Archive for 1 May, 2008

Woman who was Raped and Watched Her Son Beaten to Death is Jailed for 4 Years

1 May, 2008

From TNR comes this lovely little story of Sharia ‘justice’ in action:

Woman raped, saw son die – then jailed

From correspondents in Afghanistan –

A WOMAN who was trafficked across the border from Pakistan with her son, 3, was handed to an Afghan who raped her, then beat the toddler to death as she watched.
He was jailed for 20 years for murder – but the woman, Rukhma, was jailed, too.

She had put up with her mistreatment for three months before going to authorities.

But in December, Rukhma, who doesn’t know her age but looks younger than 20, was given a four-year sentence for adultery and “escaping her house” in Pakistan.

The Taliban’s fall six years ago heralded new rights for women: to go to school or get a job.

Their rights are now enshrined in the constitution.

But except for a small urban elite, a woman fleeing domestic violence or accusing a man of rape herself often ends up seen as the guilty party.

“Why am I here? I’m innocent,” Rukhma said, crying in a musty cell and cradling a baby daughter she bore in jail.

“It is cruel to have your son killed before your eyes and then to be imprisoned.”

In parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, a woman who runs away is typically suspected of having taken a lover and can be prosecuted for adultery.

Leaving home without family permission may be deemed an offence.

The chief prosecutor of eastern Nangarhar province, who oversaw Rukhma’s case, suggested she got off lightly.

“If my wife goes to the bazaar without my permission, I will kill her. This is our culture,” Abdul Qayum shouted scornfully.

His colleagues laughed approvingly. “This is Afghanistan, not America,” Mr Qayum said.


Missouri: Memorial Plaque in Lake Saint Louis to be Changed

1 May, 2008

From the St. Louis Today blogzone:

Are Lake Saint Louis officials doing right by changing memorial plaques?
By Kurt Greenbaum

A new veterans’ memorial park in Lake Saint Louis is just opening – but opening to controversy. Apparently, part of the planning for Veterans’ Memorial Park included memorial plaques that summarize the wars that the United States has been part of.

Those plaques include sections for “mistakes” and “consequences.”

For example, the “mistakes” portion of the plaque entitled “Global War on Terror, 1997-Present” read, in part: “As of 2007, the Afghanistan and Iraq wars failed to enable viable governments leading to continued guerrilla fighting. The Iraqi Army was quickly crushed but the U.S. disbanded the Iraqi Army and removed civilian government employees belonging to the ruling political party leaving no one to help maintain security or run the country, which was contrary to policy used after WWII in Germany and Japan.”

Under “consequences,” it said: “U.S. was accused of a Crusade against Muslims which caused riots all over the Muslim world. Pakistan became an opportunistic ally of the U.S. in its Afghanistan war. U.S. lost prestige around the world.”

Our story also says, “Ralph Barrale, an Army veteran of World War II, said the text was a collaborative effort among some members of the volunteer committee of veterans. He said he was not offended by the plaques but added the park is not meant to cause controversy.” The committee agreed to remove the plaques and rework the text.

The park will be dedicated May 17. Should the city make changes in the plaques or is the additional text appropriate for a veterans’ memorial?

My comment is as follows:

As a USAF veteran, I am deeply offended and insulted by the wording on this plaque.

It is a sad day when a Memorial dedicated to our fallen comrades is used as a political platform to espouse a Liberal political agenda. Not only is it a slap in the face to those who are actively fighting against the Islamofascist threat around the world, but it also does a disservice to the memory of the brave men and women who have given their lives defending the United States from this VERY REAL threat to our way of life.

Besides, as we are still engaged in this long term struggle, history is yet to prove us right or wrong. Who’s to say if things would be better if we had left Saddam’s Sunni thugs in positions of power? Perhaps they would have killed ALL the Shiites by now. We don’t know, and it is merely speculation as to if disbanding Saddam’s army was a good move or a bad move. Perhaps in about twenty years we will be in a better position to comment on such matters. As for now, it serves as nothing more than ill-advised political rhetoric.

Jihadi attacks Jihadists while soliciting funds for Jihad

1 May, 2008

This one had me rolling. One group of radicals target another group while soliciting donations for jihad. May they all rot in hell and make plans to continue their inner islamic struggle together for years to come.

2 May, 2006, Daily Times
Suicide bomber targets ‘vice and virtue’ organisation chief
Haji Namdar unhurt, at least 18 others injured in attack on Khyber madrassa

BARA: A suicide bomber blew himself up in a Khyber Agency madrassa on Thursday injuring at least 18 people in a bid apparently aimed at killing the head of a religio-militant organisation, eyewitnesses and security officials said.

“I was the target,” Haji Namdar, chief of the Amar Bil Maroof Wa Nahi Anil Munkar (Promotion of Virtue and Suppression of Vice) organisation, told Daily Times. “I am safe.”

The suicide bomber, aged between 15 and 18, blew himself up as he approached Namdar at the madrassa in Takya, eyewitnesses said.

One eyewitness, Amin Khan, said the attacker struck after Namdar had finished a sermon and appealed for donations for jihad, AP reported.

“As people were handing out their contributions, a boy … stood up with a pistol in his hand, pretending to offer the weapon as a donation,” another witness, Mohammad Yaqub, told AFP. (more…)

Senate finds middle ground on immigration

1 May, 2008

While many parts of the country held rally’s to ask for increased benefits for illegal immigrants South Carolina was cracking down on them.

I live in Florida and have heard every conceivable comment both pro and con (so it seems) on this issue. As for myself I occasionally hire immigrants but only those who are legal. I find them better workers and more likely to return to work. I do not mind helping them earn their little piece of America. OTOH, I am 100% ready to imprison those found guilty of serous offences and then deport them.

Now this is a complex issue and no one size fits all rule will work. Immigrants do not arrive in the USA already assimilated. Most arrive with no idea how our culture really works, barely speaking English (if at all) and often with no support base. It is far easier for those who have friends or family already in the U.S. especially if they are legal residents and understand how to support the new arrival.

Unfortunately, criminal illegals bring negative attention to all immigrants, legal or not. The numbers of crimes they commit, thier violent nature and costs involved staggers the imagination. It doesn’t make sense morally, culturally or financially to continue to ignore this growing problem. It is as unfair to the immigrants as to the native born citizens. The South Carolina solution may in hindsight prove to be the wrong answer but at least they are attempting to get things under control. Doing something is usually better than doing nothing. I think we owe SC a wait and see.

The bottom line is simple: the U.S. owes no outsider anything, nada, zip. Entrance and permanent residence is a privilege not a right and something earned is generally better maintained than something given. Even a country as great as the United States doesn’t have unlimited resources. Like many of us, the country needs a plan to make the best usage of what we have.

Compromise bill passes now heads to the House
By Zane Wilson, 1 May, 2008 –
The Senate passed a new immigration reform compromise Wednesday evening that adds teeth to violations by employers and demands online verification of eligibility for employment.

If the House agrees to it, the measure will be “the toughest anti-illegal-immigration bill in the country,” said Sen. Glenn McConnell, R-Charleston and leader of the Senate.

“They’re going to get what they wished for,” and more, McConnell said.

“We’ve tried to incorporate everybody’s concerns.” Rep. Thad Viers, R-Myrtle Beach, one of three House members assigned to work out the differences between the two versions, said it sounded good.

“I’m really kind of surprised,” he said.

Sen. Luke Rankin, R-Myrtle Beach, said he was happy with the compromise.

He said he has been campaigning for next month’s primary elections and voters have told him “this is the No. 1 issue with them.”

The move came at the end of a day in which opponents tried to stall action by filibustering an attempt to add previous compromise language to a House bill sponsored by Viers that called for a study committee on immigration.

Sen. John Land, D-Manning, started the filibuster, saying the proposal was unfair to small businesses, especially farmers who need migrant labor.

“This would put the farming industry in South Carolina out of business,” Land said.

When a truckload of laborers arrives at dawn, “you can’t be running around e-verifying,” he said, referring to the federal online immigration status database.

He also objected to provisions that deny public services to illegal immigrants, saying he does not want to live in a state that would deny medical care to a sick child. (more…)

Philadelphia: Two Men Dressed Like Muslim Women Commit Armed Robbery

1 May, 2008

Phila. officer shoots suspect in arm
The Associated Press – York Daily Record

PHILADELPHIA-Philadelphia police are looking for a second robbery suspect after one suspect was shot in the arm by an officer.

Police say the man who was shot pointed a gun at the officer first.

It all began with Thursday’s armed robbery of a real estate leasing office in Southwest Philadelphia. Police say the two men, who were dressed like Muslim women, then carjacked a van and drove off. They were pursued by an employee of the real estate company, who alerted police. The men abandoned the van and tried to flee on foot. That’s when one man allegedly pointed a gun at an officer and the officer shot him.

Ex-Guantanamo Inmate Blows Himself Up in Iraq

1 May, 2008

Gee, and the Liberals would have you to believe the detainees at Guantanamo are just innocent political prisoners illegally detained by the fascist Bush administration…

Ex-Guantanamo inmate in Iraq suicide bombing: TV
Thu May 1, 2008

DUBAI (Reuters) – A Kuwaiti man released from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay in 2005 has carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq, his cousin told Al Arabiya television on Thursday.

A friend of Abdullah Saleh al-Ajmi in Iraq informed his family that Abdullah carried out the attack in Mosul, his cousin Salem told the Dubai-based television channel.

“We were shocked by the painful news we received this afternoon … through a call from one of the friend’s of martyr Abdullah in Iraq,” said Salem al-Ajmi in a telephone interview aired by Arabiya.

He did not say when the suicide bombing happened.


Romance Novels Emasculate Muslim Men

1 May, 2008

In an Islamic society, it certainly doesn’t take much to put a Muslim’s manhood in jeopardy…

Nope…  You can’t make this stuff up:

Ladies’ love literature stirs up Nigeria’s Muslim north

May 1, 2008
By: Edward Harris, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS – 660News

KANO, Nigeria – Each evening, headscarf-shrouded women seeking romantic advice gather at book stalls lining a rush-hour intersection in Nigeria’s Islamic heartland.

With the sun setting red behind a nearby mosque, the women thumb through northern Nigeria’s unique, female-authored literary offerings: cheaply bound but popular volumes that address issues confronting women in a Shariah society: courtship, polygamy and the meaning of love.

While hardly bodice-rippers by western standards, the controversy surrounding what academics call “Kano market literature” is increasing with the books’ readership. Conservative scholars and clerics in Nigeria’s north deride the tomes as pulp fiction that degrades Islamic and indigenous cultural mores. A top Islamic leaders recently set fire to a pile of the books.

But female readers say the volumes – with such titles as “Edge of Fate,” “False Love” and “Undeceiveful Heart” – help them navigate contemporary life and their titles are proliferating rapidly, pitting younger women against a predominantly male, conservative elite.

“Women are not only writing for pleasure, no, we are writing because we are seeing what is happening in the society and we want a lot of corrections,” says Binta Rabiu Spikin, a 32-year-old single woman who was raised in her grandfather’s home, which included four wives.

“We want amendments made. That’s why we write.”

The books are mostly written in the local language of Hausa. They extol the values of true love based on feelings, rather than family or other social pressures. Some also carry anti-drug messages.

Several volumes instruct women on how to send loving text messages to their intended mate’s mobile phones: “Knowing I can love U with the distance between our hearts makes my love 4U stronger.”

Still, readers hoping for Kama Sutra-like instruction in male-female relations will be disappointed. The story lines in most of the novels highlight issues facing women and girls, particularly their relations with men.


U.K. – Islamic Insurance Company Given the Thumbs Up by FSA

1 May, 2008

Creeping Sharia Alert:

This is the scary part of the article:

“The Treasury is also set to start issuing Sharia-compliant government bonds – in a bid to make London a world centre for Muslim finance.

UK’s first Islamic insurance firm OKed by FSA

Thursday, 01 May 2008 –

The UK’s first Islamic insurance company has been given authorisation by the regulator the Financial Services Authority (FSA).

Principle Insurance will provide Shariah-compliant motor and home insurance to British residents from later this year.

“We estimate that in excess of 500,000 British Muslims are car owners and, with motor insurance being a legal requirement, these consumers currently have to buy motor insurance that compromises their beliefs,” said Principle chief executive Bradley Brandon Cross.

