Archive for 2 February, 2008

Muslim Family invite men to rape daughter

2 February, 2008

Hat tip to tnr for sending this in.

Once this story breaks, some Muslim apologist will attempt to claim they acted in a non-Muslim way. They will claim this is cultural and not religion, Islam outlaws this, they will say all religions have this problem. Basically they will lie their collective Muslim asses off.

Save it until you can show proof. I do not care what you have to say I report what you do. Honor crimes are rare outside of Islam and common within. There is no moral equivalency possible. Islam and all Muslims should hang their heads in shame.
Abul Taher, 3 February 2008, The Sunday Times
A GIRL of 15 was tricked into a “telephone marriage” ceremony to a Sheffield man with a mental age of five in a ceremony recognized by sharia (Islamic law).
-This happens all the time but goes unreported in non-western countries.

When the girl arrived from Pakistan expecting to meet the handsome man she had been shown in a photograph, she found that he was 40 years old, unemployed and disabled.

To make matters worse, her mother-in-law decided to exploit her attractive looks by forcing her into prostitution.
The family invited men to the family home to rape her before she managed to escape to the police by bolting through the front door. She was taken into care and now lives in a refuge.
-The love of a the vaulted Muslim family, nice going, mohammed and his demons would be proud.

The case is highlighted in a report by the Centre for Social Cohesion, which has found that policemen, councillors and taxi drivers are turning a blind eye or even conniving in enforcing the Asian community’s strict “moral code” on young women.
-No amount of spin will work, call it sharia or a “code. We know slavery when we see it.

The girl’s marriage last April was not recognised by the Home Office but was approved by the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain. She is typical of the runaway brides at risk of an “honour killing”. According to official figures, 10 to 12 women are murdered in Britain in honour killings each year, but the government has been warned by MPs that this is a serious underestimate. Police often record the deaths as cases of domestic violence, while other girls are driven to suicide or taken away to their family’s country of origin and never seen again. Many Asian parents would rather resort to violence against their children than see their reputation tarnished by the perceived dishonour of allowing them to become “westernised”.

The report, Crimes of the Community, claims the problem is no longer an issue of first-generation migrants importing attitudes from “back home” but is “indigenous and self-perpetuating” because it is sustained by third and fourth-generation immigrants.

The study reveals the case of Saamiya, a 16-year-old girl from Birmingham, whose parents were so angry when they discovered she had a boyfriend that they flew her to Pakistan and told her they had arranged a marriage two hours before the ceremony.

“During the Islamic ceremony my dad was standing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and with his other hand he had a gun which was pointed at my back so that I didn’t say ‘no’,” Saamiya said.
-Feel the love yet? Islam is disgusting. (more…)

Know your enemy first, analysts tell Washington

2 February, 2008

From the “where have we heard this before” department? Had this been read at the Pentagon it might have cost someone a job. Of course most of us here would read it and respond with a simple ”Duh!”

Let me say this another way, if you or anyone you know is wearing the uniform of this nation and you still doubt that the majority of practicing Muslims are happy with the global jihad then IMHO you need to study. Know your enemy is not a simple task, working with a limited number of Muslims who convinced you that they are moderates will not get you where you need to be.

Read, learn and teach: In short “Know Your Enemy”.

3 February 2008, (AFP)
PARIS • In its ideological struggle against Al Qaeda, American anti-terrorist strategy too often overlooks the basic tenets of the infamous Chinese warlord Sun Tzu, namely: know your enemy.

That is the fixed view of leading analysts, who conclude that through ignorance of the enemy it faces, ignorance of its nature, its goals, its strengths and its weaknesses, the United States is condemned to failure.
-Not condemned but they are taking the long road

“The attention of the US military and intelligence community is directed almost uniformly towards hunting down militant leaders or protecting US forces, (and) not towards understanding the enemy we now face,” said Bruce Hoffman, a professor at Georgetown University, Washington DC.

