Archive for the ‘Thailand’ category

Islamic Insurgency takes toll on both Buddhists, Muslims

24 May, 2009

We have seen the attempts to portray islamic violence as causing islamic and non islamic communities to suffer equally. It is a lie, a common lie oft repeated but it remains a lie.

I saw similar conditions to those highlighted in this story in Bosnia. Communities were separated, distrustful of each other and the rage, intolerance and hate remained it was just hidden. For the most part the violence was down and during the day, shops were open, children played in the streets and things looked good. As long as the sides steered clear of each other.

The problem in Thailand is one of scope, uncontrolled islam will continue to fester, the numbers of minions will increase and like it or not violence will return.

24 May, 2009. KO TO, Thailand (AP): The young Muslim man says he watched helplessly as soldiers broke his father’s bones and punctured his lungs with vicious kicks. After seven hours of relentless torture the Muslim religious leader died cradled in his lap.
-Awww so sad to bad. The imam was anything but innocent. By preaching the concept of jihad he made his bed.

In a nearby village, a 7-year-old Buddhist girl still dials her father’s mobile telephone number every evening. Then she readies his bed. But her father is never coming home. He and his brother were riddled with bullets and their bodies set afire as they motorcycled to a computer class.
-Attacking the weak a common muslim attack strategy. Why fight armed soldiers when there are unarmed civilians around?

A vicious Muslim insurgency in Thailand’s deep south has spared few. On the roll call of 3,400 dead are monks and teachers, shopkeepers and rubber tappers, officials and innocents from every background.

Islamic radicals are fighting for a separate state in Buddhist-majority Thailand. And a rift is widening between Buddhists and Muslims – communities that had lived harmoniously for generations and now share equally in the suffering.

The separatist movement, which periodically erupts into violence, was born after 1902 when Thailand took over an independent sultanate in a region where some 70 percent of the 1.8 million people adhere to Islam.

But past insurgency leaders restricted their attacks to Thai authorities. Violence seldom affected the ordinary people and thus did not embroil them in mutual suspicion and fear.

This changed dramatically in the wake of hardline government policies in the south coupled with the influence of international jihad. In recent years, the insurgency has spread into the fabric of society, creating tensions, suspicions and animosity between Buddhists and Muslims.
-It doesn’t matter who the targets were, the fact that the islamic community did not condemn or stop the violence speaks volumes. (more…)

Christian Militants Kill Buddhist Woman and then Torch Her Body!

26 March, 2009

Oh, wait…  My bad…  It was just some more crazy Muzzies filled with the unholy spirit.  Nothing to see here, folks.  Move along.

Militants killed, body torched in Thailand violence

Separatist militants have shot dead four civilians in southern Thailand, torching the body of one female victim, while two insurgents were killed in a clash, police say.

The 48-year-old Thai Buddhist woman was killed in a drive-by shooting in restive Yala province on Thursday afternoon.

The rebels then doused her body with benzene and set it ablaze, said police.

Also in Yala, police sealed off a house for three hours on Thursday after learning that alleged rebels were inside, and a 10 minute gunbattle ensued, leaving one policeman badly wounded.

Police later found the bodies of two men, believed to be militants, inside the house, police said.

In neighbouring Pattani province, two gunmen stormed into a staff room at a Muslim school on Thursday and shot dead a teacher, while the school principal sustained serious injuries, said police.

Separately, gunmen shot dead a 46-year-old Buddhist woman and left her 70-year-old husband in a critical condition in an attack on their grocery store in Narathiwat province on Thursday.

Militants then detonated a bomb inside the shop as police investigated the shooting, injuring three police officers.

A Buddhist man was also killed in a drive-by shooting in Pattani on Wednesday, police said.

More than 3,600 people have been killed and thousands more injured in five years of separatist violence in the Muslim-majority provinces near the Malaysian border.

Buddhist-majority Thailand annexed the mainly Muslim, ethnic Malay area in 1902, sparking decades of tension and mistrust.

Muslim Savages behead Husband and Wife in Thailand

23 February, 2009

More followers of islam-following islam.

