Archive for 16 July, 2009

Hip Shot: “Headscarf and the Angry Bitch”

16 July, 2009

Zehra Fazal
I know you think you are seeing things-Ronin posting an article about a female muslim comedian?

I am doing so for a few reasons, mostly because she is proof of what I have said many times-if islam is going to change the women will bring the change. Her act would get her injured or worse in most islamic countries and is risky here but by using humor to expose ancient stereotypes, practices and prejudice she can influence muslims to take a hard look at islams dark side. Most muslims ignore the truth she could change that.

Review by Mike Riggs, Jul. 16, 2009

You can see her Performances here:

17-18 July
Warehouse next Door
1021 7th St, NW
Wash DC

-These shows are in the Washington DC area, there are always funny people in that town. It is either laugh at them or cry, your pick.

They say: “Join Zed Headscarf on a tongue-in-cheek romp through faith and growing up Muslim in America. Featuring hits like ‘The Only Thing I’ll Do Five Times a Day is You’ and ‘I Lost My Virginity During Ramadan.’ This beef ain’t halal!”
-Why do i think that somewhere in Saudi Arabia a minion is issuing a fatwa against this young woman?

Mike’s take: The future of American-Islamic relations could hinge on this one-woman show. Before Muslim folk-rocker Zed Headscarf (Zehra Fazal) got involved, America’s most memorable depictions of Islam were a.) Lil Kim sporting a hijab and not much else on the cover of One World and b.) that episode of Southpark wherein the boys travel to Afghanistan to return a mail-order goat to its starving family. (And to kill Osama bin Laden, who, in the words of Cartman, “has a small penis.”) No wonder those pious clerics up and declared America’s objectification of women and obsession with dick jokes as deserving of–dare I say it?–jihad! Zed Headscarf, infidel-licking lesbian though she be, really could change all that.
-I hope she can leave the DC area and find a venue in a descent town, you know one with a better class of people. (more…)

Genie prompts Saudi Arabia family to flee home

16 July, 2009

Those damn Jinn they are everywhere. Who knew they were islamaphobic?

By JEFFREY FLEISHMAN, 13 July, 2009, Los Angeles Times
CAIRO — A family in Saudi Arabia has filed suit in a religious court against an unnamed genie, or jinn, who sounds most unpleasant: It steals cell phones, whispers threats and occasionally flings stones.
-Who does a Jinn call? Ghost Busters!! (sorry I couldn’t help myself)

“We began to hear strange sounds,” a family member who requested anonymity told the Saudi daily Al Watan. “At first we did not take it seriously, but then stranger things started to happen, and the children got particularly scared when the genie started throwing stones.”
-The same thing happened to me, I heard voices and gin was behind it. A nice young police officer escorted me home and scared him away. Ok, that never happened but I had ya going.

The genie — or genies — had demands: “A woman spoke to me first, and then a man. They said we should get out of the house,” said the family member, adding that his clan fled their home near the city of Medina.
-Someone has played a bad trick on these poor minions. (more…)

Susan Roesgen’s Contract Will Not Be Renewed By CNN

16 July, 2009

You probably remember her for her “unbiased” reporting during those massive Tea Parties back in April.

I say, good riddance!  But, ’tis a mere drop in the Ocean of Libtards at CNN…

Susan Roesgen Out at CNN

Thursday, Jul 16 –

Breaking: TVNewser has learned CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen’s contract will not be renewed and she will be leaving the network.

Roesgen, you’ll recall, was criticized for her coverage at the tax day tea parties in April, when she said the event she was covering in Chicago was, “anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing, conservative network Fox.”

Roesgen took a break for a few weeks after that reporting and returned to the air in May covering the Drew Peterson arrest. Most recently, she covered Michael Jackson’s death from Los Angeles. Roesgen joined CNN in 2005.

When TVNewser asked whether Roesgen’s comments at the Chicago tea party rally had anything to do with her not being renewed, a CNN spokesperson said, “I can’t comment on personnel matters.”

For old time’s sake, here is her mouth at work during that infamous Tea Party:

And, for a little contrast, here she is sucking up to the Anti-War/Anti-Bush Lefturd crowd:

Obviously, she is merely toeing the CNN Libtard line.    And, since CNN likes to imagine that they are stealthily flying under Middle America’s  BS Radar, one can only assume that she is getting canned because she was just a teensy-weensy bit too palpable in her bias.  Which of course, lit up Middle America’s BS Radar like a Christmas tree, prompting thousands of angry calls to CNN.   So, to protect their Libtard agenda, CNN had no choice but to let her go—as a meaningless sacrificial lamb, as it where…

Israeli Warships Deployed to the Suez Canal

16 July, 2009

Just so you know:

Israeli Warships in Suez Canal a Signal to Iran?

