Archive for 22 April, 2007

12 Year Old Christian Girl Raped By Four Muslims On Easter Day

22 April, 2007

Just sick…  My stomach was in knots just reading this article…

12 Year Old Christian Girl Gang Raped By Muslims

By BosNewsLife News Center

shaheena.jpgLAHORE, PAKISTAN (BosNewsLife/APMA) — A 12 years old Christian girl, Shaheena Masih was kidnapped and gang raped by four Muslim men on Easter day at Lahore in the Province of Punjab.


On 8 April 2007, Easter day, Shaheena family members went to a local Church to attend Easter prayers but Shaheena Bibi and her old ailing father remained at home. At 10:00 O’clock her father Piara Masih asked Shaheena to get him a pack of juice from near by shop as he was not feeling well. Shaheena on her way to shop was kidnapped by four armed men, who stopped her and placed a handkerchief on her mouth to make her unconsciousness and flung her in to a white color car. When Shaheena regained her senses she found her self in a factory where four men were present in the room. These four men raped her and locked her in a room. Mean while, Shaheena found a mobile phone lying in the room through which she contacted her brother Munir Masih and informed him of her abduction but while she was talking to her brother, the culprits came inside the room and snatched the mobile, switched it off, she was beaten badly and warned of dire consequences.

Shaheena was repeatedly gang raped by these men. Mohammad Naseer, One of the culprit who is the owner of the factory that produces plastic material said to other culprits, “don’t hesitate to rape a Christian girl, even she will die no one will get us, her poor parents can not pursue us”. (more…)

Breaking Down the Demographics of Islam in the U.S.

22 April, 2007

For those of you who enjoy numbers and statistics, or you just want to win a game of bar trivia, the following article has the breakdown of Islamic demographics in the United States, along with an explanation as to why anyone would care to track such things:


Mapping Shari’a in America: Why SANE?

by Dave Gaubatz

The Conservative Voice 

April 22, 2007
Mapping Shari’a in America, a project undertaken by the Society of Americans for National Existence (SANE).

The question has been asked of me, Why is it necessary to map Shari’a in America?

Implicitly this question is really two questions. Why would anyone need to map out all of the mosques and Islamic day schools in the US and assuming that this was a worthwhile project, why would a private non-profit organization such as SANE undertake this and not the FBI or some other division of the Homeland Security Administration?

The answer to the first question is based upon what I know to be true from my almost two decades working for the US Air Force (Office of Special Investigations) and the federal government (non-military) special agent specializing in intelligence and counter-terrorism, especially the Islamic variety. My professional career has required me to learn Arabic and to spend many years in the Middle East, developing human intelligence to learn who, what, where, and how the terrorists want to kill Americans and destroy our nation.

The first thing I learned was that the political ideology of winning over the West and the world for an Islamic Caliphate is NOT specific to some extremist group of Muslims. This is mainstream Islam and Shari’a. Historical, traditional and authoritative Islamic law mandates every Muslim to work to that end through personal development (or internalized Jihad), and outreach (or dawa), and external Jihad or war.

It is certainly true that not all Muslims are faithful to their full calling, but any Shari’a faithful Muslim, meaning any Muslim who accepts Islamic law as authoritative (even if he himself does not live up to its standards) strives for or at least dreams of the day when his country and the world will live under the mandates of Islamic law. (more…)

Third in line to the throne and ‘the mother of all targets’

22 April, 2007

Iraqi insurgents are already planning what they will do with Prince Harry if he is captured. Photo / Reuters Every soldier faces risk and could easily be captured, killed or maimed. Prince Harry has shown willingness to go and not hide behind the shield of celebrity. I think this shows him to be a brave and loyal Patriot of the crown and demonstrates true leadership.

The Iraqi propaganda machine is attempting to make it look like the young Prince is doomed and he will bring much grief down on his unit. I am tossing the BS flag here, the Prince is not in any additional danger. If the insurgents were really that well lead and organized we would have lost more senior military not to mention all the politicians, celebrities and even well known entertainers. All would have made the Iraqi propagandists a nice stuffed head on a wall.

I hope the first shot of the young prince in combat shows him holding the head of a local insurgent and driving downtown with it on top of his Scimitar. Of course that will not happen he is way to well trained and more cultured than I am, but propaganda works both ways. They will paint him as doomed and our own PC media will probably depict him as a cold-blooded killer laying entire Iraqi villages to waste. No doubt he will have more pressure on him than a young man should have to face. I wish the young Prince well and hope he shows the world there are still British heroes.

