Archive for October 2012

Anti-Bullying Laws in Canada Forcing Catholic Schools to No Longer Teach that Abortion is Wrong!

15 October, 2012

Yup.  This is where America is headed if we keep embracing the Left:

Catholic Schools Told They Can’t Teach Abortion is Wrong
by Jim Hughes | Ottawa, Canada |

On Wednesday, Ontario’s Minister of Education rocked Ontario taxpayers, sending a shockwave across Canada, and even beyond our borders, with an announcement that can only be described as “totalitarian”.

Laurel Broten, Minister of Education told reporters that under its new anti-bullying law, Bill 13, The Accepting Schools Act, Catholic schools would no longer be permitted to teach that abortion is wrong!

A transcript of the remarks from Premier McGuinty’s office to LifeSiteNews quoted Minister Broten:

“We do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill 13 that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools,” she said.

“I don’t think that there is a contrast or a conflict between choosing a Catholic education for your children and supporting a woman’s right to choose,” she added.

Asked for clarification she said again: “Bill 13 has in it a clear indication of ensuring that our schools are safe, accepting places for all our students. That includes of LGBTQ students. That includes young girls in our school. Bill 13 is about tackling misogyny, taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take.”


Who Won the Vice Presidential Debate?

11 October, 2012

Well, it certainly wasn’t the butt-whoopin’ that Romney gave Obama, so there really was no clear cut winner.  I would have to honestly say that it was pretty much a tie.  Not bad for a youngster, Paul Ryan, to hold his own while going up against Joe Biden, a truly grizzled veteran of numerous political debates. 

So, where do we stand?  Well, if you are a DemonRat, you’re going to say that Biden won.  If you are a Republican, you’re going to say that Ryan won.  If you are an Independent, like me, I think you will probably agree that it was pretty much a tie.

Of course, if we scored the loser by who interrupted who during the debate the most times, I’d have to say the biggest loser Joe Biden was who  interrupted Paul Ryan 82 times!  That’s gotta’ be some sort of record!

What are your thoughts on the debate?

Sick Day – Open Thread

11 October, 2012

Note to our readers:  I’m a little under the weather, today. 

I’ll try to post something after tonight’s VP debate, but no guarantees.

Feel free to leave any cool links you find in the comments section.

– Dr. Bulldog

P.S. – Anyone want to wager a bet that the MSM is going to remain mum on Obama’s Islamic ring?  Even Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” is downplaying it!  Just crazy! 

Well, one thing is for sure; the guy is definitely NOT a Christian!


‘Veterans for a Strong America’ Releases New Ad: White House Leaks Threaten Lives

10 October, 2012

I truly feel deeply sorry for these parents who lost their son because Obama and Biden just couldn’t keep their damn mouths shut:

When Obama said his administration was going to be the most transparent, ever, I don’t think Americans realized he actually meant that he would be give away our national secrets…

Daily Kos Poll Has Romney Leading Obama by 2

9 October, 2012

Yup, lots of little Kossacks are gonna’ need to be put on suicide watch when they wake up this morning and discover that even their favorite resource for Lefturd propaganda has to admit that Romney is kicking Obama’s butt:

Daily Kos/SEIU State of the Nation poll: Romney takes the lead in post-debate period

Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 10/4-7. Likely voters. MoE ±2.72% (9/27-30 results)

The candidates for President are Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. If the election was today, who would you vote for?
Obama 47 (49)
Romney 49 (45)

That’s a pretty disastrous six-point net swing in just a week, and the first time we’ve ever had Romney in the lead. It is inline with all other national polling showing Romney making gains in the wake of his debate performance last week.


Several other polls, Pew chief among them, saw a big increase in the number of respondents self-identifying as Republicans—a sign of increased intensity on that side of the aisle. Our poll confirms that intensity boost. Last week, 65 percent of conservatives were “very excited” about voting this year. This week, it’s 74 percent. That’s a significant shift. Liberals also gained, but only marginally so, from 68 to 70 percent.

Clearly, none of this is irreversible, and it’ll bear watching the daily trackers to see if Romney continues to fade or not. And obviously, next week’s numbers will further clarify the shape of the race.

Regardless, it shows that Obama’s debate performance was an epic blunder. Romney gave his partisans a reason to get excited about him and they’ve responded. It should come as no surprise that people like to fight for people who are fighting for them.

From the “You Knew it was Coming” Files: Obama Taps Big Bird in New Ad Slamming Romney

9 October, 2012

Hey, Obama, here’s a tip:  Preschoolers can’t vote, but I can—and, I can’t stand that yellow-bellied commie!!!

