Archive for 5 March, 2008

Mother testifies against son for “honor killing” his sister

5 March, 2008

Women’s lib hits Islam, welcome to the 21st century.

By LAURIE COPANS, 5 March, 2008
Associated Press Writer
JERUSALEM (AP) – A Tel Aviv court has sentenced an Israeli Arab man to 16 years in prison in the so-called “honor killing” of his sister after several female relatives took the rare step of testifying against him.
-Women’s lib hits islam with a smack. This is good news but would have failed in any islamic nation. Even had the women been allowed to testify their testimony wouldn’t have amounted to much. Reality is Israeli muslims have more rights than those born inside the ummah.

Hamda Abu Ghanem was the ninth woman in the clan killed in recent years by male family members. She was shot in January 2007 as she slept at her parents’ home in a Muslim neighborhood of Ramla, a mixed Jewish-Arab town of 65,000 in central Israel.

“Honor killings” refer to the murders of women by relatives for allegedly sullying the family name, usually because of sexual misdeeds.
-Partially true, many are dishonored by a male relative and the rape is covered up by murdering the victim.

Incriminating evidence against the brother, Kamil Abu Ghanem, included an account by an aunt who said she saw him enter the family home, heard shots and then saw him flee the area. Gunpowder was also found on the clothes he wore that day, according to court documents.

The aunt’s identity has not been made public because of fear for her safety. Although she gave a statement to police, the aunt disappeared before she could testify.

In a plea bargain approved by the Tel Aviv District Court this week, Abu Ghanem was convicted of being an accessory to murder, maintaining that he only let someone else into the building to kill his sister, said his lawyer, Giora Zilbershtein.

His mother and another sister were among those who testified against him.
-An act which may have saved their lives. (more…)

Iran: Insulting Muslims not a good idea

5 March, 2008

Some observations and random thoughts from the Doc:

Recently, I have become aware that Muslims seem to be playing word games with the word, “Insult.”

Originally, they said that the cartoons of Muhammad were blasphemous. Then, they said that the West was insulting the prophet. Then, they said the West was insulting Islam. And, most recently, they have become fixated on saying that the images and cartoons of Muhammad are an attempt by the West to insult Muslims.

Do you see the difference here? The latter is meant to imply that this is a personal attack not only on a collective religion, but also an attack on the individual Muslim.

Obviously, this poisonous word play is meant to stir up the emotions of not only the “misunderstanders” of Islam, but also the individual “moderate” Muslims. And, as witnessed by the recent flurry of Muslim commenters here on this site who claim we are trying to insult them personally when we simply point out the (to put it mildly) “darker” side of Muhammad, it has had its intended effect. All humans feel less receptive to an honest debate when they operate under the assumption that they themselves are being attacked. And, as such, they tend to cover up their ears and just start blathering “insults.” It goes without saying, very little progress on either side of the debate can be made when one has locked horns in this manner…

After a little browsing on the web, I am becoming convinced that this recent word play is not just some aberrant “100th Monkey” phenomenon but is actually part of a larger stratagem conceived and implemented by the Islamic religious leaders to incite violence and dumb down the masses (I’ll leave it to the reader to decide who the “masses” are).

And, here again, we have an example of the Iranian Foreign Minister emulating the actions of a 1960’s hippie Guru – feeding that poisonous psychedelic sugar cube into the anxiously awaiting open mouths of the Muslim world:

Iran: Insulting Muslims not a good idea
Wed, 05 Mar 2008 – Press TV – Iran

The Iranian Foreign Minister says there should be a clear line between freedom of expression and insulting religious sanctities.

And, WHO would decide where this “clear line” is drawn? The Hawaii Cannabis Ministry? Obviously not… I’m willing to bet that it would be an Islamic politician who draws that line, even though Christians make up the majority of the world’s religions… And, where does it end? Do we get rid of books on evolution, physics, mathematics, history, biology, etc. etc. because they are insulting these undefined “religious sanctities?” Do we kill all the pigs in the world for fear of insulting Muslims? Obviously only a fool (or a Politician – or both) attempts to do the impossible in pleasing all followers in all religions. Come to think of it, Christianity and Islam would have never existed if its founders had not first “insulted” the established “religious sanctities” – that’s how REAL reformation comes about.


