Archive for August 2012

Obama, the “Constitutional Scholar” Wants New Amendment Limiting First Amendment

31 August, 2012

Back in 2008, and again in 2010 with his Kagan nomination, we warned ya’ all that Obama wanted to take away your Right to Freedom of Speech.  After all, it’s a proven path to success for totalitarian communists, everywhere.

Well, here’s more proof:

Obama Calls for Amendment Limiting Free-Speech Rights
By Matt Cover – CNSNews

President Barack Obama endorsed a constitutional amendment that would restrict the free-speech rights of political activist groups by overturning the Supreme Court decision in the landmark Citizens United v FEC case that granted First Amendment rights to corporations.

“Over the longer term, I think we need to seriously consider mobilizing a constitutional amendment process to overturn Citizens United,” Obama wrote during a question and answer session on the website Reddit on Wednesday.

“Even if the amendment process falls short, it can shine a spotlight of the super-PAC phenomenon and help apply pressure for change.”


Seems to me that Obama is having a difficult time keeping up with Mitt R’Omni in raising cash for his campaign, so he’s taking his frustrations out on Super PACs and the 1st Amendment.  

Funny thing is, Obama has no problems using Left-Wing Super PACs to do his dirty work.  

Therefore, it’s no stretch of the imagination to envision Obama’s ‘Freedom to Censor Free Speech’ Amendment including language which censors PACs on the Right, while allowing PACs on the Left the freedom to do whatever they want…

Yup, that’s real Hope and Change for ya’.

Drinking With Bob: The Ron Paul Delegate Debacle

26 August, 2012

Look, I’m not particularly enamored with Ron Paul, either, but what the GOP is doing to him, along with the voters who voted for him, is outright criminal!!!

More proof that your vote doesn’t matter to the Washington elites; they’re going to do what they’re going to do:

Newsweek: “Hit the Road, Barack”

19 August, 2012

Are the Newsweek water carriers for Obama disappointed with him, or are they just trying to play the “fair and balanced” card?  

You decide:

More info HERE at NewsBusters.

Crucifixions Abound in Egypt as Arab Spring Bears Fruit

17 August, 2012

Yup.  Crucifixions brought to you courtesy of Our Dark Overlord:

Arab Spring run amok: ‘Brotherhood’ starts crucifixions
Michael Carl – WND

The Arab Spring takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood has run amok, with reports from several different media agencies that the radical Muslims have begun crucifying opponents of newly installed President Mohammed Morsi.

Middle East media confirm that during a recent rampage, Muslim Brotherhood operatives, “crucified those opposing Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi naked on trees in front of the presidential palace while abusing others.”


Raymond Ibrahim, a fellow with the Middle East Forum and the Investigative Project on Terrorism, said the crucifixions are the product of who the Middle Eastern media call “partisans.”

“Arabic media call them ‘supporters,’ ‘followers,’ and ‘partisans’ of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Ibraham said.

Ibrahim also says the victims can be anyone, including Egyptians and Christians.


Ibrahim said extra brutality is reserved for Christians, but the crucifixions are because of Islamic doctrine, and are required by the Quran. The time and other details about the crucifixions were not readily available.

Center for Security Policy  Senior Fellow Clare Lopez cited chapter and verse from the Quran to explain that crucifixions are not simply normal for Islam; they’re demanded.

“Crucifixion is a hadd punishment, stipulated in the Quran, Sura 5:33, and therefore an obligatory part of Shariah,” Lopez said. “It’s been a traditional punishment within Islam since the beginning, even though it’s not exclusively Islamic. The Romans used it too.

“So, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood haven’t the option to not include crucifixion within their legal code. It’s obligatory to comply with Shariah. And yes, it’s for shock value also to be sure,” Lopez said.

Lopez includes a warning for Egypt’s Christians and compares the coming treatment of the Christians to the Jews in Germany.

“The Copts must get out of Egypt as soon as possible – for the many millions who will not be able to get out, I expect things will continue to deteriorate – just as they did for Germany’s and Europe’s Jews from the 1930s onward,” Lopez said.

“The warnings were there long before the ghettos and round-ups and one-way train trips to the concentration camps began in the 1940s,” Lopez said.


Lopez […]  points to the White House as the main cheerleader for the Morsi and the Brotherhood.

“This is exactly what many of us expected him to do (consolidate power) and I think the White House knew, too, and not only expected but wanted Morsi and the Brotherhood to take over Egypt,” Lopez said.

“As far as I know, the White House invitation for Morsi in September still stands – nor have I heard the slightest hint of criticism from any top U.S. government leadership figure about Morsi’s coup. He knows he’s on solid ground with this administration,” Lopez said.

Government Motors Headed for Bankruptcy, Again!

16 August, 2012

Obama – the man with the anti-Midas Touch:

Obama's Government Motors Limo

Obama’s Government Motors Limo

General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy — Again
Louis Woodhill – Forbes

President Obama is proud of his bailout of General Motors. That’s good, because, if he wins a second term, he is probably going to have to bail GM out again. The company is once again losing market share, and it seems unable to develop products that are truly competitive in the U.S. market.

Right now, the federal government owns 500,000,000 shares of GM, or about 26% of the company. It would need to get about $53.00/share for these to break even on the bailout, but the stock closed at only $20.21/share on Tuesday. This left the government holding $10.1 billion worth of stock, and sitting on an unrealized loss of $16.4 billion.

