Archive for 29 March, 2008

Measles Outbreak Hits Nigeria

29 March, 2008

It seems the Islamic Clerics in Nigeria’s northern Katsina state decided to help their fellow Muslims out by telling them that vaccines and immunizations were all part of an evil plot by the Western world to sterilize their children… So, of course, being the dutiful, brainwashed Muslims they have become (thanks in no small part due to the relentless work of their “Spiritual leaders”), they decided to forego vaccinations and immunizations for their children… Now, their kids are dying and infections are spreading at an alarming rate to other countries…

For some fascinating reading about a recent outbreak of polio originating in Northern Nigeria and spreading throughout Muslim countries via the Haj pilgrimage, read the article HERE from Western Resistance.


Measles Outbreak Hits Northern Nigerian State
By Gilbert da Costa – VOA News
29 March 2008

Health authorities in Nigeria ‘s northern Katsina state have set up treatment centers to deal with a measles epidemic which has killed nearly two hundred children in the past three months, and infected thousands. For VOA, Gilbert da Costa filed this report from the Nigerian capital, Abuja.

Vaccinations are being distributed across the northern Katsina state to cope with one of the worst measles outbreaks in the region in years.

Some 165 children have been killed and 3,000 cases reported in the past three months. Officials say the death toll could be much higher because many cases are going unreported.

Katsina state’s director of disease control, Halliru Idris, tells VOA that the outbreak is mostly affecting young people who have not been immunized. “I can tell you that over 95 percent of all the children that have measles are those whose parents have not allowed them to receive immunization,” he said.

A handful of radical Islamic clerics instigated a boycott of infant vaccinations in northern Nigeria in 2003 and 2004, alleging that immunization was a western ploy to render Muslim girls infertile. Though the dispute has been resolved, parents still tend to avoid immunization.

Many hundreds of children have died in northern Nigeria since December when the first cases of the highly contagious measles were reported in Kaduna , Kano and Jigawa states.


Muslims Almost Four Times as Likely to be Jailed in UK

29 March, 2008

Some interesting figures were brought to our attention by Warner:


Muslims nearly four times likely to be jailed in UK
London, March 29, IRNA

UK-Muslim Prisoners
Muslims are nearly four times more likely to be in jail in England and Wales compared with the rest of the population, according to the latest official figures.

In a written parliamentary reply, Justice Secretary Jack Straw said that at the end of June 2006 there were 8,243 prisoners declaring themselves as Muslim out of a total prison population of 77,982 at the time.

The number represents 11 percent of all prisoners in contrast to Muslims being just 3 percent of the country’s population at the last census in 2001, when some 1.5 million people declared themselves as Muslim.

The figures show a very high percentage of the Muslims are jail are foreign nationals, some 3,285 of the prisoners, equivalent to 40 percent.

Classified into groups, 3,652 were classified as Asian or Asian British and 2,660 as Black or Black British. Only 1,167 were classified as White.

Among the foreign nationals, the highest number was 416 from Pakistan, followed by 322 from Somalia, 259 from Iraq, 221 from Turkey, 185 from Nigeria, 179 each from Bangladesh and Nigeria and 163 from Jamaica.

Straw suggested that the higher number of Muslims in prison may partly reflect the age profile of prisoners, with most aged between 18 and 34. Asians of this age made up 31 percent of the total, while the percentage among whites was 22 percent.

Immigrant from Somalia Charged with Unlawful Sexual Relations with Male Students

29 March, 2008

Some folks out there may question why we post stories of sexual misconduct by Islamic immigrants while ignoring “Christians” who commit such crimes.  The short answer to this is that a “Christian” who commits such an act is not following the example set by Christ, and is therefore not being Christ-like, while an Islamist who commits such an act,  whether they realize it or not,  often times IS following the example set by Muhammad and, as such IS being Muhammad-like…   This then provides a starting point to discuss the verses in the Qur’an and the actions in the life of the false prophet which are being used by the Saudis and other Islamic fundamentalists to justify such misconduct.

H/T – Warner

Substitute teacher from Somalia charged with sexual misconduct
The Kansas City Star
A Leavenworth substitute teacher accused of unlawful sexual relationships with high school students is a Somalian refugee in the United States under political asylum, officials said Thursday.

Mohamed A. Dirshe, 26, has been charged in Leavenworth County District Court with three counts of unlawful sexual relations and three counts of furnishing alcohol to a minor for illicit purposes, which are all felonies.

[Like a good Muslim, he didn’t drink it himself…] 

Dirshe is accused of inviting two 16-year-old male students to his home and giving them alcohol. He then allegedly had sexual relations with them while they were under the influence, said Leavenworth’s interim Police chief, Patrick Kitchens.

The incidents, which allegedly occurred between Oct. 19 and Dec. 30, involved students from Immaculata High School and Leavenworth High School. Dirshe also had been a substitute teacher for one day at West Middle School and at New Beginnings, a special education facility, according to a school official.

Word of the charges surprised people who knew Dirshe when he attended the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth.



29 March, 2008

H/t to tnr

First let me get the oblatory screw the UN out of the way, second why should any of us give a rats ass what the UN says?

