Archive for 12 September, 2008

Liberal Pro-Obama Talk Show Hosts Bite Off More Than They Can Chew

12 September, 2008

Pacifica Radio, an ultra-Liberal and pro-Obama radio station, decided to dig up some dirt on Sarah Palin by interviewing former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel who served in the U.S. Senate from 1969 to 1981.  He was also a Democratic Presidential candidate this year, but switched to the Libertarian Party on March 25, 2008.

Of course, Pacifica Radio expected this ex-Democrat, now Libertarian to rip into Sarah Palin and tell them “what the Republicans aren’t telling us about Sarah Palin.”

However, the best laid plans of the ultra-Liberal talk show hosts immediately go awry; hilarity ensues:
Hat TipWestern Standards Shotgun Blog:

And, true to form, the ultra-Liberal talk show hosts cut him off when he gets on a roll…

“Preachers” of Hate Say Britain will be Target of Next Large-Scale Attack

12 September, 2008

Yeah, I guess the media has a hard time distinguishing between a “Preacher” and an “Imam.”  Perhaps it is because they think all Religions are like Islam…


Saturday September 13,2008
By David Pilditch –

BRITAIN is set to be the target of a September 11-style atrocity, Muslim fanatics were told at a meeting in London.

And they cheered as exiled preacher Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed ramped up the hatred via video link from his hideaway in Lebanon.

The 100 devotees packed into a community centre in Walthamstow heard leaders of the outlawed Al Muhajiroun sect describe Osama Bin Laden as a hero who had taught the Americans a lesson seven years ago.

The meeting, to mark the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on New York, was told that the “Crusaders” had not learned their lesson.

Saiful Islam, who is linked to a shadowy organisation called Salafi Youth for Islamic Propagation, said: “The blame of 9/11 belongs to no one but the American government. They are the terrorists.

“Sheikh Osama warned America numerous times. It was because of their own arrogance that Sheikh Osama taught them a lesson, a lesson they still haven’t learned.”

Wake up. Withdraw. Listen to the warnings. Muslims will stand side-to-side, not just Al Qaeda. The actions of the British and Americans have given prominence to Al Qaeda. All of us have a part to play in stopping the violence or the next 9/11 will take place in Britain and the next 7/7 could take place locally.”

[Yeah, sure…  Like that will stop Islamic Terrorists…  What a load of bunk!  Consider this:  Spain removed its forces from Iraq after the Madrid train bombings, and to this day they continue fighting Islamic terrorists in their own country!]


Pakistan to Protest U.S. Predator Strike on Military Target in Pakistan

12 September, 2008

Yup, these are our “allies” in the War on Terror…

Pakistan to protest new U.S. missile strike
Fri Sep 12, 2008

By Zeeshan Haider

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) – Missiles fired by a U.S. drone aircraft killed 14 people in northwest Pakistan on Friday, security officials said, in a strike against suspected militants that drew condemnation from Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani.

A U.S. commando operation inside Pakistan last week, followed by several attacks from drones, has sent tensions soaring between Islamabad and Washington over how to tackle the Taliban and al Qaeda on the Pakistani side of the border with Afghanistan.

Gilani said Pakistan would raise the issue with the United States at diplomatic level.

“We will try to convince the United States … to respect (the) sovereignty of Pakistan — and God [Allah] willing, we will convince,” he told reporters.

Security officials said about 12 people were wounded in the attack near the town of Miranshah in North Waziristan. Residents said the pilotless aircraft fired two missiles at a former government school where militants and their families were living.

“We confirm a missile attack at around 5.30 in the morning (2330 GMT on Thursday) … We have informed the government,” said military spokesman Major Murad Khan.

The military, apparently reluctant to highlight infringements of sovereignty, has rarely confirmed such attacks.

An intensifying insurgency in Afghanistan has raised U.S. fears about its prospects, seven years after U.S.-led forces ousted the Taliban. That worry has compounded pressure on Pakistan to go after militants operating from enclaves on its side of the border, including in North Waziristan.