Parents do you know where your children are?

5 March, 2008

This is why you have to watch them closely and supervise their usage of the net. While they should be ok reading this site never let them download recipes from muslim websites. The names and religion of those involved were not reported but I smell a muslim behind this.

Matthew Claxton, 05 March, 2008, Langley Advance

For the second time in two days, bomb disposal experts had to detonate homemade explosives in downtown Langley on Tuesday.

A panicked teenager had hidden the small bombs Monday, one on a store and another on the street, after explosions wounded two other boys. It’s lucky that no one picked up the two bombs on Monday or Tuesday before RCMP officers could find and neutralize them, said Cpl. Peter Thiessen. At about 10:45 a.m. on Tuesday, the Langley RCMP received a tip that a local teenager was heading to Liquidation World to remove a home-made explosive device hidden there the day before. Police officers at Liquidation World found two teenagers, including one 15-year-old who had left the bomb in the store the day before, Thiessen said.

The 15-year-old cooperated with the police and showed them where the small device, about the size of a pen, was located. He also told them where he had dropped a larger bomb, about the size of a cigar box, in the 5400 block of 203rd Street. The Liquidation World was evacuated until members of the RCMP Explosives Disposal Unit could arrive several hours later. They detonated both small explosives, and no one was harmed.

Thiessen said it appears that the teenager simply panicked about holding onto the bombs during the chaos surrounding two explosions on Monday.

At about 3:20 p.m. on that day, two teens were injured when unstable homemade explosives detonated. One blast, at the home of the bomb-maker in the 20200 block of 56th Avenue, broke windows. The 18-year-old had been making explosives when some of his supply exploded. He suffered injuries to a hand, his face and his torso and was treated at Langley Memorial Hospital.

The Explosives Disposal Unit safely blew up more of the teen’s stash of explosives. Just minutes before that incident, one of the teenager’s friends had been injured when a bomb they had made went off in his hand at the bus stop near the Liquidation World. (more…)

Chavez: Conflict with the US is inevitable

5 March, 2008

From the be careful what you wish for little man department: Now I realize Chavez just rants to distract his people from his failures as a leader but if you poking a stick at a tiger it will eventually eat you.

Chavez has chosen to kiss up to his islamic masters and that’s his right but he should stop and take a brief moment to ask his advisors how long it will take to rebuild his cites after we pay them a visit.

5 March, 2008, (AP)
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Wednesday that “we want peace,” but that Colombia and its allies in Washington represent war – and that conflict with the United States is inevitable.

“It must be said: They, the empire and its lackeys, are war,” Chavez said in a televised speech, his first since Colombia alleged that documents seized from a leftist rebel’s computer prove the Venezuelan leader has been supporting the guerrillas for years.

“We are the path to peace,” said Chavez, who ordered 10 battalions of troops to reinforce the border after Colombia entered Ecuadorean territory to attack a leftist rebel hideout.

Chavez spoke as diplomats from many countries struggled to defuse the crisis sparked by the Colombian attack.

Ecuador rejected a Colombian apology for the cross-border strike as insufficient before an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States, where the United States was the only country to offer Colombia unqualified support.

Many other countries worried openly about the violation to Ecuador’s sovereignty, despite complaints that Venezuela and Ecuador have long provided refuge to leftist Colombian guerrillas.

Chavez has warned Colombian President Alvaro Uribe that Venezuela would respond militarily to any violation of its border, and Venezuela’s justice minister ramped up the threat Tuesday by declaring that war “has already begun.”

He said Wednesday that Colombia’s “warlike government” follows US dictates and conflict of some sort with the US cannot be avoided: “While we want freedom, they want to keep us in chains. … We want a fatherland; they want a colony. How can a confrontation be avoided? It’s inevitable.”

“Venezuela will never again be a US colony,” Chavez said to applause.

The military strike on Ecuadorean soil, which killed two dozen rebels, gave Colombian commandos an intelligence bonanza in the form of laptops they seized, including the computer of rebel leader Raul Reyes.

Documents on the machine indicated Reyes had been secretly negotiating with representatives of France, Venezuela, Ecuador, the US and other countries trying to free rebel-held hostages including French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and three American defense contractors. (more…)

Flight 93 Blogburst: Islamic symbolism causing fundraising problems for Flight 93 Memorial

5 March, 2008


It does my heart good to see people are not only waking up but refusing to support this insult to the heroic passengers and crew of flight 93.

