Archive for 25 March, 2008


25 March, 2008

Let’s be clear islam is not a religion, it is a murderous, oppressive and political ideology masquerading as a religion. When you consider no other ideology has an armed faction, a political faction, a punishment faction, a indoctrination faction islam quickly moves out of the religion category and into the insurgency realm.

Honest muslims admit the goal of islam is domination. In the UK they are clearly winning. Can it be reversed? Not until the people fight back.

By Ross Kaniuk, 26 March, 2008, The Daily Star
MUSLIMS are becoming the UK’s biggest religious group.
Figures show that Islam will have the most active followers if current trends continue.

The number of Roman Catholic worshippers at Sunday Mass will fall to 679,000 by 2020, while 683,000 Muslims will be praying in mosques on Fridays.

The statistics from Christian Research also suggested that over the same period the total of practising Muslims would overtake Church of England members going to Sunday services.

And if the Church does not reverse its historical decline, by the middle of the century there will be more active Muslims than the total number of Christians who regularly attend Sunday services across the whole country. The projections, which are based on Government and academic sources, were revealed after teachers’ leaders said state schools should allow children to study the Koran and other religious texts.

But a telephone poll in yesterday’s Daily Star showed readers disagreed with the National Union of Teachers’ proposals. We asked “Should all kids learn the Koran?’ and 95% of you said: “No.”
-So the numbers are clear but useless if the people do not make a stand. Organize and demand accountability from your leadership or you are part of the problem. Doing nothing is passive support and passive support is still support. (more…)

Video of Faked Burka and Oranges Incident

25 March, 2008

For more info see the complete story HERE.

H/T – Creeping Sharia.

A Palestinian (Feminist) State of Mind

25 March, 2008

Another great article from Phyllis.

The only solution to the “Palestinian problem is dialogue”. Violence has been tried, mistakes and atrocities carried out. So called leadership has failed to protect the people and outside powers have proven equally inept. The propaganda war shows no sign of letting up and the fingers are getting numb from pointing at each other. So, what does Phyllis offer? For one thing a chance to see the rarely reported other side and secondly an opportunity to do a little research and form your own opinion. Make good use of it.

Phyllis Chesler, 25 March, 2008, The Chesler Chronicles
I am perpetually stunned by how successfully the propaganda about Palestine-the-occupied-country has swept through the minds of educated western people and left nothing else in its wake but false images of Palestine beseiged by Israeli “Nazis.” The “humiliation at the checkpoints” and the faux “murder of Mohammed al-Dura” burn brightly as eternal mental images while the relentless barrage of Kassam rockets against the civilians of Sderot remain non-existent images.

Yesterday, I wrote about Letty Cottin Pogrebin’s Orwellian defense of Ms. Magazine for having rejected the AJCongress’s pro-Israel ad.

Pogrebin quotes Claire Kinberg of Bridges Magazine who says she is outraged by the accusation that Ms. has not published enough about Israel. Well, yes but…In addition to featuring mainly Israeli left-feminists who specialize in criticizing Israel without perspective or mercy, Ms. also publishes pieces about mythical “peace-making” between powerless feminists and about “Palestine,” (a country that does not exist); about the suffering of Palestinian refugees but not the suffering of Israeli civilians who are being blown up, shelled, wounded, etc.; about how brave Palestinian women are rising above their suffering—but not about how brave Israeli women are doing so.

May I suggest that this is the case because everyone over there believes that Israel is indeed, just like Apartheid South Africa and that it would be politically incorrect to document the suffering of the oppressors.

Thus, Ms. Magazine reports on the inspiring and moving events sponsored by the International Solidarity Movement—yes, that’s the group that callously targeted Rachel Corrie for martyrdom and that reguarly sponsors campus hate-fests all across America. And they feature Queen Noor, the former Lisa Halaby, whose book was chock full of poisonous propaganda against Israel. The Queen does not remind her readers that Jordan massacred more Palestinians in September of 1970 than Israel has ever done in wars of self-defense nor does she acknowledge that Jordan will not allow Palestinians to become citizens, that only Israel has allowed more than 1 million Palestinian Arabs to be citizens.

Full disclosure: Once, I demonstrated with Palestinian and Israeli feminists “against the Occupation” but, to paraphrase the acclaimed Israeli novelist Yoram Kiniuk (a great leftist): “I was dancing with my peace partner who turned into a suicide bomber.”

Make up your own mind. Here are links to four articles that are still accessible on the Ms. website.

“”Under the Peace Tent—Part I”: :

“Middle East: Peace Activists Step in to Pave the Way to the Olive Branch”:

“Queen Noor: The Next Chapter”:

“Images of Palestine”:

Indonesian Muslims Pass Law Censoring Internet

25 March, 2008

“Do it for the Children…”

No pornography please, we’re Indonesian
Just say NO
By Sylvie Barak: Tuesday, 25 March 2008,
The Inquirer

ON TUESDAY, Indonesia’s parliament passed a new information bill, limiting access to pornographic, violent or ethnically hostile sites. The country, which has an 85 per cent Muslim majority, has been bitterly divided over the subject of pornography over the last few years.

[Yup, make it a pornography issue when in reality it’s a religious censorship issue… The religion of peace & tolerance doesn’t want anyone discovering the truth about Muhammad, so they use the State to enact legislation to gag their critics… See section on Indonesia HERE ]

Under the new legislation, dubbed the Electronic Information and Transactions Law, Indonesia’s courts will also now be allowed to accept electronic material and data as evidence in cases related to improper use of the Internet.

[Typical “Newspeak” lingo…  It’s like naming an ICBM, “The Peacekeeper..”] 

Reuters says that the new laws also stipulate that any person caught sending out porn, “false news” or racial or religious slurs on the Web could face six years of jail time or a 1 billion rupiah ($109,000) fine.

[The true reason behind this law…]

Information Minister Mohammad Nuh told journalists “There’s no way we can save this nation by spreading pornography, violence and ethnic hostility,” he also reckoned that the bill had been drafted after pressure from the public.

[Yeah… Right… Like the majority of the Indonesian public wanted their access to porn cut off… See the metrics for “hot sex,” country #5 in Google Search Trends HERE (Yup, they’re higher up on the list than ANY Western nation…)]

The Indonesian government will start censoring the Internet next month with specialised software and says it may even ban some sites outright.

[Well, Doctor Bulldog & Ronin are most assuredly going to be banned in Indonesia when this software kicks in… Must be all that “pornography” we have on our site… ]

Major Operation Underway Against Mehdi Army in Basra

25 March, 2008

Yeah, it’s always a good thing when you get to kick some of Muqtada al Sadr’s followers in the butt…

P.S. – Of course, since this article came from Toby Harnden (the Telegraph’s main man in D.C.), it has his usual earmarks of a bleeding heart leftist liberal “journalist” putting a spin on things…


Heavy fighting breaks out in Basra

By Toby Harnden in Washington and agencies
25/03/2008 –

Heavy fighting has erupted Basra where Iraqi authorities have clashed with members of the Mehdi Army militia.

Rival factions from Iraq’s Shia Muslim majority and criminal gangs have been competing for control of Basra.

An Iraqi military official said Iraqi forces had launched operations to “cleanse” the southern Iraqi city of armed groups. The country’s prime minister Nuri al-Maliki is personally overseeing the operation. British troops are not participating in the crackdown.

Witnesses described columns of black smoke and the sound of explosions and machinegun fire.

The operation was launched after Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki visited Basra on Monday and vowed to reimpose his government’s control over the city, whose oil fields are the source of most of Iraq’s revenues.

There were no immediate reports of work stopping in the oil fields.

“Basra is half empty. There are no vehicles and no one is going to work. People are afraid to go out,” said a military official in the city, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The fighting comes as the United States passed the grim milestone of 4,000 military deaths at the weekend after a roadside bombing in Iraq claimed the lives of four soldiers.

[Aaaw geez… Here comes all the bleeding heart liberal crap I warned you about]


Muslim Cleric: Wearing Shorts With the Union Jack, “a Sin”

25 March, 2008

Really? Gee, I must have missed that one in my copy of the Qur’an… 

— On a side note, Warner sent us an interesting email concerning new regulations for flying the Union Jack (probably paving the way for the flying the EU flag) with the following comment:  “Gordon Brown and co. pull off a clever distraction as they prepare to sell the British  people down the drain


Union Jack boxing shorts ‘a sin’

By Duncan Hooper and agencies
25/03/2008 –

British boxer Amir Khan is setting a bad example to Muslims by wearing the Union Flag with pride, radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammad has told the Sun.

“Amir Khan is not a good example for Muslims. He wears shorts with the Union Jack. That is a sin,” he told newspaper.

“He should not be wearing the flag because sovereignty is for God. His only allegiance should be to the Prophet Mohammed.

“The ideal situation would be to have a Muslim team not registered to any state so he can represent the Islamic community.”

The Commonwealth lightweight title-holder, who is from Bolton, Lancashire, is draped with the Union Flag in photos on his official website and often wears shorts featuring the emblem.

Bakri has mentored a number of young Muslims who were later convicted of involvement in terror plots.

Omar Khyam, the leader of a gang who plotted to blow up a nightclub, shopping centres and utilities with home-made fertiliser bombs, first came into contact with radical Islam at a meeting held by Bakri in a scout hut on forestry land in Crawley, West Sussex.

Bakri encouraged his followers to train in boxing in order to help turn their ideological zeal towards violence.

The cleric now lives in the Lebanon and has been banned from returning to Britain, although his wife and seven children still live in Edmonton..

Convicted Imam Challenges NSA

25 March, 2008

yassin-m-aref-04.jpgConvicted Imam Seeks Evidence of Wiretapping

Published: March 25, 2008

Lawyers for an Albany imam convicted of supporting terrorism in an F.B.I. sting operation asked a federal appeals court on Monday to release parts of a judge’s secret order in the case — one they say might show that their client was spied on improperly by the National Security Agency.

The case is one of the few criminal cases to challenge the legality of the agency’s spying program, which has been unsuccessfully attacked in civil cases. If the lawyers can prove that the agency illegally spied on the imam, Yassin M. Aref, they will try to persuade the Federal Appeals Court for the Second Circuit to rule that the program was unlawful and thus reverse the conviction.

Mr. Aref and a co-defendant, Mohammed M. Hossain, an Albany pizzeria owner, were first investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the summer of 2003 after American military forces found Mr. Aref’s name and phone number in a notebook while raiding an enemy camp in Rawah, Iraq. Prompted by the notebook and by records of 14 phone calls between Mr. Aref and a number in Damascus, Syria, the government used an undercover informant to approach the two men with a fictitious plot involving shoulder-launched missiles and the assassination of a Pakistani diplomat in New York.

The men were eventually found guilty of agreeing to help launder money for the fake operation. Last March, they were each sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Yet even before the trial began, the defense lawyers asked the government for information about National Security Agency surveillance of their clients, which was first revealed in an article in The New York Times in early 2006. In March 2006, the government responded to one of their requests with a classified filing that even the lawyers, who had security clearances, were not allowed to see. That same day, Judge Thomas J. McAvoy, of the Northern District of New York, denied the defense request in a classified order.

[Patting ourselves on the back, are we? ] 
