Archive for 9 February, 2008

More Pious Muslims riot over Mohammed’s caricature

9 February, 2008


Poor old Mo, they riot when you do not accept him as a prophet. They riot when you point out he was a scum sucking pedophile and murderous bastard who would be imprisoned if he were alive today. They riot when cartoons are drawn about him. They riot when he is insulted. Here is a tip Mo-Can I call ya mo?

Dude you need better friends. Yours are Intolerant a-holes and you could do much better. I mean that in the most respectful way possible. I didn’t have a copy of the caricature which started all this so I picked the non offensive one above, enjoy it. You can tell from the picture Old Mo is enjoying himself.

Nice chatin with ya Mo, allahu ackbar, babe

8 February 2008, (AFP)
Three persons including a police officer were killed after Muslim students rioted over a caricature of Prophet Mohammed by their Christian colleagues, police and teachers said Friday.

Students of Government Secondary School Sumaila, some 76 kilometres (47 miles) south of the northern city of Kano, went on the rampage late Thursday, after a Christian student suspended for two weeks returned to the school.

He had been suspended for having drawn a caricature of the Prophet and posted it on a wall inside the school.
-How rude an outside wall would have been better.

“Two people and a police inspector have been killed in the violence while the divisional police station and everything inside including ammunition have been burnt by the rioters”, Kano police chief Aminu Yesufu told reporters outside the burnt police station.
-Tip to the coppers-SHOOT THEM!!!! (more…)

Political friends of CAIR put on notice.

9 February, 2008

I have little trust, respect or tolerance for any Muslim political group and unlike some American politicians, I watch what people do and not just listen to what they say. I’m always watching out for silver-tongued devils and snake oil salesmen. My advice to politicians is simple-do your jobs or leave. We are not a welfare agency designed to employee deadbeats who do not accomplish anything despite spending years in Washington. Most of you clowns wouldn’t last a week in a job where you had to prove production. Supporting political groups without checking to see if their values match the nations is insanely dangerous and political suicide.

We American’s have a few years before we can vote out CAIR”s cheerleaders but why wait to show your love? A few keystrokes and you will quickly find out which candidate these traitors and ignoramuses support for President. Simply pick a different candidate, first we get rid of their pick for President and a few years from now we send these clowns to the unemployment line allahu ackbar babe.

Homeland Security: In a new court filing, federal prosecutors describe the Council on American-Islamic Relations as a supporter of terrorists. So why are Democrats still supporting the organization?

CAIR’s boosters on the Hill, where it’s headquartered just three blocks from the Capitol, have known for some time that several people in positions of power within the group have been directly connected to terrorism and have either been prosecuted or thrown out of the country. Yet lawmakers have gone right on singing CAIR’s praises and doing its bidding. That agenda includes suing John Doe witnesses, censoring critics of Islamism and denying the FBI antiterror tools.

These cheerleaders, who include a handful of Republicans (see box), also know by now that CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror-fundraising case last year. And that FBI wiretaps revealed that CAIR’s founder, Omar Ahmad, and executive director, Nihad Awad, last decade attended a secret meeting in Philadelphia with Hamas leaders and other terrorist sympathizers. (more…)

Bomb explodes at Pakistan election rally

9 February, 2008

Looks like the followers of the world’s most famous pedophile are once again murdering other Muslims. This was most likely a failed assassination and meant to change the election outcome. Life would be safer if these idiots just learned to vote.
9 Feb 08, Breaking: (AP)
A bomb exploded at an election rally in northwestern Pakistan Saturday, killing at least one person and wounding more than 20, police said.

Police official Mohammed Nabi said a bomb went off at a rally of the Awami National Party — a secular, ethnic Pashtun group — in the town of Charsadda.

The dead and wounded were being transported to a hospital, he said.

Afrasiab Khattak, the party’s provincial leader and a prominent human rights champion, was addressing the rally but told Dawn television afterward that he was not injured.
-Hopefully, this failed attempt will motivate him to really clean house and crackdown on these pious Muslims. We will continue to monitor this guy and see if he becomes a hero or a coward.

Muslim Couple Planned Murderous Honeymoon

9 February, 2008

For some reason, this article fails to mention the couple follows the religion of Islam. I am sure it was an oversight and would have contributed nothing toward the article or helped explain the motives (sarcasm). Well bad journalism aside this article shows once again that it is not just the native born Muslims you have to watch. Converts like Jill are also thrilled to kill.

Bellinda Kontominas, February 9, 2008, The Sydney Morning Herald
A WOMAN agreed to plant a bomb on a busy Sydney street in exchange for a promise of marriage from her prisoner boyfriend, a court has heard.

Jill Allison Courtney and Hassan Kalache are on trial in the NSW Supreme Court, charged with conspiring to bomb a public place and kill or maim passers-by.

Courtney occasionally whispered to Kalache during the court proceedings.

In his opening address, the prosecutor, Anthony Cook, SC, said Courtney was “very much in love” with Kalache, who used the prospect of marriage “as an incentive” for her to carry out the plot.

He said Kalache had suggested Courtney “place a bomb in a public place in Sydney and she, mainly because of her love for him, agreed … that it would be done and that she would do it”.
-If these murderous scum murder for love, what do they do when they are angry? (more…)