23 February 2009, Bangkok Post.
A group of insurgents gunned down and beheaded a couple of local rubber farmers in the southern border province of Yala on Sunday morning.

The unarmed victims, identified as Kongphet Janyarerk, 39, and his wife Yenjai, 38, were ambushed and killed while they were on their way to at a rubber plantation in Yala’s Raman district. The culprits decapitated them and took their heads away before escaping from the area.
-Keeping the heads might be a indication of a bounty on infidels.

The killings were the fifth and sixth this month in which the separatist gangs cut off the heads of their victims after what appeared to be targetted murders.

Since the southern gangs renewed the anti-government war in January, 2004, they have beheaded at least 47 of their murder victims. Most of the casualties have been Muslim civilians. In all, more than 3,500 people have been killed in insurgent attacks.
-No doubt some of this is a tit for tat responce but most of the violence is designed to force infidels out of the area. (more…)

Two Buddhists and Muslim killed in Thailand’s un-restive south

18 November, 2008

I smell a revenge killing here but read it as written.

18 Nov 18, 2008, REUTERS
PATTANI, Thailand: Suspected militants shot dead a Muslim and two Buddhists in two separate incidents in Thailand’s far south, police said on Tuesday, the latest violence in a five-year separatist rebellion.

The 24-year-old Muslim was shot dead and his mother was injured as they rode a motorcycle to a rubber plantation in Pattani, one of three southern provinces roiled by violence that has killed 3,200 people since 2004.

In a nearby district, two Buddhist truck drivers were shot dead and mutilated by four unknown gunmen at a rubber factory, police said.

The killers sped away on two motorcycles with one of the victims’ amputated arms, police said.
-Sounds like they needed proof, now who would pay them to commit terror? (more…)

Buddhist Couple Shot Dead by Muslims in Thailand’s “Restive” South

8 July, 2008

More peace offerings from the religion of peace:

Couple shot and burned in Thailand’s deep South
Jul 8, 2008 – M&C

Pattani, Thailand – Suspected Islamic separatists on Tuesday shot dead a couple and burned their bodies on the roadside in the latest atrocity to hit Thailand’s troubled, majority-Muslim deep South.

Thai-Buddhists Chachawan Sonkamnong and his wife Amphai were shot dead in an ambush in Mayo district of Pattani province, about 750 kilometres south of Bangkok, as they drove a motorcycle to work in a rubber plantation, police said.

Their 14-year-old son, Suphot, who was also on the motorcycle, managed to flee the assailants.

The perpetrators, believed to be Muslim militants, doused the dead couple with kerosine and burned their bodies on the roadside.

‘We believe the assailants were people from the area bent on scaring the local population,’ said Major General Thawatchai Samusakorn.

On Monday in Nong Chik district, also in Pattani, assailants attacked a military truck escorting children to school, killing two soldiers. Three children were injured when their school bus crashed after the attack.


Muslim Arrested in Bangkok for Counterfeiting Passports

27 April, 2008

Again, I am just livid!

LIVID, I tell you!!! Positively furious!!!!!!!

Think your new electronic passports are safe? Think again!

As Yonason first alerted us last month, the U.S.A.’s Government Printing Office (GPO), in a lame and ill-advised effort to save money, outsourced the manufacture of the new electronic passports to foreign countries overflowing with Islamonazis, such as Thailand!

Now, comes the following verification of what we all feared; the Islamonazis have taken advantage of the GPO’s lunacy and are now counterfeiting the new U.S. passports!

This is BIG news, as we have just opened up the floodgates to the terrorists!

EVERYONE needs to write their Congressmen and let them know what you think of the GPO’s stupidity.

The cost cutting management in the GPO needs to be fired!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heck, even as stingy as I am with money, I’d be more than willing to shell out a couple more bucks for a passport if that would insure its manufacture and production were kept where they belong – here at home.

Thai police seize more than 1,000 fake passports in raid
27 April 2008

(Reuters) – via KhaleejTimes

BANGKOK – Thai authorities have seized more than a thousand fake Asian and Western passports and arrested a man in one of the biggest anti-counterfeiting operations in recent years, police said on Sunday.

