Archive for 8 September, 2007

Save your money. Saudi Intellectuals Move to Confront Smear Campaign

8 September, 2007

Bring it!
Look you Jihadi obsessed a-holes we are onto you. Got it? No amount of money will change that.

P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News
JEDDAH, 9 September 2007 — Seventy-three researchers from the Arab world, the United States, Europe, Russia and Japan are working to publish books under a Saudi-financed international project aimed at removing misconceptions about Islam and the Kingdom.
– Ok, let’s be honest for a few million I might take a day off. After I bought a few more infidel toys I would be back and you would need another 73 researchers. You can not cover up Islam or its evil agenda.

“The project will be launched shortly with the publication of eight books,” said Mohammed ibn Saud Al-Bishr, head of the scientific team for the project. He said the project was initiated by a group of Saudi intellectuals to confront smear campaigns against Islam and Saudi Arabia.
– Wow eight books, we only need one: the unholy koran. It sells you all out.

“Most of the writings and talks about Saudi Arabia and Islam are not based on facts and lacked objectivity and integrity,” he said.
– Bite me.

He said the books would be launched in Riyadh, London and Paris in order to achieve maximum publicity. It will be accompanied by seminars attended by Saudi and foreign intellectuals and academics.
– ROFLMAO, your going to sell books to Muslims to spin Islam. Great plan, you guys are past stupid.

The eight books are: “Address to the West: Views from Saudi Arabia”; “Saudis and Terrorism: A Global View”; “Social Reform: the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in Saudi Arabia”; “Women in Saudi Arabia”; “Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Presents His Brother Christ to Humanity”; “Saudi Political System: A Legal View”; “Saudi Arabia in the Eyes of a Diplomat’s Wife”; and “Hundred Questions about the Kingdom”.
– I’m going to write me a book, mine will be called “Saudi’s are stupid” (more…)

Florida toddler and cop in squirrel carnage

8 September, 2007

The squirrel responsible is still at large.killer-squirrel.jpg
Take a look at these other headlines:

1. Today’s top weird headlines
2. Stealing squirrel has sweet tooth
3. Spy-squirrel menace strikes Iran
4. Psycho squirrel attacks Germany
5. Rogue squirrel forces down plane
6. Asbo threat for feeding squirrels
7. Lord ignores squirrel menace
8. Squirrel goes postal
9. Squirrel conman in pipe scam
10. Squirrel attacks four-year-old
11. Squirrels attack veterans’ graves
12. Suicide squirrel starts 30-acre fire
13. Squirrel takes out opera singer
14. Suicide squirrels strike again
15. Squirrel News: Kamikaze squirrel
16. More rampaging squirrels: Lawsuit
17. Gangster squirrels strike again
18. Killer squirrel takes on the world
19. Killer squirrel threat grows

Obviously while my attention was distracted by legions of crazed Muslims, the global squirrel threat has been growing. Because this site is dedicated to identifying threats to our freedoms and recording the events leading up to WWIII we would be remiss if we ignored this new enemy.

As I sit here, I can see four of them just outside my window planning, waiting, analyzing and making preparations for jihad. Now do not worry about me I have enough guns that I should be able to handle four of these monsters. I am worried about the rest of you. Especially those of you without projectile weapons. Although you could possibly handle a single squirrel with a well swung frying pan, their brothers would circle around and attack you.

My advice to all of you is severely beat people who feed these monsters in your local parks or at least scream at them and demand they stop paying the squirrel jiyza. Other options are buying pitbulls and birds of prey as additional protection. Whatever your choice, arm yourselves.

If you chose to ignore my warning that is on you but as you travel around today look around and see, how many of these demons are stalking you and your families. Just look at what one of these monsters accomplished and remember there are more, many, many more. September 6, 2007
A rogue squirrel launched a terrifying attack in a Florida playground that left three people injured, including a 3-year-old boy and a Highway Patrol trooper.

The fearsome assault, the latest manifestation of the Squirrel Menace, was unleashed on Wednesday afternoon in the playground of the Children’s Academy Daycare centre, Orange County.

Innocent 3-year-old Kevin Santiago was sitting on the swing in the playground when the crazed varmint launched itself at him in a fury. (more…)

At Least 50 Taliban Killed in Two Days of Fighting in Afghanistan

8 September, 2007

Rumor has it that the U.S. forces are not only using pig oil to lubricate their rifles, but they are now actively greasing down bombs with pig fat…  So much for those 72 virgins..


At least 50 Taliban killed in Afghan, US operations
08SEP07 –

KABUL (AFP) — At least 50 Taliban rebels have been killed in two days of operations by Afghan and US-led troops across insurgency-hit southern Afghanistan, the defence ministry said Saturday.