Good News! Top Saudi Judge Says it’s Okay to Kill “Immoral” Broadcasters!

12 September, 2008

So… Just who decides what is “immoral?”  I mean, I think CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC are immoral in the way they are covering the Presidential election campaign…

Saudi judge condemns ‘immoral TV’
BBC News

The most senior judge in Saudi Arabia has said it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes.

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan said some “evil” entertainment programmes aired by the channels promoted debauchery.

Dozens of satellite television channels broadcast across the Middle East, where they are watched by millions of Arabs every day.

The judge made the comments on a state radio programme.

He was speaking in response to a listener who asked his opinion on the airing of programmes featuring scantily-dressed women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“There is no doubt that these programmes are a great evil, and the owners of these channels are as guilty as those who watch them,” said the sheikh.

“It is legitimate to kill those who call for corruption if their evil can not be stopped by other penalties.”

Royal dilemma

Given his position as the country’s most senior judge, the sheikh’s views can not be easily dismissed, says BBC Arab affairs analyst, Magdi Abdelhadi.

Clerics like Sheikh al-Luhaydan represent a huge dilemma for the Saudi royal family, our correspondent adds.

On the one hand, Saudi rulers need their support to claim that they rule in the name of Islam.

But on the other hand, fighting militant Islam can be difficult when the country’s top judge calls for the beheading of those he views as immoral broadcasters.

We’ll Never Forget

12 September, 2008

The following poem was written by my 84-year-old grandmother, Dorothy.

She had emailed it to me yesterday, on 9-11, but it erroneously got dumped into my “junkmail” folder (I have my email set up to automatically deposit mail with the word “Africa” in the text into a folder named “junkmail” – it cuts down on the number of Message 419 SPAMs from Nigeria).  Anyway, I thought you all might enjoy reading it:


Seven years have passed since 9/11,
When many good souls were sent to Heaven,
By evil terrorists in a cowardly act –
Followers of “Satan”, and that’s a fact.

Clinton was President in the eight years before,
And had been quite unwilling to declare a war
After the first bombing by terrorists of the W.T.C. –
If he had, America might now have more security.

They’ve bombed embassies we have on foreign soil –
The things they get away with make my blood boil.
And groups in our country are allowed to be free
To take our Christian rights from you and from me.

It makes me wonder who are really our friends –
The emigration of some enemies never ends.
Islam radicals threaten us a whole lot more
Than our Mexican neighbors living “next door”.

We need leaders now who understand war –
Not inexperienced ones who don’t know “the score”.
I want patriots who have been proud all their life
Of our beloved America -unlike  Barack’s wife.

I realize some African Americans feel,
That because they are black they’ve  had a raw deal.
The same can be true of more than one race –
But the American Indian story is our biggest disgrace.

CNN’s Glenn Beck Sets the Record Straight on Sarah Palin

12 September, 2008

Yes, I know… I’m going a little bit over-board on Sarah Palin today.  But, unfortunately, I do not get FOX news on our local Cable – I only get CNN and those three other alphabet broadcast networks and I am REALLY starting to get more than a little bit ticked off at all the fatuous Obama suck-upping that is occurring on those networks!  Obama and the MSM news networks might as well rent a hotel room and get it over with already!

Sheesh!  As I write this, CNN just announced that they will be “critiquing” Sarah Palin’s ABC interview tonight…  Gee, that’s odd – I don’t recall them ever “critiquing” Biden’s or Obama’s interviews…

Anyway, in case you don’t already know, Glenn Beck is CNN’s “token” Conservative – a single point of brilliant light in the overly Liberal heart of darkness that is CNN.  So, it was with great interest that I read the following article and would like to share it with all of you:

Commentary: The Sarah Palin smear-fest
12 September 2008
By Glenn Beck

Editor’s note: Glenn Beck is on CNN Headline News nightly at 7 and 9 ET and also is host of a conservative national radio talk show.

NEW YORK (CNN) — Campaigns are ugly. Watching the way politicians act makes you long for the respect and self-control of the Sopranos. Throughout, there are legitimate attacks and outright lies.

Every once in a while, I get a call on my radio show from someone telling me that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim, who admitted it in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, and has a fake birth certificate. No, no, and no. As I tell them, there are legitimate reasons not to vote for Barack Obama, no need to make them up.

But the newest target is Sarah Palin. Let’s take a quick look at just a fraction of what she has faced in her first few days as John McCain’s choice for vice president. Do you think Palin is being treated unfairly?

“Sarah Palin believes God told her to go to war with Iraq!”

There has been some hard-core journalistic malpractice on this one. The Associated Press ran this headline about a speech she gave at her church: “Palin: Iraq war ‘a task that is from God'”

In the story, they omit the first part of the sentence they’re quoting along with the entire previous sentence for good measure.

Here are her actual words: “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending them out on a task that is from God. That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

Palin is clearly praying that we’re doing the right thing in Iraq, something sensible for an introspective woman of faith concerned about the lives of our troops to do. She’s not saying that she just received a text message from heaven’s BlackBerry ordering her to launch missiles. Sorry to disappoint you.

And for those of you who think politicians asking God for guidance is offensive, might I remind you of this famous politician’s prayer:

“Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will.” –Barack Obama


ABC Shows its Bias in Palin Interview

12 September, 2008

What?  ABC is biased?  Gee, who would have seen that coming?



Kirsten Powers
September 12, 2008 –

LAST night, Sarah Palin had her first big-time media interview with Charlie Gibson on ABC World News Tonight.

At times, Palin seemed to know less than she should. On the other hand, Gibson sometimes seemed to “know” things that just aren’t so.

Her responses to Gibson’s cross-examining seemed canned and rehearsed, a little like the answers you might give in a tough college interview. But that may be a result of the ham-fisted editing – which seemed to cut her off mid-thought on many answers. ABC should release the entire, unedited interview, so that Americans can judge her more fairly.

The biggest concern is that she appeared to not know what the Bush Doctrine is. There are, in fact, different definitions of it – but all have had an impact on this nation. One hopes Palin is more up to speed than she seemed.

[Now, that’s just silly!  Here is her answer:

PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell-bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made, and with new leadership, and that’s the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.

She knew what Gibson was implying and answered accordingly.  It is Gibson who doesn’t know all that the Bush Doctrine incorporates ]

Of course, she needs to be questioned on many issues – but this interview left us with little new information about her.

Americans already know she lacks foreign-policy experience (as, by the way, did Democrats’ 2004 VP candidate, John Edwards). All we could learn from Gibson’s grilling on that topic was how well she’s memorized McCain’s positions. Why ask her whether Georgia and Ukraine should be admitted to NATO? Her position will match McCain’s, just as Joe Biden’s stands will mirror Barack Obama’s.

Plus, her answers last night are already being misrepresented. She said – quite correctly – that, if Georgia and Ukraine are admitted to NATO, the United States may be obliged to defend them. This has been morphed into an assertion that we might invade Russia. And ABC News bears much of the blame: It actually sent out a pre-broadcast alert to that effect.

So now we can play this stupid game, pretending she wants to invade Russia instead of debating real issues.

ABC’s errors didn’t end there. The interview seemed to show a lack of good faith, with the blatant misrepresentation of comments she’s made about the Iraq war.

Gibson – probably relying on a sloppy Associated Press report – told Palin she has said that, “Our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God.”

In a part of the interview that was edited out (but is available on ABC’s Web site), Palin says, “You know, I don’t know if that was my exact quote.”

Gibson snaps: “Exact words.”

Sorry, Charlie – let’s go to the tape.

In the video of her remarks, Palin says “Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [US soldiers] out on a task that is from God.” She is clearly praying for wisdom for our national leaders – praying that they are following God’s will.