Right now, the government’s GM stock is worth about 39% less than it was on November 17, 2010, when the company went public at $33.00/share. However, during the intervening time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen by almost 20%, so GM shares have lost 49% of their value relative to the Dow.

It’s doubtful that the Obama administration would attempt to sell off the government’s massive position in GM while the stock price is falling. It would be too embarrassing politically. Accordingly, if GM shares continue to decline, it is likely that Obama would ride the stock down to zero.

GM is unlikely to hit the wall before the election, but, given current trends, the company could easily do so again before the end of a second Obama term.


Oklahoma: Business Owner’s Sign Raising Eyebrows

16 August, 2012

Gotta’ love them entrepreneurs!:

Broken Arrow Sign Sparks Controversy

A sign in Broken Arrow is raising some eyebrows.

A business owner is showing his disapproval of the President.

The sign is hanging next to Additive Systems, Inc. on Main Street in B.A.

It says “‘We’ built this business without gov’t. help. Obama can kiss our a**.”

It goes on to say, “I’m Bob Roggendorff and I approve this message.”

While our crew was on scene, a man pulled over just to get a picture of it.

“I was just driving by, saw it, kind of stuck out, figured I might as well take a picture for myself,” says John. “It’s pro-American, anti-Obama.”

We tried contacting Roggendorff in person and via phone, but have not heard back from him.

Colorado: 5 Iraqis Arrested in ‘Horrific’ Rape of Elderly Woman

15 August, 2012

Thank you, State Department and all the other governmental agencies that let all these troglodytes into America…  /sarcasm:

Jasim Mohammed Hassin Ramadon

5 Iraqi men arrested for ‘horrific’ Colorado Springs rape
August 15, 2012, by Will C. Holden –

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Colorado Springs arrested five Iraqi men Tuesday in connection with what police are calling a “rare” and “horrific” sexual assault.

Colorado Springs Lt. Howard Black told FOX21 Colorado Springs that the woman police believe the men sexually assaulted at the Wildridge Apartments suffered from injuries that could have been life-threatening.

“I have been a police officer for a lot of years,” Black said. “When I look at the injuries, this is one of the more severe sexual assault cases I have been a part of and investigated.”

Sarmad Fadhi Mohammed and Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon were arrested for the actual sexual assault Tuesday. Mustafa Sataar Al Feraji, Ali Mohammed Hasan Al Juboori and Yasir Jabbar Jasim were arrested as accessories to sexual assault.

All five men are are from Iraq and living in the U.S. legally as permanent residents. All five are in their 20s. If convicted, there is a possibility they could be deported.

Big whoop-dee-doo…   No wonder they don’t respect our laws; they know they won’t go to jail.

Police said the sexual assault occurred on July 21, and started when an elderly woman who works nights responded to two groups of men appearing to be on the brink of a fight at around 1:30 a.m. The woman, who was checking her mail at the time, was able to successfully defuse the fight. Afterwards, one of the men involved in the altercation invited her back to his apartment.

At the apartment, the woman drank “what she believed to be lemonade” with four men in their 20s, according to the report. She cannot recall anything after that.

According to police, doctors at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, where the woman was later admitted, said she suffered from internal injuries that appeared to be caused by blunt force trauma. When police arrived on scene of the apartment, they found blood splattered on the walls.

According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, Ramadon, one of the men accused of the sexual assault, was featured in “A Soldier’s Promise,” a 2009 combat memoir penned by Army First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex about the time he spent deployed in the Iraqi town of Husaybah.

Hendrex described helping Ramadon in his effort to immigrate to the U.S. in exchange for vital information the youngster — 14 at the time — provided Hendrex’s unit about local insurgents.

Libtard Shoots Security Guard at Family Research Council HQ

15 August, 2012

Interesting that the Left wants to disarm you, but not themselves…

You can bet your sweet patootie that if this had been a security guard for Planned Barrenhood getting shot, Obama and the MSM would be all over it with calls for civil discourse, gun control, yada yada.  However, since it occurred at a Conservative Christian, faith based institution, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

P.S. – The Southern Poverty Law Center labels the FRC  as a hate group.  Wonder if they’ll award the shooter a medal, or something:

Hero DC security guard shot thwarting attack at Family Research Council HQ
AP via NYPost

WASHINGTON — An armed man walked into the Washington headquarters of a conservative Christian lobbying group Wednesday morning and was confronted by a security guard, whom he shot in the arm before the guard and others wrestled him to the ground, authorities said.

The man was taken into custody by the FBI and was being interviewed. Authorities did not identify the man or disclose where he was being interviewed.

Police and FBI officials said it’s too early to know the circumstances of the shooting, which occurred around 10:45 a.m. at the headquarters of the Family Research Council, or whether it was connected to the group’s activities.


The Family Research Council advocates conservative positions on social issues and strongly opposes gay marriage and abortion.

Perkins was an outspoken defender of Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s public stand against same-sex marriage, which made the fast-food chain a flashpoint in the nation’s culture wars. The Cathy family foundation has funded the Family Research Council.


Joe Biden Just Can’t Help Himself

15 August, 2012

Another day, another Biden gaffe!

Today, Biden regressed back to the 20th century:

“Folks, where’s it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?”  – Joe Biden (Virginia – 8/15/12)

Joe, put down that crack pipe!

Alfonzo Rachel’s Godly Message to Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas

15 August, 2012

Good stuff here for everyone to absorb: