Archive for 30 September, 2008

MUST READ: Obama’s Scorched Earth Policy

30 September, 2008

The following article by Bernard Chapin is definitely one worth showing your family and friends:

Obama’s Scorched Earth Policy
Team Obama seeks to muzzle critics through smears, intimidation, and censorship.

Pajama’s Media

No words better sum up the fashion by which Barack Obama’s campaign handles criticism than “the politics of personal destruction.” Although popularized by Bill Clinton, the phrase embodies the political left’s timeless approach to securing victory in elections. Destroy your foe and hope that his ideas never become the issue, as ideological debate is not something at which they excel. Yet this year was supposed to be different. The junior senator from Illinois promised an end to divisiveness, partisanship, and “politics as usual.” Recent events illustrate the emptiness of these platitudes. Since August, Team Obama has fought a covert war against their opposition and muzzled them by any means available.

Legal methods appear to be their response of choice. When a commercial from the American Issues Project linked Obama to former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, the campaign filed a complaint with the Department of Justice requesting that the 527 be criminally investigated. Simultaneously, they contacted “stations running American Issues Project’s ad in an unsuccessful attempt to compel them to pull the spot.” The same tactic was used in the primaries in regard to Hillary Clinton. Luckily, the Department of Justice does not — as of yet — deem the free expression of speech a felony or a misdemeanor.

More licit chicanery ensued with John McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin. Rather than combat her popularity with disputation, the man who lauds himself a catalyst for hope and change “airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators, and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau, and Mrs. Palin’s hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background.” What they will turn up is unknown but largely irrelevant. Quixotic endeavors and profligate spending are integral to Obama’s maneuvers. The same is true of ad hominem argumentation. Indeed, the bombarding of faultfinders has become a cause célèbre this year.

Attempts to critique Obama are met with vitriol from partisan loyalists and members of the mainstream media. Respecting diversity is anathema to his legionnaires. The arguer, rather than the argument, becomes the focus for their irrational blowback. In their minds, the only acceptable way to describe the Democratic nominee is as the savior of our polity. Deconstructing his associations is forbidden. That Obama knows more radicals than moderates is blatantly obvious, but bringing it up is an act of hate. This practice showcases how rooted in emotion the political left is. Their willful abandonment of logic is perplexing until one contemplates how much their hysterics confuse independents.


New Pat Condell Video

30 September, 2008


UPDATE: TNR has informed us that this video was DELETED by the Islamo-fascist loving Google/Youtube!!!  Another user has surreptitiously uploaded a copy.

View it for yourself, and YOU tell us why it was banned.  We still can’t figure it out…

Welcome to Saudi Britain:

UPDATE #2:  Well, YouTube has deleted that copy as well…  Grrr…  But, their attempts at silencing the TRUTH are being met with a serious backlash of opposition.  Numerous YouTube users keep uploading the video.  It seems to take YouTube about a day or two to hunt them down and delete them, so I will keep renewing the links to the video every couple of days for about a month.  Here’s one that was just uploaded within the previous hour before I wrote this update:

Barack Obama’s Mother was a COMMUNIST!!!

30 September, 2008

Neocon Latina noted yesterday that an article from the Chicago Tribune had “mysteriously” disappeared from their news archives.  As we all know, the MSM and Plumbers have the fix in on McCain and are doing anything and everything to get Obama elected – including the massive deletion of articles that expose Obama’s Communist roots.

Well, thanks to Google’s archive function, we have been able to recover the article in full that the MSM and others DO NOT want the American public to see!

Nestled and hidden beneath the article’s excessive verbiage, as Neocon Latino points out; the article confirms the following:

1. Obama’s mother attended a radical, communist-leaning church known as “the little red church on the hill.”

2. Obama’s mother attended a radical, communist-leaning high school where she was taught the Communist Manifesto and which had a communist school board chairman and which had several communist teachers on staff.

3. Obama’s mother was called a “fellow traveler” by her friends, which is code for communist sympathizer.

As I’ve said before; the MSM which screamed, kicked, whined, and vehemently criticized President Bush for protecting the U.S. Citizens via the Patriot Act – which mildly stretched some nebulous constitutional interpretations – is the very same MSM which is fatuously engaged an immoral campaign to deceive the public just to elect a radical Communist, Barack Obama;  ALL at the expense of our Constitutional Freedoms!!!

The following article is archived on Google HERE

Barack Obama: Mother not just a girl from Kansas

Stanley Ann Dunham shaped a future senator

By Tim Jones | Tribune national correspondent.
March 27, 2007

Chip Wall can’t help but zero in on the little stuff whenever he watches Barack Obama on TV.

The turn of the smile, the sharp wit, the comfortable self-assuredness, all of which he saw up close, a half-century ago.

It’s his old pal Stanley.

For Wall and a few dozen others, Obama on the campaign trail often brings to mind Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother and a strong-willed, unconventional member of the Mercer Island High School graduating class of 1960.

“She was not a standard-issue girl of her times. … She wasn’t part of the matched-sweater-set crowd,” said Wall, a classmate and retired philosophy teacher who used to make after-school runs to Seattle with Dunham to sit and talk — for hours and hours — in coffee shops.

