Archive for 14 September, 2008

An Open Letter to Sarah Palin

14 September, 2008

I saw this letter over at a Jewish website,, and felt compelled to post it here:

From one parent of a child with Down syndrome to another
by Rabbi Nechemia Coopersmith –

Dear Sarah,

I’m sure you’re pretty busy juggling your home and new baby, the state of Alaska and running for vice president. But I thought a few words of advice are in order, from one parent of a child with Down syndrome to another. This is one area in which I’ve got four years more experience than you.

1. First of all, a belated mazel tov! You and your family will get tons of joy and nachas from Trig. Of the cases of Down syndrome diagnosed by prenatal testing each year, about 90% are eliminated by abortion. I bet most of those parents would choose otherwise if they knew the tremendous blessing entailed in raising such a child.

Enjoy all of his the triumphs, big and small. Our son Yehuda just started kindergarten; he is included in a regular class in one of Jerusalem’s best schools. He speaks two languages, is learning the Hebrew alphabet, and is excited to be going to the same school as his two older brothers.

2. Realize that Trig is not defined by his disability; he is first and foremost a person like anyone else. Every person has a unique mission and purpose in this world. Trig does too, and your job as his mother is to help him bring out his full potential, whatever that may be.


Pakistan’s High Commissioner to the U.K. Warns that American Raids Inside Pakistan Will Spark Attacks on London

14 September, 2008

Yeah, I agree; Pakistan’s Commissioner is high!!!

Here’s an idea for you Pakistani officials:  Give us al-Zawahiri and bin Laden’s heads on a platter and there won’t be so many American raids inside of Pakistan.

American raids inside Pakistan could provoke terror attacks in London, says top official
American missile attacks and unprecedented raids inside Pakistan could provoke terror attacks in London, Pakistan’s high commissioner to the UK has warned.
By Richard Edwards
14 Sep 2008

Wajid Shamsul Hasan said the US bombings targeting Taliban and al-Qaeda suspects, secretly ordered by President George Bush, were making the streets of Britain “less safe”.

Resentment was mounting, he warned, among the hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis in Britain, with community leaders calling for that anger to be “organised”.

His remarks followed outrage in Pakistan over five attacks in the past 10 days, including a ground assault in the village of Angoor Adda in which 20 people were killed. US officials said they were all supporters of terrorism but Pakistan insists they were civilians, including women and children.

[Yup, women and children can be supporters of terrorists, too.   So, stop micturating on my leg and telling me it’s just tears of sorrow…]

Mr Hasan said: “This will infuriate Muslims in this country and make the streets of London less safe. There are one million Pakistanis in the diaspora here and resentment is mounting. I’m being flooded by text messages from community leaders saying we must organise our anger.

“The Americans’ trigger-happy actions will radicalise young Muslims. They’re playing into the hands of the very militants we’re supposed to be fighting.”

[blah, blah, blaaaaah…  Same tired, old mantra.]


Plumbers Fixing Leaks on Obama’s Website

14 September, 2008

You know, if Barack Obama truly had no links with terrorists and communists, it wouldn’t be this easy to dig up the dirt:

Meet Obama’s new Bill Ayers associate
Ex-Communist tied to terrorist scrubbed from campaign website
September 14, 2008
By Aaron Klein

JERUSALEM – The official campaign website of Sen. Barack Obama has completely scrubbed a series of user-generated blog postings on the candidate’s site by a former top Communist activist who is an associate of former Weathermen terrorist leader William Ayers.

The move has raised questions regarding Obama’s relationship with the deleted blogger, Mike Klonsky, who runs an education organization that was founded by Ayers and that received a substantial grant from a group directed by Obama.

Obama’s official site allows registered users to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs. The site boasts tens of thousands of such community blogs. Obama’s spokesmen previously have stated the campaign does not monitor all content posted on the blogs, but it promptly removes any content brought to its attention that is deemed inappropriate or hateful.

Klonsky posted several blog pieces on Obama’s site on education policy that did not contain what can be described as hateful material, but his postings were entirely deleted in June after several independent bloggers noted Klonsky’s connections to Obama and Ayers.

Klonsky is director of the Small Schools Workshop, an outreach program founded in 1991 by Ayers with the stated goal of providing support for teachers who want to create smaller learning environments. Ayers reportedly recruited Klonsky to head the Workshop.

The Small School Workshop was originally associated with the University of Illinois in Chicago, where Klonsky previously taught in the education department alongside Ayers. The group was headquartered for a time inside the university’s department of education building.

In 1995, with Obama as its chairman, the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge, or CAC, a school reform organization, gave the Workshop a grant of $175,000. The CAC provided another $482,662 to the Workshop over the next few years.

Ayers was one of the original grantees of the CAC and was co-chairman of the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, one of the two operational arms of the CAC.

Klonsky served with Ayers and Ayer’s wife, former Weathermen terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, in the Students for a Democratic Society group, a major leftist student organization in the 1960s that later splintered, with Ayers and Dohrn leading a more activist approach with the Weathermen. Klonsky reportedly favored less aggressive tactics, promoting the philosophy that young workers possessed the potential to be a revolutionary force to overthrow capitalism.

In the 1970s, Klonsky became a top Communist activist and leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.