“This is a monumental failing not only because decapitation strategies have rarely worked in countering mass-mobilisation terrorist or insurgent campaigns, but also because Al Qaeda’s ability to continue this struggle is based absolutely on its capacity to attract new recruits and replenish its resources. “Without knowing our enemy, we cannot fulfill the most basic requirements of an effective counter-terrorist strategy: pre-empting and preventing terrorist operations and deterring their attacks,” Hoffman added.

Officials said Friday that Abu Laith Al Libi-believed to have been killed when a missile fired by an unmanned US aircraft hit his Pakistani hideout-was a top Al Qaeda commander who led Osama bin Laden’s terror network in Afghanistan.

He was in fifth position on a classified US Central Intelligence Agency wanted list seen by AFP, with a five-million-dollar (3.5 million euros) bounty on his head.
-Every little bit helps (more…)

Chad Rebels Fight Government Force’s in Capital

2 February, 2008

The AP did an almost neutral article here they even fact checked a few things. What they failed to do was add a few details about Jihad side of this. This fight just like the one in Kenya is not just tribal fighting or a simple battle for political power.

Any guesses as to what religion the rebels follow? To separate the on going clashes in Sudan, Kenya and now Chad might seem to be easy a first glance. However, a hard look at the numbers of Muslims involved in all three places points a finger right toward hell where our old friend Mohammed is smiling up at his minions.

By TOM MALITI, February 02, 2008 (AP)
Hundreds of rebels penetrated the capital of Chad on Saturday, clashing with government troops and moving on the presidential palace after a three-day advance through the oil-producing central African nation, officials and witnesses said.

Chad’s ambassador to Ethiopia said the capital had not fallen and that President Idriss Deby was ‘fine’ in his palace.
‘The situation is under control,’ ambassador Cherif Mahamat Zene told The Associated Press. ‘The head of state is fine in his palace … It’s true that there are some rebels who have entered the city, but to say the city has fallen is false.’

He said his information came from a telephone call with the defense minister in N’Djamena, Chad’s capital.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story is below.
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) _ Hundreds of rebels penetrated the capital of Chad on Saturday, clashing with government troops and moving on the presidential palace after a three-day advance through the oil-producing central African nation, officials and witnesses said.

Col. Thierry Burkhard, a French military spokesman, said groups of rebels gathered outside the capital, N’Djamena, overnight before 1,000 to 1,500 fighters entered early Saturday and spread through the city.

A leader of Chad’s main opposition alliance, which is unarmed and not associated with the rebels, said shooting erupted after rebels entered the city around 8 a.m. but appeared to die down about two hours later. Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh said about 12:45 p.m. that there were no soldiers in his neighborhood and state radio had gone off the air.

‘At the moment we are not hearing any firing … The rebels are in the city. Civilians are in the streets. They are watching what is happening,’ said Saleh.

Chad, a French colony until 1960, has been convulsed by civil wars and invasions since independence, and the recent discovery of oil has only increased the intensity of the struggle for power in the largely desert country.

The rebel force is believed to be a coalition of three groups, including the biggest led by former diplomat Mahamat Nouri, who defected 16 months ago, and a nephew of Deby’s, Timan Erdimi. They long have been fighting to overthrow Deby, whom they accuse of corruption.

The rebels also have said they were unhappy with the president not providing enough support to rebels in Sudan’s Darfur region, some of whom are from Deby’s own tribe, the Zaghawa, who are found both Chad and Sudan.

The renewed fighting has led the European Union to delay its peacekeeping mission in both Chad and neighboring Central African Republic, which was due to be up and running early next month, said Commandant Dan Harvey, speaking at the EU military headquarters in Paris on Friday. The deployment of the advance force could be postponed for days, he said.
Hmmmm, draw attention away could have been a key goal. (more…)

Mufti Wants Moratorium on French Law Separating Church and State (or else)

2 February, 2008

The Brussels Journal, 1 February 2008
The mufti of the Paris mosque, Dalil Boubakeur, has dropped what amounts to a political and religious bomb. He proposes a moratorium on the French law of 1905 separating Church and State, because not enough mosques are being built in France.
-He was also quoted in 2005 as saying: “Islam is simultaneously a religion, a community, a law and a civilisation”.
Now read that anyway you want but IMHO he is bragging that Islam has no method to separate the religious, civil and political worlds.

