Archive for 4 March, 2009

CPUSA ♥ Obama!

4 March, 2009

Hilarious “Comrade Report” from today’s Glenn Beck Program starts at about the 2:05 mark.   The interview with CPUSA’s National Chair,  Sam Webb,  follows immediately after that.  Glenn puts him on the spot and reveals just how pathetic Communism really is.

Part I:


Part II:

BTW – Glenn’s viewers crashed the CPUSA website today!  Time for the Commies to redistribute that wealth and buy some more bandwidth!

Mexico blames U.S. Border Patrol for increase in immigrant deaths

4 March, 2009

Gee, you would think the Mexicans would build a big wall to protect their citizens from certain death. Reality is the U.S. Border Patrol risks injury and death daily to search some of the roughest terrain in the country to protect people that enter our country illegally. Mexico should show a little gratitude and some respect.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
(UPI) – The Mexican government says an increased death toll among illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. border in South Texas is the fault of the U.S. Border Patrol.
-Mexico can go f-itself.

The San Antonio Express-News said Wednesday that Mexico concluded that the Border Patrol’s deployment of agents in the Rio Grande Valley had diverted immigrants into more dangerous terrain.
-And what is Mexico doing to discourage illegal entry? Oh yeah, not a damn thing.

Nearly 90 people died in the five-county sector last year compared to 57 the previous year. At the same time, deaths in other rugged sectors were on the decline in 2008.
-Maybe last year we got tougher Mexicans. If this year’s crop of weaklings cannot handle the heat, they should stay at home. (more…)

‘Rape the women, kill the children’: ex-Sudanese soldier recalls Darfur raid

4 March, 2009

An insider’s view of the Sudanese jihad. Muslims are often quick to play the victim card and quickly point to Iraq and Afghanistan as “proof” but anyone that ever wore the American uniform understands the difference between a professional soldier and an armed mob. Read this and you will too.

Mark Tran, 4 March 5, 2009, the Guardian.
Colonel Samir Jaja’s orders to the assembled soldiers before their dawn attack on the village were absolutely clear: “Don’t leave anybody alive. If we leave these people in this place, they will support the rebels against the government. The area must be emptied so the rebels can’t find any help and have to leave the country.”

B Kajabier, 34, a Sudanese army deserter, describes the scene just before Sudanese army troops stormed a village in southern Darfur, Sudan, in April 2003. Colonel Jaja addressed his 400 troops, most of them Arab, but some African, after they descended from their vehicles. There were more precise commands.

“Rape the women, kill the children. Leave nothing,” Jaja said.
-mohammed would be proud of his minions.

Six years later Kajabier, who has now fled Sudan, has decided to speak out against the Sudanese government.

“My people are suffering, and I want the world to respond,” he said, speaking through an interpreter.

After the April attacks, Kajabier refused to take part in any more raids. He said he was tortured for his insubordination and during the interview pulls up his trouser legs to show the scars from where molten rubber seared flesh.

“When they burned the tyre, they hung it from the tree and it was dripping,” he said. A few days later, Kajabier and two other soldiers deserted while the troops were marching through narrow mountain roads.

“We wanted to desert because we were being ordered to kill our own people,” the former Sudanese soldier said.

He eventually joined the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (Jem) before fleeing the country.

In the interview, Kajabier made it clear that Sudanese armed forces committed the atrocities, as well as the Arab militia known as the Janjaweed, or devils on horseback.

Kajabier, an African from Darfur who was conscripted into the Sudanese army, said he took part in attacks on several villages in April 2003.
-Even without the mention of islam’s role in this conflict or the word “jihad” the Arab connections gives everyone a clue. (more…)

Alfonzo: CPACkin’

4 March, 2009

Alfonzo gives us his report on the CPAC convention:

H/T – Catherine

Obama’s Planned Obliteration of the USA

4 March, 2009

An interesting article sent in to us by Gramfan:


Confused by Obama’s Planned Obliteration of USA?
Obama has been summarily—and by design—stripping the USA and the American people of its and their money
Canada Free Press

By Sher Zieve

Fearless Leader Obama is on a purposeful and unapologetic mission to destroy the United States of America.  I have written myriad articles on this subject—both before and after the election of Barack Hussein Obama to POTUS (a position for which he still appears to be Constitutionally unqualified)—which are backed up by almost voluminous references.

Prior to the 2008 general election, I even asked “Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin?” Chillingly, the answer appears to be ‘yes’.  Since Obama and his followers seized the country’s executive branch, the USA has been up against a non-stop attack from within its now almost non existent borders.  Obama has replaced the establishment of our God given freedoms and liberties, brought to the fore by our founding fathers, with single-minded siege mentality and actions.  Yet, too many Republican leaders still appear to remain oblivious as to what this man and his minions are really doing.  Either that or they’re too afraid of him to speak out.

Obama has been summarily—and by design—stripping the USA and the American people of its and their money.  This is being accomplished via the inappropriately named “Stimulus Bills.” The first of these bills was almost $800B.  The second “stimulus bill” was passed with little to no reporting by Obama’s bought and paid for mainstream press and is in the neighborhood of $500B.  Who knows what the third one will bring?  With regards to Obama’s obliteration of the USA’s wealth, Ben Stein appearing on Fox News over last weekend said he was confused.  Ben can’t be serious.

Obama and his adherents’ want nothing less than to pilfer all of the assets of the USA—which they are now effectively accomplishing—and to strike down any existing freedoms in the country.