Mohammed Karim, a 56-year-old from Bangladesh, was nabbed in a Bangkok townhouse late on Saturday where they found a sophisticated passport making operation and more than 1,000 finished and unfinished documents, Police Major-General Chaktip Chaichinda said.

“He admitted that he made fake passports,” Chaktip told Reuters, adding that his partner, a Myanmar national, escaped arrest.

The passports were for several countries including the United States, New Zealand, France, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia and Malta. Police seized two computers, a scanner, three printers and rubber stamps for several countries.

“This guy is rich. He has a BMW. He said he made about 300,000-400,000 baht per month (around $10,000),” Chaktip said.

The passports were sold to a group of Thai and Burmese middlemen who then sold them to gangs engaged in prostitution, terrorism and smuggling, he said.

If convicted, Karim faces up to 20 years in jail.

“It’s the biggest fake passport case in the past four to five years,” Chaktip said.

Passport fraud is a common problem in Thailand, where police seized 100 fake documents last year.

Headless body found in strife-torn southern Thailand as bomb kills 1

27 October, 2007

27 October 2007, The Jakarta Post.
PATTANI, Thailand (AP): Police found the decapitated body of an unidentified man in a village known for Islamic militancy in Thailand’s strife-torn south on Saturday.

In a separate incident, a bomb exploded next to two busy roadside restaurants, killing a woman and wounding 14 other people, police said.

Police Lt. Paen Promdee said the body was found in the Nong Chik district of Pattani province early Saturday morning, but that the head was missing.

Also Saturday, a bomb exploded between a restaurant and a coffee shop in Narathiwat province’s Rangae district, triggered by a mobile phone, police Col. Chalerm Yingyong said.

Chalerm indicated that police also suspected Muslim insurgents in that attack.

The attacks came after a lull in years of violence afflicting Thailand’s southernmost provinces.
– I’m not sure I would call all the bombing and attacks by demonically inspired minions that we report as a “lull” but I didn’t write the article. In reality, attacks by Muslims are common in Thailand’s “restive south”. Since the Muslims decided to start their little jihad in Thailand, approximately 2600 people have been killed. Things did slow down after a recent crackdown but it looks like the brief break is over. Time for another crackdown.

– Of note is the press in Jakarta have no fear of placing the blame, our MSM could learn a few things from them.

German Man Gets Pissed – Attacks Thai Muslims for Chanting too Much

15 September, 2007

Yup, it looks like he had a good time, too. 


Drunken German attacks Muslim Worship Hall.
Pattaya City News 

Police Major Natapon from Banglamung Police Station was called to the Mike Orchid Village 1 in Soi Kow Noi on Friday Night to deal with a case involving a drunken German Resident and a group of Muslim Worshipers. Police arrived and were met by an angry group of Muslims whose prayer session was interrupted by a German Resident who entered their prayer room allegedly shouting racist profanities before an attempt was made to destroy the prayer room. Mr. Bernard Nupp aged 65, a house owner at the Village explained at the Stationhouse that he could not stand the chanting of the worshipers anymore which takes place 5 times a day and this, in combination with a night of heavy drinking, led him to confront the worshippers. Police charged the German national with causing a public disturbance and he was later released and told to respect the worshippers in the future.

NYT Reports on Informal Jihadi Tenets for Killing

9 June, 2007

I guess the New York Times is still reeling from the backlash they felt for burying the JFK Terrorist Plot. Now, they seem to be trying to make amends. But, of course, they will probably use this next article as a public relations piece to hold up as a testimony that they are a non-biased publication, blah, blah, blah…:

The Guidebook for Taking a Life

Published: June 10, 2007
We were in a small house in Zarqa, Jordan, trying to interview two heavily bearded Islamic militants about their distribution of recruitment videos when one of us asked one too many questions.

“He’s American?” one of the militants growled. “Let’s kidnap and kill him.”

The room fell silent. But before anyone could act on this impulse, the rules of jihadi etiquette kicked in. You can’t just slaughter a visitor, militants are taught by sympathetic Islamic scholars. You need permission from whoever arranges the meeting. And in this case, the arranger who helped us to meet this pair declined to sign off.

“He’s my guest,” Marwan Shehadeh, a Jordanian researcher, told the bearded men.

With Islamist violence brewing in various parts of the world, the set of rules that seek to guide and justify the killing that militants do is growing more complex.

This jihad etiquette is not written down, and for good reason. It varies as much in interpretation and practice as extremist groups vary in their goals. But the rules have some general themes that underlie actions ranging from the recent rash of suicide bombings in Algeria and Somalia, to the surge in beheadings and bombings by separatist Muslims in Thailand.

Some of these rules have deep roots in the Middle East, where, for example, the Egyptian Islamic scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi has argued it is fine to kill Israeli citizens because their compulsory military service means they are not truly civilians.

The war in Iraq is reshaping the etiquette, too. Suicide bombers from radical Sunni and Shiite Muslim groups have long been called martyrs, a locution that avoids the Koran’s ban on killing oneself in favor of the honor it accords death in battle against infidels. Now some Sunni militants are urging the killing of Shiites, alleging that they are not true Muslims. If there seems to be no published playbook, there are informal rules, and these were gathered by interviewing militants and their leaders, Islamic clerics and scholars in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and England, along with government intelligence officials in the Middle East, Europe and the United States.

Islamic militants who embrace violence may account for a minuscule fraction of Muslims in the world, but they lay claim to the breadth of Islamic teachings in their efforts to justify their actions. “No jihadi will do any action until he is certain this action is morally acceptable,” says Dr. Mohammad al-Massari, a Saudi dissident who runs a leading jihad Internet forum,, in London, where he now lives.

Here are six of the more striking jihadi tenets, as militant Islamists describe them: (more…)

Hundreds of Muslims protest in Thai restive south

2 June, 2007

June 2, 2007 (AFP)

NARATHIWAT (Thailand)- HUNDREDS of Muslims protested on Saturday against rising violence and the military in Thailand’s restive south, which is reeling from the deadliest attack against soldiers since 2004.
~Restive? It sounds to me like a violent and dangerous militant muslim breeding ground.

The protesters, mainly young men and women, rallied around a mosque in Pattani, one of three insurgency-torn provinces bordering Malaysia, and demanded the immediate withdrawal of troops from the region.
~Ok, sanity check. Violent murderous radical muslims are killing other muslims who are not radical enough and non muslims on a daily basis. Troops are sent in to protect you and you want them removed? Got it! I totally understand. Your mosque is guilty of supplying the radicals and you protest because the military wants to stop you. I hope the Thai forces are taking pictures of every one of you idiots.

They were gathering for the third day and also demanded the cancellation of a state of emergency. Some 2,000 people demonstrated at the mosque on Friday.
~Translation: They are getting scared. It is hard to jihad when they are watching and have enough firepower to blow you to hell.
‘Authorities and Pattani Islamic Committee are trying to hold negotiations with protest leaders,’ a local official said.
The Muslim-majority south was hit by the worst attack against the military when 12 soldiers were killed in a roadside bomb attack and ambush by militants late Thursday in Yala.
Since Thursday, the authorities have cut off mobile phones in the region.
Militants often use the phones to set off bombs.
~Good first step, now cut off access to the Internet (except for this site) and seize all the islamonazi propaganda from the local mosques and bookstores.

In Yala, insurgents set fire to a public school late on Friday. Others sprayed graffiti saying ‘Pattani Merdaka,’ which means ‘independent Pattani State.’ Six torn Thai flags were also dumped on roads in nearby Narathiwat.
~Good now you know what area to reinforce and really put the hammer down.

More than 2,200 people have been killed in a separatist insurgency in the southern region since January 2004.
Violence has escalated despite moves by Thailand’s military-installed government to build peace. The current administration came to power after a coup in September 2006.
Separatist unrest has erupted there periodically ever since and has begun spreading to nearby provinces.
The military deploys some 30,000 troops in the troubled south and plans to send more soldiers in a bid to quell the ongoing violence. – AFP