Archive for 23 February, 2009

Senator Jon Kyl to Host Geert Wilders and a Screening of his Movie Fitna

23 February, 2009

Hmmm…  This should be interesting:

US senator hosts anti-Islamic Dutch lawmaker
2009-02-23 – via PR-Inside

WASHINGTON (AP) – Republican Sen. Jon Kyl is hosting a film screening at the Capitol building for a far-right Dutch lawmaker who claims that Islam inspires terrorism.
Kyl is sponsoring the Thursday event for Geert Wilders, who was denied entry to London earlier this month because British officials said he posed a threat to public order.

Wilders’ 15-minute film juxtaposes verses from the Quran with images of violence by Muslims. Wilders has called the Quran a “fascist book” and said it should be banned.
Kyl agreed to facilitate the event because “all too often, people who have the courage to point out the dangers of militant Islamists find themselves vilified and endangered,” said spokesman Ryan Patmintra.

Thursday’s event was being sponsored by the International Free Press Society, headed by Danish activist Lars Hedegaard, and the Center for Security Policy, a think tank in Washington led by Republican Frank Gaffney.

The event is closed to the public and the media, but the film is being offered to members of Congress and their staff in the ornate “LBJ room,” a Senate office once used by Lyndon B. Johnson as majority leader and later vice president.

Wilders’ film has sparked protests around the world, and it has inspired a debate on freedom of speech. Wilders had been invited to Britain by a member of Parliament’s upper house, the House of Lords, to show his film. But the British government refused his entry into the country, saying he posed a threat to “community harmony.”


Obama’s Selection for “Chairman of the National Intelligence Council” is an Islamic Indoctrinator

23 February, 2009

Interesting stuff…  Here’s a tidbit to whet your appetite:

What Obama’s Proposed Intelligence Chief is Teaching Your Children
Sammy Benoit – American Thinker

Do you know that when the British explorers came to the “New World” they met “Iroquois and Algonquin chiefs with names like Abdul-Rahim and Abdallah Ibn Malik?” That is just one of the alleged facts in the textbook “Arab World Studies Notebook,” published by Middle East Policy Council (MPEC). The President of the organization, Chas Freeman Jr. has had his name “floated” in the media as President Obama’s selection for Chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

The Council reports that it strives to fulfill its objectives through three major activities:

  • Middle East Policy – a quarterly journal of political, economic and social analysis.
  • Workshops for high school teachers – daylong training sessions to build a fact-based foundation for educating America’s youth about the Arab world and Islam
  • A Capitol Hill Conference Series – forums for members of Congress, their staffs, federal government officials, foreign policy experts and the media.

This post will examine the educational activities of President Obama’s proposed head of U.S. Intelligence.

CLICK HERE to continue reading.

Taliban Using Heroin as Chemical-Jihad Weapon Against the West

23 February, 2009

A chemical-jihad, eh?  Where are all the whiny Muzzies to “help explain” to us that a jihad is merely an “inner-spiritual struggle” and not a holy war.  Oh, wait…  Now I get it; the heroin is injected internally…

Taliban targets UK with heroin, calls it chemical-jihad
February 23rd, 2009 – 3:51 pm ICT by ANI – via Thaindian News

London, Feb. 23 (ANI): In a bid to wage a chemical jihad on Britain, the Taliban has planned to flood the UK streets with heroin. And to carry their terrifying mission forward, they are using hate-filled Muslim gangs as heroin dealers.

Pakistan and Afghanistan based Al-Qaida and Taliban warlords have directed their dealers a task to sell a six billion pounds of heroin to non-Muslims. The Talibans two-faced chemical attack is not only aimed at killing many with heroin, but also to collect massive sums to sponsor future terror attacks.

The Daily Star quoted a senior security source, as saying, the Afghan poppy fields are probably the biggest financial contributor to al-Qaida and the Taliban. The UKs heroin trade is increasing at an alarming rate and most of the cash helps arm terrorists with bombs and guns.

Already, the US has been targeted by the Taliban in a similar evil scheme, which mirrors a terror plot in the new James Bond novel Devil May Care.


Obama’s ACORN Squatting Buddies Arrested

23 February, 2009

Good!  It’s about time someone stood up to these bullying tactics!

