Archive for 29 April, 2007

Ahmadinejad Vows to Stop Christianity in Iran

29 April, 2007

Well, so much for those who continually flaunt Iran’s religious tolerance when cornered in a religious debate on Jihad Watch – You know who you are, Shia…

Also, be sure to check out the damage control and taqiyya from the Tehran Times HERE .


Iran’s President: ‘I Will Stop Christianity in This Country’

Assyrian International News Agency

An Iranian convert to Christianity was kidnapped last week from his home in northeastern Iran and stabbed to death, his bleeding body thrown in front of his home a few hours later. Ghorban Tori, 50, was pastoring an independent house church of convert Christians in Gonbad-e-Kavus, a town just east of the Caspian Sea along the Turkmenistan border.

Within hours of the November 22 murder, local secret police arrived at the martyred pastor’s home, searching for Bibles and other banned Christian books in the Farsi language. By the end of the following day, the secret police had also raided the houses of all other known Christian believers in the city.

According to one informed Iranian source, during the past eight days representatives of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) have arrested and severely tortured 10 other Christians in several cities, including Tehran. (more…)

Putin Wants Competitive Partnership with United States

29 April, 2007

The following article has some interesting observations about Vlad “the Bear” Putin’s psychological reasoning  and his increasing unwillingness to work alongside the United States.  For instance:

“Dmitri Trenin, a scholar with the Carnegie Moscow Center, said Russia’s new assertiveness is the logical result of the trauma it suffered after the Soviet collapse. “


Russian leader newly combative, defiant
By DOUGLAS BIRCH, Associated Press Writer 
Yahoo News

MOSCOW – As Vladimir Putin enters what could be the last year of his presidency, he has become more defiant of international pressure and more willing to challenge the United States and Europe.

Russia’s affluence and stability, fueled by high oil prices, have given him the confidence to confront the West and to try to reassert the nation’s influence as a world power. But Western critics warn the Kremlin’s new assertiveness reflects renewed imperial ambitions and threatens its neighbors.

Either way, the world appears to be entering a new period of accusation and acrimony in East-West relations — with fresh fractures now appearing in fault lines resembling those that marked the Cold War. (more…)

Al Qaeda murderer calls Hamas cowards.

29 April, 2007

Prison Queen, Abu Yahya Al Libi
Islamic tolerance alert. The murderers of allah have just granted permission to Hamas pick another fight with the Israelis. Abu Yahya Al Libi is trying to regain his lost manhood after becoming someone’s bitch in prison. Now that he has lost his manhood he is encouraging others to fight in his stead. No doubt the real reason for this is action is to get Hamas to cause trouble and force the Israelis into battle. They are worried about an Israeli attack on Iran and want to weaken them and their will to fight. The Israelis will see right through this but you can expect some sort of response. I would expect to see the dems’ paint Israel as the aggressor in all this. Elections are coming and they want to show US policy in the Mid East has failed.

29 Apr 2007
DUBAI, April 29 (Reuters) – An al Qaeda leader called on the Islamist Hamas group to fight Israel with “bombs and fire” in an Internet video posted on Sunday, days after militants launched rockets into southern Israel breaking a ceasefire.
“Where is revenge, where are the bombs, where is the fire?” Abu Yahya al-Libi asked members of the military wing of Hamas in a video posted on a Web site used by Islamist militant groups.
“Your loyalty to the blood of your predecessors, those loyal men, can only be through strict commitment to path of jihad … and rejecting any other way,” he said in the undated video.
Al Qaeda, which spearheads a militant campaign against the United States and its allies, views the Sunni Muslim Hamas as a moderate group that has compromised the rights of Palestinians for political gains. (more…)

Saudi Arabia Rewarding Terrorists

29 April, 2007

Want some cash? (I know that Ronin sure does!) Maybe a new camel, err, car? A place to live? How about some new Muslim wives for your harem???


All this could be yours! Just become a terrorist, get arrested, get sent to Guantanamo Bay, get released into Saudi Arabia (easier than you would think), and, viola! You will live in the lap of luxury for the rest of your miserable, scum sucking, weasely little life…

To stanch spread of radical Islam, Saudi Arabia woos detainees

By Hannah Allam
McClatchy Newspapers
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – Alarmed to find that detainees are emerging from the Guantanamo Bay prison camp and other U.S. detention centers more devoted than ever to radical Islam, Saudi Arabia is offering counseling, financial aid and even matchmaking to pull young militants away from terrorism.

To keep the former detainees from deep-pocketed militant recruiters, Saudi officials have treated them to perks that have included new cars, resort stays, job placement and help in finding brides. They’ve also exposed them to moderate clerics and reminded them of Islam’s restrictive rules for waging holy war, or jihad.

Saudi officials said the goal is to stop the proliferation of radical ideology that they said is bred in prisons and on the Internet. The ideology has flourished at Guantanamo and is evident among the returning Saudi detainees – even those who were moderates before they were imprisoned, Saudi officials said.

“When you associate with those guys, you become one of them,” said Mansour al Turki, the Saudi government’s security spokesman. (more…)

Sunday Funnies

29 April, 2007






Turkish Military Issues Election Warning

29 April, 2007

Like the line from CCR’s hit “There’s a bad moon on the rise”. Turkey could soon find itself under the control of pro jihad radicalized muslims. This will naturally spawn violence and chaos the things normally associated with islam. The Turks for the most part understand that for democracy to survive it has to have people willing to fight for it. Having seen the Turks in action (I had a colorful past) the military is more than capable of cleaning house. My advice – Lock and Load.

turkish-flags.jpgBy SUZAN FRASER

April 28, 2007 (AP)
Turkey’s Prime Minister met with his minister’s Saturday after the country’s military expressed deep concern over the presidential election in a statement analysts said was an ultimatum to the Islamic-rooted government.
In a statement posted on its Web Site late Friday, the powerful pro-secular military said it was monitoring the election with concern and indicated it was willing to become more openly involved in the process.
Hours earlier, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s presidential candidate _ Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul _ failed to win enough votes in a first round of voting in Parliament that has been marked by tensions between Erdogan’s government and the defenders of Turkey’s secular ideals.
Opposition lawmakers have called for early elections as the only way out of the impasse.
‘It is not enough to call it a ‘stern statement,” Oktay Eksi, political commentator for Hurriyet newspaper, said of the military statement. ‘It has to be called a straightforward ultimatum.’
‘It expresses concern over the fact that if Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul is elected, the presidential palace, which is considered the last bastion of secularism, will be handed over to a person who is anti-secular,’ Eksi said.
The military has staged several coups in past decades, and in 1997 led a campaign that pressured an Islamic party _ of which Erdogan and Gul were both members _ out of government.
At the time, the military issued warnings to the government to curb Islamic initiatives, while people took to the streets in protest of the government policies.
The European Union, which has been pressing Turkey to curb the military’s influence in politics, said Saturday the election of a new president was a ‘test case’ for the Turkish military’s respect for democracy.
‘This is a clear test case whether the Turkish armed forces respect democratic secularization and democratic values,’ said Olli Rehn, the EU expansion affairs commissioner.
Erdogan held a previously unscheduled meeting with Gul and other ministers at his residence Saturday. He did not immediately comment on the military’s statement. (more…)