The UN has no human rights experts, they have people paid to act like one on TV. Had they real “experts” they would have jumped on the crimes of islam long ago and condemned them. They have not, will not and they matter not.

Human rights experts condemn distorted vision of Muslims in the film “Fitna” and call for dialogue and vigilance

Geneva, 28 March 2008: – – Three UN Special Rapporteurs today issued a joint statement criticizing the provocative nature of a film depicting an extremely distorted vision of Muslims, and urging a calm and measured response to its release.
-Uhh, there are bigger problems for them to worry about.

The Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Doudou Diène; the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Asma Jahangir; and the Special Rapporteur for the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, Ambeyi Ligabo, issued the following statement:
-This should be a real howler.
“We condemn the tone and content of the online film by Dutch Member of Parliament, Mr. Geert Wilders, which was released on the Internet yesterday. The film ‘Fitna’ illustrates an increasing pattern that associates Muslims exclusively with violence and terrorism. It is crucial that efforts be made by Governments to stop this pattern and take urgent measures to prevent incitement to racial and religious hatred which is a major threat to peace and social cohesion.
-Translation do nothing to piss off muslims or they will attack. Pretend they worship someone other than mohammed.

“While on the one hand, freedom of expression is a fundamental human right that must be respected, it does not extend to include incitement to racial or religious hatred which is itself clearly a violation of human rights. Public expressions that paint adherents of a particular religion as a threat to peace or global stability are irresponsible.
-Unless humans are allowed, encouraged and expected to condemn acts of violence for any reason the violence will continue. To pretend muslims do not use the words of a seventh century madman to encourage terror is simply incorrect. (more…)

Convert to Islam Kicks Passengers off Bus to Pray

29 March, 2008

Yup, I think most of us would lose our jobs if we kicked out the clients for a quick prayer…

H/T – TNR 


Get off my bus, I need to pray

A MUSLIM bus driver told stunned passengers to get off so he could PRAY.

The white Islamic convert rolled out his prayer mat in the aisle and knelt on the floor facing Mecca.

Passengers watched in amazement as he held out his palms towards the sky, bowed his head and began to chant.

One, who filmed the man on his mobile phone, said: “He was clearly praying and chanting in Arabic.

“We thought it was a wind-up at first, like Jeremy Beadle.”

The 21-year-old plumber added: “He looked English and had a London accent. He looked like a Muslim convert, with a big, bushy beard.

“Eventually everyone started complaining. One woman said, ‘What the hell are you doing? I’m going to be late for work’.”

After a few minutes the driver calmly got up, opened the doors and asked everyone back on board.

But they saw a rucksack lying on the floor of the red single-decker and feared he might be a fanatic. So they all refused.

The passenger added: “One chap said, ‘I’m not getting on there now’.


Woman ‘admits trying to blow up Chinese jet’

29 March, 2008


Muslims whining in Germany

29 March, 2008

Actor Roland Kuchenbuch playing the role of Abu Simbel, a character from the book the ‘Satanic Verses’ by British author Salman Rushdie

Muslims are whining in Germany over a planned stage production of Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. A novel they consider blasphemy because it discusses the life of mohammed in detail and without the white wash over his evil that muslims are used to seeing.

No surprise here infidels should not discuss islam or the pedophile king, it pisses muslims off. Except for myself, I am allowed to discuss all aspects of islam due to my deep respect for the dangerous ideology and my knowledge of the pedophile king worshiped by all muslims (even I can’t believe I wrote that).

Pissed off muslims sometimes work themselves into a frenzy and run around burning things. Sometimes the use more peaceful methods, as an example, calls are already out to ban Dutch products because of the release of “Fitna”. Now I am not fooled the boycott is a stopgap until they can commit an act of violence. An act they will blame on the victim by claiming the earlier peaceful protest was ignored. In the end, everything seems to piss off muslims and they will commit acts of violence even if every picture, cartoon, play, blog, bumbersticker etc highlighting the evil that is islam were destroyed.

My simple message to my muslim readership, ban this site, stay off it because I am just getting started and do not want you pissed off. So go away, stop emailing me and live a peaceful life. Learn to chill and let the pedophile kings words speak for mohammed. He is dead and does not need you to defend him. Have a great day, allhu ackbar, baby.

By Carolyn Palmer, 28 March 2008, (Reuters)
BERLIN – A German Muslim group said on Friday protests were likely against the first ever staging of a dramatized version of Salman Rushdie’s controversial book “The Satanic Verses” in Potsdam near Berlin on Sunday.

Nurhan Soykan, spokeswoman for the central council of Muslims in Germany, told Reuters Muslims believed in a free press and freedom of opinion.
-As long as it doesn’t speak negatively about mo or his murderous history.

“BUT even this has its boundaries,” she said. “We’re worried that provocation’s and insults against us have increased recently. I wouldn’t want to ban (the play) BUT you can bet on protests from Muslim people. They can’t be expected to put up with everything.”
-this works both ways, we should not have to put up with criminal acts, terrorism, threats and calls for our deaths by muslims. (more…)