This is Christianity 101, not some fundamentalist plot to wage a holy war. Presumably, Obama, as a Christian, utters similar prayers for our country as well.

There’s more: Gibson also accused her of saying of Iraq, “There is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

Here’s what she really said: “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”

Despite Gibson’s insistance that she’d said things that she clearly hadn’t, Palin was polite and seemed unrattled.

We need to get beyond the stereotypes. Palin has been cast as a right-wing nut job in the media, yet her actual record suggests something more complex. She is a Republican who made herself the enemy of oil companies in Alaska. She raised funding for pregnant teens and learning-disabled children. She has expressed concern that we don’t have a clear strategy in Iraq.

But she also was mayor of Wasilla at a time when women were charged for rape kits – we need an explanation why. And what of her opposition to abortion even in the case of rape or incest? Is that a personal position, or does she seek to impose it on all Americans? And, even if no books were banned in the Wasilla library, why did she inquire as to how the librarian would react if they were?

There are real questions that Americans need to hear Palin answer. But they’re ill-served by the game the media has played so far. Rather than real insights into this woman, we get exchanges that will lead to arguments about whether she’s a religious fanatic – arguments based on a comment she never made.

This is completely destructive to the public debate. As Barack Obama says: Enough.

Obama’s “Plumbers”

12 September, 2008

Possibly confirming what we’ve long suspected?:

Obama’s Plumbers
09/12/2008 – Human Events
John Batchelor

There is a secret group in the Obama-Biden campaign tasked with shutting off any leaks from the record that links Barack Obama to his longtime adviser and mentor Bill Ayers, professor of education at the University of Illinois and unrepentant Weatherman terrorist and fugitive from the 1970s.

This surprising fact has been developed by Chicago-born and Ralph Nader-supporting Professor Steve Diamond of Santa Clara University Law School, who maintains the Global Labor and Politics blog and has pieced together over many months the unusual surreptitious activity around the public records of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) grant now housed at the University of Illinois and Brown University.

Since the spring, Diamond has led the investigation into the intimate working relationship between Obama and Ayers that dates back at least to the beginning of 1995 and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Grants.

Diamond believes this group is not harmless. “It’s a ‘Plumbers’ unit. You know, we are old enough to recall the Plumbers in Richard Nixon’s White House. This is like that. The job is to stop anyone trying to use the (Chicago) Annenberg (Challenge) papers to figure out how Ayers and Obama worked together on education.”

The “Plumbers” were a Nixon administration fiasco, the so-called secret White House Special Investigative Unit 24 tasked to stop the leaks of classified material. Once revealed, the Plumbers unit led to more bizarre discoveries that culminated in the Watergate impeachment and resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.

Diamond believes this Obama-Biden “Plumbers” unit was responsible for the harassment of Stanley Kurtz of National Review, who sought access to public records of the now defunct CAC at the University of Illinois Library in Chicago in mid-August. He also believes it may have played a part in frustrating his own investigation of similar CAC records in the papers of the nationwide Annenberg Challenge program that are housed at Brown University. The question now is who among the major figures in the Chicago progressive circle, as well as former Annenberg Challenge officials, are unofficial members of Obama’s Plumbers? And who among other responsible officials of the University of Illinois are their unwitting allies?

There is a substantial independent report from a major Democratic source that confirms Diamond’s suspicions. The source confirms the unit is led by Bill Ayers himself and likely includes Tom Hayden and other members of “Progressives for Obama.” Most critically, the Democratic source says this unit has direct access to media adviser David Axelrod of the Obama-Biden campaign.

Obama has struggled since the primary contest with Mrs. Clinton last spring to avoid answering candidly about his relationship with Ayers. His motivation is entirely obvious, seeking to avoid the political damage that would result from exposure of his friendship with a strident radical who posed standing on an American flag to promote his 2001 autobiography “Fugitive Days” and who was quoted in the New York Times on September 11, 2001 as saying, “There’s a certain eloquence to bombs.”
