Archive for 30 October, 2009

White House Visitor List Now Available

30 October, 2009

Surprise, surprise! Ayers and Michael Moore are on the list!

White House Visitor Records Requests

White House Visitor Records Requests

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Blacks still drawn to Islam despite FBI raids

30 October, 2009

The ideology of islam is extremely racist but its defenders and recruiters are masterful liars. Islam is sold to blacks as their “original faith.” It is seen by some muslim converts as anti white and payback for Christian oppression. History does not support any of this. Africans were sold by other blacks long before a Whiteman ever stepped in Africa. Arabs came next and continue too enslave others today, if anything the period of “white/Christian oppression was mercifully brief. Slavery remains a global problem and unlike the earlier days when people were forced into it against their will, some blacks are now selling themselves into bondage and calling their new master “allah”.

By now, Sekou Jackson is used to the questions: Why does he need to leave a work meeting to pray? Don’t black Muslims convert to Islam in jail? Why would you even want to be Muslim?
-A good question, if blacks looked at what mohammed had to say about their race the most would avoid islam. I blame the non muslims as much as anyone. Until the other religions speak out and show examples, they share the responsibility for each convert. Passive support is still support.

“It’s kind of a double whammy to be African-American and Muslim,” said Jackson, who studies the Navy at the National Academy of Science in Washington. “You’re going to be judged.”

Jackson’s struggle may have gotten harder when the FBI on Wednesday raided a Detroit-area warehouse used by a Muslim group. The FBI said the group’s leader preached hate against the government, trafficked in stolen goods and belonged to a radical group that wants to establish a Muslim state in America. The imam of the group’s mosque, a black American named Luqman Ameen Abdullah, was killed in a shootout with agents.
-And yet the press decided to run an article praising islam as damage control. Islam has killed, enslaved and oppressed more blacks than every other ideology combined. Islams attack on North Africa continues to make news today and all we hear from the black community in the US is crickets. They are too busy blaming whites for past abuses to defend their race today. Look backwards or too the future; your choice but do not bitch of you do not like the way the future turns out.

Although the FBI was careful to say those arrested in Detroit were not mainstream Muslims, it has accused other black Muslims of similar crimes, most recently in May, when four men were charged with plotting to blow up New York synagogues and shoot down a military plane.

Yet the Muslim faith continues to convert many average African-Americans, who say they are attracted by Islam’s emphasis on equality, discipline and family.
-It is about power, islam is seen as a blackman’s savior, he gets his way, every time and anything goes. Just like joining a gang; a sense of power and automatic respect are major draws for people too weak and lacking the moral courage to make their way in the world legitimately. (more…)

Lou Dobbs Discusses Shooting Incident

30 October, 2009

Obviously, a “right-wing radical” is responsible.

(sarcasm, of course)

CBS Doubts Our Imperious Dark Overlord’s NewMath

30 October, 2009

Too juicy to pass up:

CBS Says White House Is Fudging Stimulus Jobs Numbers

By Noel Sheppard
October 30, 2009 – NewsBusters

When Katie Couric and the folks at CBS start doubting what the Administration says about how effective February’s economic stimulus package was, you know President Obama is in trouble.

Consider that on Thursday’s CBS “Evening News,” Chip Reid began a segment with the following startling statement about a jobs report card to be released by the White House Friday:

Well, Katie, that report is going to claim that the stimulus has already created or saved hundreds of thousands of jobs, but if the administration`s first effort at counting stimulus jobs is any guide, tomorrow`s numbers could be hard to believe.


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Fugitive Father Arrested for Running Over His “Westernized” Daughter

30 October, 2009

This updates our previous coverage HERE.

Faleh Hassan Almaleki

Faleh Hassan Almaleki

Noor Faleh Almaleki

Noor Faleh Almaleki

Cops arrest man in ‘Westernized’ daughter case
Arizona man allegedly ran over 20-year-old with his car
30 Oct 09 – via MSNBC

PEORIA, Ariz. – An Iraqi immigrant has been arrested in Georgia for allegedly running down his daughter because she was becoming “too Westernized,” police in a Phoenix suburb say.

Police in Peoria released few details, but said 48-year-old Faleh Almaleki was in custody. They would not say where he was being held.

Almaleki was arrested Thursday when he arrived at Atlanta’s airport, said Jim Joyner, a spokesman for the U.S. Marshals Service in Atlanta.


White House Floods Honduras with Bullies

30 October, 2009

Obama and the media keep spinning the ousting of Manuel Zelaya as a coup d’etat, but when you start looking into the details, Zelaya was impeached and had to be forcibly removed from office.   What is unconstitutional about that?  Unless…  Unless, you are afraid that it might set a contagious precedence…  Right?  Mr. Obama?