In a single operation in the southern province of Kandahar, more than 40 rebels were killed, the ministry said in a statement.

The casualties occurred in Sha Wali Kot, an area of the province badly hit by Taliban unrest in the recent weeks, it added.

Dozens more were killed in similar sweeps elsewhere in Kandahar and neighbouring Helmand province, the statement said without giving an exact figure. The rebels were killed in a two-day long sweep in the region, it added.

“In Sha Wali Kot alone, 42 enemy fighters were killed and their bodies were recovered,” the statement said, adding the operations were backed by coalition air support. It did not give an exact date.

Meanwhile, Afghan security forces backed by international troops launched a new offensive Thursday in Zabul province, next to Kandahar.

Seven insurgents were killed during the operation, called “Black Scorpion,” it said. It was not possible to verify the figures independently.

Kandahar, the former stronghold and birthplace of the Taliban, has suffered heavy clashes in recent weeks with around 400 rebels killed in clashes since mid-August, according to official figures.

Taliban ousted from power some six years ago have been waging a bloody insurgency mainly in southern and eastern Afghanistan.

The insurgency has claimed thousands of lives — mostly those of militants — and has peaked in the past two years, with rebels using more sophisticated tactics such as suicide bombings and roadside explosions.

Car bomb at Algeria barracks kills 28

8 September, 2007

Just additional proof that Muslims are by far the biggest threat to other Muslims. I keep looking but so far I have found nothing that Islam is compatible with.

By HASSANE MEFTAHI, 8 September, 2007, AP
ALGIERS, Algeria —
A booby-trapped car exploded at a barracks housing coast guard officials on Saturday, killing at least 28 people in Algeria’s second terror attack this week, hospital officials said.

The explosion ripped through the northern coastal town of Dellys, about 30 miles from Algiers, as the local coast guard was taking part in the morning flag-raising ceremony.

All the victims were coast guard officials, who are part of Algeria’s armed forces, hospital officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media. Dozens more were injured.

Recent bombings in Algeria have generated fears of a return to the mass-scale violence of the 1990s, when Algeria’s Islamic insurgency peaked. The country, a U.S. ally against terrorism, has been trying to move past the 15-year insurgency that killed 200,000 people. Until recently, its efforts appeared mostly successful.

The attack came just two days after another bombing killed at least 22 in a crowd of people in eastern Algeria who were waiting to see visiting President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, who has devoted his eight years in office to ending the insurgency. (more…)

The Nazi Roots of 9/11

8 September, 2007

This article is a must read whenever you have some free time on your hands:


Jew-Hatred and Jihad
The Nazi roots of the 9/11 attack.
by Matthias Küntzel
The Weekly Standard – 09/17/2007, Volume 013, Issue 01

The idea of using suicide pilots to obliterate the skyscrapers of Manhattan originated in 1940s Berlin. “In the latter stages of the war, I never saw Hitler so beside himself as when, as if in a delirium, he was picturing to himself and to us the downfall of New York in towers of flame,” wrote Albert Speer in his diary. “He described the skyscrapers turning into huge burning torches and falling hither and thither, and the reflection of the disintegrating city in the dark sky.”

Not only Hitler’s fantasy but also his plan of action foreshadowed September 11: He envisioned having kamikaze pilots fly light aircraft packed with explosives and with no landing gear into Manhattan skyscrapers. The drawings for the Daimler-Benz Amerikabomber from the spring of 1944 show giant four-engine planes with raised undercarriages for transporting small bombers. The bombers would be released shortly before the planes reached the East Coast, after which the mother plane would return to Europe.

Hitler’s rapture at the thought of Manhattan in flames indicates his underlying motive: not merely to fight a military adversary, but to kill all Jews everywhere. Possessed of the notion that the whole of the Second World War was a struggle against an imaginary Jewish enemy, he deemed “the USA a Jewish state” and New York the center of world Jewry. “Wall Street,” as a popular book published in Munich in 1919 put it, “is, so to speak, the Military Headquarters of Judas. From there his threads radiate out across the entire world.” From 1941 on, Hitler pushed to get the bombers into production, in order to “be able to teach the Jews a lesson in the form of terror attacks on American metropolises.” Towards the end of the war this idea became an obsession.

Sixty years later, it so happens, the assault on the World Trade Center was coordinated from Germany. Mohamed Atta, the Egyptian who piloted the plane that struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center; Marwan al–Shehhi, from the United Arab Emirates, who steered the plane into the South Tower; Ziad Jarrah, from Lebanon, who crashed United Airlines Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and their friends Ramzi Binalshibh, a Yemeni, and the Moroccan student Mounir al-Motassedeq had formed an al Qaeda cell in Hamburg, where they held regular “Koran circle” meetings with sympathizers.

What ideas propelled Atta and the others to act? Witnesses provided part of the answer at the world’s first 9/11-related trial, the prosecution of al-Motassedeq, which took place in Hamburg between October 2002 and February 2003. One participant in the Koran circle meetings, Shahid Nickels, said Atta’s Weltanschauung was based on a “National Socialist way of thinking.” Atta was convinced that the Jews were striving for world domination and considered New York City the center of world Jewry, which was, in his opinion, Enemy No. 1. Fellow students who lived in Motassedeq’s dormitory testified that he shared these views and waxed enthusiastic about a forthcoming “big action.” One student quoted Motassedeq as saying, “The Jews will burn and in the end we will dance on their graves.”

Amazingly, neither the American media nor the international press took much notice of this testimony, largely refusing to report on Atta’s and Motassedeq’s explicit Jew-hatred. (more…)

Our followers ‘must live in peace until strong enough to wage jihad’

8 September, 2007

Islam is Evil
The biggest threat to freedom in Britain is not this deobani clown; he is clear on his agenda. Their biggest problem is their inability to first admit they have a problem and secondly to deal with it. The slow indoctrination and conquest of Britain amazes me. I can understand when the more visible and violent form of jihad gets quick attention but I also understand madness. The refusal to believe you are threatened doesn’t make it go away, it doesn’t alter the threat and it damn sure doesn’t diminish it. Today’s Brits shame the memories of a once proud empire and the men and women who built it.

Now I am singling out the Brits because they allow this man to visit, preach and indoctrinate. In truth the deobani sect is no less a threat than some of the bigger and more violent Shaia and Sunni sects-Islam is Islam. They all use the same playbooks and share the common goal to dominate the world under Islam and govern it under sharia. I expect this mans rants inside of Muslim countries, it is suicide to allow his venom outside of one.

Andrew Norfolk, From The Times on line, September 8, 2007
One of the world’s most respected Deobandi scholars believes that aggressive military jihad should be waged by Muslims “to establish the supremacy of Islam” worldwide.
– I believe we will crush Islam globally.

Justice Muhammad Taqi Usmani argues that Muslims should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, only until they gain enough power to engage in battle.
– Tactically it is never a good idea to leak your campaign plan.

His views explode the myth that the creed of offensive, expansionist jihad represents a distortion of traditional Islamic thinking.

Mr Usmani, 64, sat for 20 years as a Sharia judge in Pakistan’s Supreme Court. He is an adviser to several global financial institutions and a regular visitor to Britain. Polite and softly spoken, he revealed to The Times a detailed knowledge of world events and his words, for the most part, were balanced and considered.
– Uh yeah right.

He agreed that it was wrong to suggest that the entire nonMuslim world was intent on destroying Islam. Yet this is a man who, in his published work, argues the case for Muslims to wage an expansionist war against nonMuslim lands.

Mr Usmani’s justification for aggressive military jihad as a means of establishing global Islamic supremacy is revealed at the climax of his book, Islam and Modernism. The work is a polemic against Islamic modernists who seek to convert the entire Koran into “a poetic and metaphorical book” because, he says, they have been bewitched by Western culture and ideology.
– The rift between Islamic moderates and fundamentalists will continue to grow and the predictable result will be violence. No one has managed to change Islam in the past and none of the moderates and reformers have a large enough following to make a dent in this fight. (more…)

Two responses to the Muslim offensive against liberty

8 September, 2007

I was trolling this morning, waiting on my morning coffee to kick in and I ran into this little jewel. I have added my thoughts.

Appeasement vs. firmness
Two responses to the Muslim offensive against liberty
By Marvin Olasky, WORLD Magazine
In WORLD’s pages we often describe man’s desperate need for the saving grace brought by Christ’s sacrifice. But theologians also talk about common grace, the grace that, like rain, falls on nonbelievers as well as believers. When the cravenness of some Christians shames us, it’s a good time to look for evidence of God’s mercy in unlikely places.

Last month’s largest cowardice report came from the Netherlands, where a Catholic bishop said that Christian-Muslim animosity could be reduced through one simple measure: “Shouldn’t we all say that from now on we will call God Allah?” Sure—and shouldn’t we also wear “what would Muhammad do?” bracelets and say the Quran trumps the Bible? For Muslims, peace comes through submission, so if we all submit to Islam terrorism might decrease—but at what price?
– Actually it would increase. Different muslim sects and imams would fight small turf wars to build power inside the new muslim communities, crime would skyrocket and non muslims would live in fear. Europe has already seen its share of muslim vs muslim crimes as well as muslims vs non-muslims crime. The majority of the victims are the weak, children, the elderly and women. Muslims justify the violence with claims that it is all not only allowed under sharia but also ordained.

