Archive for 3 March, 2008

Muslim men terrified of their wives.

3 March, 2008

It seems the male minions are scared to face their wives and are seeking western technology to protect them.

Arab News, RIYADH, 2 March 2008 — Living in a high-tech world, many husbands have opted for new ways of divorcing their wives rather than confronting problems head on through discussion and dialogue.
-Bak, bak, bak chicken

Jawhara, a divorcee, said that she received a message on her mobile phone from her husband that read, “Pack your things and go to your family before I return, you’re divorced.”
-I’m betting the coward sent this from hundreds of miles away.

Jawhara promptly telephoned her brother, asking him to pick her up. He, however, asked her to wait for her husband and ask him why he had divorced her. “I stayed and when he came he repeated what he said. I told him that I was off to my family and that he should keep his children,” she said.
-Smart move give him the kids before they are teens and turn hormonal.

A week later, Jawhara’s husband said he wanted to get back together and that he had made a mistake. “It took me time to accept but I did in the end after he admitted to a judge that he had made a mistake,” she said.
-Lol, he couldn’t handle the little darlings by himself.

Munira Asaad was faced with a similar situation when her husband asked her, through an SMS message, to take their children and leave home. “At first I thought it was a joke. But when he came home he hit me and asked me to leave. I refused to leave the house saying it was mine and my children’s,” said Munira, adding that instead her husband left. A week later he returned and said he wanted to get back together.
-Notice even after he struck her she stood her ground and sent him packing.

“I refused. He made this decision based on wrong information, which he got from his sister-in-law. His actions show that he doesn’t trust me. Why should I take him back?” she said.
-You should not. Find yourself a nice infidel, they will not hit you or text a divorce note. (more…)

Death Worshipers

3 March, 2008

Warner sent me an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that is worth taking the time to read:

cult-of-death.jpgWorshippers of Death

March 3, 2008; WSJ – Page A17

Zahra Maladan is an educated woman who edits a women’s magazine in Lebanon. She is also a mother, who undoubtedly loves her son. She has ambitions for him, but they are different from those of most mothers in the West. She wants her son to become a suicide bomber.

At the recent funeral for the assassinated Hezbollah terrorist Imad Moughnaya — the mass murderer responsible for killing 241 marines in 1983 and more than 100 women, children and men in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994 — Ms. Maladan was quoted in the New York Times giving the following warning to her son: “if you’re not going to follow the steps of the Islamic resistance martyrs, then I don’t want you.”

Zahra Maladan represents a dramatic shift in the way we must fight to protect our citizens against enemies who are sworn to kill them by killing themselves. The traditional paradigm was that mothers who love their children want them to live in peace, marry and produce grandchildren. Women in general, and mothers in particular, were seen as a counterweight to male belligerence. The picture of the mother weeping as her son is led off to battle — even a just battle — has been a constant and powerful image.

Now there is a new image of mothers urging their children to die, and then celebrating the martyrdom of their suicidal sons and daughters by distributing sweets and singing wedding songs. More and more young women — some married with infant children — are strapping bombs to their (sometimes pregnant) bellies, because they have been taught to love death rather than life. Look at what is being preached by some influential Islamic leaders:

“We are going to win, because they love life and we love death,” said Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah. He has also said: “[E]ach of us lives his days and nights hoping more than anything to be killed for the sake of Allah.” Shortly after 9/11, Osama bin Laden told a reporter: “We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the big difference between us.”

“The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death,” explained Afghani al Qaeda operative Maulana Inyadullah. Sheik Feiz Mohammed, leader of the Global Islamic Youth Center in Sydney, Australia, preached: “We want to have children and offer them as soldiers defending Islam. Teach them this: There is nothing more beloved to me than wanting to die as a mujahid.” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a speech: “It is the zenith of honor for a man, a young person, boy or girl, to be prepared to sacrifice his life in order to serve the interests of his nation and his religion.”


IDF Did Not Shoot Mohammad al-Dura

3 March, 2008

JMB alerted us to the following:

aldurrah1.jpgExpert: IDF Didn’t Shoot Intifada Icon Mohammad al-Dura; Media Yawn
By Lynn Davidson | March 3, 2008 – NewsBusters

An important trial in France revealed the Pallywood fauxtography machine and its media pipeline. Last week, expert testimony supported media critic Philippe Karsenty’s claim that France 2 reporter Charles Enderlin’s coverage of the Mohammad al-Dura affair was doctored and staged.

Karsenty appealed a verdict that he libeled Enderlin when he questioned the claim that Israel killed the boy who was crouching behind his father during a gunfight between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian shooters.

Al-Dura’s iconic image sped around the world and sold stamps, T shirts and the Second Intifada. It inspired violence, riots, terrorism and became a 21st century Blood Libel. On March 3, Israel’s Haaretz reported the stunning news that if the boy and his father were actually shot at all, the bullets could not have come from Israel’s position, only the Palestinians’

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this story at Newsbusters 

The Runaway Maid

3 March, 2008

Warner emailed us the following article:

Repatriated Lankan Maid Claims Torture, Nonpayment of Wages
Mohammed Rasooldeen, Arab News
RIYADH, 3 March 2008 – A Sri Lankan maid, who was tortured brutally by her employer’s wife, has been forcibly sent home without being paid a year’s salary.

“I was tortured severely. The sponsor’s wife burned me with an iron rod, poured disinfectant and gasoline on me and threatened to burn me alive; she also said she would cut my hair to make me ugly,” said Madhuwanthie, the 28-year-old Sri Lankan woman.

