam are different things.

‘Muslims want self-determination’

What they do not want is to have Western ways forced on them.
-Meaning they still want to dominate all others including women, children, infidels etc, etc, etc and rule over them using oppressive outdated seventh century values. (more…)

15 Years of Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.

26 February, 2008

Well, we reached a milestone today – 15 years since the first wave of Islamonazis attacked us on U.S. soil.  Funny how soon the world forgets…

So anyway, I thought I’d commemorate this “Crystal” anniversary with a report from the FBI on their assiduous efforts to put those responsible for such atrocities behind bars. 


FBI 100
First Strike: Global Terror in America 26 Feb 08

Fifteen years ago today, at about 17 minutes past noon, a thunderous explosion rocked lower Manhattan.

The epicenter was the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center, where a massive eruption carved out a nearly 100-foot crater several stories deep and several more high. Six people were killed almost instantly. Smoke and flames began filling the wound and streaming upward into the building. Those who weren’t trapped were soon pouring out of the building—many panic-stricken and covered in soot. More than a thousand people were hurt in some way, some badly, with crushed limbs.

It was Friday, February 26, 1993, and Middle Eastern terrorism had arrived on American soil—with a bang.

As a small band of terrorists scurried away from the scene unnoticed, the FBI and its partners on the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force began staffing up a command center and preparing to send in a team to investigate. Their instincts told them that this was terrorism—they’d been tracking Islamic fundamentalists in the city for months and, they’d later learn, were tantalizingly close to encountering the planners of this attack. But hunches weren’t enough; what was needed was definitive proof. (more…)

Recent Phyllis Chesler Posting

26 February, 2008

portrait.jpgObama Is Our First Muslim Presidential Contender In The Same Way That Clinton Was Our First Black President.

Talk Radio (The Mancow show) called last night and asked me to join them this morning to comment on the Obama-Farrakhan matter. And so I made a dutiful list of “talking points” and tried to overcome my professorial politeness in order to get a few words in edgewise on a wonderfully high-energy program. The interview will be posted in a few hours at and here’s some of what I said.

I believe that Obama is our first Muslim Presidential contender.

No, I am not saying that he secretly is or ever was a Muslim. Obama is a Muslim in the same way that Bill Clinton was allegedly our first Black President. He is , stylistically, a United Nations-style postmodern multi-cultural relativist and that means Obama may refuse to call barbarism by its rightful name if that barbarism is practiced by Muslims .

Also, on at least one very public occasion, there is a photograph of Obama failing (or refusing) to pledge alliegance….


Turkey Cleaning up Islamic Texts – But Not the Qur’an…

26 February, 2008

I’ve got an idea. Clean up EVERYTHING Islamic (i.e. – get rid of it all). Problem solved…

So, be sure to scrub aggressively between your ears with some soapy Islam

Turkey in radical revision of Islamist texts

By Amberin Zaman in Ankara
26/02/2008 –

Turkey is working on a revolutionary new interpretation of the Prophet Mohammed’s reputed sayings, known as the Hadith.

The project is aimed at allowing millions of Muslims to re-evaluate their religious obligations in the light of modern ways of living.

The sayings of the Hadith hold the key for Muslims worldwide to interpret the Koran. Sharia or Islamic law is also rooted in the Hadith.

Turkey, Nato’s sole Muslim member, is a crucial ally in the war against global terrorism. Critics charge that the project is part of a US inspired plan to combat radical strains of Islam.

But Mehmet Gormez, the British trained theologian who is supervising the work, refutes such charges. The exercise is “purely academic” he told the Daily Telegraph.

“Violence and women’s rights, the two themes that excite western public opinion the most, are not what’s driving this process,” he said.

Yet he acknowledged that updating and scrapping some of the texts that “present women as inferior beings,” is part of the work that is being carried out by some 80 theologians, all of them Turks.

Felix Koerner, a Jesuit cleric and an expert on Islam, who is advising the project, said that some of Mohammed’s reputed sayings, can be shown to have been fabricated centuries after the prophet’s death.

“Unfortunately, you can even justify through alleged hadiths, the Muslim – or pseudo-Muslim – practice of female genital mutilation,” he said.

Other sayings, such as those which forbid women from travelling for lengthy periods without their husbands were only set by the prophet because of security problems in his time which no longer exist.

