Archive for 26 September, 2008

The “Truth Squads” Make the Headlines at WND; Doctor Bulldog & Ronin Quoted!

26 September, 2008


We would like to give a big thank you and shout-out to Blanco, Godefroi, and all of our readers who took the time to notify the media outlets and others to this horrendous Orwellian abuse of power by Obama and his cronies.  Job well done!!!  We can’t thank you enough!

Also, we would like to thank the World Net Daily for mentioning our humble little blog and for their continuing efforts to expose Obama’s hidden Communist agenda.

Again, thank you all.  I was at my wit’s end and absolutely “freaking out” when I heard about Obama’s “Truth Squads” hooking up with local law enforcement here in Missouri. This evilness spawned of the Obamessiah must be stopped!  If you value your freedoms, DON’T vote for that fascist dictator Obama, and be sure to get ALL of your friends and family out to the polling centers to keep this evil little Fuehrer from gaining even more power!!!

Believe me, the Leftards, Libtards, commies, and deceived Democrats are expected to come out en masse this November.  It’s going to get ugly, folks!

BTW – Our readers ROCK!!!!!!!!

Their valiant efforts to publicize this has given us all REAL hope for America’s Freedoms and continued all-around greatness!

Prosecutors for Obama hunting for ‘lying ads’
‘Truth Squad’ using sheriffs, DAs to police bias against candidate
September 26, 2008

A team of Obama-supporting prosecutors and sheriffs in Missouri is preparing to pursue legal challenges to any presidential campaign ads deemed to be false or misleading.

KMOV-TV in St. Louis reports District Attorney Robert McCulloch, a past president of the National District Attorneys Association, said that whether the ads could be attributed to an opponent’s campaign itself, or another organization, “If they’re not going to tell the truth, somebody’s got to step up and say, ‘That’s not the truth. This is the truth.'”

The effort appeared to be part of a move by the Obama campaign to block advertisements to which it objects. The campaign also sent “threatening” letters to several news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio demanding they stop airing ads exposing Obama’s gun stance, according to the National Rifle Association.

The NRA’s Political Victory Fund condemned the attempt at censorship.

“Barack Obama and his campaign are terrified of the truth,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman of organization. “Sen. Obama’s statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record. NRA-PVF will make sure that everyone knows of Obama’s abysmal record on guns and hunting.”

The Obama campaign declined to respond to a WND request for comment.


Debates ’08: WTF Obama?!

26 September, 2008

I was watching the debates and Obama JUST flip-flopped on his energy stance!

If I’m understanding him correctly, he just said that we need offshore drilling and that he doesn’t oppose nuclear energy!

Here’s what he said before about nuclear energy:

That doesn’t sound like he seriously wants to use nuclear energy to me!

Now, Here’s what he said before about offshore drilling:

So, if he’s trashing McCain about offshore drilling, why is he now implying that we need to drill offshore?

Somebody help me on this!  I feel like one of those robots in Star Trek whose head is about to explode when confronted with a conflicting concept!

Nuclear Attack Posting On Jihadi Website Raises Eyebrows

26 September, 2008

Well, we’ve heard stuff like this before, but this seems to be oddly different:

Directives for Islamic terrorist attack in U.S. appear on the Internet

– ALERT: Instructions for actions Muslims are to take before, during & after an attack in the U.S. posted;
– Message suggests activation of worldwide jihad following U.S. attack;
– Message indicates large-scale attack within the U.S., perhaps early October;
– Text, posting under analysis by U.S. Intelligence officials
– Analysis by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director & By Randy Taylor, Independent Analyst
– Intelligence provided by “Archangel”

A posting uncovered in an Arabic language Internet forum is currently raising a few eyebrows in the intelligence community. The single posting, which is presently being scrutinized by intelligence officials, appears to provide detailed instructions for Muslims living within the United States, giving them specific actions to take before, during and after an upcoming attack in the U.S. The communication was discovered by “Archangel,” a well-known independent intelligence analyst active within the intelligence community.

The post was initially published on August 2, 2008 under the title “Commandments [Directives] Before the Strike,” and appears to be a sort of a conflict management guide, or instructions on what Muslims should do prior to the attack, actions that should be undertaken concurrent with the attack, and well as additional instructions following the attack.

The text addressing the nature, location and timing of the planned attack, although specific to the U.S., appears otherwise ambiguous. For instance, the timing appears to focus on the Tuesday following the end of Ramadan, which would be October 7, 2008. The nature of the attack is less clear. Although the author appears to talk about a strike greater in magnitude than the 9/11 attacks and makes reference to the possibility of it being nuclear in nature, the text references to the nuclear aspect of the attack appear somewhat muddled.

In terms of the location of the attack, it is clear that the author identifies both New York, as the financial capital of the U.S., and Washington, DC, as the nation’s capital, as being both desirable and affected. It is interesting that under analysis, the details of “the attack” referenced by the author are nestled within the text of instructions, rather than being prominently placed to serve as an overt warning as seen in the past. The relative subtlety in which the targets and type of attack was referenced is most interesting from a historical and analytical perspective.

The author who wrote the posting appears to be well established and respected by the community of terrorists and their supporters who frequent such forums. Research of the various membership profiles within that community indicates the author could be a sheik or other Muslim with leadership status. To be clear, research indicates the author has a level of credibility within the forum community. Accordingly, it would be completely consistent for the author to be able to issue a set of instructions that could be expected to be followed by the readers of the forum.


