Archive for 10 September, 2007

Are Terrorists Plotting to Use School Buses in Upcoming Attack?

10 September, 2007


As I was watching Glenn Beck on CNN tonight, I was shocked to hear that 17 school buses had been stolen in Houston, Texas. I immediately remembered that the U.S. military had found information in Iraq pertaining to U.S. schools. Also, in September 2004 the FBI notified school districts in 6 states that photographs, diagrams, and emergency plans had been found in the possession of unidentified individuals.

More surprising to me was how this had slipped in under my radar, as I pride myself on keeping up with these seemingly innocuous little details.   After a little bit of Googling, I came across an interesting article at Wake Up America. Here’s a sampling:

We have seen a story or two, now and then, on this subject but the media firestorm that we would expect hasn’t materialized and we have to wonder why.

Before I show you some very disturbing facts, let me ask you a couple of questions.

Do you have children of school age? Do you drive them to school or do they get picked up by a bus? Do you walk them out to the bus, hand them their lunch money or a bagged lunched, kiss them goodbye and wave as they are leaving? Do they run outside on their own to catch their bus? Do you look at the bus driver and recognize them as the same person day after day? Or is it a new driver today?

Homeland security:
Over the summer months, and while your attention has been upon everything but school, at least 17 school buses have been stolen from a variety of student transportation concerns, including private companies, charter schools and businesses. These thefts occurred within a specific geographical suburb of Houston. No known threat? Oh, yes, there is a very real promissory threat from Islamic terrorists to kill several million American children; this is just one avenue to accomplish that Islamic promise. Figuratively, this falling “tree” is a threat to our children and also involves a transportation system. Did you hear it?

Read the Rest of this report HERE

Pakistani World Record. Sharif sent back into exile

10 September, 2007

See Ya!
I’m not sure if this is a real world record but getting exiled twice from the same country and by the same man is a rare event.

As a rule, I don’t like dictators but I dislike dishonest politicians even more and I totally understand when someone rises up against them.

You can expect yet another streak of violence to follow this. Sharif thought he had enough supporters to safely return, that proved false but he has some and we all know what that will mean -Muslims will kill other Muslims, allahu ackbar, let the games begin.

10/09/2007 13:15 – (SA)
Islamabad – Pakistan sent former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif back to exile in Saudi Arabia on Monday, hours after he returned home vowing to topple President Pervez Musharraf, the man who ousted him eight years ago.

Police detained the 57-year-old Sharif on corruption charges on his arrival at Islamabad airport following a tense standoff involving his passport. He was deported soon after, put on a plane heading for Saudi Arabia.

Sharif had pledged his return would provide “a final push to the crumbling dictatorship” of Musharraf, the army chief and key US ally who has watched his grip on power weaken after months of mass street protests.

Analysts said the return of the man he drove from power in a 1999 bloodless coup could have been the biggest challenge yet for Musharraf, fighting to cling to power in a nation awash in political turmoil.

But the government of Musharraf, who has seen his popularity slipping as the crisis has deepened, swiftly returned him to Saudi Arabia, where he was sent into exile in 2000.

“He has been sent back,” a senior security official told AFP on condition of anonymity. A minister and another government official earlier confirmed that Sharif would not be allowed to stay.

The two-time former prime minister had arrived just hours earlier on a Pakistan International Airlines flight from London.

Displayed his defiance
He shook people’s hands after the plane touched down and his supporters on board chanted “Go, Musharraf! Go!” and “Long live Nawaz Sharif”, a passenger on the aircraft told AFP.

Sharif quickly displayed his defiance by refusing to hand over his passport to officials for nearly two hours, prompting policemen to board the plane until he finally came out. He was arrested in the VIP lounge soon afterwards.

Baton-wielding police clashed with around 100 of Sharif’s supporters and arrested key members of his party as he returned, while security forces threw up a five-kilometre security cordon around Islamabad airport. (more…)

Rabbi stabbed in Germany

10 September, 2007

If a Rabbi had stabbed a Muslim, this would be first page news in the US but since it went down the other way our press missed it. I am correcting that now.