Ultimately they may be forced to change the design but the stigma, distrust and scrutiny will remain. They may never get the amount of support they could have received by designing a suitable memorial in the first place. I doubt the designer was really looking at a profit when he designed this monstrosity. Anyway, the people have spoken and a design with even a hint of islamic symbolism is unwanted, unwelcome and will not be supported.
5 March, 2008
Pennsylvanians know about the Islamic symbolism in the Flight 93 Memorial, and have stopped donating. The first indication came last September when State Senator Jane Orie came aboard as a fundraiser. She got a quick education in growing controversy.

In a 9/11 radio interview with Pittsburgh talker Fred Honsberger, Orie explained why she hoped the Flight 93 families would get back together and revisit their design choice:

Orie: “No matter who it is, and no matter where I went today for 9/11 events, everybody brought up this crescent. Whether it is intentional or not, it is disturbing to people.”

Honsberger: “So everyone is bringing it up to you.”

Orie: “Absolutely.”

At that time, the Memorial Project had collected about $12.5 million, far short of the huge design’s anticipated 60 million dollar price tag. Six months later the amount sits at “A little more than $12 million.” It is possible that they are actually spending more on their fundraising efforts than they are raising.

Bill Steiner, who has been rustling up opposition on the ground in PA, dropped by Somerset recently and had a conversation with Memorial Project Superintendent Joanne Hanley. She appeared beleaguered, and confided that fundraising was sluggish, suggesting that the memorial would probably have to be built in stages. Presumably she meant something other than the normal stages of building, but was anticipating delays.

Now this week the Somerset Daily American has an editorial complaining that the whole state seems to be dumping on Somerset County, bemoaning amongst other things the lack of funding for the Flight 93 Memorial.

This is not the preferred way to stop architect Paul Murdoch’s terroist memorial mosque from being built. The damn thing ought to just be stopped by those in government who are in a position to stop it, so that a new and fitting design can be selected. At that point, money will be needed, but for now, with Murdoch in full command of the hijacked memorial, lack of money is what is needed. Starving the engines of fuel is one way to keep the hijacker from reaching his target, and until the hijacker is stopped, nothing else matters.

The people get it, and are voting with their pocketbooks. When are our elected representatives going to step up and do their part?

Senator Orie is not the only Pennsylvania state legislator who has expressed concern, but Congressman Tancredo is as yet the only politician to actually call for the crescent design to be scrapped. If our representatives can’t be leaders, can’t they at least be followers?

Hassan Abu-Jihaad Convicted of Providing Material Support to Terrorists

5 March, 2008

This image provided by the U.S. Navy shows damage sustained on the USS Cole after a terrorist bomb exploded during a refueling operation in the port of Aden, Yemen, Oct. 12, 2000. Hassan Abu-Jihaad, had provided suspected terrorist supporters in London with sensitive details of when U.S. ships would pass through the strait and their vulnerability to attack.

Ex-Sailor Convicted in Terror Case

The Associated Press – Via The Washington Post

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A former Navy sailor was convicted Wednesday of leaking details about ship movements to suspected terrorism supporters, an act that could have endangered his own crewmates.

Jurors convicted Hassan Abu-Jihaad, 32, of Phoenix of providing material support to terrorists and disclosing classified national defense information on the second day of deliberations.

The American-born Muslim convert formerly known as Paul R. Hall faces up to 25 years in federal prison when he is sentenced May 23. His attorneys said they were disappointed, and that an appeal was likely.

Jurors declined comment, as did Abu-Jihaad’s family members.

The leak came amid increased wariness on the part of U.S. Navy commanders whose ships headed to the Persian Gulf in the months after a terrorist ambush in 2000 killed 17 sailors aboard the USS Cole.


Unindicted Co-Conspirators Sue Medical Center on Behalf of Ex-Employee

5 March, 2008


DMC employee’s lawsuit alleges religious harassment
Catherine Jun / The Detroit News

SOUTHFIELD — A fired Muslim employee has filed a lawsuit against the Detroit Medical Center alleging religious and ethnic harassment before being unlawfully terminated.

The announcement was made this morning at the Michigan office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Southfield this morning.

