Archive for 1 February, 2008

Al Qaeda Collaborator Placed Under House Arrest

1 February, 2008

Uhm… I guess the Canadians haven’t learned anything from the British… You don’t place terrorists under house arrest … Heck, even American judges make those rookie mistakes

Maybe the little Islamonazi will flee, maybe he won’t… But why risk it???

If he does decide to jump bail, the good news is that Dog the Bounty Hunter is probably available ever since using that unPC, “N-word,” that got the panties of the Liberal mafia all in a knot…

Of course, if it came to that, the little Islamo-bugger would naturally start complaining about an unclean Dog touching him and violating his religious freedoms and crap like that…

Court frees terror suspect Harkat from jail, confines him to house arrest

The Canadian Press
OTTAWA – Suspected al-Qaida collaborator Mohamed Harkat is free from jail, but will remain under house arrest until his next court hearing.

In a ruling Friday, Federal Court Justice Eleanor Dawson said Harkat must generally stay inside his Ottawa residence for the time being.

Dawson said he would be allowed to attend proceedings that begin Monday on his bail terms.

Harkat will also be permitted to meet counsel in Ottawa on Sunday to prepare for the hearings, which are expected to last three days, said Paul Copeland, one of his lawyers.


New Canadian Taxi Policy Has Muslim Cabbies Barking Mad

1 February, 2008

Oooooo.  We wouldn’t want to step on their precious-wecious religious beliefs, would we???  Give me a break…    

H/T to Warner (who informs me that I don’t have to give him credit for sending us articles, but I am anyway.  So, there!  Nyani-nan-Nyaaa…)

Muslim leader fears conflict of rights in new B.C. taxi policy

Last Updated: Friday, February 1, 2008 | 2:15 PM ET
CBC News – Canada

The new taxi bill of rights for Metro Vancouver introduced earlier this week could pit the rights people who rely on guide dogs against the rights of drivers whose religious beliefs prohibit them from contact with the animals, a Muslim leader said.

Among the provisions listed in the taxi bill of rights announced on Wednesday by Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon are the right for passengers to travel with a guide dog and a new enhanced trip refusal regulation that could see drivers fined $288.

That combination could mean problems for some Muslim drivers who believe it’s against their religion to come into contact with dogs, said Aziz Khaki, the vice-chair of the Muslim Canadian Federations.

“It’s a clear, clear case of discrimination and insensitivity on behalf of the authorities to try to punish the person without understanding the person’s own belief,” Khaki told CBC News on Thursday.


Third Undersea Cable Mysteriously Severed

1 February, 2008

Still think it’s just a coincidence???  Yup, that terrorism aspect is looking more and more valid…  But, as I think about who would want to do this, I wouldn’t put it past some Iranian ships to be dragging their anchors in an attempt to damage undersea cables just like the Soviets routinely did in the 60’s and 70’s… 


Third Internet Cable Cut in Middle East

Friday, February 01, 2008 – FOX News

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates —  A leading Internet provider in the Emirates said an undersea cable had been cut early Friday in the Persian Gulf, causing severe phone line disruptions here and compounding an already existing Internet outage across large parts of the Middle East and Asia after two other undersea cables were damaged earlier this week north of Egypt.

Omar Sultan, chief executive of Dubai’s IPS DU, said the incident was “very unusual.” He said it wasn’t known how the underwater FLAG FALCON cable, stretching between the United Arab Emirates and Oman, had been damaged.

“The situation is critical for us in terms of congestion” on international lines, Sultan told The Associated Press, but refused to speculate on the extent of the damage.

DU said in a press release that the cause of the incident “had not yet been identified.”

The owner of the FALCON cable, U.K. FLAG Telecom said the cable was cut at 05:59 GMT Friday, 56 kilometers (34.8 miles) off the coast of Dubai and that a “repair ship has been notified and expected to arrive at the site in the next few days.”

The U.K. company is also the owner of one of the undersea cables that were sliced Wednesday in the Mediterranean Sea. That damage triggered wide Internet outages, hampering businesses and private usage across the Mideast and Asia.


Moon god Worshipers Need Boys – Part Deux

1 February, 2008

More smuggling of little boys by Imams in Africa
Mozambique: Moslem Leaders Denies Knowledge of Truck Full of Children
1 February 2008
Posted to the web 1 February 2008
Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique (Maputo)
Maputo – All

The chairperson of the Islamic Council of Mozambique (CISLAMO), Sheik Aminuddin Mahomad, has denied any knowledge of a plan to send dozens of children from the north of the country to study at the Massjd Hamza madrassa (Koranic school) in the southern city of Matola which he heads.

A truck carrying 39 children was intercepted by the police in the central province of Sofala on Monday. The truck was seized after a 40th child, who had escaped, contacted the authorities in Caia, on the south bank of the Zambezi.

“The child came to the police and said there was a truck going towards Maputo with lots of children, and so we intercepted it”, said a police spokesperson, cited in Friday’s is sue of the weekly paper “Savana”..