F-16’s Supplied by the U.S. are Deployed by Pakistan’s Air Force to Challenge Predator Drones

14 September, 2008

Gee, you would think the Pakistanis would use our technology for something more productive; like targeting al-Qaeda and the Taliban!  After all, I seem to remember that being one of the main reasons we gave Pakistan the F-16’s in the first place!

US faces the F-16s it supplied Pakistan
14 Sep 2008 – timesofIndia

WASHINGTON: The United States is suddenly faced with the uncomfortable scenario of confronting the very same weapons and military hardware, including F-16 fighter jets, it has armed Pakistan with for decades.

The unsavoury prospect of having to take a crack at the its one-time ally has surfaced most starkly in the skies over the Afghan-Pakistan border this weekend after the Pakistan Air Force deployed its US-supplied F-16s to challenge the violation of its airspace by US drones, and in one case, an airborne assault that landed US Navy Seals inside Pakistani territory.

The turnaround of Pakistan from an ally to a potential enemy has alarmed lawmakers, some of whom are now questioning the continued supply of arms to Islamabad. On Tuesday, a Democrat-controlled House Foreign Relations panel has scheduled a hearing whose snarky title — ”Defeating al-Qaida’s Air Force: Pakistan’s F-16 Program in the Fight Against Terrorism” == betrays the unease over the Bush Administration’s relentless arming of Pakistan. Al-Qaida has no known air force.

Some lawmakers and analysts have long questioned the need for Washington to arm Pakistan with sophisticated fighter jets to counter Al-Qaida’s and Taliban’s diffused militants, many of whom are in Pakistan’s towns and cities and are patronised by Islamabad’s intelligence agencies. ”The panel will look at how the F-16 program fits into the broader US strategy in the fight against terrorism as well as into the overall US relationship with Pakistan,” a notification from the sub-committee read.


Mickey Mouse Must Die!!!

14 September, 2008

More lunacy from the moon god worshipers:

Islamic theologian says Mickey Mouse must die
Sunday, 14th September 2008
By: George Conger – Religious Intelligence

On Aug 27 Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid told viewers of a religious affairs programme that mice were agents of Satan and that Sharia law called for the extermination of all mice: from the common house mouse (Mus musculus) to cartoon mouse (Mickey Mouse).

A former diplomat attached to the Islamic Affairs Department at the Saudi embassy Washington, al-Munajid appears regularly on Saudi television to discuss religious and ethical topics.

On Aug 10 he denounced the Beijing Olympics as the “bikini Olympics,” saying the immodest dress of women athletes was “satanic” and earlier issued a fatwa, or religious edict, against women’s participation in the Olympics as the games were also “satanic”.

Al-Munajid’s aversion to sports is not new. In 2005 he denounced soccer, saying the short pants worn by players “reveal nakedness.” He called for a ban on women’s sports and public exercise as to do so would require them to don “tight fitting, short” tunics that were offensive to Muslim decorum.

According to a translation of the broadcast prepared by the Middle East Media Research Institute, al-Munajid was asked to state the Islamic legal teaching on mice. He responded that mice were called “little corrupters” in Sharia and it was permissible to kill them at all times.

“The mouse is one of Satan’s soldiers and is steered by him,” he explained, adding that should a mouse come in contact with food, the food must be disposed of as the mouse is an impure creature.

“According to Islamic law, the mouse is a repulsive, corrupting creature,” al-Munajid said, adding that he was concerned that popular culture had given mice an undeserved positive image.

“How do you think children view mice today – after Tom and Jerry?” he asked.

“Even creatures that are repulsive by nature, by logic, and according to Islamic law have become wonderful and are loved by children. Even mice. Mickey Mouse has become an awesome character, even though according to Islamic law, Mickey Mouse should be killed in all cases.”

Must Watch Video of the Day

14 September, 2008

From the same guys who brought us the Hitler/Obama War Room video comes this little gem:

The Lying King

Sunday Funnies

14 September, 2008

[Click on Images to Enlarge]

Yonason provided us Monty Python fans a giggle with the following cartoon:

Obama – I don’t want my daughters “punished with a baby”

14 September, 2008

More of Obama’s warped, anti-Christian viewpoints:

Consider the following:

Psalm 127:3-5;

“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them…”

Jihad Continues Against Christians in Bethlehem

14 September, 2008

More proselytizing from the religion of peace:

Muslims Continue Pushing Christians Out of Bethlehem

by Gil Ronen

( The Muslim Fatah-controlled authority in Judea and Samaria is encouraging a “sharp demographic shift” in Bethlehem, where the Christian population went from a 60 percent majority in 1990 to a 40 percent minority in 2000, to about 15 percent of the city’s total population today.

It is estimated that, for the past seven years, more than one thousand Christians have been emigrating from the Bethlehem area annually and that only 10,000 to 13,000 Christians remain in the city. International human rights lawyer Justus Reid Weiner, who teaches at Hebrew University, told the Jerusalem Institute for Global Jewish Affairs that, under the PA-Fatah regime, Christian Arabs have been victims of frequent human rights abuses by Muslims.

“There are many examples of intimidation, beatings, land theft, firebombing of churches and other Christian institutions, denial of employment, economic boycotts, torture, kidnapping, forced marriage, sexual harassment, and extortion,” he said. PA officials are directly responsible for many of the attacks, and some Muslims who have converted to Christianity have been murdered.