According to the suit, Yasser Sharif, 36, of Macomb Township was employed as a specialist in the poison control center at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan since 2004 and fired last November after alerting management to scheduling abuses in his department.

[Scheduling abuses?  Oh, that must be code for not discriminating against the other employees by giving Muslims special “prayer” breaks and special days off in addition to the normal holiday schedule  (note the month of termination – November)…]

During his employment, Sharif was subjected to “Islama-phobic” and “anti-Arab” comments by other employees, alleged Dawud Walid, executive director of Michigan CAIR.

[cry me river…  They probably told him to wash his hands…]

The suit was filed Friday in Wayne County Circuit Court. The case has been assigned to Kathleen MacDonald. Hospital representatives have yet to respond to the allegations.

You can reach Catherine Jun at (248) 647-7429 or

Pork Eating Muslims

5 March, 2008

From Borneo comes the following tale of misfortune.  To think that some Muslims might have possibly passed away with pork in their bodies, thereby being refused entrance into Paradise…  The schadenfreude factor in that train of thought just seems to make me grin from ear to ear:

Canned food allegedly containing pork. – ZA’IM ZAINI

Food containing pork sold openly at Muslim shop
By Za’im Zaini – Brunei Online

Over 80 tins of canned food from nine different brands of meat, suspected of containing pork, were found yesterday to be openly sold in a sundry shop frequented mostly by Muslims. The discovery was made after the Syariah Affairs Department’s Halal Food Control Section personnel made a routine check.

The shop, owned by a Muslim, saw his products confiscated by the personnel for fear that customers would accidentally buy them, not knowing their contents.

Among the food items found to contain pork included meat loaf, liver spread and sausages. Non-halal food should be displayed in a separate area and have clear labels indicating that they are only for non-Muslims. The Halal Food Control Section reminds entrepreneurs to inspect all items obtained from their suppliers, while members of the public are urged to be extra cautious when buying canned food.

Iran Wants Joint Islamic Agricultural Market

5 March, 2008

Nope… OPEC wasn’t enough for them… Now they want to corner the market on agriculture, thereby giving them more leverage to control the price of biofuels on the world market…

Iran calls for establishment of Islamic world agro market

TEHRAN, March 5 (MNA) [MEHRNEWS]– Iran’s agricultural jihad minister on Wednesday highlighted the need for Muslim nations to establish a joint agricultural market.

In his meeting with Kuwaiti Ambassador to Tehran Magdi Al-Thafeeri, Mohammadreza Eskandari said that Muslim countries enjoy great potential in the agriculture sector and could meet their needs via such a market.

The minister voiced his country’s preparedness for cooperation with Kuwait’s agriculture sector. He reiterated that there is no obstacle on the way of promoting mutual relations.

Al-Thafeeri, for his part, expressed his country’s readiness for expansion of ties with Iran, announcing “Iran is highly capable in the agriculture sector and Kuwait is a proper market for Iran’s agro products.”

Job Openings Available for Computermedia Geeks

5 March, 2008

Hey, never let it be said that Doc Bulldog would have all you young, budding Jihadists out there unemployed.  After all, Leatherneck is constantly telling you all to, “get a job!”  And, of course, the MSM is constantly telling us that you are violent because you are unemployed…

So, I’ve scoured the Internet for you and found the following job opening:

Al Qaeda looking for a few media-savvy geeks

Updated Wed. Mar. 5 2008
The Associated Press – via

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — In an Internet age, al Qaeda prizes geek jihadis as much as would-be suicide bombers and gunmen.

The terror network is recruiting computer-savvy technicians to produce sophisticated web documentaries and multimedia products aimed at Muslim audiences in the United States, Britain and other western countries.

Already, the terror movement’s al-Sahab production company is turning out high-quality material, some of which rivals productions by western media companies. The documentaries appear regularly on Islamist websites, which al Qaeda uses to recruit followers and rally its supporters.

That requires people whose skills go beyond planting bombs and ambushing American patrols in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“The al Qaeda men who are coming today are not farmers, illiterate people,” said Qari Mohammed Yusuf, an Afghan and self-declared al-Sahab cameraman. “They are PhDs, professors who know about this technology. Day by day they are coming. Al Qaeda has asked them to come.”
