Archive for 23 March, 2008

UK: Pious Muslim Jailed for Attempted Rape of 15 Year Old Girl

23 March, 2008

Too bad Madasser Khan didn’t read his Qur’an… There, he would have discovered that you need to marry your captured slaves before you can have sex with them! Well, at least that’s how the Islamic scholars reconcile the following:

“All married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess…” (Qur’an Sura 4:24)

And, of course, he tries to blame it all on alcohol… Too bad he missed:

“O ye who believe! Strong drink and games of chance and idols and divining arrows are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. Leave it aside in order that ye may succeed.” (Qur’an Sura 5:90)

But… I guess he was conflicted about that alcohol thing, since the false prophet Muhammad drank wine made from dates:
Nabidh [wine made from dates] was prepared for Allah’s Messenger (peace_be_upon_him) in the beginning of the night and he would drink it in the morning and the following night and the following day and the night after that up to the afternoon. If anything was left out of that he gave it to his servant, or gave orders for it to be poured out. (sahih muslim book 23 number 4971)

Of course, Islamic scholars tell us that it wasn’t alcoholic, but it sure is odd that the false prophet Muhammad would keep drinking it for three days straight…  And, apparently, this was his routine….  Sounds like some alcoholics I’ve known…

H/T – Warner

Mosque seminar man tried to rape schoolgirl

A man who attended a religious seminar in a Lancashire mosque later attacked and tried to rape a schoolgirl in a nearby park.
Madasser Khan, who attempted to avoid justice by fleeing to Pakistan, is beginning a jail sentence totalling four years and eight months.

After jumping bail he was tried in his absence at Preston Crown Court last August and was convicted of attempted rape and theft of the 15-year-old victim’s mobile phone.

He was rearrested when he returned from Pakistan at Heathrow Airport and has since admitted an offence under the Bail Act.

The trial had heard that Khan was visiting Preston from London on a weekend in August 2006 for the religious seminar.

At the conclusion of a day’s teaching he and a friend went to Moor Park after stopping off to buy alcohol and cigarettes.

There he saw the schoolgirl who was looking to get a better reception for her mobile phone.

After chatting to her and being rebuffed, Khan suddenly dragged the girl into bushes where he tried to rape her.

The trial heard that the attack was only halted when the girl’s mobile rang and she screamed for help.

Khan then took the phone and ran off but was soon arrested.

A friend of the defendant, who was shocked to witness what he was doing, said later that Khan had an “evil expression on his face” as he was attacking the girl. He was said to have laughed at his victim as she pleaded for him to leave her alone.


Abu Bakar Bashir Calls for Followers to “Beat Up” Western Tourists and for Young Muslims to Die as Martyrs

23 March, 2008

Unfortunately, the government of Indonesia refused to hand over Abu Bakar Bashir to the U.S. for his conspiratorial role in the Bali bombings… Had the U.S. gotten a hold of Abu Bashir, he would still be enjoying a glorious ocean-view cell at Gitmo.  As it now stands, Abu Bashir is a free man in Indonesia…

H/T – Warner


Bashir urges attacks on ‘infidel’ Australians
Natasha Robinson | March 24, 2008
The Australian

ISLAMIC cleric Abu Bakar Bashir has returned to his hardline rhetoric with a call for followers to “beat up” Western tourists and for young Muslims to die as martyrs.

In the sermon, organised by an Islamic youth organisation and delivered a few kilometres from the home village of convicted Bali bombers Amrozi and Mukhlas, Bashir likened tourists in Bali to “worms, snakes, maggots”, and specifically referred to the immorality of Australian infidels.

The address was caught on video by an Australian university student.

“The youth movement here must aspire to a martyrdom death,” said the cleric, who was convicted of conspiracy over the 2002 Bali bombings that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians, but was later cleared and released from prison.

“The young must be first at the front line – don’t hide at the back. You must be at the front, die as martyrs and all your sins will be forgiven. This is how to achieve forgiveness.”

Observers said the sermon’s content was a clear indication of what many terrorism academics have noted – that the accused spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiah has been emboldened by his release from prison last year after serving 26 months for conspiracy in relation to the Bali blasts.

“Immediately after Abu Bakar Bashir was released from incarceration he was very cautious in spreading hatred,” said Rohan Gunaratna, head of the International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. “The remarks show that Abu Bakar Bashir has gone back to the pre-incarceration period where he was in a very similar way urging JI members, encouraging JI members to move in the direction of violence, especially violence including terrorism.”


“Arab public opinion has turned against Islamic terrorists”

23 March, 2008

An interesting run-down of the enemies of Israel:


Aiming For the Brain
by James Dunnigan

As a democracy, Israel cannot ignore threats to its citizens. So the continued rocket attacks on southern Israel create a public outcry for a solution. Moving Israeli troops out of Gaza three years ago was supposed to be a solution, but it wasn’t. Israelis can access Palestinian media, and all they see is the same old “kill the Jews and destroy Israel” propaganda (from both Fatah and Hamas, although the Hamas stuff is more strident and abundant.) So Israel is increasingly applying the same tactics in Gaza (go after the terrorist leadership and technical experts) that worked to stop the Palestinian suicide bombing campaign that began in 2000 (and was defeated by 2005). Even most pacifist Israelis have given up on trying to make deals with the Palestinians. There are too many Palestinian factions, conditioned by a century of “kill the Jews” propaganda, that will not abide by any deal, and will keep trying to kill Israelis.

Defensive measures often have serious limitations. For example, the Palestinian rocket attacks on the town (Sderot) closest to Gaza, continue to kill and wound and Israelis. The “Iron Dome” anti-rocket system Israel is building will not, it turns out, protect Sderot, because the town is too close (two kilometers) to where the rockets are launched. Iron Dome is designed to take down missiles fired from at least four kilometers away. That might change, because the basic problem is time. Missiles fired from two kilometers away arrive in 9-10 seconds, which is before Iron Dome can react. Some Israeli army commanders want to reoccupy part of northern Gaza, to force the Palestinians to launch their rockets four kilometers from Sderot. In the last year, these rockets have killed two Israelis, and wounded dozens more. Israeli attacks on the terrorist groups responsible have left over 300 Palestinians dead. The Israeli shift to mainly targeting the terrorist leaders and technicians has the best chance, in the near term, of crippling the Hamas attacks. The increased Israeli attacks are apparently the result of improved intelligence within Gaza, probably the result of Fatah ordering its supporters there to aid the Israelis in targeting the Hamas leadership.

In the meantime, Israel continues its blockade of Gaza, allowing only food and medical supplies through. This has made Gaza Palestinians angry, but also apathetic and fearful. Hamas is running a police state, so the feelings of the average Palestinian have little impact. The blockade has enraged many Europeans, who are calling for diplomatic, economic and legal moves against Israel for “war crimes.” Many Israelis see this as the old European anti-Semitism, which led to the Nazi mass murder of six million Jews during World War II (with the cooperation of officials and citizens in many European countries). But the Palestinians see such support as one of the few weapons they have left. However, an increasing number of Arabs are getting tired of the Palestinian inability to work out a peace deal. These Arabs have come to recognize that the Israelis are trying harder to make a deal than the Palestinians are. (more…)

Muslim Militant with Links to al-Qaeda Arrested in Singapore

23 March, 2008

They’re everywhere….

Suspected Muslim militant, said to have trained with al-Qaeda, is arrested
March 24, 2008

A suspected member of an Islamic terror group who is said to have trained with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan has been arrested, the Singapore Government said yesterday.

Rijal Yadri Jumari, a 27-year-old Singaporean, was allegedly involved with Jemaah Islamiyah, a network of Muslim militants in South-East Asia, the Home Affairs Ministry said in a statement on its website.

His arrest was announced as a hunt continued for Mas Selamat Kastari, the suspected local commander of Jemaah Islamiyah, who escaped from a high-security Singapore prison last month.

Mr Rijal joined Jemaah Islamiyah’s Al-Ghuraba cell in Pakistan, the ministry said. “He was one of several students talent-spotted by the JI to be groomed to become a future leader in the organisation,” it added.

He was sent to Afghanistan for terrorist training at an al-Qaeda camp in Kandahar in 2000, the ministry said.