-Two faced chump isn’t he?

Besides his position as mufti, he is the president of the CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Faith), an association officially established in 2003 thanks to the efforts of Minister of the Interior Nicolas Sarkozy.

Questioned by Le Monde, Mr. Boubakeur set forth the idea of a “moratorium of 10 to 20 years” on the 1905 law, which forbids all public funding of places of worship, so that Islam can “catch up” on its needs. “The associations that administer houses of worship need to be given air to breathe,” he says.

This has to be one of the most daring statements made yet by a Muslim leader in France. There are at least 1500 mosques and prayer rooms in France, 75 in Paris alone.
– I strongly doubt the numbers would support that claim, Muslim math tends to embellish and distort. Islam is not the majority religion in Paris and Muslims want to cram it up the French backside.

Dalil Boubakeur’s proposal to suspend the 1905 law has incensed France’s radical secularists, the advocates of “laïcité,” who see in his words a predictable maneuver, welcomed by the State and Churches alike, for the purpose of restoring the power of religion to all spheres of French life.

Militants of “laïcité” are convinced that Nicolas Sarkozy intends, through modifications to the existing law, to impose his view of the equality of all religions onto the French people, instead of maintaining the strict separation that has been enforced until recently when Islam came into the picture.
-All the monkey er mufti (sorry my fingers slipped) really wants is to dominate France and make Islam supreme. (more…)

Bishop of Rochester Receives Death Threats

2 February, 2008

More death threats from the practitioners of the religion of peace:


Death threats to the ‘no-go’ bishop

By Gary Cleland
02/02/2008 –

The Bishop of Rochester has been forced to take added security measures after he received death threats for suggesting that parts of Britain had become “no-go” areas for non-Muslims.

And now, the new “no-go” areas have apparently been expanded to encompass anywhere the Bishop might decide to go…

Threatening phone calls were made to the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali after he wrote that non-Muslims faced physical attack if they entered some Muslim-dominated enclaves.

He has taken police advice on his security after he and his family received death threats but is said to be “continuing as normal”.

Bishop Nazir-Ali said in a statement on his website last night that he did not intend to offend Muslims, but to demonstrate that the policy of multi-culturalism had not worked.

It seems to me that the Izlombies are trying to refute that idea by reinforcing it with death threats…  It’s just so crazy, it might just actually work…

“The purpose of my article was to point out that the best way for welcoming and integrating newer arrivals in this country should have been a Christian vision of hospitality and not the secular policy of multi-culturalism which has led to such disastrous consequences,” he said.


U.K. Hospital Worker Fired For Asking Muslims to Remove Cloth Covering a Crucifix

2 February, 2008

More ominous signs that the U.K. is on its way to becoming Dar al-Amn (House of Safety) for terrorists…

Porter sacked by hospital after he asks for ‘multi-faith’ prayer room crucifix be made visible
2nd February 2008
Daily Mail

A hospital porter has been sacked after a row over a crucifix being covered up in a prayer room used by Muslims.

Joseph Protano, 54, was suspended four days after the incident last month at a children’s hospital – and has since been dismissed.

The row centres on a prayer room available to staff and visitors of all faiths, which contains a statue of the Virgin Mary and a crucifix.

Mr Protano, a Roman Catholic who has worked two years at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Pendlebury, entered the room when three Muslims were using it – two patients and a doctor.

An argument broke out after he asked them to remove a cloth covering the crucifix and statue and to turn a picture of the Virgin Mary face up.

He has now been dismissed for gross misconduct but he intends to appeal.

Police quizzed him for four hours last month, on suspicion of religiously aggravated assault, but he was released without charge.

He denies the allegations and must wait to see if police take any action.
