Archive for the ‘Liberals’ category

Mayor Bloomberg’s Food Nazis Eye Banning Large Tubs of Movie-Theater Popcorn

13 June, 2012

It’s not the popcorn that is the problem, stupid.  It’s all that simulated butter and salt.

However, be that as it may, it is not for the government to control what you or I can eat.

Not that I would, but if I want to destroy my popcorn with large globs of simulated butter oil and a bucket of sodium chloride, I should be free to do just that!

Those of you who fatuously voted for smoking bans; shame on you for laying the groundwork for all these food Nazis:

Oh, yeah! A large tub of popcorn! Yummy!

City health weasels go ‘pop’

Why stop at soda?

Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed ban on sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces could also include massive buckets of buttery movie-theater popcorn, as far as members of his Board of Health are concerned.

“The popcorn isn’t a whole lot better than the soda,” said Bruce Vladeck, a senior adviser at Nexera Consulting and one of the mayor’s appointees to the 11-member board.

The board yesterday agreed to put Bloomberg’s big-soda ban up for a public hearing July 24, but also talked about the merits of limiting other high-calorie treats.

A large tub of movie-theater popcorn has up to 1,650 calories.


Only if you load it up with all that fake butter oil.  Otherwise, you can eat almost all the popcorn you can stomach and not gain any weight. 

In fact, many diet plans actually suggest you eat air-popped popcorn to allay those nasty cravings for snack foods.   However, since when have Progressive Commies let actual facts get in the way of their power grabs?

The board will vote on the soda rules in September.

NY School Embraces Islam by Making Arabic Mandatory

25 May, 2012

The problem with all of this is that the moment they start learning Arabic, the indoctrination into Islam has begun and the Muzzies come out of the woodwork to flood your schools with Islamic propaganda.

Have these fools in New York learned nothing from September 11, 2001?

Arabic mandatory at city public school

An upper Manhattan public elementary school will be the first in the city to require that students study Arabic, officials said yesterday.

Beginning next semester, all 200 second- through fifth-graders at PS 368 in Hamilton Heights will be taught the language twice a week for 45 minutes — putting it on equal footing with science and music courses.

Science is only an hour and half per week???  When I was in elementary school, science was taught every day!  No flippin’ wonder most kids coming out of school are so ignorant!

One reason Principal Nicky Kram Rosen selected Arabic — as opposed to more common offerings, such as Spanish or French — is because it will help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate standing.

“She proposed this to the parent association. They were very supportive,” said Angela Jackson, CEO of the Global Language Project, which is backing the initiative.

“Arabic has been identified as a critical-need language,” she said, citing students’ future “career trajectories.’’

“It means they can spin the globe and decide where they want to work and live.”

Students now taking the class in a pilot program during their free afternoon periods said it’s been a challenge — but a rewarding one.

“I like Arabic class. I like the words we learn. I thought they sounded funny at first, now I think they sound cool,” said Nayanti Brown, a 7-year-old second-grader. “I teach my little sister the words I learn.’’

Nayanti said her mother was skeptical at first.

“When I gave my mom the [permission slip] to sign, she was shocked. [Now] she’s happy I’m in the class,” she said.

The Arabic requirement becomes mandatory in September. But PS 368 is a so-called “choice’’ school and no kids, even those living nearby, are forced to attend it. If the school ever enrolls a student who objects to learning Arabic, administrators will deal with that on a case-by-case basis, Jackson said.

Mohamed Mamdouh, who teaches the pilot program, said, “Soon, Arabic will be a global language like French and Spanish. These kids are like sponges. It’s amazing to see their progress.’’

See?  The indoctrination has already begun!:  “Islam will dominate the world!!!”

Mamdouh yesterday played a version of duck, duck, goose with the kids using the Arabic words for mother and father — mama and baba — for ducks and geese.

He also played a version of Simon Says where he would say a word or phrase in Arabic like, “ma drasti” — my school — and make a gesture like opening a book.

Bella Moon Castro, 34, of Harlem, signed her son up and is glad he’ll have a chance to learn Arabic.

“This makes the world smaller for the kids. It develops their confidence,” Castro said.

And lowers their intelligence…

Obama and Biden’s Evolving Views on Coal

11 May, 2012

Gee, it seems like only a few years ago, slo-Joe Biden was saying that coal is more dangerous than terrorists:

And, Obama was busy telling everyone about how he was going to eliminate the coal industry by making it cost-prohibitive to do business:

Of course, that was all before Obama and Biden stepped foot into the White House.  Since then, much to their chagrin, they have discovered that it’s not all that easy to get “coal country” Congressmen and Senators onboard the Green Eco-Train. 

So, Obama and Biden did the next best thing and bypassed all the checks and balances put in to the government and used their communist EPA buddies to turn the thumbscrews on the coal industry.

Such fascist maneuvering, however, did not go unnoticed by the coal countries and, Obama has since lost the ability to rally the coal country voters.

In an obvious effort to win the coal countries back, Obama’s views have suddenly “evolved” so as to appear supportive of “clean coal.”    Of course, anyone with half-a-brain knows that if Obama gets reelected, the coal industry is through.  Kaput!  End of story!:

Obama Adds ‘Clean Coal’ to Website Only After Disappointing W.V. Primary
May 11, 2012 • By MICHAEL WARREN – TheWeeklyStandard

After Barack Obama’s disappointing showing in the West Virginia Democratic primary–the president received less than 60 percent of the vote while a federal inmate in Texas won more than 40 percent–it seems the Obama reelection team may be realizing it has a problem in coal country. Below is an image of the Obama-Biden 2012 page on energy policy from a version of the site cached on May 3, five days before the West Virginia primary:

Among the topics available to read are oil, natural gas, fuel efficiency, biofuels, wind, solar, and nuclear. Now, here’s a screenshot from Obama’s energy page today:

All topics are still available to read except for “fuel efficiency.” That’s been replaced by “clean coal.” The site touts Obama’s “10-year goal to develop and deploy cost-effective clean coal technology.”

Obama isn’t likely to win West Virginia this year–ever since George W. Bush won the state in 2000, it’s been in Republican hands at the presidential level. But consider that swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio also have coal industries, and the change on Obama’s campaign website makes a bit more political sense.

Empowered by Obama, Rump-Riders & their LUVrs Take 2 Twitter 2 H8 on Traditionalists

10 May, 2012

No doubt these are the same morons who fully support Obama’s anti-bullying efforts.

NOTE:  I had to do a LOT of editing to tone these tweets down for our readers because the Left likes to throw out the F-bomb like a televangelist loves to throw out “Amens.” 

Maybe the Left should get their own mouths under control before pretentiously pointing fingers (THE finger? ). 

As someone once said, “Every time you point a finger at someone, there’s always three fingers pointing back to you…” 

No H8? Gay marriage supporters to opponents: kill yourselves
Posted May 10, 2012 by Twitchy Staff

if you not f***ing with obama for supporting gay marrige kill yourself ! love is love ♥

As we all know, embracing Barack Obama’s latest position on same-sex marriage is the height of tolerance and virtue. So what better way to show solidarity with the president’s (r)evolving support of gay marriage than wishing opponents would off themselves?

Note that “love is love” is a recurring phrase in these tweets. Tell us, are you feeling the love?

Everybody that said y’all aren’t voting for Obama bc he believes in gay marriage kill yourself, he believes that love is love not gay mrrge!

you’re not a fan of Obama anymore because he wants to legalize gay marriage? here, take this gun & kill yourself.

b*tch, go f***in kill yourself “@AnnCoulter: OBAMA AND BIDEN ARE GETTING MARRIED??????”

RT @RegularBrown People talking about the not gonna vote for Obama cause he supports gay marriage.. Please kill yourself

To anyone who just said “Obama declared a war on marriage” – kill yourself. That’s not a joke. Please kill yourself. Thanks.

If you’re opposed to gay marriage, kill yourself, you’re a bad person

Da F***.?! If Same Sex Marriage Offends You , Then Kill Yourself. Ppl Should Marry Who They Want. If You Aint Gay It Shouldnt Even Matter !

LOL @ North Carolina. Against gay marriage? Kill yourself. Bullet right in the mouth. Take some of that bigotry out of the gene pool.

“We’re not anti gay, we’re pro marriage ” omg kill yourself b*tch

If you don’t think gay marriage should be legal. Go kill yourself, you small minded bigot.

I hate julia gillard ! shes hates gay marriage ! go die stupid hoe ! love is love

f*** everyone who doesn’t support gay marriage. go die you ignorant f***s

I fully support gay marriage. If you don’t like it you can kindly f*** off and die a slow and painful death. Love is love motherf***ers.

Everybody against gay marriage can suck the phatest d***& die quick!!!! F*** off!

RT if your for gay marriage. DIE, if your not !

I don’t give a sh*t if you’re a Christian, Catholic, or even a Nazi; if you don’t support gay marriage you can f*** off and die.