Rabies For Obama!

26 September, 2008

Shmuly sent us an email with a link to his new website “Rabies for Obama.”

In case you haven’t guessed it by now, it is a satirical website poking fun at the “Rabbis for Obama” website.

Be sure to take a quick look at “Rabbis for Obama” and then browse on over to “Rabies for Obama” for some good old fashioned satirical fun.

When you’re done, be sure to check out Shmuly’s blog HERE.

German Police Arrest Two Terrorists Aboard KLM Flight

26 September, 2008

Terror suspects arrested aboard KLM plane

Men had been under police observation for months and wanted to carry out ‘holy war’

Angela Balakrishnan and agencies,  September 26 2008

German police boarded a KLM airliner at Cologne-Bonn airport this morning and arrested two men suspected of planning terrorist attacks.

Officers entered the Amsterdam-bound plane just before it was due to take off and detained a 23-year-old Somali and 24-year-old German citizen of Somali origin.

A police spokesman told the German television channel N24 that the men wanted to carry out a “holy war”. Police said the pair had been under observation for months.

German reports quoted police as saying that security officials found suicide notes in the men’s apartments detailing planned attacks.

A KLM spokeswoman told a news channel that police entered the aircraft when it was about to depart and ordered everyone to get off. There was a “baggage parade” to see which bags belonged to whom.

Police played down earlier reports they had stormed the plane. A spokesman told Reuters the operation “went off in quite an unspectacular manner”.

The flight took off just over an hour later and landed safely in Amsterdam.

Right to Lifers pin Obama down and kick him in the jewels:

26 September, 2008

CBS Follows ABC’s Lead and Deletes Sarah Palin’s Moderate Positions in Foreign Policy

26 September, 2008

Iris Blog takes a look at the unedited transcripts from Katie Couric’s interview with Sarah Palin and discovers some surprising similarities to what was deleted in the Gibson interview:

CBS News Erases Moderate Quotes from Palin Transcript

Governor Sarah Palin has given two mainstream media interviews. In both, she made multiple statements about the importance of multilateralism in foreign policy. In both, these comments were deleted by the news organizations.

After both interviews, a furor has broken out afterwards because of her hawkishness.

At two points in the video (2:58 and 5:39), segments have been removed from the official transcript.

Watch the video and read the rest of this illuminating story by CLICKING HERE

Obama’s Truth Squad Video

26 September, 2008

In the wee hours of the morning, I tried to transfer the KMOV “Truth Squad” video to Youtube, but ever since Mozilla updated Firefox to 3.0.2, my RealPlayer video downloader has ceased operation!  Anyway, long story short, I had to wait until someone posted the video on YouTube so that I could put it here for posterity:

Sarah Palin Visits WTC Site

26 September, 2008

Compare Sarah Palin’s reaction to Ground Zero with Obama’s.

While Obama was obviously just trying to score political points and then get the heck out of dodge – as was evidenced in his cursory attentiveness, pretentious attitude,  and flippancy; especially in throwing his rose instead placing it gently at Ground Zero – Sarah Palin actually cared and took time to get to know the stories behind the folks who were showing her around.  Not only that, but she *gasp* showed REAL emotion…

September 26, 2008 — via

Sarah Palin yesterday made an unscheduled tour of a visitors center at Ground Zero dedicated to those who lost their lives in the 9/11 terror attacks.

The Republican vice-presidential nominee nodded her head several times and said, “Oh, my goodness,” while a retired firefighter showed her pictures of the burning World Trade Center and exhibits that highlighted the moments the hijacked planes struck each tower.

Her tour guide was Lee Ielpi, whose son Jonathan, a firefighter, died at the World Trade Center.

Palin told Ielpi, “My parents came after the cleanup,” and Ielpi replied, “The whole country did.” She repeated his words, “The whole country did.”

Palin’s parents went to New York as part-time contract workers in January 2002 to help control the rat population in the Fresh Kills landfill, which was filling up with WTC debris.

After more than a half-hour at the Tribute WTC Visitor Center, the Alaska governor walked past a bronze memorial built into the wall of Ladder Co. 10’s firehouse, which commemorates the 343 firefighters who died on 9/11. She touched it several times.

“She was very personable. She was actually a little emotional because of the firefighters memorial wall,” said firefighter John Morabito, who walked with her.

Palin told reporters, “To come here and see these good New Yorkers who are not only rebuilding this area but rebuilding America, it’s very inspiring.”


The rest of this article soon digressed into the usual fatuous hit piece against Sarah Palin.  So, I have deleted it.  Yup, just doing my part to help Obama’s “Truth Squads.”

Salami, Komrade !!!

Geert Wilders on CNN’s Glenn Beck

26 September, 2008

If there is one bright point on CNN, it would have to be Glenn Beck.

Since Mrs. Bulldog and I don’t get FOXNews through our local “hicksville” cable company, we anxiously await the 6:00 pm time slot in which Glenn Beck cuts through the BS.  Mrs. Bulldog and I often joke that Glenn Beck can’t be fired because he’s CNN’s “token conservative.”

Once again, Glenn Beck has done something the Libtards at CNN would have never done:  Interview Geert Wilders and show a clip from his movie, “Fitna.”