“Some elements of conventional UK insurance, such as the earning of interest, the investment of policyholders’ funds and uncertainty mean that it is not in accordance with Muslim beliefs.

“We are going to be offering unique insurance products that meet a genuine need and are also competitively priced.”

Islamic insurance follows the success of the Shariah-compliant finance sector over the last decade – with Islamic mortgages and investment products becoming more widespread.

The Treasury is also set to start issuing Sharia-compliant government bonds – in a bid to make London a world centre for Muslim finance.

Abdulaziz Hamad Aljomaih, Principle chairman, said: “I believe Principle will go some way in altering the perception of Islamic Finance in the UK, by showing that progressive, sensible and profitable businesses can be established in accordance with Islamic law.

“Achieving FSA authorisation is a clear vindication of my belief that Shariah-compliant financial products are not only equitable and profitable but also conform to the modern-day principles of international finance, especially from a regulatory standpoint.”

Daniel Barnes

Counting Skulls: U.S. Nails Two Top Al-Qaeda Leaders in Somalia

1 May, 2008


U.S. air strike kills al Qaeda boss in Somalia
Thu 1 May 2008

MOGADISHU (Reuters) – U.S. war planes killed an Islamist rebel said to be al Qaeda’s leader in Somalia and as many as 30 other people on Thursday in Washington’s biggest blow against an insurgency raging since 2007.

The rebels said Aden Hashi Ayro — who led al Shabaab militants blamed for attacks on government troops and their Ethiopian allies — died in the first major success for a string of U.S. air-strikes on Somali insurgents in the last year.

“Infidel planes bombed Dusamareb,” Shabaab spokesman Mukhtar Ali Robow told Reuters by phone, referring to a town in central Somalia, where body parts lay strewn round a wrecked house.

“Two of our important people, including Ayro, were killed.”

The U.S. Central Command confirmed it was behind the attack.

“We’re committed to the global war on terror and the pursuit of terrorists wherever they operate,” the Central Command’s Lt. Col. Cheryl Law said.

The death of the Afghanistan-trained militant is likely to bolster the Western-backed Somali government’s efforts to stem a rebellion that has been gaining ground. But it is sure to enrage Ayro’s fellow fighters, who say they are waging a jihad to eject Ethiopian troops.

One local elder said 30 bodies had been recovered from the ruins.

Ayro was a key figure masterminding the Islamists’ Iraq-style insurgency against allied Somali-Ethiopian troops. The violence had intensified in recent weeks, with scores of deaths in Mogadishu and a series of hit-and-run raids by the Islamists on towns outside the capital.

“His elimination is very important,” said M.J. Gohel, head of the Asia-Pacific Foundation, a security think-tank in London.


Inmate distressed over females seeing him naked

1 May, 2008

More proof that Islam causes your penis to shrink???  I mean, why else would Muslims worry about a females seeing them naked?  Obviously, Muhammad showed all the classic signs of a small penis/inferiority complex…

Just thinking to myself out loud…  But, I digress…

Creeping Sharia Alert!  Notice how the prison officials kowtowed to the whiny little Islamonazi…
Muslim complaint changes UK strip search policy

LONDON (AFP) – via Alarabiya

A complaint by a Muslim inmate that he was watched by two women during a strip search in a British prison prompted the Prison Service on Thursday to pledge it would not happen again.

The prisoner wrote to the Muslim News in March saying he felt “degraded, humiliated and deeply embarrassed” after the incident, when two female staff “were clearly looking at my genitals with big smirks on their faces”.

The newspaper told AFP that the convict gave no details of why he was in Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire, eastern England, and that the letter was signed with a prisoner number, not a name.

The prisoner said he was sitting in his cell last August when officers came to tell him that was being moved to a segregation unit.

He was taken away for a mandatory strip search that was filmed by a female member of staff — but when he asked for her to be replaced by a male, he was “aggressively refused”.

“I explained that, as a Muslim, I could not possibly comply with this… At this point, another female member of staff came and stood beside the female camera operator and found my clear distress and discomfort highly entertaining,” he wrote.

A Prison Service spokesman said: “In a recent isolated incident at Whitemoor Prison, a female officer observed part of a full search of a Muslim prisoner.”

“Following the incident, a local review of search procedures was conducted to ensure that the situation would not arise in future.”