Thursday, July 16, 2009 Fox News

Two Israeli warships reportedly sailed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday, ten days after a submarine believed to be nuclear-armed made the crossing.

The deployment into the Red Sea, confirmed by Israeli officials to The Times of London, came ahead of long-range exercises by the Israeli air force with the U.S. later this month and the test of a missile defense shield at a U.S. missile range in the Pacific.

Israel has strengthened ties with Arab nations who also fear a nuclear-armed Iran. In particular, relations with Egypt have grown increasingly strong this year over the “shared mutual distrust of Iran”, according to one Israeli diplomat.

“This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These maneuvers are a message to Iran that Israel will follow up on its threats,” the Times of London quoted an Israeli defense official as saying.


Texas Teen Shoots and Kills Burglar

16 July, 2009

Yet another reason to teach your children how to use a gun.

Good shooting, son!

Teen allegedly shoots and kills intruder
Thursday, July 16, 2009

HOUSTON (KTRK) — Police have converged on home in northwest Houston where a teenager reportedly shot and killed a burglar. Police were called to that home on Kerrwood Lane near Peppermill around 7:30am. When they got there, they found the suspect dead.

He is only a teenager and investigators say he did what he had do to protect himself.


It was just before 7am when officers say the suspect in the case kicked in the back door of the northwest Houston home. The teen was inside asleep. He woke up when he heard the noise.

“The young man that was inside fled to another part of the room, to the house,” explained Sgt. Roberts. “The suspect came in. He was armed with what looked like a pistol. I think it’s going to be a BB pistol, but it was like a pistol. I haven’t touched it.”

Alone and fearing for his life, police say the boy grabbed a small caliber rifle and shot and killed the suspect.

Neighbor Virginia Evans said, “He is good kid, a very good kid.”


Agreed!  No doubt he does his parents proud!

Nazi America

16 July, 2009

Don’t take my word for it, listen to what someone who lived under Hitler has to say about Obama:

P.S. – Be sure to click on the link to AIM.  There is some real interesting stuff included at the end Mr. von Campe’s article that we have not reproduced here:


The Threat of Totalitarianism

AIM Report |  By Hilmar von Campe  |  July 16, 2009

(Editor’s note:  Hilmar von Campe, who grew up under the Nazis and wrote the book, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, offers comparisons between Nazi Germany and America today. “Our nation has elected an anti-American left-wing radical if not Communist to be president of the United States,” he warns. “We better begin to plan now for the reality and not for a democratic daydream. The ideological war has reached us at the top of our power structure threatening our very existence from inside.”)

The executive director of the Holocaust Memorial Council in Washington received me twice. I apologized to him for the atrocities committed by a German Government and German citizens to his people. I had not participated in these atrocities but my ungodly life had made the godless Nazi government possible. I asked him to forgive me and my country, Germany at that time. We became friends. I told him that most people look at the criminals when trying to figure out how it was possible, that such evil could happen in a cultured nation like Germany. They should look, however, at the real culprits, the bystanders like me, who allowed evil to dominate. Germany went down because of godlessness.

The national Socialist ideology was built on lies-the most important being that that there is no God. That godless concept led to the Holocaust, the destruction of Germany, and to the death of millions of families. Hitler lied to the German people and to the world. At every stage, including the beginning of WWII, he fooled the population.

It may sound like I am exaggerating or over-dramatizing the situation, but I think that we have a repetition of Hitler’s policy to get total power developing in the United States. Obama’s massive expansion of the federal government will destroy the United States as a world power, make us even more dependent on our enemies, and will ruin a great part of the present population and their descendants.

I believe his real purpose is not to get the United States out of the financial mess but to set the stage for a total takeover. The liberals controlling Congress are helping him in that task.

I lived through the Nazi nightmare and my family paid dearly. My elder brother fell in Russia and my father perished in a Soviet concentration camp without having committed any crime.

The rest of the family was expelled from our home in East Germany and we came as refugees to West Germany. Everything I write or lecture about is based on my personal experiences in Nazi Germany. There is nothing theoretical about my description about what happens when a nation throws God out of government and society. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to go through the same.

My writing is part of my restitution for the crimes of a godless government, of the evil of which I was a part. My restitution includes a commitment to the state of Israel and the God-given rights of the Jewish people.

Afraid Of Government

During the Nazi years people were afraid of their government. Everybody spoke practically two languages-one in public and one with close friends. Since the Gestapo always tried to find out from children what their parents were thinking, my parents like all other parents had to be careful about what they said in our presence. My father listened to the Swiss broadcasts of Beromünster late at night so that we wouldn’t notice. To listen to foreign news was a crime and could lead to death.

I noticed now that here in America many people are also afraid of their government and guns sales are on the rise. Thomas Jefferson stated: when the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, then there is liberty. I hope that the new tea-party movement is successful in frightening the Washington establishment.

Something is very wrong in America and this nation is moving in the wrong direction. We are getting close to Nazi reality.


Muzzies Get T-Shirt Pulled from Retailer Harvey Nichols

16 July, 2009

Waaaah, waaaah!  What a bunch of cry-babies:

Sorry, but this is the best picture I could find of the T-shirt

Sorry, but this is the best picture I could find of the T-shirt

UK firm pulls T-shirts insulting UAE, Islam

High-end UK retailer Harvey Nichols has come under fire after its Dubai store offended the UAE’s Muslim values by selling T-shirts portraying a bulldog standing on the country’s flag.

The store was closed on Tuesday morning for a short time as staff removed the offending items, but photographs of the T-shirts had already been posted on the social internet forum Facebook, UAE daily the National reported on Thursday.

The bulldog is generally seen as a British icon, but a spokesman for the UK store told the National an error by the supplier had led to the wrong design being produced and delivered. The spokesman did not specify what the correct design was meant to be.

“The store treats this as a serious issue and has ensured the appropriate disposal of the merchandise,” a statement from the store said. “Harvey Nichols Dubai deeply regrets any offence or disrespect that may have been caused by the incorrect delivery.”

Muslims see dogs as impure animals, and while the flag is a secular symbol, Islam teaches that respect should be given to things that people hold dear.

Arabs reacted angrily to the T-shirt blunder, saying the image was “insulting the culture and the dignity of the country”. Others said they found the picture “really offensive”, the newspaper reported.

But Jihad Hashim Brown, who delivers the Friday sermon at the Maryam bint Sultan Mosque in Abu Dhabi, said the incident was unfortunate. He added: “These things happen.”

Note:  Since I found the above t-shirt to be “offensively” inadequate, and I don’t care if I “offend” anyone, I submit my suggested redesign for the t-shirt:

UAE Attack Dog

UAE Attack Dog

Yet Another Critic of the Kremlin Assassinated

16 July, 2009


Abducted Russian rights activist found slain
Killing is latest in attacks on critics of Kremlin
By Mike Eckel ASSOCIATED PRESS | Thursday, July 16, 2009

via Washington Times

MOSCOW | A well-known Russian rights activist was found slain execution-style Wednesday, hours after being kidnapped in Chechnya – the latest in a series of brazen killings targeting critics of the Kremlin’s violent policies in the war-torn North Caucasus.

The daylight slaying of Natalya Estemirova follows the killings in recent years of reporters, lawyers and activists, and appeared to indicate that Russia remains a place where political killings are committed with impunity.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reacted quickly to the killing – in contrast to other recent killings – expressing his condolences, and ordering the country’s top investigative official “to take all necessary measures.” His spokeswoman, Natalya Timakova, said Ms. Estemirova’s killing appeared to be related to her work.

[Of course, the Kremlin has put its top investigators on all the other assassinations of its “critics.”  Unsurprisingly, nothing of value has ever come of those “investigations.”]

The slaying came the same day as the release of a report she helped do research that concluded there was enough evidence to demand that Russian officials, including Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, be called to account for crimes committed on their watch.


And, just a side note:  Natalya Estemirova had also worked with Anna Politkovskaya – another dead critic of the Kremlin…

Good News: Bristol Fourth of July Committee Reverses Lifetime Ban on Tea Party!

16 July, 2009

A victory for common sense.  This updates our previous coverage HERE.

Bristol parade committee apologizes to R.I. Tea Party
Thursday, July 16, 2009
By Donita Naylor
Journal Staff Writer –

The chairman of the Bristol Fourth of July Committee has issued a formal apology to the Rhode Island Tea Party, which the organization’s treasurer has accepted — with some disclaimers.

Fourth of July Committee Chairman David Burns issued a statement Tuesday saying he “would like to clear up any misunderstanding” regarding the Tea Party float, saying the committee “regrets and apologizes for any miscommunication” to the group and “assures them that they are not banned from future parades.”

Tea Party treasurer Marina Peterson had said on July 8 that Float Committee Chairman Jim Tavares told her “not to waste the stamp” on an application to appear again in the Bristol parade.

Burns said Wednesday that the float committee chairman “did not and does not have the authority to ban floats from the parade in future years.”

Sympathizers running alongside the Tea Party float handed out copies of the U.S. Constitution. Peterson has said they were not from her group.

Peterson said Wednesday she was asked to meet on Tuesday with Parade Chairwoman Judith Squires. She was surprised, she said, that Burns and a lawyer were also there. Tavares wasn’t.

She issued a statement Wednesday saying she “is pleased to read that the Bristol Parade Committee has reversed its position and rescinded its ‘ban for life.’

“While we would have preferred less ambiguity on their part, we accept their statement as an apology to everyone who participated in preparing for the RI Tea Party’s parade debut,” she said. “We appreciate the committee’s acknowledgment of what we have been saying all along; we play by the rules.”