10/09/2007 – (SA)
Frankfurt – German police continued a hunt for an Arabic-speaking suspect on Monday, three days after a rabbi was stabbed on a street in the financial centre Frankfurt.

Police said the victim, 42, was recognisable on Friday night as a rabbi from his clothing and this appeared to be the reason he was stabbed in the belly. He was recovering from wounds that were not life threatening.

Although police have issued an identikit picture of the attacker based on witness evidence, they had no leads yet, according to a spokesperson on Monday.

The man, aged 20 to 30, spoke Arabic and also said in German: “Dirty Jew. I’ll kill you.” (more…)

Californian Terrorist Gets 24 Years in the Slammer

10 September, 2007

hamidhayat.jpg Lodi man convicted of aiding terrorists gets 24 years in prison
Henry K. Lee, SF Chronicle Staff Writer
Monday, September 10, 2007

SACRAMENTO – A federal judge sentenced a Lodi man today to 24 years in prison for supporting terrorists by training with them in his family’s homeland of Pakistan.

Hamid Hayat, 25, was convicted in April 2006 of providing and attempting to conceal material support and resources to terrorists and of making false statements to federal agents.

At a hearing today in Sacramento, U.S. District Judge Garland Burrell Jr. agreed with federal prosecutors that Hayat believed in violent jihad, had trained at a terrorist camp in Pakistan and returned to the United States in May 2005 to commit terrorist acts once he was ordered to do so.

His conviction was a significant victory for authorities who said they had broken up a budding al Qaeda-linked terror operation in Lodi after his arrest, but presented a murky case during a trial that revolved around controversial confessions.

Federal prosecutors had sought a 35-year sentence, while the defense had asked for nine years.

Hayat’s attorneys, Dennis Riodan and Donald Horgan, plan to appeal his conviction and sentence in part by asserting ineffective assistance of counsel, they wrote in court papers.

In May, Burrell denied Hayat’s bid for a new trial, rejecting defense assertions of juror misconduct and faulty evidence.

Hayat’s father, Umer Hayat, also was charged in the case, but the jury deadlocked in his trial and he has since pleaded guilty to an unrelated charge.


Organizers of “Stop the Islamisation of Europe” to Ignore Ban Imposed by Mayor

10 September, 2007

 TNR first alerted us to this developing story a few weeks back.  Now, it looks like the organizers of the protest are prepared to be arrested in open defiance of a ban by Brussels’ Socialist Mayor:


“Stop Islamisation” march banned in Brussels

There is tension in Brussels over the banning of a demonstration planned for Tuesday to mark the anniversary of September 11. Organisers behind a rally called “Stop the Islamisation of Europe” are vowing to ignore a ban imposed by the mayor of the city.

Socialist Freddy Thielemans says he fears unrest if the rally takes place. But Anders Gravers from the protest group claims their civil rights are being violated. “I think they want to make Sharia laws in our countries and in the European Union. We don’t like that. We want to stop that,” he said.

Jacob Mahi from the European Muslim Network says the protest comes in the wake of attacks in the UK and the crisis over Danish cartoons: “There are people surfing on the wave of fear, using these incidents to justify their racist and Islamophobic position against European Muslims, as if Muslims in Europe are not European, only Muslim.”

Local clerics are urging Muslims not to stage counter protests if the banned rally takes place. Authorities say they will boost security to try to prevent any trouble.

Archaeologists Petition Israel’s Supreme Court to Halt Islamic Destruction of Temple Mount

10 September, 2007

I have been keeping an eye on this story. But, until now I have kept silent, thinking that it all might just be an overreaction. However, The following photographic evidence just had me livid that Israeli authorities are allowing such desecration to take place:


Possible carved stone from Jewish Temple era exposed by digging at Temple Mount in Jerusalem

Petition: Stop Temple Mount destruction
Israel allows Muslims to pulverize antiquities as media, archeologists barred

Posted: September 10, 2007
By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – Prominent archaeologists, some Jewish leaders and former Israeli politicians are petitioning Israel’s supreme court to immediately halt a dig Islamic authorities are conducting on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – that is said to be destroying antiquities and what archaeologists believe is a wall from the Second Jewish Temple.

Sections of the petition were based on WND’s recent coverage of the Temple Mount controversy.

The Israeli government has not stopped Islamic authorities from blasting a massive trench on the Mount and has barred archaeologists from inspecting the Temple-era wall, believed to be from the outer courtyard of the Second Temple.

The wall reportedly has been pulverized by bulldozers operated by the Waqf, the Mount’s Muslim custodians. If verified, the wall would be the most significant Jewish Temple find in history.

Yesterday’s court petition against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, other cabinet ministers and Israel’s Antiquities Authority, explains Second Temple courtyards and artifacts are located within a few feet of ground level. It maintains the Waqf dig – a trench 1,300 feet long and five feet deep – has destroyed or damaged priceless archaeological artifacts from the first and second Temple periods.


More Signs of a Federal Cover-up Concerning Terrorist Activity

10 September, 2007

From The Northeast Intelligence Network at comes this interesting story of another cover-up by the FBI: 

The Untold Story of Delta Flight 1824

From Orlando Fun to Islamic Paradise? Airline threats very real

Investigation by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

Target: Airliners in America

9 September 2007: The passengers aboard Delta Airlines Flight 1824 flying out of Orlando International Airport last Thursday at 7:15 a.m. heard the following statement over the intercom as they were preparing to taxi onto the runway on their way to Atlanta, Georgia:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been informed that there is “a credible security risk with this aircraft” and we are returning to the terminal.

Delta Flight 1824 was scheduled to take off at 7:15 a.m. on September 6, 2007, but did not take off until 10:19 – three hours and 5 minutes behind schedule, landing in Atlanta without incident at 11:52 a.m. This report could have been quite different had it not been for the great work by security officials on-site at the Orlando airport. The events that led to the delay might never have seen the light of day had it not been for those special people who care about bringing the honest truth of the Islamic terrorist threat to the public.

If you rely on official government statements and the major media, the entire incident involving Flight 1824 was “benign” and was never a security risk. It involved 12 people from two families, all of Middle Eastern origin, reportedly carrying suspicious items in their luggage. Again, if you rely on official government statements and the major media, the “suspicious items” inside of checks luggage turned out to be “a bottle that had been covered with tape to prevent leaking.”

“It was all benign,” said Dave Couvertier, the FBI agent from the Tampa, Florida Orlando FBI office. The flight ultimately took off about 10:20 a.m. without the two families, who were still undergoing FBI questioning at that time. They were ultimately released, stated FBI spokesman Couvertier. Knowing the series of events that caused the abrupt turnaround of Flight 1824, let’s see how “benign” this incident really was.

Hardly Benign: What really happened

The Northeast Intelligence Network initially received information about Flight 1824 from a trusted federal source early Thursday, who described an incident that could hardly be considered benign by any standards. This source is one of many federal sources who are “tired of the endless cover-ups” by high-ranking government officials and untruths that are constantly told to the American public about matters related to potential Islamic terrorism “in America, against Americans and on American soil.”

In the days that followed receiving this initial information, Doug Hagmann, the director of the Northeast Intelligence Network obtained and developed additional information from this and other well-placed sources, including a passenger, interviewed by Hagmann, who was aboard that flight. The information uncovered during this investigation “could be of the scale of the 9/11 hijackers using revised 2007 tactics,” stated Hagmann of the findings.

According to the information developed during the course of this investigation, there were at least nine – and perhaps as many as 12 individuals of Middle Eastern origin who were reportedly traveling from Orlando, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia, and then scheduled to catch a flight from Atlanta to their final destination of Saudi Arabia. It was verified that of the 12 people, there were at least six men and three women traveling together.