“That person should die” my response to critics of @BarackObama s statement today… or anyone against gay marriage….

Whatever happened to “No H8″? Oh, that’s right, the tolerance thugs have always been cool with hateful language as long as it’s directed at “pansy asses” who hold different views.

Recall the way Prop. 8 supporters were treated in 2010:

Prop. 8 supporters and donors have been hounded, threatened, blacklisted, beaten, and forced to resign from their jobs for exercising their political free speech.

And once again, the “catch more flies with venom” school of persuasion is on full display.

Studies Show Libtards are More Poorly Informed, Less Likely to Donate to Charities, and Less Tolerant than Conservatives

5 May, 2012

As a former Atheistic Libtard, you won’t get any arguments from me on that score:

Liberals, take a long look in the mirror
by: KATHERINE KERSTEN – Star Tribune
The evidence shows you’re more poorly informed and less tolerant.

We’ve got a vivid picture of the Republicans and conservatives in our midst. They’re a sour, dour lot — close-minded, tight-fisted and intolerant. Some are businesspeople, greedy and self-interested. Others are rednecks, poorly informed, clinging to their guns and religion.

If only these folks understood political issues better and cared more about their fellow man, they’d be liberals, right?

Think again. A growing body of research is shattering this conventional wisdom.

Survey data make clear that Republicans, on average, are better informed than Democrats about political issues. Data from the American National Election Study has confirmed this over the years, and an April 2012 Pew Research Center survey — “What the Public Knows about the Political Parties” — is the latest to document it.

On eight of the survey’s 13 questions about politics, Republicans outperformed Democrats by an average of 18 percentage points. “Republicans fare substantially better than Democrats on several questions in the survey, as is typically the case in surveys about political knowledge,” according to the study.

The widest gap — 30 points — came on a question about which political party is “generally more supportive of reducing the size of federal government.” Seventy-six percent of Republicans, but only 46 percent of Democrats, correctly named the GOP.

Republicans even know more about Democratic leaders: 75 percent of Republicans identified Nancy Pelosi as a Democrat, vs. 59 percent of Democrats. And while 73 percent of Republicans knew Franklin Roosevelt was a Democrat, only 58 percent of Democrats did.

But surely liberals, widely praised for tolerance, are more open-minded than conservatives toward people with different views? Whoops.

A March 2012 Pew report, entitled “Social Networking Sites and Politics,” found that 28 percent of liberals have “blocked, unfriended or hidden someone” on social-networking sites because of their political postings, compared with 16 percent of conservatives.

Come to think of it, that shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s spent time on a college campus. We’re used to hearing that left-wing students have shouted down a conservative speaker. But when did you last hear about conservative students silencing a liberal speaker?


Tax Loophole for Illegal Immigrants Costing U.S. Taxpayers Billions of Dollars

4 May, 2012

Gee…  Imagine that; the Federal Government has created a special class of “citizens” who don’t need no stinkin’ Social Security Numbers to file tax returns; nor do they need SSN’s for their supposed children in order to take Child Tax Credits on their returns!!!

Go ahead,  try it!  As a U.S. citizen, you’d probably get thrown in jail for claiming 10 dependents without providing even a single SSN for your supposed dependents!  But, if you are here illegally, well then…everything is just hunky-dory and the Federal government just forks the money over!  No wonder America is so broke!!!

Anyone else seeing red right now?

H/T – Gonzo

Part One:

Part Two:

For more info, CLICK HERE.

Website Which Pushes Infidelity Offers $1 Million to Any Woman Who Has Had (or will have) Sex With Christian QB Tim Tebow

25 April, 2012

Nothing like watching the hypocritical Left make asses of themselves while trying to destroy anyone who publicly professes a Christian faith:

Controversial website offers $1M for proof of sex with Tim Tebow
by Nick Mathews – Ultimate Texans

Christian football star Tim Tebow insists he is a virgin, and a controversial website is offering $1 million to the woman who will change that., which provides matches for extramarital affairs, confirmed the offer, which originally was reported by blogger Darren Rovell.


“Sports and sex (and of course, infidelity) go hand in hand,” said Ashley Madison head Noel Biderman in a satement. “If Mr. Tebow is indeed abstaining from adult relationships, I would encourage him to find a nice lady or two and enjoy his youth and fame as much as possible. I guarantee that no man of Tebow’s stature could survive a season in New York without succumbing to the temptations of the city.”