Obama the Urkel

4 March, 2009

A little humor sent in to us by CavMom:


Cincinnati: Injured Resident Kills Robber in Shoot-out

4 March, 2009

Story breaking.  Updates when available.

Bond Hill Apartment Resident Shoots, Kills Robber
Last Update: 12:50 pm

A Bond Hill man shot and killed a robber who tried to break into his home this morning.

Police were called to the 7600 block of Glenmeadow Lane around 10:45 a.m.

Two men reportedly broke into an apartment there.  The apartment owner was shot in the leg.  The victim then opened fire on the suspects.  One robber was shot and killed, the second robber escaped.

We do not know how badly the apartment owner was hurt and we are waiting for a suspect description on the second robber.

Minneapolis: FBI Watching Mosque After Some 20 Somalians Leave to Wage Jihad in Somalia

4 March, 2009

The real question is, why wasn’t the FBI already watching them?  It’s not like they haven’t been alerted by Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani in 1999 to the fact that about 80 percent of the mosques in the U.S. are radicalized.  Too busy sucking up to the stealth jihadists at CAIR, I suspect…

H/T – JihadWatch

FBI Watching Somali Muslims In Minneapolis
CBS Evening News: 20 From Same Mosque Have Repatriated, One Became A Suicide Bomber; Mosque Officials Deny Radical Agenda
by Dean Reynolds – ABC

(CBS)  On election night last November, the outcome was wildly celebrated by Somalis living in Minneapolis, 70,000-strong, mostly refugees from their war-torn country. It is the largest Somali community in the United States, reports CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds.

But the evening was noteworthy for something else, too. That night, the latest in a line of young Somalis who grew up here, departed unannounced for Somalia itself, joining a civil war in a country few had ever seen and causing concern in the United States.

Hussein Samatar’s 17-year old nephew left without a word to his family.

“He was an A student,” says Samatar. “He has everything to hope for to attend any Ivy League school that he wanted to. Why he would do it is a mystery to us.”

Some 20 vanished last year – all American citizens – an exodus the FBI has noticed for a troubling reason.

“A man from Minneapolis became what we believe to be the first U.S. citizen to carry out a terrorist suicide bombing,” said agency director Robert Mueller.

The October attack by 27-year-old Shirwa Ahmed killed 30 near Mogadishu, and there is alarm that the skills acquired abroad could be brought back to America.

“He could have done it here,” says Omar Jamal, a Somali advocate in Minnesota. “We don’t see anything that would have prevented him from doing this right here in the heart of Minneapolis.”


UK – Muzzie Ex-Bobby Suing Scotland Yard

4 March, 2009

“I’ve been framed, man!”

Yup, another Muzzie plays the race/victim card when caught red-handed. Gee, we didn’t see that coming…  LOL

asad-saeedMuslim policeman suing Scotland Yard ‘sacked after boasting he beat up vagrant’ says white officers framed him

By Tom Kelly –
Last updated at 4:19 PM on 04th March 2009

A Muslim policeman suing Scotland Yard for racial discrimination was sacked after boasting that he beat up a homeless man ‘good and proper’, an employment tribunal heard today.

Asad Saeed was accused of dragging the vagrant out of a McDonalds and threatening him during only his fifth night on patrol as a Police Community Support Officer.

But the 35-year-old claims he was ‘fitted up’ over the alleged assault by two racist white officers.

The men invented the story after he threatened to expose the ‘apartheid’ culture at Belgravia police station in central London where there were separate vans for white and black officers, he said.

However, Mr Saeed’s immediate superior, Inspector Debbie Jallali, said in a statement that the day after the alleged assault he told her: ‘I done the homeless man good and proper.’

The PCSO denied the claim and said that Inspector Jallali had been ‘watching too many excerpts of EastEnders’.

He told the hearing: ‘She’s lying. When you have not done anything, why would you say to someone ‘I done him good and proper’?’

Mr Saeed claimed at least seven other officers had also lied in official statements into the alleged assault and his claims of racism as part of the conspiracy to get him sacked.


Missouri Decides to Close the Barn Door After the Cow Escaped.

4 March, 2009

Better late than never, I guess:

Missouri Republicans push birth certificate questions to oppose ‘tyranny

Fifteen Republican members of the Missouri General Assembly have signed on to a state constitutional amendment that appears aimed at advancing the claims of the fringe movement that doubts President Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president.

[Uhm…  There’s nothing “fringe” about it.  An AOL poll of over 100,000 respondents found that 53% of them (at the time the polls were shut down and removed) believed there was merit to the “natural-born” controversy.  If anything, those who claim there is nothing to the controversy are the “fringe.”  BTW – Because AOL shut the poll down and you can’t even view the results (obviously, they didn’t like the numbers they were getting), I have linked a WND article HERE]

The language is contained in a proposed “voter’s bill of rights,” which would serve “as a defense against corruption, fraud, and tyranny.”

The proposed amendment states:

For candidates who are required by the Constitution of the United States to be natural born citizens, the secretary of state shall request an official copy of the candidate’s birth certificate. Other certifications, such as a certificate of live birth, shall not be accepted. Should any candidate fail to provide an official birth certificate within thirty days of the request by the secretary of state, his or her name shall not be placed on the ballot.

The Birthers, as they’re known, have focused on the State of Hawaii’s refusal to release the original of Obama’s birth certificate, as opposed to official copies; Hawaii state law bars the release of the original.

State Rep. Robert Cooper wasn’t immediately available to discuss the bill, which has drawn criticism on a local liberal blog.