“She touted herself as an atheist, and it was something she’d read about and could argue,” said Maxine Box, who was Dunham’s best friend in high school. “She was always challenging and arguing and comparing. She was already thinking about things that the rest of us hadn’t.”

The education of Obama the would-be politician didn’t begin, of course, until after his birth in 1961, in Honolulu. But the parental traits that would mold him — a contrarian worldview, an initial rejection of organized religion, a questioning nature — were already taking shape years earlier in the nomadic and sometimes tempestuous Dunham family, where the only child was a curious and precocious daughter of a father who wanted a boy so badly that he named her Stanley — after himself.


Provisions in The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act [H10337] Give Eviction Authority to China?

30 September, 2008

Gramfan sent us the following disturbing article.  I have done about as much research on this as I could handle (about 2 hours worth!), and it certainly seems plausible, but then again, it may be much ado about nothing.  I’m just putting it out there for your edification.  I have uploaded a text file of what the Library of Congress has archived so far concerning this bill – CLICK HERE to download – h10337:

US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Via Ron Paul

Russian economists are expressing shock today over a new United States law that will allow for the first time in that nation’s history the police forces of a foreign Nation to have law enforcement powers over their citizens.

These powers are specifically being granted to China’s State Security Police who operate under the Ministry of State Security for the Peoples Republic of China by the United States as a precondition for the Chinese Governments continued purchasing of US debt as the Americans continue their desperate actions to avert their total economic collapse.

China had previously ordered its banks to halt all lending to the United States, an action that would totally cripple the American banking system, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service:

“Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday.

The Hong Kong newspaper cited unidentified industry sources as saying the instruction from the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) applied to interbank lending of all currencies to U.S. banks but not to banks from other countries.

“The decree appears to be Beijing’s first attempt to erect defences against the deepening U.S. financial meltdown after the mainland’s major lenders reported billions of U.S. dollars in exposure to the credit crisis,” the SCMP said.”

Not being understood by the American people is that China is the holder of over $1.4 Trillion of US debt backed by the mortgages on the homes and property of tens of millions these people which, in essence, makes the Chinese one of the largest holders of land in the United States, and which the Chinese government has stated they will protect ‘at all costs’.

In rapid response to China’s demands that they be granted immediate access to their American properties to protect their ‘investments’, the United States is enacting a new law titled the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and which in Section 101, Paragraph 7:3 chillingly states:

“Designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Federal Government, and such institutions shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Federal Government as may be required.”

The United States Federal Reserve has further notified the China Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according  to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage debt is held by China.


Christians Taking Up Arms Against Islamists

30 September, 2008

It’s about time!  Christians have to get over this notion of pacifism, as Jesus also taught that self-defense is justified.

Villagers arm against Philippine rebels
By Roel Landingin in Manila
The Financial Times, Ltd

September 30 2008

When the shooting stopped, the villagers in the southern Philippine province of Mindanao began burying their dead amid an unsettling fear that the killers could return without warning.

The hundreds of rebels who killed 42 residents of the largely Christian town of Kolambugan and burned their homes were suspected members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front angry at delays in the implementation of a peace agreement with the government. They had escaped deep into the jungle by the time the police arrived on the scene of the mid-August attack.

“For now, we are safe,” said Bertand Lumaque, Kolambugan’s mayor. “We are being guarded by no less than the police special action force” flown in from Manila. “But what happens when [the forces] leave?”

The answer for the people of Kolambugan has been to arm themselves.

While half of the town’s 26,000 residents have fled to the cities, those left behind are taking up arms. Local officials have called on civilians with firearms to form village militias, and the national government, while not explicitly supporting the proliferation of weapons in rural areas, has not put a stop to it as it is unable to promise adequate protection.

The response has been enthusiastic enough to drive up the price of weapons. “Before, you could buy an M-16 Armalite rifle for 35,000 pesos ($740, €510, £410). Now, the price has almost doubled to 60,000 or 65,000 apiece,” Mr Lumaque said.

Nicanor Bartolome, the spokesman of the Philippine National Police, said police were discouraging the formation of militias. Police offered to distribute thousands of shotguns to “police auxiliaries”, civilians who would be trained and organised under the command of town police chiefs. But the offer was largely ignored as most people in the conflict-hit rural areas where firearms are already common thought the shotguns would be no match for the rebels’ more powerful weapons.

Still, local government officials are calling on Christian villages to form militias, and in North Cotabato province, where recent clashes between government troops and Moro rebels first erupted, officials have asked the army for ammunition to give to civilians.



30 September, 2008

This was emailed to us by PWiggen in Power Point format.  I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing it and posting it here.

Update: Dennis Jantz has provided us with an update to his Power Point Presentation.  This is now Version 2.0.

– Doc

The History of a Financial Disaster


  • Fannie Mae is a GSE (Govt. Sponsored Entity) regulated by Congress.
  • Fannie Mae buys mortgages from other companies.
  • It is backed by the taxpayers for all losses, but keeps all profits!!!
  • President Clinton advocates changes to the Community Reinvestment Act from 1977.


  • Atty. General Janet Reno, accuses mortgage industry of “redlining.
  • HUD, under Andrew Cuomo, changes lending rules to encourage loans to the poor, for “Community development.”
  • Reno threatens banks and mortgage companies with investigations” if they don’t comply.


  • Banks begin making thousands of bad loans.  EX: 0 down, no documentation of income, for 120% (1998 – 2008).
  • Executives at Fannie receive huge bonuses if loan asset targets are met.
  • Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick from the Clinton Administration are appointed to run Fannie Mae.


  • Raines earns $100 million in bonuses
  • Gorelick earns $75 million in bonuses
  • In 2004, Enron collapses, congress investigates, Executives Jeff Skilling & Ken Lay go to jail for fraudulent bookkeeping.
  • Congress responds with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, requiring heavy regulation of corporations


  • President Bush proposes a new oversight committee to clean up Fannie Mae, but Democrats derail the effort.

  • Rep. Melvin Watt, (D-NC) Committee on Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit stated, “I don’t see much other than weakening the bargaining power of poorer families to get affordable housing.”  CLICK HERE


  • Fannie Mae engages in massive fraudulent bookkeeping.
  • False numbers triggered executive bonuses every year.
  • Congress holds no hearings, no one goes to jail, or is punished.
  • WHY NOT?

1999 – 2005

  • Fannie Mae pays millions to 354 Representatives and Senators from both parties, especially on oversight committees.
  • Fannie Mae gives millions to Democratic causes, example: ACORN, now under investigation for widespread voter registration fraud.
  • Who got the most money?

Top Recipients:

  1. Sen. Christopher Dodd, (D-CT) Chairman of the Banking, Housing, & Urban Affairs Committee, 2006 and onward.
  2. Sen. Barack Obama, (D-IL) Federal Financial Management Committee

7.  Rep. Paul Kanjorski, (D-PA)  Chairman of the House Financial Services Sub-Committee on Capital Markets, Insurance, & GSE’s, 2006 and onward.

26.  Rep. Barney Frank, (D-MA) Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, 2006 and onward.


President Bush, reviled & criticized by Democrats, tried no fewer than 17 times to reform Fannie/Freddie.  A bill cleared the Senate Banking Panel in 2005, but stalled due to implacable opposition from Democrats & a critical core of GOP abettors.  Rep. Barney Frank spearheaded the fight.” – Investors Business Daily

  • Franklin Raines & top execs are forced to resign from Fannie Mae.
  • Jim Johnson takes over ($1.9 Million)
  • They DO NOT go to jail…
  • There is no media “perp walk.”
  • They keep all of their bonuses.
  • They finally pay $31.4 million in civil fines.

The Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act is sponsored by:

  • #325 – Sen. John McCain, (R-AZ) Armed Services & Commerce, Science & Transportation

McCain said, “If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”

  • NONE of the Top Recipients of Fannie money support the legislation
  • The Reform Act never even makes it out of committee
  • NONE of the politicians return ANY of the money, tainted by fraud.


  • John McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis had received income from Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
    • He was a partner in a consulting firm which received $500,000 from Freddie Mac
    • $2 million as president of the Homeowners Alliance, a coalition formed & financed by Fannie & Freddie
    • New York Times, 9/23/08

  • Regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, announce a settlement with Fannie Mae that includes $400 million in penalties.   Washington Post
  • Fannie Mae engaged in “extensive financial fraud” over six years by doctoring earnings so executives could collect hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses, federal officials said yesterday in a report that portrayed a company determined to play by its own rules.


  • Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac goes bankrupt and the Govt. takes them over.
  • Lehman Brothers goes bankrupt from making bad loans.
  • AIG gets $85 billion in loan guarantees.
  • Obama, Pelosi, & Reid try to blame “Eight years of financial mismanagement by the Bush Administration” for the crisis.
  • Barney Frank says, “The private sector got us into this mess, the govt. must get us out.”
  • The Bush Administration & Congress have passed legislation to buy up all the bad loans, at an initial cost to you of: $700 BILLION.

And the future… ?

  • Will any of those who committed fraud ever face justice, or pay a dime?
  • Will the taxpayers ever get their money back?
  • What was your Senators’ or Reps’ role, for better or worse?
  • Who will pay for even more government control of the economy?


Congressional Record, 5/25/06

Herald Tribune, 4/18/08

Husock, Howard. “The Trillion-Dollar Bank Shakedown That Bodes Ill for Cities.” City Journal), Manhattan

Institute for Policy Research, 1/1/00.

New York Times, 9/13/03 & 9/23/08

Day, Kathleen. “Study Finds ‘Extensive’ Fraud at Fannie Mae” Washington Post

Jones, Terry.  “Crony Capitalism is Root Cause of Fannie & Freddie Troubles.” Investors Business Daily, 9/22/08.

Mayer, Lindsay R. “Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Invest in Lawmakers.”, 9/17/08


Dennis Jantz, 2008