The truck almost got away. According to its driver, Felisberto Penga, it was first intercepted by the traffic police just south of Caia. But Penga simply paid the traffic cop a bribe of 500 meticais (about 20 US dollars), and the truck continued on its way. It was eventually seized, and the adults in the truck arrested, near the Inchope cross roads in Manica province.

Penga claimed he did not know where the children were from, and that he had merely agreed to give them, and the adults accompanying them, a lift in his truck as far as Inchope. After that they would make their own way to Beira.

The police suspected that this was a case of child trafficking, but soon found that the children were accompanied by leaders of the Hamza madrassa in the northern city of Nampula. These men said they were taking the children, aged between seven and 16, to continue “religious studies” in madrassas in Matola, Maputo and in the western city of Tete (thus contradicting Penga’s claim that the destination was Beira). They named Sheik Aminuddin as the man who would receive the children being taken to the south.


Dispelling the Islamic Grievance Defense

1 February, 2008

ChangedForever sent us the following:


The Fallacy of Grievance-based Terrorism

by Melvin E. Lee
Middle East Quarterly
Winter 2008

The fundamental premise of much scholarly examination and public discourse is that grievances with U.S. policies in the Middle East motivate Islamist terrorism. Such assumptions, though, misunderstand the enemy and its nature. In reality, the conflict is sparked not by grievance but rather by incompatibility between Islamist ideology and the natural rights articulated during the European Enlightenment and incorporated into U.S. political culture. Acquiescing to political grievances will not alter the fundamental incompatibility between Lockean precepts of tolerance and current interpretations of Islam: Only Islam’s fundamental reform will resolve the conflict.

Many scholars mark the post-World War I partition of the Ottoman Empire as the origin of Islamist opposition to the West.[1] The idea that the Middle East would be a tolerant, prosperous contributor to the global environment today if World War I victors had left intact the Ottoman Empire is a premise in the literature accompanying the rise of twentieth-century jihadism. Historian David Fromkin argued in his influential A Peace to End All Peace that present day Muslim unrest is the direct result of Winston Churchill’s early twentieth-century decisions.[2] British journalist Robert Fisk also holds British officials responsible although he prefers to blame Arthur Balfour, foreign secretary between 1916 and 1919.[3] Both authors are wrong, though, to base their theories of grievance on such arbitrary demarcation of eras. The roots of jihadism and its opposition to the United States as part of the non-Muslim West were cast long before World War I erupted. The interaction between the United States and Muslim states and societies dates back to American independence.[4] Contemporary jihadism is not the result of accumulated grievance; rather it has for cultural reasons been an integral factor in Islamic societies’ interaction with the United States.


A plea from Tom Burnett Sr. to the wonderful people of Somerset

1 February, 2008

(The ad copy below is running in tomorrow’s Somerset Daily American.)

My son Tom confronted a terrible moment of truth. Faced with a plot against our nation, he and the other heroes of Flight 93 fought back, and at the cost of their lives, foiled that plot to destroy the White House or the Capitol. Now it is time for the rest of us to face our moment of truth. Flight 93 has been re-hijacked, and I am requesting that if you can, you go down to the public meeting of the Memorial Project at Somerset Courthouse Saturday, sign up to comment at the end, and demand that a proper investigation be conducted.

THIS was no accident:


The Memorial Project held an open design competition in time of war, in-
viting the entire world to enter. Guess who joined in? That group of trees that sits roughly in the position of the star on an Islamic flag is the crash site. Who do YOU think is being memorialized here?

A second Islamic feature that I also protested when I served on the Stage II jury is the minaret-like Tower of Voices , formed in the shape of a crescent, with its top cut at an angle so that its crescent arms reach up into the sky.


Upturned crescents are a standard mosque adornment in many Muslim countries.

Every iota of this original Crescent of Embrace design remains completely intact in the so-called “redesign.” That is why Congressman Tancredo asked the Park Service this autumn to scrap the existing design entirely. Instead of getting rid of the giant crescent as Tancredo demanded back in 2005, architect Paul Murdoch only disguised it with a few surrounding trees.

Also remaining are those damned 44 glass blocks on the flight path. (There were forty passengers and crew and four Islamic terrorists on Flight 93.) The Memorial Project acknowledges the 40 blocks inscribed with the names of my son and the other heroes, and they acknowledge the three inscribed with the 9/11 date, but they pretend not to know about this one: the huge glass block that dedicates the entire site.

44th block close up

When this 44th glass block is pointed out, Project Partners say that it can’t be counted with the other blocks because it is not the same size. What? Because the capstone to the terrorist memorializing block count is magnificent, that is supposed to make it okay?

For every Islamic or terrorist memorializing feature of the crescent design, the Park Service has another equally phony excuse. Please read the exposé below of the Park Service’s fraudulent investigation, and please come to the meeting on Saturday to demand state and Congressional investigations into the Flight 93 memorial.

Tom Burnett Sr.
February 2008

PDF of ad copy here.

Non-locals who want to help, please contact your senators and representatives!