Archive for 16 February, 2008

United States and United Nations help steal Kosovo

16 February, 2008

I hope I wake up tomorrow with news of the entire Serbian military going scorched earth on Kosovo. Take it quick enough and the EU forces will arrive too late to matter.

It’s not that I have anything against the people who live in Kosovo but I do have a problem with outsiders stealing sovereign territory. As an American, I am deeply ashamed that my government supports the blatant theft of anyone’s property.

What is to stop the UN and the US from annexing Canada or Mexico next? This stinks and if I were into conspiracies, I would wonder where the recently signed Global Poverty Act falls into this.

Kosovo will become just another Muslim hell hole and the jump off point for a new rash of European Jihadis. I doubt by Monday there will be a single non Muslim left in Kosovo, the minions are going to celebrate and we know what that means.

17 February 2008, AFP
KOSOVO was poised to become the world’s newest state today, albeit under the guidance of the European Union and the United States, as it prepared to declare independence from Serbia.

The parliament of the overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian province was expected to proclaim independence around 3pm local time (0100 AEDT), in the wake of a night of euphoric celebrations in the capital Pristina.

Diplomatic recognition by Washington and key European capitals would follow within 24 hours or so, even though Belgrade regards Kosovo as the cradle of Serb culture and religion and sees its independence as illegal.

“The constitution is ready and national symbols are ready,” said Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, who a decade ago led an ethnic Albanian guerilla war against the then Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic’s security forces.

“I want to make clear that independence is a closed chapter. We have to focus on the future,” he added, as cheering throngs of flag-waving Kosovars poured onto Pristina’s snow-dusted streets in anticipation of independence. (more…)

Muslim groups embarrassed by the truth of Islam to demand silence

16 February, 2008

Protest all you want minions, the truth will always get out. We don’t make this stuff up. Want to improve your image? Just leave Islam.

16 February, 2008, Independent Television News
Muslim groups are preparing to stage a demonstration outside Downing Street after what they describe as a week of “bias, prejudice, xenophobia and even borderline racism”.
-What race is Islam?

It has been organised by the British Muslim Initiative (BMI) and supported by 20 other Muslim groups including the Muslim Council of Britain and British Muslim Forum.

They are calling for equal rights under the slogan: Yes to equal citizenship, No to double standards.

The BMI have said the demonstration is a response to the past week’s events including the controversy provoked by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s comments that adoption of some aspects of Islamic sharia law in the UK seem “unavoidable”.

It is also protesting over the Home Office’s rejection of Egyptian-born, controversial scholar Yusuf al-Qaradawi’s visa application to enter the UK.
-Controversal is code for supports terrorism.<!–more–>

The revelation that counter-terrorism officers had secretly recorded discussions between MP Sadiq Khan and a jailed constituent has also led to angry reactions from Muslims.

A BMI statement said the three events “provide further evidence of bias, prejudice, xenophobia and even borderline racism rampant in wide corners of the media as well as in the corridors of government.”

BMI spokesman Anas Altikriti said: “It all gives out a message that Muslims can never be trusted and any discourse must be banned and no-one, not even the esteemed Archbishop of Canterbury, can say anything about Muslims.
“This vigil is about all Muslims coming together and asking to be treated as equal citizen with rights. And at the same time we are calling for issues to do with Muslims to be dealt with fairness and balance.”
-You idiots have equal rights. Unfortunately for you it includes the right to be called out when your people act stupid and your ideology attacks your new homeland.

Al Qaeda Video Shows Muslim Prisoners Burned Alive

16 February, 2008

I am not posting the video because it is an older one and there are way too many of these videos around. The reality of Islam is no one else from any other group commits as many acts of disgusting violence as Muslims do.

If you want to see it visit Fox news or switch over to the Jawa report and watch a 12yr old Muslim boy kill a Muslim prisoner.

These types of videos are common place all over the ummah and used to show the power of the minions. I find them simple proof that islam is the most intolerant ideology on the planet and that anyone that follows islam should hang their heads in shame.