During a routine test of the baggage, Transportation Security Administration authorities ran the luggage through x-ray detection and then conducted an explosive trace detection of the bags belonging to the 9 Middle Eastern passengers. The x-ray of the bags found questionable items inside the luggage, and the explosive trace detection tests resulted in a “positive hit” for explosives – specifically, SEMTEX, an explosive commonly used by Islamic terrorists. To be certain, however, the luggage was tested no less than 4 times by four different machines and operators. Each time, a “positive hit” for explosives was registered. “The presence of explosive traces was ‘no mistake,’” stated one federal source talking to this agency on condition of anonymity.


Internet Jihadists Planning Wave of Terror to Mark 9/11 Anniversary?

10 September, 2007

H/T – The Jawa Report:



Websites teach murder

By Daniel Jones – The People UK

Fanatical British Muslims are using the internet to plot a fresh wave of terror to mark the sixth anniversary of 9/11, The People can reveal.

We have infiltrated a string of vile websites that spell out in chilling detail how to bring carnage to the UK.

Crude bomb-making instructions have been circulated on the web for years. But we found expert videos showing wannabe killers how to create home-made bombs, chemicals and poisons for mass murder.

Some are even based on stolen guides written for US and British military chiefs.

Five days ago, German cops smashed an alleged Islamic fundamentalist cell recruited through the internet.

But despite the setback, al-Qaeda increasingly use websites to give lessons in terror as they are harder to track than fanatics travelling to foreign training camps.

The sites we found include step-by-step guides to making:

– Suicide bomb belts similar to the ones used in the 7/7 London attacks;

– Car bombs packed with gas canisters like those used in the botched attempts to blow up a London club and Glasgow airport in June; and

– Deadly ricin poison and DIY chemical agents.

– Others include manuals with titles like The Mujahideen Explosives Handbook and The Mujahideen Poisons Handbook.

Security analyst Charles Shoebridge said: “Academic interest aside, there seems little point in possessing these collections other than to learn terrorist tradecraft.

“There are likely to be individuals using this type of material to plot terror attacks.”

And he warned: “These sites are more dangerous than the propaganda sites that have so far dominated public concern.


U.S. Kills Mastermind Behind Yazidi Massacre in Iraq

10 September, 2007


Yazidi bomber killed in US strike

The alleged mastermind of one of the worst terrorist atrocities since the US-led invasion of Iraq has been killed in an air strike, the Pentagon has said.

Abu Muhammad al-Afri was blamed by the American military for organising the killing of more than 700 Yazidi villagers in the Nineveh province last month.

A statement from coalition forces in Iraq said that al-Afri, whose aliases included Abu Jasim, Arkan Hassan Ali, Nuraddin, Hajar and Abu Ahmad al-Alfri, was killed in a targeted operation on September 3rd.

According to an army spokesman the al-Qaida in Iraq emir’s body has been identified by suspected insurgent detainees.

The August 14th attacks against the Yazidi minority in Iraq razed the villages of Qataniyah and Adnaniyah after four lorries packed with explosives were blown up, wiping out whole families in the process.

The Yazidi, who worldwide number several hundred thousand, follow a set of religious beliefs that predate Islam and speak a variant of Kurdish.

They worship the chief archangel known as Melek Taus (peacock angel) otherwise known in Abrahamic religions as Lucifer or Satan, although they do not believe in the devil, sin or evil.


Mexico Oil Pipeline Blasts Believed to Be Sabotage

10 September, 2007

September 10, 2007 – foxnews

Mexican state oil monopoly Petroleos Mexicanos, or Pemex, issued a statement saying it believed the explosions, which forced the evacuation of 12,000 people, were deliberate.

It said the six blasts caused four fires. At least five pipelines were affected.

A small, left-wing guerrilla group claimed to have attacked a major Pemex gas pipeline in July, forcing at least a dozen major companies, including Honda Motor Co., Kellogg Co. and The Hershey Co., to suspend or scale back operations.

The July explosions affected sections of a major pipeline extending from central Mexico City to Guadalajara in western Mexico.

Those attacks sent the Mexican government scrambling to increase security at “strategic installations” across Mexico. It was not clear what security measures were in place at the pipelines that exploded Monday.