Zo Nation on Ted Nugent’s Visit from the Secret Service and Eminem’s Non-Visit

24 April, 2012

An excellent editorial from my man, Alfonzo:

Bob Owens Admits He Got Played by the Lame Stream Media in the Martin-Zimmerman Incident

11 April, 2012

Yeah, I know; another Martin-Zimmerman post. 

However, I feel that this whole affair is a case study in how Leftist politicians, along with their cohorts in the Lame Stream Media, manipulate public opinion in an effort to push their own agendas.  Sadly, it isn’t until much later—long after the damage is done—that the American public finally begins to wake up to the fact that they’ve been hornswoggled by a bunch of Lefturd muckraking flimflammers.

Kinda’ reminds me of an Old West lynching mob:

H/T – TGUSA for being the first to reference “The Ox-Bow Incident” in conjunction with the Martin-Zimmerman Incident.

Why I Called George Zimmerman a Murderer, and Why I Was Wrong
I won’t get fooled by media again.
by Bob Owens – April 11, 2012 – PJM

On March 17, I thought I had it all figured out. I wrote a post on my blog in which I pronounced America’s most famous neighborhood watch captain guilty:

Martin, a wispy 17-year-old-black teen, was walking to the home he was staying in after going to the convenience store for a bag of candy and a Coke. George Zimmerman, a self-appointed neighborhood watch captain, stalked Martin from his car, and then well, you can read the rest.

It seems self-evident from the 911 tapes that he was psyching himself up to justify a confrontation. Zimmerman initiated the confrontation by leaving his vehicle. He then asks us to believe — absent any living witness to conflict with him — that a teen some 100 lbs. lighter than him started a fight, and that Zimmerman “had” to shoot the kid in self-defense. Does anyone but Zimmerman’s father — and an apparently incompetent Sanford PD — buy Zimmerman’s claim this was a justifiable case of self-defense?

I’ll admit that I do not know the idiosyncrasies of Florida law, but if an armed person initiates a conflict, then uses that conflict as an excuse to draw his weapon and kill the person he confronted, that sounds a lot like murder in my book. No wonder Martin’s parents are furious that the Sanford PD hasn’t filed charges against Zimmerman.

In light of the just released 911 tapes, which suggest Martin plead for his life before Zimmerman fired a second, killing shot, both Zimmerman and the Sanford PD better prepare for very expensive civil rights cases, and hope that a vigilante doesn’t act to correct a perceived injustice as some have already threatened.

How naive that post now seems. The narrative created by the media at that time was one of an innocent life taken for no reason at all, by a much older, heavier, and racist man itching for a confrontation.

That was before we found out there was only one gunshot and no coup de grâce. That was before we found out that George Zimmerman had not deluged the local police with 46 paranoid 911 calls in one year, but 46 calls over a period of eight years, which isn’t unreasonable for a community watch volunteer. The media had either lied about how often he called, or purposefully compressed the timeline.

That was before we learned that Zimmerman didn’t know Martin’s race when he made the call, and that race didn’t play a roll in any of the 911 calls the local police had on file.

That was before we discovered that George Zimmerman wasn’t the 240-plus pound bruiser in the five-year-old picture the media used as much as possible, but was listed at a much smaller 170 pounds by none other than the New York Times. That’s a nominal 20 pounds heavier than a teen that stood four inches over him.

That was before we found out that two eyewitnesses placed Martin on top of Zimmerman as the aggressor, and that at least one of them claims it was Zimmerman crying for help.

That was before ABC News attempted to claim police surveillance video disproved Zimmerman’s claim of being injured in what may have been a purposeful deception. (more…)

Mass: Libtard School Changes Song Lyrics from “God Bless the USA” to “We Love the USA”; Drops Song After Parental Outrage

5 April, 2012

Yup, in the minds of Libtards, it’s either their way or no way:

School changes lyrics from ‘God Bless the USA’ to ‘We love the USA’
Song pulled following outrage from parents

BELLINGHAM (FOX 25 / – Following outrage from parents; a changed version of “God Bless the USA” has been pulled from an upcoming school assembly concert.

According to parents, children at Stall Brook Elementary school were told to sing “We love the USA” instead of “God Bless the USA” during the chorus of the popular Lee Greenwood song.

The song was scheduled to be performed at an April 12th assembly, but now has been pulled.

In a statement from Stall Brook Elementary school, they said they hope to “maintain the focus on the original objective of sharing students’ knowledge of the U.S. States, and because of logistics, will not include any songs.”

Sheesh!  What a bunch of Libbie crybabies;  “Waaah!  You won’t let me make up my own rules, so I’m taking all my marbles and going home to mommy!  Waaah!”