Archive for 6 March, 2008

Top U.S. Cmdr: Al Qaeda Working to Attack U.S.

6 March, 2008

I am not that impressed with al qaeda, the fictitious allah has abandoned them, ignored their cries for help and our military has no problem sending members to hell to shake hands with the deceiver mohammed. Iraqis smell blood in the water and are flocking to our side and selling their islamic brothers out. It only took years of their killing muslims to wake up the iraqis. The rest of the ummah has noticed their children leave to go jihad and do not return. All al qaeda has managed to accomplish is a decrease in the numbers of young minions.

I do not see al qaeda as a real threat in a military fashion (no more 9/11’s) but we are already under attack. Da’wa experts on line, “moderate muslims” buying influence in our schools, and islamic oil barons squeezing us dry as a nation. Our political cockroaches are jumping to the ummah for favors and slowly trading sharia morsels for it.

Yes, we are already under attack and our military machine is powerless against the threat. Old dinosaurs want a ground victory and refuse to fight the ideology that spawned this cancer. I personally think any officer in any branch of the service that has still not opened a koran for a look should be relieved of duty. Know Your Enemy, it’s more than just a slogan.

Threats are measured by the amount of damage they can accomplish; I think the bearded flag burning screaming muslims are a nuisance. I worry far more about the clean-shaven never attends mosque but works at a hospital, nuclear plant or holds a position in the military as a real threat. In my day, we had a term for them “sleepers”.

Chief Of U.S. Northern Command Says Terrorist Group May Launch Attack To Keep Credibility
WASHINGTON (AP) ― Al-Qaida terrorists may be plotting more urgently to attack the United States to maintain their credibility and ability to recruit followers, the U.S. military commander in charge of domestic defense said Thursday.
-Ya think?

Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, chief of the U.S. Northern Command, also told reporters he has not seen any direct threats tied to the U.S. presidential elections. But he said it would be rash to think that such threats are not there.
–Threats are everywhere, ability, access and resources may not be.

“We need only to look at Spain and see that they’re certainly willing to try to do something that is significant that could affect an election process,” Renuart said. “I think it would be imprudent of us to let down our guard believing that if there’s no credible threat that you know of today, there won’t be something tomorrow.”

While he said that U.S. authorities have thwarted attacks on a number of occasions, he said terrorist cells may be working harder than ever to plot high-impact events. He did not point to any specific intelligence that authorities have received but said the “chatter” they are hearing “gives me no reason to believe they’re going to slow down” in their efforts to target the U.S.
-China’s products and produce are a bigger threat. (more…)

Ashkelon Resident Builds Homemade Rocket

6 March, 2008

Do you get the feeling that the Israeli citizens are getting fed up with their government’s handling of the Palestinian issue?  Warner submitted the following “turnabout is fair play” article that seems to support that notion:

moshe-nissimpors-rocket.jpgAshkelon man builds homemade missile staff and Rebecca Anna Stoil , JPOST

Ashkelon resident Moshe Nissimpor decided that the best way to halt rocket fire from Gaza – in light of what he terms the government’s failure to do so – is some vigilante justice.

Nissimpor developed a homemade 200-millimeter ballistic missile which he planned to launch from Ashkelon into the Gaza Strip.

“From this day onwards, we will push back to the stone age every place which dares shoot missiles into Israel’s sovereign territory,” he said Wednesday. “It is time the world understood Israelis’ lives are not expendable.”

“I’m afraid this is the only language the Palestinians understand, and this is the language in which we’ll speak to them. I have many Gazan Palestinian friends who live as Hamas hostages. Once we bring an end to the rocket fire, Gaza’s residents will also live in peace,” he said.

Nissimpor arrived at the Ashkelon Municipality building with the missile painted black and lettered “to Hamas, from the residents of Ashkelon” in red, and was planning to launch it.

Ashkelon residents gathered round to cheer him on and protest the government’s conduct, but at the eleventh hour, police stopped him from firing the missile and seized it.

“I wish there were more ‘crazies’ like me in Israel,” Nissimpor said as the crowd was dispersed by the police.

