Archive for 24 May, 2008

Jihadists either Useless or Allah isn’t on their Side

24 May, 2008

No intro necessary:

H/T – Matamoros

Either Allah isn’t on their side, or jihadis are just plain useless

Rod Liddle –

You would think that by now Allah’s message might be getting through. Time after time Muslim fanatics attempt to wreak devastation in Britain – and succeed only in blowing themselves up, or setting themselves on fire, or their explosives refuse to do the decent thing and explode – while we infidel cockroaches look on in bemusement, quite unharmed.

If you were a devout believer, you might put two and two together and begin to suspect that Allah doesn’t entirely approve of blowing British people to bits. He would much rather his jihadis stayed at home and watched the Eurovision Song Contest, or did a spot of gardening, or took the dog for a walk.

It is presumptuous of me to second-guess Allah’s thought processes, of course. But then quite a few incendiary Muslim clerics insisted that the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami was down to Allah being a bit peeved at the state of the world and unleashing his righteous watery vengeance upon it. To which you might reply that it was very odd of Him, then, to single out a devoutly Muslim country, Indonesia, for the brunt of the carnage. Maybe He just missed.


Aussies seize assets of top islamic minion organization

24 May, 2008

So why is this important and why did it get selected over the other articles about minions to grace the international news? Well simple, it both shows the Aussies are taking the threat of radical islam seriously and that they have much to learn.

I think I’ll give the Aussie a few hints to help them control their minion infestation.

Natalie O’Brien, May 24, 2008, The Australian
A TAKEOVER of the nation’s peak Muslim organisation has sparked the appointment of a receiver-manager for the second time in two years to run the affairs of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils.
-Twice in two years, hint for Aussies number one: You should have monitored compliance the first time. It is not important to hear what muslims say but you have to watch what they do.

Following a coup last week deposing Ikebal Patel and his executive team, the former AFIC president has taken legal action in the NSW Supreme Court seeking reinstatement, alleging the removal was unconstitutional.
-Hint two: plan ahead for the minions to use your own laws against you.

After a brief hearing on Thursday, the court appointed a receiver-manager to run the federation until the matter comes back to court in July.

It is the second time in two years that the organisation has been put under the control of a receiver and had its substantial accounts frozen.

AFIC’s new interim president, Haset Sali, said yesterday he and his colleagues hoped to resolve the matter quickly and hold fresh elections as soon as possible to prevent “further legal bunfights”.
-Hint three: elections are meaningless without a policy change. (more…)

UK: Muslim English Teacher Pleads Guilty in Plot to Blow Up Bluewater Shopping Center

24 May, 2008

H/T – Matamoros

Muslim English teacher admits threatening to blow up Europe’s largest shopping centre with limousines as moving bombs

A Muslim English teacher [plead] guilty to threatening to blow up the giant Bluewater shopping centre.

Saeed Ghafoor said he was going to bomb Europe’s largest shopping complex using three limousines with gas canister explosives.

But when questioned further, the former English teacher said Bluewater was in Exeter, the Old Bailey heard.

When told it was near the Dartford tunnel in Kent, Ghafoor said he had not ‘finalised’ his plans, the Old Bailey was told.

Ghafoor, 33, of Southampton, pleaded guilty to threatening to cause criminal damage.

He was remanded in custody for reports before sentencing next month.

The Bluewater centre was the target for a gang of terrorists led by Omar Khyam who were jailed for a fertiliser bomb plot last year.

Ghafoor made his threat to prison officers at Haverigg jail in Cumbria in February this year.

He was serving a 12-month sentence imposed by Southampton Crown Court in January for threats to kill his sister and assault.

The court was told he had grabbed her round the throat and also threatened her with a knife.


Commies Want Indiana Jones Movie Banned

24 May, 2008

Ever since the Muslims started whining about Western movies “offending” them, it seems that everybody is getting into the act.  Now, we have Commies crying like little red diaper doper babies over the cartoonish, over-the-top portrayal of Commies in the new Indiana Jones Movie!

Gee, what’s next on the chopping block?  Rocky and Bullwinkle?

Indiana Jones should be banned in Russia for being ‘anti-Soviet propaganda’, say communists
24th May 2008 –

He’s battled with Nazi soldiers, escaped from an Egyptian snake pit and seen off a Bedouin swordsman.

But Indiana Jones didn’t reckon on his latest challenge –after riling Russian Communists with his new adventure film.

They have condemned Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as crude anti-Soviet propaganda and want it banned from the country.

The movie stars Harrison Ford as an archaeologist in 1957 competing with an evil KGB agent, played by Cate Blanchett, to find a skull endowed with mystic powers.

Communists, however, say the actors are serving as the ‘running dogs’ of the CIA.

Party member Viktor Perov said: ‘ What galls is how together with America we defeated Hitler, and how we sympathised when Bin Laden hit them.

‘But they go ahead and scare kids with Communists.’

Communist numbers have dwindled since Soviet times, but its members see themselves as the defenders of the achievements of the old Soviet Union.

They fear Russian children are being fed revisionist Hollywood history and have appealed to Russia’s culture ministry to ban the Indiana film to prevent ‘ ideological sabotage’.