US crams Honduras agreement on return of Zelaya down government’s throat
Rick Moran – American Thinker

Details are sketchy but it appears the months long crisis in Honduras is close to being over thanks to an agreement between the legitimate government headed by President Roberto Micheletti and Chavez wannabe Manuel Zelaya that was dictated by the United States government.

The agreement calls for the return of Zelaya to power. In return, the US promised to recognize the result of the elections scheduled for the end of November.

The Voice of America is reporting:

Mr. Micheletti said late Thursday he has authorized his negotiating team to sign an agreement that “marks the beginning of the end” of the four-month political standoff. Congress must approve the deal.Mr. Zelaya said he is “optimistic” that the agreement will return him to power.

Speaking in Islamabad, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed the agreement as “historic.”

The apparent breakthrough followed pressure from senior U.S. officials who are in Honduras. Earlier Thursday, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Thomas Shannon, said the rival sides had to reach an accord to ensure international support for the upcoming presidential elections in November.

Mr. Zelaya was expelled from Honduras in a June 28 coup, with opponents accusing him of trying to illegally change the constitution to extend his term in office.

The ousted leader secretly returned to the country in mid-September and took refuge at the Brazilian mission.

The Micheletti government has filed a formal complaint against Brazil with the International Court of Justice in The Hague for sheltering Mr. Zelaya.

The Obama administration had preferred to let the Organization of American States and its designated mediator, Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, take the lead role in Honduran diplomacy.

But, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to increase U.S. efforts to resolve the crisis and send the delegation to Honduras after Mr. Zelaya said last week the process had broken down.

The Honduran Constitution no longer rules that country. It has been replaced by US bullying, and our backing of someone who has openly sought to emulate the regime of Hugo Chavez in Venezuala.

Since Zelaya is forbidden by the now shredded Honduran constitution from running again, what are the odds that he will go quietly off into retirement? If there is a way for him to maintain power – even with the help of foreign troops – I have no doubt he will take it.

Exit question: The US has a history of intervening in the internal affairs of Latin American countries. We have been rightly excoriated for doing so. Would someone please tell me why this intervention is any different?

More than 30 Members of Congress Under Ethics Investigation—All of them Democrats

30 October, 2009

What?  Commiecrats unethical?  Who would have thunk it?

Of course, this document is going to get buried…again.


Dozens in Congress under ethics inquiry
Document was found on file-sharing network

By Ellen Nakashima and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, October 30, 2009

House ethics investigators have been scrutinizing the activities of more than 30 lawmakers and several aides in inquiries about issues including defense lobbying and corporate influence peddling, according to a confidential House ethics committee report prepared in July.

The report appears to have been inadvertently placed on a publicly accessible computer network, and it was provided to The Washington Post by a source not connected to the congressional investigations. The committee said Thursday night that the document was released by a low-level staffer.

The ethics committee is one of the most secretive panels in Congress, and its members and staff members sign oaths not to disclose any activities related to its past or present investigations. Watchdog groups have accused the committee of not actively pursuing inquiries; the newly disclosed document indicates the panel is conducting far more investigations than it had revealed.

Shortly after 6 p.m. Thursday, the committee chairman, Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), interrupted a series of House votes to alert lawmakers about the breach. She cautioned that some of the panel’s activities are preliminary and not a conclusive sign of inappropriate behavior.

“No inference should be made as to any member,” she said.

Rep. Jo Bonner (Ala.), the committee’s ranking Republican, said the breach was an isolated incident.

The 22-page “Committee on Standards Weekly Summary Report” gives brief summaries of ethics panel investigations of the conduct of 19 lawmakers and a few staff members. It also outlines the work of the new Office of Congressional Ethics, a quasi-independent body that initiates investigations and provides recommendations to the ethics committee. The document indicated that the office was reviewing the activities of 14 other lawmakers. Some were under review by both ethics bodies.


Kids, Don’t Try this at Home!

30 October, 2009

I can assure you that this little punk didn’t have a father to teach him the proper way to handle guns.  Which, kinda’ turned out to be a good thing…for the police:

Accused Burglar Shoots Self In Face With Stolen Gun
By Megan Moore
NewsChannel 10

Dalhart, Texas – A Dalhart teenager is in the hospital after accidentally shooting himself with what police say was a stolen gun.

Officers say it all started with a home burglary on Osceola Tuesday afternoon. They believe several weapons were taken.

When police received a call a 16-year-old had been shot in the face, they say they figured out he was one of two teenagers who had stolen those weapons. They say the gun accidentally went off when he was handling it.

Those stolen weapons have been recovered.

The other teenager beleived to be involved, a 17 year old boy, has been arrested.