Earlier Wdnesday, as the security cabinet met and emerged with a message that the government will stop the rocket attacks against Israeli communities from the Gaza Strip, three rockets struck the western Negev.


Israel Still Paying for Losing the Media War In Europe Long Ago

6 March, 2008

Here’s an excellent transcript on antisemitism from CBN reporter Dale Hurd.  If you’re short on time and a slow reader, I encourage you to click on the link below and watch the report in full.

Anti-Semitism on the Rise in Europe
By Dale Hurd
CBN News Sr. Reporter
March 6, 2008 – If you don’t think anti-Semitism is rising in Europe, look at the political cartoons.

A Greek cartoon suggests Israelis kill Christians on Easter.

Woman: “Why did the Jewish Government kill a religious leader?” Man: “They are practicing for Easter.”

An Italian cartoon shows the baby Jesus worried that the Israelis are going to kill him again.


And then there are the cartoons that compare the Jews to the Nazis.

“We are NOT killers…  We are Nazis!”

It reminds Jews of another period: the 1930s, the time before the Holocaust.

In Europe today, most Jews are at least anxious. Some are scared, and many have already left for Israel or the United States. Because even though many European governments have condemned the new rise in anti-Semitism, there is a clear perception among many Jews that Europe’s terrible history is somehow coming back to life.

“Jewish communities around the world are under more pressure now than at any time since 1945,” says Robert Wistrich of Hebrew University in Israel. Wistrich is the son of Polish Jews who fled the Holocaust. “Here we are 60 years after that and what lessons have been learned? Not enough.”

A survey last year by the Anti-Defamation League of five European countries found that half of those questioned believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than the countries in which they live. That was what the Nazis believed.

And almost half of Europeans surveyed also said Jews “probably” have too much control of international finance. That was another Nazi view.

Almost half also believe that Jews control U.S. Middle East policy. The Nazis would have agreed.

The editor of Der Sturmer, Julius Streicher wrote in 1944: “The Jews have made America what it is today: a nation…forced into helping the Jews achieve world domination!”

Manfred Gerstenfeld, a leading Holocaust expert, says the constant demonization of Israel by the European media and the European left has helped create what he calls a “new anti-Semitism” against the “collective Jew”; that is, Israel and Zionism.

“All studies show that Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism almost entirely overlap,” he said. “Now, of course, it is very bad to say you are against the Jews after the Holocaust, so you have a found an escape clause to be against the Jews without saying you are against the Jews. And you say I am against Israel, applying standards to Israel that you do not apply to any other nation.”

University of Michigan Professor Andrei Markovits, author of Uncouth Nation adds: “Criticizing Israel, Israeli policy, certainly is not Anti-Semitic. Criticizing Israel the State is not Anti-Semitic. But when you bring in old anti-Semitic tropes to criticize Israel or to depict Israel as the murderer of God, as the blood libel, showing them as Nazis; that is anti-Semitic.”

And Markovits, a self-described progressive or leftist, says hatred of Israel is now a core principle for many on the Left. At anti-Israel protests, you’ll see radical Muslims and Leftists both expressing, not only anti-Israel messages, but anti-Semitic messages, too. (more…)

Jerusalem Seminary Attacked

6 March, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Jerusalem Seminary Attacked
The Associated Press
March 6, 2008 – JERUSALEM – Emergency officials in Jerusalem say at least seven people have been killed in an attack on a rabbinical seminary in the city.

Israeli police say one or two gunmen infiltrated the seminary and “opened fire in all directions.” Israeli media reports say dozens were wounded.

Police and local media say the infiltrators were among those killed in the nighttime attack.

A Jerusalem police spokesman says one of the infiltrators apparently had an explosives belt on his body. He says the building is being evacuated.

Witnesses say the gunmen entered a dining hall where about 80 people were gathered.

Great Britain Removes Blasphemy Laws

6 March, 2008

More proof that not all societies and religions are created equal…

A tip of the hat goes out to Chris for graciously alerting us to this news item:

ANGER IN KHARTOUM: A Sudanese demonstrator holds a newspaper with a photo of Briton Gillian Gibbons, who was convicted of insulting Islam. Some wanted her executed.

Britain’s blasphemy law no longer sacred

After a teddy bear incident and much debate, the House of Lords votes to abolish it.
By Kim Murphy, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
March 6, 2008

LONDON — A funny thing happened in November when Britain launched a righteous protest over Sudan’s arrest of a British schoolteacher accused of insulting Islam by letting her students name a class teddy bear Muhammad.

The Sudanese ambassador was summoned; Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a protest. But it didn’t take long for someone to point out that Downing Street was standing on diplomatic quicksand: Britain itself has a law making blasphemy a crime.

Thus began a period of collective soul-searching on free speech and secularism, traditional values and the church that anoints Britain’s queen. It culminated Wednesday in a 148-87 vote in the House of Lords to abolish the laws on blasphemy after a wrenching, two-hour debate.

“It is crystal-clear that the offenses of blasphemy and blasphemous libel are unworkable in today’s society,” Kay Andrews said in introducing the government-backed amendment, adding that “as long as this law remains on the statute books, it hinders the UK’s ability to challenge oppressive blasphemy laws in other jurisdictions.”

But in a debate that underscored Britain’s continuing strong roots in the Church of England, there was substantial doubt about the wisdom of abandoning what for many is a symbol of the increasingly multicultural nation’s reliance on Christian values as a foundation for law and society.


Dhimmi-Brits Trying to Muzzle British National Party Member

6 March, 2008

Hey, if it’s the truth, then there shouldn’t be any problem…  But, leave it to the dhimmis to raise a stink without checking their facts…
Police probe into BNP heroin leaflet
Exclusive By Peter Magill and Nazia Parveen

A British National Party member could face police investigations after he distributed hundreds of leaflets across Preston which blame Muslims for the heroin trade in Britain.

tony-bamber.jpgTony Bamber, who stood in local elections for the BNP in Tulketh ward in 2006, denied being solely responsible for the distribution of the leaflets but admitted he was involved.

Mr Bamber, 52, said: “The leaflets are not making a comment about the Islamic religion, they are making a statement about the activities of Muslims.

“The leaflets were made by Preston Pals, a group of concerned indigenous people in the city.”

The question of whether the leaflets amount to incitement to religious hatred is now being considered by the Crown Prosecution Service.

Detective Sergeant Graham Gallagher, head of the Hate Crime Diversity unit at the Lancashire Constabulary, said: “This leaflet has been distributed around Preston, Burnley, and Pendle.

“We received a number of complaints after the leaflet was distributed to a number of addresses and we have now submitted a file to the Crown Prosecution Service to see if we have sufficient evidence to progress with our inquiry.”

Another inquiry looks set to be launched by the Royal British Legion, as the leaflets claim to be a Preston Pals’ publication.

The Pals represent a Lancashire regiment – the 5th Battalion – which endured heavy casualties in the First World War.

Mr Bamber, whose name appears on the leaflet, said he would continue distributing them.

Islamic Jihadists Hand out Candy to Celebrate Killing of Israeli Soldier

6 March, 2008

Terrorists Kill Israeli Soldier Patrolling Gaza Border
By Julie Stahl Jerusalem Bureau Chief
March 06, 2008

Jerusalem ( – Israel came under attack Thursday, both on the ground and from human right organizations.

An Israeli soldier was killed and three others wounded when their patrol was ambushed on the Israeli side of the Gaza security fence, the army said. Tanks and helicopters moved in to evacuate the wounded, reports said.

Islamic Jihad and Hamas claimed responsibility for the bomb attack. Islamic Jihadists reportedly handed out sweets in Gaza to celebrate.

Israel routinely patrols the fence that separates the Gaza Strip from Israel. The attack took place at the Kissufim junction, which for decades was the main entrance into the Gaza Strip for Israeli civilians who lived in Gush Katif. The Israeli government evacuated all those Jewish settlements in 2005, for security reasons, it said. Since then, rocket-firing terrorists have taken over the area, and the security situation continues to deteriorate.

As of midday Thursday, at least seven rockets had been launched at Israel, including one that hit a home in the southern Israeli city of Sderot. In the northern Gaza Strip, one Palestinian was killed when the Israeli air force carried out an aerial attack against what it said was an armed gunman in a rocket launching area.