The logic of that just boggles the mind… I suppose they want everyone to believe that, in this modern day and age, women are no longer the victims of rape and killings… Geez, you would think they could come up with a better line of reasoning to justify updating those “sayings…” How about the truth? Islam sucks. Always has, always will…


Honey Trap; Saudi Style

26 February, 2008

What can I say?  Maybe they are just “misunderstanders” of Islam…  No… Can’t be that, ’cause they speak and read Arabic…  Hmmm…  Too much coffee???  Probably not…   Well then, perhaps this is just unfiltered Islam…


Saudi professor faces lashes for having coffee with female ‘student’
Psychology academic says he was framed by religious police who had grudge against him
February 26, 2008 –
Michael Theodoulou

A university professor allegedly caught in a Saudi-style honey trap has been sentenced to 180 lashes and eight months in jail – for having coffee with a girl.

The man, a prominent and well-respected Saudi teacher of psychology at Umm al-Qra University in the holy city of Mecca, was framed by the religious police after he angered some of their members at a training course, his lawyer said.

The academic has not been named by the local media, which have given his case wide coverage, but one senior Saudi journalist told The Times he was Dr Abu Ruzaiz, a married man in his late 50s with children.

“He is highly respected and above-board. Nobody believes the religious police’s version of what happened. The whole of Jeddah (the main city near Mecca) is in uproar about this. Everyone believes he is innocent and was set up,” the journalist said.

Contact between unrelated men and women is strictly prohibited in the austere desert Kingdom where religious police, commonly known as mutaween, patrol public places in teams to enforce the Kingdom’s brand of ultra-conservative Islam.

Usually bearded and often wielding canes, they ensure women are not harassed, sexes do not mix and shops close for prayers. They are under the command of the Kingdom’s Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

Abdullah Al-Sanousi, the academic’s lawyer, told local newspapers that his client had drawn the ire of some of the Commission’s staffers for speaking at length during a training session about how important it was for them to be polite to the public. Some of the trainees also wanted revenge because they had failed the course while others were not happy with their examination results.

The plot thickens…


Liberalism Kills in Canada

26 February, 2008

JMB emailed us with the following article that just had blood squirting out of my eyes over the stupidity of the Canadian government and the Red Cross kowtowing to a Liberal PC agenda in the 1980’s.  How many patients were killed with infected HIV blood will probably never be known…

If ever there was an example of why we should fight against the implementation of a Government controlled Health Care System, this would be it.

canadian-healthcare-legal-rulingl.jpgBAD BLOOD IN CANADA

By Brian M. Carty, MD, MSPH

Defendants acquitted by Canadian court in tainted blood case.

Fearful of offending the gay community, the Canadian Red Cross refused to exclude male homosexuals, many infected with HIV, from blood donation in the 1980s.

Famous for their blended whiskeys, Canadians mixed politics, public health, and political correctness in the 1980s with deadly results, namely infections transmitted by contaminated blood and blood products. So far, the accused have escaped jail terms. On October 1, 2007, a Toronto court acquitted four doctors and an American drug company of charges of knowingly distributing HIV and hepatitis C contaminated blood products in the 1980s.

One of the defendants acquitted on Oct. 1, Dr. Roger Perrault, former medical director of the Canadian Red Cross, then faced additional criminal charges in a trial set to begin in Hamilton, Ontario. However, the prosecutor dropped these charges on Friday, January 18, 2008, stating that there was not a reasonable chance of a conviction.  Victims of the tainted blood disaster were furious.

Blood system screw-ups infect thousands.

The recent trial involved contaminated blood clotting products given to a group of patients with hemophilia in 1986 and 1987, but there were many other errors in the Canadian blood system in the 1980s. Together, these errors caused thousands of hepatitis C and HIV infections. Many victims who are still alive are terminally ill.

Hepatitis C is a virus which causes chronic inflammation of the liver and sometimes fatal end stage liver disease. The HIV virus causes AIDS.
American media and medical publications give Canadian blood fiasco the silent treatment.

Curiously, the affair has received no coverage in the American medical literature and virtually none in the lay press, aside from brief accounts of the recent verdicts given with few details and no explanation of the causes of the disaster. In fact, in the US, little media attention is given to the defects of the Canadian health care system, often praised as a desirable alternative to our own.