February 16, 2008, (Fox)
Al Qaeda’s latest display of terror has made its way onto the Internet, showing horrifying images of what appear to be prisoners in Iraq being doused with an inflammatory liquid and then burned alive.
-Make that Muslims prisoners. The biggest killers of muslims are other muslims. (more…)

Israeli Web site seeks to Educate Arab world

16 February, 2008

This is a little like attempting to force a bobcat into a coke bottle-you are likely to fail and get hurt in the process.


Hours after Imad Mughniyeh, a senior Hizbullah commander and suspected terrorist mastermind, was assassinated in Damascus this week, Israeli lawmakers and defense officials responded to accusations that the Mossad was responsible for the assassination.
-I strongly doubt Arabs abandoned their screaming fits long enough to log on but ya never know.
Their denials, and other voices from the Western world, were quickly translated into Arabic and offered, for the first time, by an Israeli-run Web site speaking to the Arab world in its own language.

“To communicate and reach the Arab world, it is important to communicate in their own language. We are seeking to translate materials from progressive and democratic voices in the West into Arabic, and make them available to Arab peoples in the Middle East who otherwise cannot access the material,” said Zvi Mazel, a former Israeli ambassador to Egypt and the head of the new site which regularly translates articles, speeches, and other material into Arabic.

Mazel, whose project falls under the auspices of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs think tank, has a history of involvement with similar projects. He has already created a site on the center’s Web site which translates Arabic texts into Hebrew, to allow Israelis better insight into emerging thinking from the Arab-speaking world.
-Every rocket headed toward Israel accomplishes the same thing.
His new site, which was launched three months ago and is already receiving 800 visitors each month, currently translates up to 14 new items each week into Arabic.

“We look for new articles each day that will bring new insight and voices to this region,” said Mazel. “We are already getting back feedback and hope to grow and establish a broader audience.”
-Good luck with that (more…)

Iranian tortures himself and sues Australia

16 February, 2008

From the you are not going to believe this one department:

ANDREW DOWDELL, COURT REPORTER, February 15, 2008, The Advertiser

AN IRANIAN refugee who sewed his lips together while on a hunger strike in Baxter Detention Centre is now suing the Commonwealth of Australia for damages.
-I think the lawsuit is crap but I do want to encourage all Muslims to sew their mouths shut.

Abdul Amir Hamidi came to Australia on a boat in June 2000 from Iran, where he had been imprisoned and tortured for several months.
-So Iran tortures him, he tortures himself and he sues Australia. Sounds like a smart guy (not)

Mr Hamidi, 35, claims his treatment by Australian authorities triggered a severe psychiatric illness, for which he will need supervision for the rest of his life.
-But life in Iran was rosy for him? (more…)

Danish authorities are stupid and cowardly.

16 February, 2008

If they can not figure out why the minions are pissed they should be fired and replaced.

4 hours ago
COPENHAGEN (AFP) — Hundreds of youths have taken to the streets in riots across Denmark this week with racism and police harassment suggested as the cause of the discontent as the youngsters remained silent on the motive.

The government stressed Friday it had zero tolerance for the troublemakers, less than a year after violent riots raged for days in Copenhagen over the closure of a youth centre.

Small groups of youths have set dozens of cars and dumpsters ablaze. Police officers and fire brigades have been met with stonethrowing and molotov cocktails in five consecutive nights of violence in the capital that have gradually spread to other Danish towns.

Some 50 people aged 15 to 25 have been arrested during the past week, charged with arson and violence against police officers.

While last year’s riots were caused by youths angry over the closure of the youth centre, this time around authorities were at a loss to explain the violence.

“We don’t know exactly what’s behind it,” Copenhagen police spokesman Flemming Steen Munch told AFP.
The riots began at the weekend in Copenhagen’s heavily immigrant populated neighbourhoods of Noerrebro and Vesterbro, but have since spread to several other areas, including Denmark’s second biggest city Aarhus and other regions have no significant numbers of immigrants.

According to media reports, some of those taking part in the riots were aged 10 to 12 years old, though police said no one that young had been arrested.

Some have suggested that new regulations that allow police to search people at random for weapons, even without suspicion, have left youths in Noerrebro feeling harassed, while others accused the police of racism.
-Islam is not a race. Want to stop this? Shoot to kill. It will end. (more…)