While there Mr Rijal was allegedly trained in weapons handling, explosives, surveillance and guerrilla warfare —- and met Osama bin Laden a number of times. (AP)

Exposing yet another UK Muslim Jihad Recruiter

23 March, 2008

Regular readers already know I think islamic recruiters are all cowards. If they really deeply believe their own crap they should go and fight the jihad themselves but these cowards choose personal safety and look for young enthusiastic and braver youths to fight for them. I have exposed minions for years and not once have I ever known of a muslim recruiter sending his own child into battle-I guess mohammeds instructions are not all inclusive.

This article appears in its entirety on the news of the world web site. I removed the links and most of the pictures to cut down the size but I encourage you to view the entire story. they did a great job with this exposure of pious muslims going about their religious duties.

At some point the UK has to defend itself and stop encouraging these freaks by passing laws against their behavior but not arresting them for it all the while paying them to break the law. Stop the dole, arrest and imprison these minions.

By Lewis Panther, 22 March, 2008, News of the World
A FANATICAL preacher of hate has been recorded urging impressionable young British Muslims to go to WAR against our troops.

Yet, sickeningly, crazed cleric Anjem Choudary and his wife rake in more than £25,000 a year in welfare BENEFITS—while he plots to destroy British society.

-The original article had a link asking you to vote on if hate preachers should have government benefits removed. It was in the high 90 percentile that they should. There was also a link to this minions ranting, I removed that one because the purpose of this site is not to spread islamic hate and propaganda.

Now Choudary —who once called for the Pope to be executed and described the September 11 hijackers as “magnificent martyrs” — could face arrest under anti-terror laws for his evil ranting on the tape, which was passed to the News of the World.

After hearing his latest inflammatory remarks, terror experts asked: “What more does this man need to do before he is locked up?”


Choudary, 41, was taped lecturing a secret meeting in west London earlier this month. On it he urges his Islamic followers to persuade would-be terrorists to sign up for killing campaigns.

The bearded mullah describes non-Muslims as “the enemy” and tells his sympathisers they should brainwash at least TEN Britons a month into becoming al-Qaeda supporters.
He also urges his clan to preach that:

FIGHTING jihad \ against Western society is an obligation.

BRITISH Muslims should travel abroad to fight our troops.

TERRORIST wannabes should “put fear into the hearts” of non-Muslims in the UK and spread al-Qaeda messages. (more…)

American Company deactivates website due to fear of Islam.

23 March, 2008

Face it, if Christians had complained about a film critical of Christ it is highly unlikely Network Solutions would have cared enough to remove the link.

Someone will step up ignore the minions and post Geert Wilders film. When it is available, we will be more than glad to post a link to the film. Censoring a film before even viewing because of a few protests is not just bad policy, it is simple cowardice.

If you agree that this film is important, you can contact Network Solutions at 1-800-333-7680. You might also consider calling all the sponsors listed on their website ( and letting them know your thoughts. If this was all started because a few people complained then people with an opposing viewpoint should also complain.

I for one have added Network Solutions to a growing list of companies I will never do business with. Demand for this film has already dwarfed the numbers who have complained about it. I have always understood democracy to be the rule of the majority.

I suggest the management of Network Solutions reexamine basic American Values and if that doesn’t convince them to reverse their decision, they should implement strict sharia law for a single day. Maybe a brief look at seventh century values will show them why this film needs to be available. By censoring this film they are giving passive support to radical muslims and in doing so have earned the new title of dhimmi.

Passive support is still support.

23 Mar 2008
Protests against the release of a film thought to be critical of Islam have led to the deactivation of the website on which the film was to be shown.

At least 1,000 people took part in an Amsterdam demonstration against a new film by Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders, with protesters seen carrying placards reading: “Stop the witch hunt against Muslims.”
-If the film simply exposes core muslims beliefs then why are muslims terrified of the exposure?

And after alleged complaints, US-based web hosting company Network Solutions has deactivated the site on which Wilders planned to show his 15-minute film Fitna – a term from the Koran which denotes strife or discord, typically religious.

A message on said: “This site has been suspended while Network Solutions is investigating whether the site’s content is in violation of the Network Solutions’ acceptable use policy.

“Network Solutions has received a number of complaints regarding this site that are under investigation.” (more…)