Archive for 20 May, 2008

UK Muslim Threatens to Sue Transsexual Driving Instructor

20 May, 2008

Is is just me, or are Islamonazis just stupid? There is just no way this guy is going to win his case against a transsexual driving instructor – even the Liberal PC Multiculturalists know enough to back away from this one! Nope… No way… At least, not until they succeed in implementing Sharia Law…

H/T – Matamoros (how he finds these hilarious articles, I’ll never know. I don’t ask and he don’t tell)…

Muslim man threatens to sue driving school for sending transsexual instructor to teach his wife

By Chris Brooke
21 May 2008 –

For the past 12 months, she had proudly taken to the road as part of an all-female driving school.

But Emma Sherdley is not exactly all woman.

Until a few years ago she was a married father-of-two called Andrew.

She is, though, in the middle of treatment to change gender and has the legal paperwork to prove it.

But that wasn’t enough to satisfy one client who claimed he had been shortchanged when he booked a female instructor to teach his wife how to drive.

He phoned the Laugh ‘n’ Pass driving school threatening to sue after Miss Sherdley, 42, turned up for the lesson.

‘You have sent me a man. Send me a proper female. How dare you send a man with a deep voice,’ he told Joanne Dixon, who runs the school in West Yorkshire.

The man, a Muslim from the Meadowhall district of Sheffield who has not been named, claimed the company deliberately sent a man disguised as a woman.

‘His attitude and behaviour was outrageous and has upset me and Emma and everyone else who works here,’ Miss Dixon said.

‘We are not racist. We are not sexist-If anyone was being so it was that man.’

[Welcome to the hypocrisy that is Islam…]

She said no other learners had complained about being taught by Miss Sherdley, an experienced instructor.

As for Miss Sherdley, she is trying to develop a thicker skin.

She said the man’s comments had been ‘hurtful, offensive and deeply upsetting‘ and had even made her think of quitting her job.

[Waaah…. It’s like one of those, ‘he came at me in a threating manner and I feared for my life’, lines my wife has memorized just in case she happens to shoot someone… It’s a real nice touch, though! I like it! You go git ’em, girl !!! Err, boy… Err… Uhm… Never mind…]


Islam’s history of anti-Semitism

20 May, 2008

By Raymond Ibrahim, May 20, 2008, The Washington Times
Is there such a thing as Islamic anti-Semitism? That is the implicit question that Andrew Bostom’s new book, “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism,” tackles. The regrettable answer that presents itself is not based on conjecture, political correctness, anachronisms or wishful thinking — increasingly the domains and paradigms of modern academia — but rather primary texts that speak for themselves. Dr. Bostom, whom I have met and who evinces a passion for the subject of his book, still manages to approach it objectively. A medical doctor by profession, he applies the scientific method and bases his conclusions on the data — as all scholars used to.

And his data is significant: This consists of approximately 700, double-column pages of mostly primary text material, loosely divided into two genres: 1) Islamic law’s stance toward the Jew, as delineated by Muslims (lest the charge of “bias” be made) and 2) historical texts documenting Jewish life under Islamic rule.

What does one learn from this approach? The historical documents make clear that, from day one, Jews and Christians have been systematically treated as second-class citizens, “dhimmis,” in the regions conquered by Islam. Thus even if there were some sort of Andalusian “golden age” — as academics are fond of reminiscing and insisting — that’s exactly all it was, an “age,” an “aberration.”

How else to explain the many documents, across the centuries and from all around the Islamic world, that demonstrate the substandard treatment and contempt Jews were made to live with, centuries before the Arab-Israeli conflict? The book debunks the popular thesis that Islamic enmity for Jews is a Western import.

The two main factors behind Western anti-Semitism — “Christian” hostility and racial theories — can have no influence on the Arab-Islamic world, which does not identify with Christianity. Nor can it, in any form of racial hierarchy, look down on its fellow Semites as inferior. If Nazis made Jews wear special insignias identifying them, so did some Muslims — 1,200 years earlier. (more…)

Wife and Children of Christian Doctor Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan Flee for their Lives

20 May, 2008

To use one of Leatherneck’s favorite abbreviations: ROPMA !!!

Pakistan Christian Doctor Jailed For “Blasphemy”; Family Flees
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
By Jawad Mazhar,
BosNewsLife Special Correspondent reporting from Pakistan

HAFIZABAD, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife)– The wife and six children of a jailed Christian doctor were in hiding Tuesday, May 20, after a mob attacked their house in Pakistan’s Punjab province, where he was detained on charges of blasphemy against Islam, which could carry the death penalty.

Christian doctor were in hiding Tuesday, May 20, after a mob attacked their house in Pakistan’s Punjab province, where he was detained on charges of blasphemy against Islam, which could carry the death penalty.

Dr. Robin Sardar, 55, who denied the charges, was arrested in Punjab’s district of Hafizabad under Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy legislation and transferred to Punjab’s Gujranwala Central Jail on May 4, local residents told BosNewsLife.

