Archive for 12 April, 2007

U.S. in ‘strategic peril,’ retired general warns

12 April, 2007

The Dallas Morning News
April 12, 2007
In a harshly worded critique of U.S. national security policy, retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey said Wednesday it is too late to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and that Saudi Arabia is likely to follow. Furthermore, he said, the U.S. is woefully unprepared to handle new threats, let alone the ones it now faces.
Gen. McCaffrey, interviewed during a Dallas visit, sharply criticized the Pentagon’s handling of the Iraq war, saying the military is debilitated and on the verge of disaster as it confronts up to 100,000 armed insurgents and militiamen there.
The four-star general suggested that another major crisis, such as a military threat from North Korea or Iran, could force the U.S. to respond with nuclear weapons because it lacks the resources and staffing to fight another conventional ground war.
Gen. McCaffrey, formerly head of the U.S. Southern Command and once the Army’s most highly decorated generals, made his assessment after completing trips to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait at the invitation of the U.S. Central Command in February and March.
In separate reports prepared for the U.S. Military Academy, where he serves as an adjunct professor, Gen. McCaffrey cited dozens of sources for his assessment, including U.S. ambassadors, top U.S. military commanders and intelligence officials, and senior members of the Saudi, Pakistani and Afghan governments.
Although the Pentagon said his remarks do not reflect official policy, Gen. McCaffrey’s stature and the fact that he consulted officials at the highest military and political levels lent significant authority to his assessment.
“The fact that Gen. McCaffrey provided his thoughts and comments to Centcom does not then make them Centcom’s position. The military commanders provide their recommendations to the secretary,” said a Department of Defense spokesman who asked not to be identified.
In remarks at the Pentagon on Wednesday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Army continues to have high recruitment and retention rates, belying the dire assessments offered by critics.
Iran ‘going nuclear’
On Iran’s nuclear research program, which Tehran insists is for peaceful purposes, Gen. McCaffrey warned that the Persian Gulf country will have a nuclear bomb within the next five years. “It’s too late, without question. They’re going nuclear,” he said. (more…)

Looking for a Hero.

12 April, 2007

A Veteran’s Affairs employee told me about this and I asked for additional details. I think I can help by posting this and asking others to do the same. Let’s work together and see if we can find the last of our WW1 heroes. Here are the details.

The Office of Public Affairs asked VA employees to join the final search for America’s living World War I veterans. A year ago, there were 20, now there are four – four names were on a VA’s list of living Americans who entered military service prior to November 11, 1918. Four World War I veterans are known to remain of the 4.8 million men and women who served in U.S. armed forces between America’s entry into the war April 16, 1917 and the Armistice ending the war on November 11, 1918. The VA searched its own files and worked with other federal and state agencies and veterans groups to identify World War I veterans and develop a list to help the Department and the nation track these final veterans of The Great War. Records searches alone can not reveal the identities of all veterans with World War I service who might be alive. The U.S. Army demobilized rapidly after the war ended and veteran’s benefits and services were handled by a number of separate federal agencies. Many veterans did not apply for benefits at all so no records were produced; and a 1973 fire at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis destroyed many military service records from that era. So the VA Office of Public Affairs is asking VA employees who may know of living World War I veterans to contact VA Central Office with their information. Information about survivors can be e-mailed to; faxed to 202-273-6702, or mailed to the Office of Public Affairs, Department of Veterans Affairs (80), 810 Vermont Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20420.

Germany’s Fifth Column

12 April, 2007

I’m sick and tired of the Liberal Media calling everyone Islamophobic, so I’ve made the following poster just for them:


This next article seems to imply that local officials in Germany are Islamophobes. I don’t think so. I think they are in the process of pulling the weeds before the garden is completely overrun. If only the French had taken such actions a decade ago…

The Threat of Islamist Terrorism to Germany

By Anouar Boukhars

Global Terrorism Analysis: The recent al-Qaeda threat to Germany over its forces in Afghanistan coupled with the arrest of four Arab men accused of supporting al-Tawhid—a terrorist organization believed to have links to al-Qaeda—have convinced German authorities of the rising jihadi threat to Germany. “It is decidedly false to believe that Germany need not fear terrorist attacks because it is not involved with the Iraq war…Germany is the leading nation in the fight against the Taliban, with which al-Qaeda is tightly allied…We are part of the hated West,” Bavarian Interior Minister Beckstein declared [1]. Yet, while Germany is by no means immune to home-grown terrorism, it is still a fact that the ideologies that spawn terrorism or radicalism elsewhere in Europe have not found fertile ground in the country’s Turkish immigrants who make up three quarters of the Muslim population [2].

Thus far, the Turkish community has appeared largely immune from pietistic movements like Salafism, or Tabligh, or even from political Islam or Salafi-Jihadism. With the exclusion of the Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüş (Islamic Community of the National Vision, IGMG), Islamic activism appeals far less to the Turkish Muslim element than it does to the rest of the Muslim minority. The few jihadi suspects apprehended so far are of Arab origin or were German converts. Despite the scare of Islamist ideologues exporting their creed to a marginalized Muslim minority, the federal Verfassungsschutz (Office for the Protection of the Constitution), the equivalent of Britain’s MI5 and the U.S. FBI, puts the number of Islamists at about one percent (32,100) of the Muslim population—27,250 of Turkish origin (26,500 of which belong to IGMG), 3,350 of Arab origin, 150 of Iranian origin and 1,350 of other nationalities. The Muslim Brotherhood is believed to claim 1,300 members while Jama’at Tabligh has about 500 members, Hamas 300 members and Hezbollah 900 [3].

Yet despite the fact that intelligence agencies have found little evidence of the association of Islamists with social unrest or jihadism, local and federal authorities are highly distrustful of Islamism in both its moderate and its radical forms. (more…)

You are What You Eat

12 April, 2007


Sheik Yer’ Mami, over at Winds of Jihad has an interesting article that implies that eating pork may lead to Homosexuality! Yup, that’s right! Just ask the Muslim youths in the German Ahmadiyya Community! You can read all about it HERE

Pelosi’s Actions Undermine Traditional America

12 April, 2007

To somewhat quote Michael Savage: Those damn red-diaper-doper-babies are at it again! It’s up to you and I to stay informed and maintain sanity in a sea of Liberalism!

The Liberal/Islamist War Against America
chrisadamo_b2.jpgBy Christopher G. Adamo
April 12, 2007


When Americans arrive at the place where they are too overwhelmed to even express dismay at any one particular outrage being perpetrated by the Democrats, it is time to step back and examine the “bigger picture.” In the wake of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to the Middle East, America clearly finds itself at just such a juncture.

Some have indeed chastised Pelosi, and their criticism was quickly deflected by her Democrat cohorts as mere expressions of “partisanship.” Thus her defenders have united themselves with her seditious behavior.

Ultimately, this situation and its diplomatic consequences, abominable though they may be, should not be treated as an isolated example from a madcap leftist fringe. Rather, they should be considered in the context of liberalism’s long-standing assault on the American ideal.

Furthermore, the common ground shared with Islamists in their malevolence towards America, and the various resulting schemes of both groups to wage war against the “great Satan,” are extremely revealing as to their ultimate motivation. Pelosi’s latest escapade, along with several other events of the past few days, give ample evidence of the deep-seated alliance that has emerged between the American left and the Islamists. (more…)

Female Saudi Newscaster Says Saudi’s Are Brainwashed

12 April, 2007

Here’s an interesting exchange on Saudi TV that I thought you might like to watch:

MEMRITV – Buthayna Nasser