Seems to me that if the viewers of Sesame Street want to keep Big Bird, they can shell out their own bird seed on him and stop using Ours to pay for more commie indoctrination of Our children!:

Kinda’ makes ya’ want to vote for Mitt, in my opinion! 

Yup, you know your campaign is in big trouble when you have to resort to using Big Bird as your campaign spokesperson!

Smooth move, Obama!  LOL!

‘Abound Solar’ Under Investigation after Receiving Money from Obama’s Stinkulus Package and Going Bankrupt

8 October, 2012

As Romney so deftly said to Obama during the first  debate, “You don’t just pick the winners and losers, you pick the losers all right!”:

Abound Solar under investigation by Weld County district attorney; received $68 million stimulus
Abound Solar declared bankruptcy earlier this year
The Denver Channel ABC7 – By Marshall Zelinger

LONGMONT, Colo. – A bankrupt Longmont-based company that received $68 million in stimulus money is under investigation by the Weld County district attorney’s office.

7NEWS has confirmed Abound Solar is under investigation.

Abound made solar panels which it sold across the country, Europe and India.The Department of Energy approved nearly $370 million in federal stimulus money for Abound. The company received $68 million before payments were stopped in 2011.

Sources tell 7NEWS that the company’s finances are under scrutiny.

7NEWS obtained internal documents from 2012 that show orders for tens of thousands of replacement solar panels. The orders cite different reasons for the replacements including, “low performance,” “under performance” and “catastrophic failures.”

The orders are for replacements requested after the Department of Energy stopped stimulus money payments to Abound.

“These are solar panels we are now seeing reports that said they worked as long as you didn’t put them in the sun,” said Rep. Cory Gardner, R-Colo. “Now the question is did the (Department of Energy) — did they know something that the rest of should have known? Did Abound not tell the DOE something? These are questions that need to be answered.”


Yes.  Yes, these questions do indeed need to be answered, but don’t expect any help from the Lame Stream Media—or Steven Chu, for that matter…

Romney’s Butt-Whoopin’ of Obama in Debate Begins Paying Off in Positive Poll Numbers

8 October, 2012

I’m still laughing my butt off over the Left’s meltdown after their messiah was exposed for the fraud he is on live TV!

Of course, you can bet that Obama’s handlers are busy toughening up Obama for the next debate.  I fully expect Obama to come out swinging in the next round.  Naturally, use of that tactic is a double-edged sword, because, if he gets too aggressive, he exposes his true nature; an angry, hateful radical in love with only himself:

Gallup: Romney tied with Obama after scoring historic debate Win
The HillBy Meghashyam Mali


A new Gallup poll released Monday shows that 72 percent of debate watchers picked Romney as the winner of the Wednesday face-off in Denver. Twenty percent picked Obama.

Gallup said the 52-point edge for Romney was the largest winning margin measured by the polling firm for a debate.


Romney also was pegged as the debate winner by independents, by 70 to 19 percent, and even by Democrats, who said his performance topped Obama’s by 49 percent to 39.

Gallup said the strong debate performance also helped push Romney into a tie with Obama, with both candidates pulling support from 47 percent of registered voters over three days after the debate. Those number show Romney’s debate helping him close a 5-point gap. In pre-debate polling, Obama topped Romney by 50 to 45 percent support.


Obama’s showing in the debate brought criticism from many supporters as well, who criticized his performance as subdued and said that president had failed to aggressively challenge Romney.

Post-debate polls have shown Romney closing the gap in many swing states, and a Rasmussen tracking poll released Sunday said the GOP candidate now held a 49-47 advantage over the president.

The Gallup daily tracking poll was conducted from Oct. 4 to 6 and has a 3-point margin of error.

Note to Our Readers

8 October, 2012

I apologize for the long absence and lack of response.  My work schedule has been rather hectic these past few weeks and I had to sacrifice blogging, for a bit, in order to juggle work and family.  Thank you all for your well wishes and concerns.  I appreciate that, deeply.

As for Ronin, I received an email from him a couple of weeks ago.  He is still out of the country on, uhm, “business,” and says that he won’t be able to get back to the States until around the first of the year.  He sends his best wishes to everyone and says, “Fight the good fight!  I have this side of the Pond.”

Anyway, my work situation has relaxed and, now, I can get back to what I love about blogging:  Hanging out with you all!

Let’s roll !!!