His troubles began six months ago when the doctor urged a Muslim businessman to remove his illegally placed shop stall in front of his clinique. The Muslim protested and filed a case against Dr. Sardar, allegedly falsely accusing him of “humiliating Prophet Muhammad.”


When local Muslims heard of the charges they used a loudspeaker to demand the killing of Dr. Sardar, prompting an angry crowd to gather near the family home, armed with sticks and kerosene, his family said.


CyberJihad Intensifies as “Terrorist Crew” Targets Israeli Web Sites

20 May, 2008

The cyberjihad saga continues:

Attacks on Israeli websites intensify

A group calling itself “Terrorist Crew” has managed to insert break-in notices on 30 sites.
Shahar Zadok 20 May 08 –

Hacker attacks on websites are now commonplace with thousands of attacks reported daily (and many more that go unreported). Israel has also not been spared attacks by ambitious or bored hackers, although in comparison with other countries, these have not reached epidemic proportions.

Last month, a group of Muslim hackers broke into the Bank of Israel site and forced it to shut down for four days. There has been a relatively high number of attacks on Israeli sites over the past two days. One of the sites affected was that of Africa-Israel Investments Ltd. (TASE:AFIL; Pink Sheets:AFIVY.PK), on which the text on the home page was defaced and notices reporting the break-in inserted on various pages. The Africa-Israel site is now operating normally.

Other web sites came under attack from a group calling itself “Terrorist Crew.” The break-ins reached a peak yesterday, when the hackers managed to insert break-in notices on 30 sites within a short space of time. All the sites were built and are maintained by CDTech.

The attacks are not criminal in nature, meaning that they are not intended to steal money or information, but mainly to embarrass the owners of the sites.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on May 20, 2008

Yea! Free Qur’ans to Level that Wobbly Table…

20 May, 2008

While doing some email maintenance (cleaning out all the death threats, Free Viagra emails – maybe I’ll save those – and 419 Spam we get from Muslims in Nigeria), I discovered that I had overlooked an email from Matamoros, so this is a few days out of date, but is certainly noteworthy…

I just can’t tell you how excited I am as I anxiously await a free copy of the Qur’an to arrive at my doorstep!

Yes, I already have a Qur’an, but I really don’t wish to part with my copiously annotated 1946 copy of the Qur’an as translated by A. Yusuf Ali – just in case I should ever get the sudden urge to desecrate a Qur’an and upload it to YouTube as part of a social commentary on the racism, bigotry, and the numerous calls for the killing of Jews, Christians, and Athiests; all contained therein…

Yup, a free copy of the Qur’an is just the ticket…

Free Quran coming to your doorstep?
Foundation: ‘Just trying to be honest brokers of information. You make your own judgment’


If you’re in your front yard, working in the flower bed or chatting with a neighbor, they’ll pass by silently to attach one of the bags they’re carrying to your frontdoor knob and leave without speaking or engaging you in debate.

Their mission? To place a copy of the Quran in every home in the United States .

“We’re just trying to be honest brokers of information,” Wajahat Sayeed, founder and director of Book of Signs, which is also known as the Al-Furqaan Foundation, told the Chicago Tribune. “You make your own judgment.”

[Yeah, right, buddy! They say that now, but when folks start noticing all the bigotry and what-not, I’m sure someone is going to be right there to ‘help’ out those poor judgmental folks in ‘understanding’ that it’s, “just like the Bible…” – which it obviously isn’t…]

Al-Furqaan is distributing its 378-page paperback English translation of Islam’s holy book using teams of paid walkers who descend on neighborhoods, going door-to-door, much like other deliverers of newpapers and advertisements. They don’t hand them directly to residents but, instead, leave them at the front door – but never on the ground. That would be disrespectful.

The translation’s forward asks readers to treat the book with respect. Those objecting to the free copy of the Quran are requested to call the foundation phone number to have it retrieved or to make a donation to a local mosque.

[Yeah, right… Whatever you say, buddy…]

According to Sayeed, who checks for messages daily, 30 percent are appreciative, another 30 percent are indifferent and requesting that the book be taken back and the rest are often filled with expletives.

[Those are probably the ones who took the time to actually read the damn thing!]


TIZA Charter School Guilty as Charged! – Attack Cameraman in Celebration

20 May, 2008

This updates a previous post HERE in which several ‘guest readers’ associated with TIZA got a bug up their arse and went into full on Taqiyya damage control mode and then, predictably, implied that Ronin and I were spreading unfounded rumors and were hate-mongering, etc. etc…

Of course, we now know that not all the charges were founded (no doubt TIZA was able to ‘fix’ most of the discrepancies before state officials paid them a visit), but TIZA was still found guilty of setting aside a 30 minute chunk of time for an adult led Islamic prayer on Fridays, and try as the State Education Department may to minimize the serious implications of all this, it is still a flagrant ‘stretching’ of a government policy which favors the concept of a separation between religion and state…

H/T – Bali Shag Girl

News crew attacked during report at TiZA charter school

In an attempt to report about the new findings from the Department of Education Monday, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS went to Tarik ibn Zayad Academy in Inver Grove Heights.

