Archive for 18 March, 2008

Islam for Pigs

18 March, 2008

This is a good reference to save. It highlights some key minion terminology. Join the fight and pickup a copy of the book, watch Geert’s movie and email your friends a link to this site.

From the desk of Elaib Harvey, 18 March, 2008, The Brussels Journal
Reported via the Dutch blog Klein Verzet is the story of Professor hans Jansen who seems to have put the cat amongst the pigeons by renaming his forthcoming book “Reading the Koran for Unbelievers.” In the light of the Dutch Government’s panic about Fitna, the film made by Geert Wilders, it appears that he has changed the name to, “Islam for Pigs, Apes, Mules and Other Beasts: 250 Questions about Islam.”

Now Professor Jansen seems to be pretty serious about his work, and currently holds his tenure at Utrecht University, his CV seems kosher, Dr Jansen taught Arabic and Islamic Studies at Leiden University from 1982 till May 2005. From early 1979 till the summer of 1982 he was director of the Dutch research center in Cairo, the Nederlands Instituut voor Arabische Studiën en Egyptische Archeologie. He also taught at Groningen University (1975-1979) and at Amsterdam University (1982).

He studied in Amsterdam (1960-1964), Cairo (1966-1967) and Leiden (1964-1968). He received degrees from the Theological Faculty of Amsterdam University (Biblical Hebrew and the History of Philosophy, 1961), the Amsterdam University Faculty of Arts (BA, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, 1964) and the Leiden Faculty of Arts (MA, Arabic, Turkish, and History of the Middle East). He earned a doctorate at Leiden in 1974.

Nonetheless this change of title is sure to go down pretty badly in a country which is still coming to terms with its status as the forcing ground for a new Europe.

Recent polling is suggesting that upwards of 45% of the population want to see this film. Spun of course as less than 50% by the media. The spin is true, but good lord if any modern broadcaster in this days of multi-platform digital and satellite TV thought they could pick up 45% (about 6 million viewers) they would be cracking open the champagne. Not in Holland where the broadcasters studiously pretend that nothing is happening.

A rough translation of the basic points in the book follows,

What does fitna mean?

Literally it means ‘ordeal’, ‘temptation’, ‘enchantment’. The Muslim believes steadfastness of his faith is being tested by the unbelief of non-Muslims. This unbelief then has to be fought.

Also having to see women who are not decently dressed according to rules of Islam is fitna. The day of last judgment is preceded by all kinds of ordeals, these are also called fitna. Also civil war and social disorder is called fitna.

What’s sharia?

It’s the Islamic law. Just like there is a law of Moses, the system of laws and rules that we now call sharia, used to be called Mohammedan law.

Why is it for a Muslim forbidden to make an image of Mohammad? And why must non-Muslims also submit to this rule?

The prohibition finds it’s origin in instructions not to depict living people and going to great heights in respect for the special position of Mohammad. Non-Muslims who ridicule Mohammad, it’s already said many times, need to be punished in an exemplary fashion.

What kind of punishment does Islam have for insulting Mohammad?

On insulting Mohammad the sharia offers in principle the death penalty. A Muslim who insults Mohammad has implicitly committed apostasy, and thus certainly deserves the death penalty. (more…)

Two Terrorists “Escape” Prison

18 March, 2008

I guess getting “locked-up” in a prison run by  “Islamic Squatters” is just like checking into a Marriott; you’re free to check-out at your own convenience… 

2 Terrorist Murderers ‘Escape’ PA Prison

by Hana Levi Julian

( The Arab terrorists who murdered two young Jewish men at Nahal Telem in the Hevron area in January escaped a Palestinian Authority prison on Tuesday.

One of the terrorists was employed by Mahmoud Abbas’ American-trained PA security forces; the other was a Fatah employee at the Sharia Court in Hevron.

Both had turned themselves in to the PA shortly after murdering Achikam Amichai and David Rubin in order to escape Israeli security forces. The Olmert government did not demand to extradite the killers to Israel for trial, but rather agreed to a Palestinian Authority trial and jail sentence.

Israeli security experts expressed doubts about the veracity of the escape story, which has been used repeatedly to cover the PA’s release of terrorists in its custody.

Other ‘Escapes’ From PA Prisons

Two similar “escapes” occurred last month, both in the PA-controlled city of Shechem, in northern Samaria.

Fourteen Fatah terrorists, including Mahdi Abu Ghazale, commander of Fatah’s Al Aksa Martyrs’ Brigades “Night Horsemen” gang, escaped, apparently with the cooperation of the prison officials who were guarding them, on February 21.


11 Year Old Saudi Marries His 10 Year Old Cousin

18 March, 2008

Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, I hear the haunting reverberations of Dueling Banjos…

Saudi 11-year-old marries 10-year-old cousin: report

RIYADH (AFP) — An 11-year-old boy has married his 10-year-old cousin in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Mohammed al-Rashidi and his unidentified cousin will seal the marriage they contracted under the sharia laws of Islam and move in together after a ceremony to take place in the summer, Al-Shams newspaper said.

“I am ready for this marriage. It will help me study better,” Mohammed, who goes to primary school in the northern province of Hail, was quoted as saying by Al-Shams.

I invite all my classmates to do like me,” the boy said, adding that he wanted to “crown a love story through marriage”.

Aaaawww… Isn’t that cute. Setting the example just like his role model and namesake, the false prophet Muhammad…

The schoolboy’s father, Muraizak al-Rashidi, told the newspaper he was busy sending out invitations for a summer celebration to seal the marriage.

Dahim al-Jaber, the headmaster at Mohammed’s school, said marriage at such a young age was “inappropriate” but wished the couple a happy life together.

Yuh think?

Study: Iranian Textbooks Indoctrinate Children into Islamic Supremacism

18 March, 2008

Really?  Now there’s a frackin’ surprise! (*sarcasm* – obviously)

What kind of evil, maniacal god has to stoop so low as to breed children for death and killing in his name? 

Oh…  Right…  Allah…. Never mind…

Study: Iran Indoctrinating Children in Islamic Supremacism

Staff Reporter of the Sun
March 18, 2008

WASHINGTON — A new Freedom House study of Iranian textbooks finds that the Islamic Republic is teaching its children to embrace Islamic supremacism, preparing them to enter a political system that discriminates against women and non-Muslims.

The study, “Discrimination and Intolerance in Iran’s Textbooks,” is the most comprehensive to date of Iran’s textbooks, analyzing 95 compulsory textbooks for grades one to 11. The main author of the study, Saeed Paivandi, is a sociologist at Paris-8 University and one of the few Western scholars to specialize in Iran’s post-revolutionary education system.

“The discourse of the textbooks has not been written with the concept of equality of all human beings, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” the study concludes. “In the textbooks’ reasoning, human beings cannot be equal with one another on this earth, in the same way that, on the day of reckoning, they will be subject to divine judgment for their identity and actions. The trend, based on the clear and official negation of the equality of human beings, created different positions for the various people in society. Some individuals are born first-class citizens, due to their identity, gender, and way of thinking, while others become second- and third-class citizens. Those who are excluded from the inside are victims of this discriminatory system.”


Ontario Man Arrested in Vancouver for Collecting Money on Behalf of the Tamil Tigers; Judge Releases Him on Bail

18 March, 2008

Anyone else care to bet that this jerk is going to jump bail?

Man charged with terrorism financing gets bail
Neal Hall, Vancouver Sun
Published: Tuesday, March 18, 2008

VANCOUVER — A 44-year-old Ontario man was ordered released on $25,000 cash bail today after being arrested and charged with Canada’s first terrorism financing charge.

Prapaharan Thambithurai is accused of collecting money from ethnic Tamils in Metro Vancouver that was destined for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, or LTTE, a foreign terrorist organization under Canadian law.

Thambithurai, also known as “Prapa,” was soliciting donations for the World Tamil Movement (WTM), which police say is the leading Tamil Tigers front organization in Canada.

He was arrested March 14 at 9:20 p.m. in a vehicle stopped by police on McBride in New Westminster. He was charged at 11 p.m. that night.

It is alleged he arrived in the Vancouver area March 13 and was here to collect money on behalf of the illegal Tamil Tigers organization.

Federal prosecutor Ernie Froess consented to the man being released on $25,000 cash bail and strict reporting conditions in Toronto, but will return to Vancouver for court appearances.


It’s 3:00 AM, The Phone is Ringing…

18 March, 2008

H/T to Concerned Citizen

Hillary Clinton’s Worst Nightmare: 

Female Muslim doctors ‘must remove veil’

18 March, 2008
By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

Female Muslim doctors must be prepared to remove their veil to treat patients effectively, under new guidelines issued yesterday.

Religious clothing must not present a barrier to building trust and communicating with patients, the General Medical Council said.

Doctors should be prepared to set aside personal and cultural preferences, advised the document, Personal Beliefs and Medical Practice.

The council also said doctors must be open about procedures they object to because of their beliefs, such as abortion.

The Muslim Council of Great Britain supports the GMC guidance saying that female Muslim doctors have a responsibility to put patient care first.

What?  No protests?  No Rioting in the streets?  No Lawsuits?  Gee, and I thought they took their hijabs a little more seriously…  Evidently the Muslims have been lying to us and just using the hijab issue as a tool to whip the West into dhimmitude…

Women could wear the hijab, which covers the head but not the face.

Dr Abdullah Shehu, the chairman of the Muslim Council’s medical committee, said: “While wearing a veil does not preclude someone from practising medicine, there is no harm in removing it where the ability to communicate or care for the patient is compromised. The Muslim community very much welcomes this guidance.”

The guidance states: “Some patients, for example, may find that a face veil worn by their doctor presents an obstacle to effective communication and the development of trust.