Anyone want to place a bet as to what religion the “sponsor” and his wife practice???

Madhuwanthie has – through the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE) – sought the intervention of the Sri Lankan Embassy in Riyadh to contact her sponsor and get her salary dues.

Madhuwanthie, who worked for the household for 21 months, has only received pay for the first nine months of her employment. “Every time I asked for my salary, they would beat me and threaten to hand me over to the police on false charges,” she said in a letter to SLBFE. “I did not have the opportunity to contact the embassy since the telephone was out of my reach.”


Islam and Christianity Have Few Shared Common Values

3 March, 2008

From ChangedForever comes this article:

The Fallacy of Shared Values
By Janet Levy – American Thinker

At a time when 40% of young Muslims in the United Kingdom want to impose sharia law on the country and 36% favor executing apostates of Islam, the head of the Church of England called for the selective application of sharia law in Britain in the interest of social cohesion.

On February 7, 2008, Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, issued what amounts to a capitulation to the encroachment of Islam and an accommodation to sharia. This Islamic theo-political-legal doctrine assigns second class status to Christians and Jews, utilizes a medieval system of justice that sanctions cruel and unusual punishments and mandates the inequality of women and non-Muslims.

Archbishop Williams’ suggestion is not unexpected given his 2003 speech at Princeton University, “Islam versus the West: Challenges Facing the Human Family.” In that address, the Archbishop called for the cultivation of an “enduring partnership based on shared values that make us human beings, that make us capable of receiving God’s gift of love and peace.”

But an examination of the intersection of Islam and traditional Western or Judeo-Christian societies reveals very little evidence of any “shared values.” Instead, glaring conflicts between the two are evident in the role and practice of religion in society, the concepts of moral behavior, the value of human life, personal responsibility and civil and legal rights.

Church and State

The most dramatic of these conflicts is the difference over the power religion holds in matters of state. Theologies shape societies, but the extent of their ability to control human interactions is in direct proportion to the extent of their mandate.


From the, “That’s Odd…” File

3 March, 2008

You know that your moon god worshiping cult of peace is a bunch of crap when:

1) You ACTUALLY believe that leaving Islam is NOT within one’s, “concept of Freedom of Religion.”

2) You have padded the law books so that you can jail apostates…

3) You can’t even make someone “repent” for leaving Islam in favor of worshiping a giant teapot…


Tea-pot cult follower jailed
03/03/2008 –

Kuala Lumpur – A Malaysian court jailed the follower of a bizarre cult centred around a giant teapot on Monday for declaring herself an apostate while she was still a Muslim, Bernama news agency said.

Apostasy is a criminal offence in Malaysia, where the state religion is Islam, but where other major religions are tolerated.

An Islamic court in the northeastern state of Terengganu sentenced Kamariah Ali, a 57-year-old former teacher, to two years in jail after she was found guilty of apostasy and refused to repent.

“What she did was not within the concept of freedom of religion,” Bernama quoted Judge Mohamad Abdullah as saying.

Kamariah, a widow and mother of four, was arrested in 2005 along with 57 other followers of the cult.

The out-lawed sect, headed by a man who says he is God and owner of everything, believes the teapot has healing properties.

U.S. Fires Missiles at “Known Al Qaeda Terrorists” in Southern Somalia

3 March, 2008

I’m sure the local Muslim community will come out and thank us for killing all those “misunderstanders” of Islam… (/sarcasm)

Update: Well, that didn’t take long… Here’s a statement from the Muslim American Society’s (MAS) Freedom Civil and Human Rights Director, Ibrahim Abdil-Mu’id Ramey “praising” the selfless work on the part of the U.S. in going after these radical “misunderstanders” of Islam.
U.S.-Guided Missile Strike Targets Terror Suspect

Monday, March 03, 2008 – Fox News

U.S. forces struck an Al Qaeda training camp in Southern Somalia Monday and officials say they’re confident the military hit the intended target, FOX News has confirmed.

Planes fired at least one precision-guided missile at the Somali town of Dobley, a senior U.S. defense official told FOX News.

“On March 2 the U.S. conducted an attack against a known Al Qaeda terrorist in southern Somalia,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said in a statement. “As we have repeatedly said, we will continue to pursue terrorists activities and their operations wherever we may find them.”

There was no immediate word on casualties, but the residents and police told The Associated Press that a home was destroyed and eight people, including four children, were injured.

I’m surprised they didn’t say it was a wedding party… Yup, already laying the groundwork…

U.S. officials at Central Command said the overnight strike targeted less than 20 Al Qaeda terrorists. They were assessing the damage done by the attack Monday, and said they’d know more about its success later in the day.


Monday Morning Photo-essay From the Doc & Ronin: “Can you Feel the Love?”

3 March, 2008

Since the dawn of the age of the war on terror, almost every American soldier has asked himself at one time or another, “Why do Islamonazis suck so bad when it comes to shooting at something?”

I think I might have an answer for that:

Yup, it must take years of practice to shoot a gun and hold a Qur’an at the same time…

Can’t you just feel the love?

And, they say Islam is a religion of peace…

If Islam has truly been “hijacked” by the “misunderstanders” of Islam, then why do Muslims all across the world vociferate vehemently over the publication of a cartoon, yet you can hear crickets chirping when a magazine publishes something as upsetting as this:
