Archive for 12 May, 2008

Obama: Israel a ‘constant sore’ that ‘infects…foreign policy’?

12 May, 2008

I’m sure Obama is just taken out of context… (/sarcasm):

H/T – Gramfan

Clarice Feldman – The American Thinker

Obama’s mask slips even further:
Interviewed in The Atlantic, Barack Obama tells us that Israel is a “constant wound… a constant sore…” and an infection. Gateway Pundit caught Obama’s latest inflammatory remarks.

Jeff Goldberg:— Do you think that Israel is a drag on America’s reputation overseas?
Barack Obama:— No, no, no. But what I think is that this constant wound, that this constant sore, does infect all of our foreign policy. The lack of a resolution to this problem provides an excuse for anti-American militant jihadists to engage in inexcusable actions, and so we have a national-security interest in solving this, and I also believe that Israel has a security interest in solving this because I believe that the status quo is unsustainable. I am absolutely convinced of that, and some of the tensions that might arise between me and some of the more hawkish elements in the Jewish community in the United States might stem from the fact that I’m not going to blindly adhere to whatever the most hawkish position is just because that’s the safest ground politically.

h/t: :Larwyn

Note: Obama partisans are claiming that he said that the Midle East conflict is a constant sore. But quite clearly the antecedent to “this constant wound, that this constant sore” in the question is “Israel.” Perhaps the Harvard-trained lawyer who tells us that words are important wants us to believe he was just sloppy. Or maybe words don’t matter when he doesn’t want them to?


Islamic Squatters Fire Rocket into Israel; Mother Killed by Shrapnel as Son Watches

12 May, 2008

This crap has got to stop!  Bush and Condi need a reality check if they really think all Israel needs to do is give away more land to the Islamic Squatters….

Woman killed in rocket strike on Negev as son watches; Grads hit Ashkelon

By Fadi Eyadat and Yuval Azoulay

A 70-year-old woman was killed as her son watched when a rocket fired by militants from the Gaza Strip struck a meter from where she was standing yesterday.

The rocket hit a house in Moshav Yesha, 15 kilometers east of Gaza. This rocket struck farther from Gaza than most fired from the Strip. No one else was hurt.

The woman, Shuli Katz, and her son were on their way to visit her sister-in-law on Moshav Yesha.

A neighbor said that Katz’s sister-in-law, who is visiting from the United States, was afraid to visit Katz at her home, on Kibbutz Gvaram near Ashkelon, because of the two rockets that struck Ashkelon earlier yesterday.

Instead, she asked Katz to visit her at Moshav Yesha.

At close to 7 P.M., Katz and her son arrived at the home on the moshav where her sister-in-law was staying.

“They drove up to the back entrance with their car. The son got out of the car to make sure they had come to the right house, while his mother stayed near the car.

The rocket alert siren sounded and the mother didn’t have time to find shelter. The rocket fell a meter from her,” said Haim Yelin, head of the Eshkol Regional Council.

The moshav’s security officer Eli Avital, who was among the first to reach the site, said that Katz was already dead when he arrived.

“She was hit by shrapnel. The son was standing under the house in shock, crying. He knew his mother was dead. She didn’t have a chance,” Avital said.


Gang of girls ‘blew up house with home-made bomb over row about boy’

12 May, 2008

UK Cops were a little quick to dismiss this as an act of terror. The explosive formula came from the net, hmmmmmmmmmmmm I am smelling i s l a m.

11th May 2008
A gang of teenage girls may have blown up a house with a home-made liquid bomb, which killed a man in a neighbouring property, after arguing with another girl about a love rival.

Purple liquid was poured through the letterbox of the Victorian house before the an explosion destroyed three houses.

Their intended victim, Charlotte Anderson, was caught in the blast and was rushed to intensive care suffering with severe burns.

Ten hours earlier Miss Anderson had phoned police to say a gang of girls aged 16 and 17 was causing trouble outside her home, in Harrow. They were directing abuse, about a boy, at Miss Anderson’s ground floor flat.

Witnesses said they saw someone pouring a “purple, smelly liquid” through the letterbox of the house. (more…)

muslims ‘victims’ of media attention

12 May, 2008

I know you are all thinking this is yet another muslims are crying again story but this time the minions have a point. Muslims are victims of the media. Increasingly news of islam is arriving before the minions. This messes up generations of apologists, counter historians and propagandists. We are very familiar with their modern counter parts. You have seen them around here. They can not find a single positive feature of islam to discuss so they fall back on attempts to intimidate, threaten and childish verbal attacks.

The shear fact they try it at all validates our perception of them.

Rome, 12 May(AKI) – An international conference on multicultural relations has heard how Muslims suffer from discrimination and poor media perceptions about Islam.
-Notice, there was no problem with the muslims rants about other cultures, religious or groups. I have no problem with the muslim victim mantra but it is islam that victimizes them.

The US state department’s senior advisor to European and Eurasian Affairs, Farah Pandith, said Muslims suffered from a “victimisation mentality” and the media needed to play a more positive role.
-First lets clear something up. After years of blogging I have still not figured out what government the US state department works for. That said, why they care about islams image is laughable when you consider no islamic country comes close to upholding US values. Islam has been proven a failure not by the west but by muslims themselves.

She said there were “rants, and too many opinions, telling us what is wrong.”
-Wrong like-honor killings, pedophilia, terrorism and racism or just the non violent things like passport forgery, immigration and credit card fraud?

She was speaking at a conference on ethnic communication at the Center of American Studies in Rome.

Amanullah Shahed, director of the US-based news site and founder of a web media network called Halalfire Media, told the audience about the demonisation and misinterpretation of Muslims and Islam in American media.
-Well I do what I can to correct the false image of islam but I can only do so much.

Shahed criticised what he called “disorganisation of Muslims” in the US and in Europe and gave suggestions on how to overcome what he called media ‘traps’. He also said Italy could lead the way.
-I think what she was looking for was: increasing islamic awareness by infidels threaten the global jihad.

“Italy is the meeting point for the world’s two largest religions; what happens here will affect other European Muslim communities,” he said.
-True, the day of reckoning is coming and europe will be the battleground.

“This is the land of Oriana Fallaci and Magdi Allam, it is very difficult to be Muslim in Europe,” said Shahed, referring to Italian journalist Fallaci who was critical of Islam and has been accused of Islamophobia and racism.
-I am glad to see it is hard to be a muslim in europe and she was right to praise the heroic voices for truth.

Magdi Allam was baptised by Pope Benedict XVI in a highly-publicised ceremony at the Vatican during Easter festivities in Rome in March.
-You have to admit that was a masterful stunt almost approaching the type of crap muslims themselves pull on a daily basis.

His conversion provoked an angry response from Muslim clerics and academics in Italy and the Middle East.
-must be that famous islamic tolerance of other religions we hear so much about. (more…)

Follower of Muhammad, Who Lit Girlfriend on Fire, Gets Florida’s Death Penalty

12 May, 2008

Here’s a gruesome little story of a Muslim implementing Allah’s punishment – Hell fire…

A little background: Dane Abdool killed his girlfriend, Amelia Sookdeo, by duct taping her, pouring gasoline all over her and then lighting her up with a cigarette lighter – all because he wrongly supposed her to be pregnant… A real POS…

Death for the man who set ex-girlfriend on fire

Mike Synan 05/12/2008

An Orange County judge has determined the fate of a Winter Garden man for splashing gasoline on his ex girlfriend, and turning her into a living torch. Dane Abdool will get the death penalty. WDBO’s Mike Synan was in the courthouse for the sentencing.

Judge Lisa Munyon was harsh in handing down that death sentence.

“You have not only forfeited your right to dwell among us, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited your right to live at all.”