5:00AM Monday April 23, 2007
By Mark Townsend
Prince Harry is under no illusions of his value as a scalp for Iraqi insurgents. Even so, senior military officers could never have predicted the sheer scale and nature of the threats lying in wait.
Iraqi militias have already hatched detailed plans to seize him as a hostage when he arrives in Iraq next month. Some of the most notorious paramilitary factions in southern Iraq claim that informants placed inside British military barracks in Iraq will “track” the movements of the third in line to the throne.
The claims question the Ministry of Defence’s decision to allow Harry, who says he does not want to “sit on my arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country”, to serve in Iraq.
Yesterday a ministry spokesman said: “We have not concealed the fact that he is going out there and the bad guys know that he’s coming and we expect that they will consider him a high-profile scalp.” (more…)

‘The world must learn from Israel about fighting terror’

22 April, 2007

BEN LANDO Jerusalem Post correspondent, THE JERUSALEM POST
Apr. 22, 2007
International law dealing with terrorism is out of date and needs to be reevaluated, Israel Air Force Col. (ret.) Uri Dromi said on a trip here this past week. Doing so, in his opinion, will strengthen the ability of Western countries to fight terrorism.
Currently the United States and Europe have incongruent military legal and military strategies, which cause them to lag behind Israel in fighting terrorism, Dromi said. He is working to create an international “consortium” of think tanks to consider how well the law is suited to handling terrorism.
As part of that effort, Dromi, an IAF navigator from 1964-1989 and currently the international outreach director for the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute, traveled to the United States last week. In Washington, the IDI joined with The Israel Project to hold a one-day conference titled, “Democracies Fighting Terror: What Can Israel and the United States Learn from Each Other’s Experiences?” In Israel’s case, the legal model for fighting terrorism had to be refigured, according to experts at the event.
Before 2000, Israel, like most countries, fought terrorism using criminal law standards: investigating, arresting and bringing people to trial. As the second intifada grew deadlier, the Israeli military wanted to pursue terrorists using methods approved by rules of war, but there was no precedent for a war between a state and non-state actor, according to Col. Daniel Reisner, legal advisor in the IDF Military Advocate-General’s Corps and former IDF international law chief.
He told the conference that as a consequence, Israel developed a different legal strategy for fighting this new “war.” Out of that process came Israel’s controversial “targeted killings” of terrorist leaders, which the military is authorized to conduct after ensuring certain criteria are met. (more…)

Hamas, Once Again, Threatens To Attack Israel

22 April, 2007


Hamas Calls for New Attacks on Israel

Apr 22 06:26 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) – The Islamic militant group Hamas on Sunday called for new attacks on Israel after eight Palestinians were killed in a surge of fighting over the weekend.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum urged Palestinians to be prepared for a new round of confrontation.

“The blood of our people is not cheap,” he said in a statement faxed to The Associated Press. “Therefore we are calling on … (Hamas’ armed wing) and the Palestinian resistance groups to be united in the trench of resistance and to use all possible means of resistance and to respond to the massacres.” (more…)

Islam: a Religion or a Gang?

22 April, 2007

The ring leader … Bassam Hamzy
Alex Mitchell | April 22, 2007
The NSW Government has launched a prison crackdown on a group of the state’s most dangerous criminals who have converted to Islam.
The targets are held in the highest security jail in Australia, the Super Max facility inside the walls of Goulburn jail, where one in three of the inmates is a Muslim fundamentalist or a convert.
Two prison converts, one a convicted murderer and the other a rapist, have married Muslim women in marriage ceremonies conducted over the telephone on party lines.
Attorney-General John Hatzistergos is introducing sweeping changes to the prison regulations so the Super Max Muslims are monitored 24/7 because of safety and security fears.
“We have to be able to control every movement and every utterance because of the threat they pose,” Mr Hatzistergos told The Sun-Herald. “We don’t want to see any risk to people either inside or outside the system. We simply can’t take our eye off them.”
Called the “Super Max Jihadists”, they are easily identifiable, with shaven heads, long beards, carrying prayer beads and conducting prayers at least three times a day in their cells.
Their ringleader and powerbroker is Bassam Hamzy, jailed for 21 years for the cold-blooded shooting murder of an 18-year-old man outside the Mr Goodbar nightclub in Oxford Street in 1998. (more…)

Sunday Funnies

22 April, 2007