While on school grounds, our crew was attacked by school officials. Our photographer was injured while wrestling with the two men over the camera.

Our photographer was examined by paramedics and suffered minor shoulder and back injuries.

The state education department on Monday directed the charter school to “correct” two areas related to religion at the school on Monday.

Tarik ibn Zayad Academy, which focuses on Middle Eastern culture and shares a mosque with the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, came under fire after a teacher alleged that the school was offering religious instruction in Islam to its students.

“The Minnesota Department of Education goes to great lengths to make clear to charter schools and their sponsors that, while schools should appropriately accomodate students’ religious beliefs, they must be ‘nonsectarian’ under the state’s charter school law,” said the state’s education Deputy Commissioner Chas Anderson.

The allegations first surfaced after an article by a columnist for the Star Tribune. The Education Department subsequently began a review of the south metro school and released its findings Monday.

The agency said it was concerned about the school, with about 300 students, accommodating communal prayer and providing transportation to an after-school religious program.

“We have directed the school to take appropriate corrective actions regarding these matters and will continue to provide oversight to ensure that the school is in compliance with state and federal law,” Anderson said.

Bush ‘Almost’ Submits to the Authority of Islam?

20 May, 2008

As I previously noted in the comments section HERE, any “apology” by the U.S. is seen by Muslims as a submission to the authority of an Imperialistic Islam. And, since the precedence of submission to the authority of Islam has been set by the U.S. Military, the “offended” Imams in Iraq will not rest until the U.S. shows absolute humility in its submission to an Imperialistic Islam and its associated laws – via Sharia punishment of the American Soldier who was suicidal enough to shoot at the Qur’an in a Muslim country.

Right on cue, the Imams are now demanding punishment of the soldier, “to the fullest extent of the law…” Now, westerners may think they are talking about the laws associated with the UCMJ’s Code of Conduct, but they would be wrong. They mean to the fullest extent of Sharia’s ‘Blasphemy’ Laws. Which we all know implies that they want him to be given the death penalty…

Since the Imams know this is not going to be allowed under the UCMJ, they will continue to milk it for all it’s worth…

White House denies Bush apology over Quran

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s office said Tuesday that President Bush apologized for a U.S. soldier shooting at a Quran, but the White House later said Bush expressed “deep concern” and stopped short of apologizing.

National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe said the president spoke to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday in one of their scheduled video teleconferences, which occur every week or two.

“President Bush expressed his deep concern over the incident and told Prime Minister [al-Maliki] that the soldier has been reprimanded by his commanders and removed from Iraq,” Johndroe said.

However, al-Maliki’s office said Bush issued an apology on behalf of the United States and “promised to present the soldier to the courts.” The office said Bush apologized in a call to al-Maliki on Tuesday morning.

An American staff sergeant — a sniper section leader — used a Quran for target practice earlier this month.

[I really hope he was shooting from over a mile away, because his groupings sucked…]

The sergeant was relieved of duty as a section leader “with prejudice,” officially reprimanded by his commanding general, dismissed from his regiment and redeployed — reassigned to the United States.

Reports of the Quran desecration have enraged Muslims in Iraq and elsewhere around the world.


The Media Blackout on Iraq

20 May, 2008

Matamoros sent us the following:

May 20, 2008 –  NYPOST

DO we still have troops in Iraq? Is there still a conflict over there?

If you rely on the so-called mainstream media, you may have difficulty answering those questions these days. As Iraqi and Coalition forces pile up one success after another, Iraq has magically vanished from the headlines.

Want a real “inconvenient truth?” Progress in Iraq is powerful and accelerating.

But that fact isn’t helpful to elite media commissars and cadres determined to decide the presidential race over our heads. How dare our troops win? Even worse, Iraqi troops are winning. Daily.

You won’t see that above the fold in The New York Times. And forget the Obama-intoxicated news networks – they’ve adopted his story line that the clock stopped back in 2003.

To be fair to the quit-Iraq-and-save-the-terrorists media, they have covered a few recent stories from Iraq:

* When a rogue US soldier used a Koran for target practice, journalists pulled out all the stops to turn it into “Abu Ghraib, The Sequel.”

Unforgivably, the Army handled the situation well. The “atrocity” didn’t get the traction the whorespondents hoped for.

* When a battered, bleeding al Qaeda managed to set off a few bombs targeting Sunni Arabs who’d turned against terror, that, too, received delighted media play.

* As long as Baghdad-based journalists could hope that the joint US-Iraqi move into Sadr City would end disastrously, we were treated to a brief flurry of headlines.

* A few weeks back, we heard about another Iraqi company – 100 or so men – who declined to fight. The story was just delicious, as far as the media were concerned.

Then tragedy struck: As in Basra the month before, absent-without-leave (and hiding in Iran) Muqtada al Sadr quit under pressure from Iraqi and US troops. The missile and mortar attacks on the Green Zone stopped. There’s peace in the streets.