Amelia Sookdeo’s grandfather lashed out when he was asked why Dane Abdool killed.

“I know why, because Muslim people don’t feel inferior to other races.”

Family members from both sides broke out into tears as that verdict was read.

Red State Update

12 May, 2008

Hillary a Racist?

Stoopid Monkey

12 May, 2008

Hamas militant killed in Gaza explosion
Yahoo News

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – A member of the militant group Hamas has been killed in an explosion along Gaza’s fence with Israel, the group said Sunday.

The Islamic group’s military wing says the member was killed and another injured during a “holy mission.” Such language is used when explosives meant for an attack on Israel explode prematurely.

[Allah wills it…]

Israel’s army said it was not operating in the area at the time of the explosion early Sunday.

Fighting has escalated since an Israeli man was killed in a mortar shell attack on southern Israel on Friday. In retaliation, Israeli forces fired missiles that killed five Hamas militants.

Gazan militants fire rockets and mortars daily. Israel frequently launches airstrikes and ground operations in Gaza against the rocket squads.

Survey Attempts to Answer Why Muslim Women Are Under-Educated

12 May, 2008

Gee, they needed to commission a survey to help them figure this out???

Why Muslim women don’t study more
Vineeta Pandey
Monday, May 12, 2008
DNA India

NEW DELHI: Finding husbands for highly-educated women is difficult. Co-education makes them go astray. Girls should be educated only till they attain puberty. And the ideal education for Muslim girls is religious, plus a modicum of general subjects to enable them to become good housewives.

These are some of the beliefs why Muslim women in India are educationally-backward, reveals a government-commissioned study.

Commissioned by the ministry of women and child development, the survey conducted to prepare a national plan of action for the advancement of Muslim women’s education found that the most common factors responsible for the high incidence of non-enrolment, alarmingly high dropouts and low achievement among Muslim girls were poverty, lack of women teachers, absence of separate schools for girls, observance of purdah, opposition to secular education, early marriage, community resistance and conservative attitudes.

[Purdah: a practice that was inaugurated by Muslims and later adopted by various Hindus, especially in India, and that involves the seclusion of women from public observation by means of concealing clothing (including the veil) and by the use of high-walled enclosures, screens, and curtains within the home. –]

Of the total out-of-school Muslim children aged 6-13, 45% are girls. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Orissa have the most low-literacy districts across religions. The southern states fare better, possibly because they have a large number of technical and professional institutions.

Finding appropriate husbands for highly-educated Muslim girls was a major hindrance because only a few Muslim boys go for higher education due to poverty and the perception of discrimination in government employment.

Some Morning Humor to Start the Day

12 May, 2008

Matamoros emailed us the following:

A class of five-year old schoolchildren return to the classroom after playing in the playground during their break time.

The teacher says to the first child, ‘Hello Becky, what have you been doing this playtime?’

Becky replies, ‘I have been playing in the sand box’

‘Very good,’ says the teacher ‘if you can spell “sand” on the blackboard, I will give you a biscuit’

Becky duly goes and writes ‘s a n d’ on the blackboard.

‘Very good,’ says the teacher and gives Becky a biscuit.

The teacher then says, ‘Freddie, what have you been doing in your playtime?’

Freddie replies, ‘playing with Becky in the sand box’

‘Very good,’ says the teacher. ‘If you can spell “box” on the blackboard, I will also give you a biscuit’

Freddie duly goes and writes ‘b o x’ on the blackboard.

‘Very good’ says the teacher and gives Freddie a biscuit.

Teacher then says, ‘Hello Mohammed, have you been playing in the sand box with Becky and Freddie?’

‘No,’ replies Mohammed, ‘I wanted to, but they would not let me. Every time I went near them they started throwing sand at me, calling me nasty names and asking to see under my jacket in case I had explosives’

‘Oh dear,’ says the teacher, ‘that sounds like blatant racial discrimination to me – I tell you what, if you can spell “blatant racial discrimination” I will give you a biscuit’