“You must be prepared to respond to a patient’s individual needs and take steps to anticipate and overcome any perceived barrier to communication.”


Russia Warns Islamic Nations NOT to Recognize Kosovo’s Independence

18 March, 2008

Yuuuuup, nothing quite like pissing off the Russians over something that should have been well enough left alone. 

Russia Warns Islamic Nations Against Recognizing Kosovo

3/18/2008 | RTT News – Tuesday, Russia urged Muslim nations not to recognize Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, warning that the move could encourage other breakaway regions.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made the remarks in an interview to Rossiyskaya Gazeta prior to his talks with Middle Eastern leaders. Lavrov said the Kosovo situation is an example of ethnic separatism and a major violation of international law.

“I would like to warn against the temptation to give in to calls from non-Arab and non-Islamic states addressed to Islamic countries to show Islamic solidarity and recognize Kosovo,” he said.

“Efforts continue to be made in Kosovo to force people to live in a state created illegally. Disorder has also begun in other countries, you can see what’s happening in the Chinese autonomous region of Tibet,” the Russian foreign minister said.

Lavrov was to leave on Wednesday for talks in Damascus, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Ramallah.

A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Russia has vehemently opposed the unilateral declaration of independence made in February by Kosovo’s majority ethnic Albanians and insists that a resolution of Kosovo’s status can only come with Belgrade’s consent.

Rabbi Stabbed by Arab Assailant at Gate into Jerusalem

18 March, 2008

Nope… The cult of peace won’t tolerate ANY other religions. Especially the Jewish religion:

“The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.'”Tabari VII:97

“Thereupon Mas’ud leapt upon Sunayna, one of the Jewish merchants with whom his family had social and commercial relations and killed him. The Muslim’s brother complained, saying, ‘Why did you kill him? You have much fat in your belly from his charity.’ Mas’ud answered, ‘By Allah, had Muhammad ordered me to murder you, my brother, I would have cut off your head.’ Wherein the brother said, ‘Any religion that can bring you to this is indeed wonderful!‘ And he accepted Islam.” Ishaq:369

Israeli Jew stabbed at gate into Jerusalem
USA Today
JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli rabbi was stabbed by an Arab assailant on Tuesday at a gate to Jerusalem’s Old City, police said.

Israeli rescue services said the rabbi was stabbed in the neck and was hospitalized with moderate wounds. The attacker escaped, police said.

The rabbi is a teacher at Ateret Cohanim, a Jewish seminary in the Old City’s Muslim Quarter, police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said. Ateret Cohanim is affiliated with hardline Jewish settlers who are buying up property in Jerusalem’s Arab areas.

The attack Tuesday came less than two weeks after a Palestinian from east Jerusalem shot and killed eight Israeli students at a Jewish religious school in west Jerusalem before he was killed by an off-duty soldier. Since then, tensions in the city have been high, and on Sunday, dozens of Jewish extremists tried to attack the home of the gunman’s family.

That’s the MSM’s way of trying to hide the fact that the “off-duty soldier” was actually an armed STUDENT at the seminary who capped the “Islamic Squatter” in the head a couple of times. Had that student not been carrying a gun, you can bet your sweet bagels & lox that even more students would have died that day…
The Palestinians want to establish a capital in east Jerusalem, which Israel annexed after capturing it in the 1967 Mideast war.

Another Moon God Worshiper Jailed for Emulating Muhammad’s Example

18 March, 2008

Uhm…. Yeah… I think I’ve said everything I wanted to say via the above title…

H/T – Warner

Anti-terror inquiry snares rapist
By Daniel Sandford
BBC News home affairs correspondent

A respected east London Muslim has been convicted of rape following a Scotland Yard counter-terrorism investigation.

Abdul Makim Khalisadar pleaded guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court to raping a 27-year-old woman after forcing his way into her home in October 2005.

Police were investigating Khalisadar’s links to terrorist Kazi Nurur Rahman but it did not lead to a terror arrest.

However, DNA taken when he was arrested for having child abuse pictures on his computer linked him to the rape.

Religious talks

After denying it for almost a year and a half, Khalisadar admitted raping the woman in Whitechapel, east London, in the early hours of 16 October 2005.

He is unemployed but used to work as an assistant in a primary school teaching English and Maths.

He also worked with an anti-drug-and-violence project in east London’s Brick Lane, and was well known for his religious talks.

Seven of Khalisadar’s friends have admitted conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Belal Ahmed, 24, Tanbir Ahmed, 24, Mohammed Tahar Hussain, 25, Iqbal Hussain-Ali, 25, Tony Autier, 30, Thouhid Ahmed, 24, and Shaherul Islam Khan, 24, admit lying to the police in formal statements.

They claimed Khalisadar was giving a talk at the East London Mosque at the time of the rape.

[Geez, since I said what I had to say, I’m trying REAL hard to bite my tongue here…]