The evidence of common grace came from New Haven, where the Yale University Press stood firm when a Muslim organization brought a libel suit against it and one of its authors. Yale made no payment to the plaintiffs. Yale made no changes in the book, Matthew Levitt’s Hamas: Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad, which shows that Hamas-related social welfare groups support terror.
– This is a hat tip to Yale, all attacks on free speech are a threat to a free society and more people should realize it and fight against any attempt to limit free will.

The group that sued, KinderUSA, is a sweetly named nonprofit group that says it raises money for Palestinian children and families. KinderUSA charged that Levitt’s linkage of it to terrorist entities was “false and damaging”; KinderUSA demanded that Yale stop distribution of the book and give it $500,000 in damages. Yale responded by defending the book’s accuracy and calling the lawsuit a “classic, meritless challenge to free expression.”
– I’m betting they did not expect a counter attack at all.

When “Yale came at us hard,” in the words of a KinderUSA lawyer, the organization withdrew its lawsuit. The result is significant because Yale’s stand came soon after the Cambridge University Press had settled a libel case against it by promising to destroy all remaining copies of a book about Islamic terrorism that it had published. One difference in the Yale and Cambridge situations is that British laws do not protect honest authors and publishers against libel charges; thankfully, American laws do.
– Recently we have seen people on the extreme left make calls to limit free speech by claiming it is actually hate speech.

If a worldwide Muslim offensive against liberty is effective, freedom of speech in the United States will plummet to a level that will leave us yearning for even British laws. Look at the resolution that the UN General Assembly has for two consecutive years passed: “Combating Defamation of Religions” highlights the purportedly “negative projection of Islam in the media” and urges governments to prevent speech or actions that foment discrimination or hostility toward any religion.
– We are already onto this scam, there is only one religion they are worried about and that is islam. Islam can not stand on its own merit even a quick look proves it to be a violent and dominating self-serving cult that threatens free peoples and ideals.

The Muslim offensive against liberty in some parts of the world is obvious. Islam maintains its stranglehold on millions in the Middle East and north Africa by not allowing freedom of speech and religion; if the gospel could be openly proclaimed and freely embraced, millions would turn to it, as millions have in most of Africa. Where Muslim-led governments allow some liberty, as in Indonesia and Malaysia, vigilantes persecute dissidents, including Christians.
– I tend to agree, you see claims of the fastest growing religion but they are largely false. They fail to take into account that many millions of muslims convert back to other religions and do they also do not mention other religions are also growing.

The offensive of some Muslim groups in the United States is subtler but still effective. Late last month The Washington Post and at least two dozen other newspapers refused to run an installment of the comic strip “Opus” that featured one character appearing in a headscarf and explaining to her boyfriend why she wanted to become a radical Islamist. Post Writers Group comics editor Amy Lago said, “I don’t think it’s necessarily poking fun [at Islam]. But the question with Muslims is, are they taking it seriously?”
– We did run the cartoons and if muslims or anyone else took offensive I personally give slightly less than a damn.

Reportedly, Muslim staffers at the Post did not like the cartoon, which described radical Islam as the “hot new fad on the planet”—and top editors were worried about potential reaction. The trade journal Editor & Publisher quoted a Writers Group executive as saying that some newspapers “won’t publish any Muslim-related humor, whether pro or con. ‘They just don’t want to touch that.'”
– Cowards like those are one reason I blog. I will say what they are afraid to say and the rapid grow rate of this and similar sites prove that people are appreciative of our efforts.

Some Christians call for restrictions on free speech when they’re bothered by atheistic attacks on religion or secularist critiques of fundamentalism. The challenge of Islam shows us that we need exactly the opposite. We need more free speech, even if we find some utterances obnoxious. Let Christians and Muslims have a peaceful but vigorous debate, no verbal holds barred. The gospel will hold its own in this country and soar in Muslim lands. That’s what defenders of Islam fear.
– What I would like to see is fairness. If a muslim country wants to donate money to build in the western world but it doesn’t allow western religions inside of its territory then the attempt should be blocked. I would like to similar approaches on many levels, political, legal, free speech and more. Foreign policy and aid should be given under those same constraints. We simply have no obligation to help any one, except maybe on humanitarian grounds. Our generosity and wealth could see better use with a little common sense and more oversight.