Arrest Made in Home Foreclosure Civil Disobedience Program
Monday, February 23, 2009
By Joshua Rhett Miller
Fox News

Police in Baltimore today made what is believed to be the first arrest in a civil disobedience program aimed at supporting homeowners who refuse to vacate their foreclosed homes.

An activist with ACORN — the Association of Community Organization for Reform Now — faces criminal charges after breaking into a home in southeast Baltimore on Thursday to protest the foreclosure crisis sweeping the country.

“This is our house now,” ACORN member Louis Beverly reportedly said after cutting a lock with bolt cutters at the home.

Beverly will be charged with fourth-degree burglary, according to Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Baltimore Police. Attempts to reach his attorney, Justin Brown, were not immediately successful.

Donna Hanks, who owned the home since 2001, lost it in September when she couldn’t make her $1,995 mortgage payments. It was not immediately clear whether Hanks re-entered her home last week, but she was not expected to be arrested, Guglielmi said.

Other police departments contacted by said arrests would be made if an individual is determined to be residing at a foreclosed home illegally.

“If they’re trespassing and it’s not their property, absolutely, there’d by an arrest,” a police source in Boston said. “If they were told to leave the property and they didn’t, they’d be charged with disorderly conduct.”


Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or the U.S. Will Cease to Exist

23 February, 2009

H/T – Gramfan

Boston Tea Parties Gaining Traction

23 February, 2009

TGUSA informed us of a Boston Tea Party this Friday in my neck of the woods.   Ronin has one coming up near him on March 21st.

Now, I’m not promising anything here, but Mrs. Bulldog and I will try our best to get up early on Friday to make the trip down to St. Louis in order to bring you a report and some photos.

To check for a Tea Party near you and to get contact info, CLICK HERE.

If you would like to schedule and advertise a Tea Party in your area, contact American Tea Party at:

OK a St. Louis Tea Party is planned for Friday:
St. Louis area conservatives will host a protest against the Obama Generational Theft Act this Friday at 11 AM at the steps of the St. Louis Gateway Arch.
Bill Hennessey organized the rally. It was announced tonight on The Dana Show. Patrick Leahy of Top Conservatives on Twitter and Dana discussed this Tea Party wave.

Time and Place Date: Friday, February 27, 2009
Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm
Location: The Steps of Arch
Street: Wharf Street
City/Town: Saint Louis, MO

Here’s the Facebook Page for details.
Contact email

Pajamas TV set up a Tea Party protest page.
Michelle Malkin has more on the movement.

Muslim Savages behead Husband and Wife in Thailand

23 February, 2009

More followers of islam-following islam.

23 February 2009, Bangkok Post.
A group of insurgents gunned down and beheaded a couple of local rubber farmers in the southern border province of Yala on Sunday morning.

The unarmed victims, identified as Kongphet Janyarerk, 39, and his wife Yenjai, 38, were ambushed and killed while they were on their way to at a rubber plantation in Yala’s Raman district. The culprits decapitated them and took their heads away before escaping from the area.
-Keeping the heads might be a indication of a bounty on infidels.

The killings were the fifth and sixth this month in which the separatist gangs cut off the heads of their victims after what appeared to be targetted murders.

Since the southern gangs renewed the anti-government war in January, 2004, they have beheaded at least 47 of their murder victims. Most of the casualties have been Muslim civilians. In all, more than 3,500 people have been killed in insurgent attacks.
-No doubt some of this is a tit for tat responce but most of the violence is designed to force infidels out of the area. (more…)

FBI, police rescue child prostitutes around US

23 February, 2009

It is rare when I can say to the feds “way to go”. I have always thought that people that hurt children should be slow roasted and fed to pigs.

By DEVLIN BARRETT, 23 Februray 2009, (AP)
WASHINGTON – The FBI has rescued more than 45 suspected teenage prostitutes, some as young as 13, in a nationwide sweep to remove kids from the illegal sex trade and punish their accused pimps.

Over a three-night initiative called Operation Cross Country, federal agents working with local law enforcement also arrested more than 50 alleged pimps, according to preliminary bureau data.

The teenage prostitutes found in the investigation ranged in age from 13 to 17.

Historically, federal authorities rarely play a role in anti-prostitution crackdowns, but the FBI is becoming more involved as it tries to rescue children caught up in the business.
-Nice to see them step up their game. (more…)