Archive for 9 January, 2009

Hamas in Their Own Voices

9 January, 2009


Rare Snowfall in London Helps Bobbies Track Down Bungling Burglars

9 January, 2009

I bet those two young burglars are now wishing that global warming was more than just a myth…


Police use footprints in snow to track bungling burglars

Nico Hines –

A pair of suspected burglars were caught, carrying their loot, by London police officers who followed footprints they had unwittingly left in the snow.

The police were called to a break-in in Sutton, South London, on Monday to find a garage door open and several items missing. Officers soon noticed that two sets of footprints led away from the scene and down a side street.

Rare snowfall in London, as temperatures reached minus 10C, meant the criminals had left a trail of evidence with every step along their escape route.

At around 4.30am, with local residents still in bed, the trail in the fresh snow was unsullied by commuters. Officers, accompanied by sniffer dogs, were able to follow the prints along Glebe Road, across driveways and down alleys.

For an hour they traced the footprints for more than a mile along Sandy Lane, Scotsdale Close, across the A217, then into Summerville Gardens, and into Quarry Park Road.

A milkman they passed on the route confirmed that he had seen two people hurrying down the street a few minutes earlier.

Finally, they turned into Antrobus Close where they discovered a pair of teenagers, aged 16 and 17, with a number of electronic items. Subsequent searches uncovered further goods including iPods and mobile phones that are believed to have been stolen.

Police said two people have been bailed pending further enquiries.

Dave Willis, from Sutton CID, said: “This was an excellent piece of work by our colleagues. We are more used to using powder to find fingerprints to help solve crime, but on this occasion the dusting of snow has helped us recover a significant amount of stolen property.”


9 January, 2009

H/T – Ciccio

Muslims Submit to Christianity

Members of Congress Who Don’t Give a Sh*t about Israel

9 January, 2009

Yid With Lid” has an interesting rundown of members of Congress who don’t think Israel has the right to defend herself against attacks from Gaza:

Members Of Congress Who Believe That Israel Has NO Right to Defend Herself

This afternoon Congress passed a resolution recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Out of all of the Congressmen who were present, twenty-seven did not support the resolution. Five Voted NO and twenty-two didn’t have the guts to vote yes or no, just present.

Below is a list of those members of congress. Are any of them YOURS?  Note that all but one (moonbat Ron Paul) are members of the Democratic party. California accounted for 25% of the group of 27:

Members Of Congress Who Believe That Israel Has NO Right to Defend Herself

Dennis J. Kucinich (D – OH)
Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Ron Paul (R – Saturn TX)
Nick Rahall (D-WV)
Maxine Waters (D-CA)


Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)
Peter DeFazio (D-OR)
John Dingell (D-MI)
Donna F. Edwards (D-MD)
Keith Ellison (D-Muslim Brotherhood MN)
Sam Farr (D-CA)
Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ)
Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
Henry Johnson (D-GA)
Carolyn C. Kilpatrick (D-MI)
Barbara Lee(D-CA)
Betty McCollum (D-MI)
James McDermott (D-WA)
George Miller(D-CA)
James Moron Moran(D-VA)
John Olver (D-MA)
Donald Payne (D-NJ)
Loretta Sanchez(D-CA)
Pete Stark (D-CA)
Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)

Read the rest of this article at Yid With Lid by CLICKING HERE.

Hamas Reinstates Crucifixions of Christians

9 January, 2009

I wonder if the asshats in the U.N. have heard about this. They were discussing opening up a war crimes tribunal because of the situation in Gaza. Naturally, they are only looking at punishing Israel. No mention of rockets fired across borders, training and encouraging children to be suicide bombers. No mention of mullahs raping male children. Just a hunch, but I am thinking crucifixions are also on the authorized list.

Nicole Jansezian, 9 January 2009, Newsmax
While the world focused on Hamas militants launching rockets from Gaza at southern Israel, the terrorist organization also voted quietly to implement Islamic law in the Gaza Strip, including crucifixion of Christians, according to reports in the Arabic press.

The traditional Muslim criminal code, known as Sharia law, includes penalties such as amputation of limbs for stealing and the death penalty, including crucifixion, for actions Hamas deems detrimental to “Palestinian interests,” including collaborating with Israel.
-Hamas really needs to get over themselves; except for the U.N., the rest of the world considers them to be savages.

The new law was reported on the Al-Arabiya Web site and in the London-based Saudi-owned newspaper Al-Hayat, which wrote that the implementation of Sharia law has “brought criticism and concern from human rights organizations in the Gaza Strip.”
-Let’s not be hasty here – the more minion’s hamas kills, the more ammunition Israel saves.

But the media scarcely took notice when the decision was reported during the Christian holidays as fighting between Hamas and Israel escalated in late December.

“Hamas’ endorsement of nailing enemies of Islam to crosses came at the same time it renewed its jihad,” Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick wrote on Dec. 26. “Here, too, Hamas wanted to make sure that Christians didn’t feel neglected as its fighters launched missiles at Jewish day care centers and schools.”

Christians are a minority in Gaza, numbering fewer than 2,000 residents among 1.6 million in the Strip. After Hamas came to power, the Islamic group began enforcing sharia law more strictly, though not officially. Christians were the first to feel the squeeze. Some Christian men felt compelled to grow beards and women donned head scarves to downplay their identities as non-Muslims.
-Hamas also fires from their neighborhoods just in case Israel returns fire.

Sharia law is implemented fully in some nations, including Iran and Saudi Arabia. When Palestinian voters elected Hamas in 2006, organization spokesman Hamed Bitawi declared: “The Quran is our constitution, Muhammad is our prophet, jihad is our path, and dying as martyrs for the sake of Allah is our biggest wish.”
-And raping children is their hobby.

Palestinian officials in Gaza denied the adoption of Islamic law. However, Palestinian Media Watch, an organization that monitors the Arab press, says the group is lying.

“Contrary to today’s denials, official Hamas leaders have proudly announced in the Hamas-run media in the last two months that this Islamic penal code was being prepared,” the media watchdog said. “Indeed, senior Hamas leaders went so far as to say that when these laws are implemented, they will have force not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank.”
-They have actually been practicing sharia for some time. Keep in mind though, hamas is not the only group fighting or dispensing their own justice.

Media Watch also noted that Hamas newspaper Al-Rissala reported, “The Bureau of Islamic Law is preparing a penal code in order to implement Sharia-Islamic Law.”

Hamas has financial backing from Iran, which supplies the group with rockets and weapons used to attack Israel. Despite espousing separate branches of Islam — Hamas is Sunni; Iran is Shiite — the organization shares the expressed wish of Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wipe out Israel. The Hamas charter states: “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
-The Hamas charter reads like the old computer manuals:   “Garbage In-Garbage Out”.

Israel withdrew unilaterally, both residents and soldiers, from the Gaza Strip in 2005, leaving the territory entirely under Palestinian jurisdiction. Then, in a coup in 2007, Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, ousting its rival party Fatah and assassinating Fatah loyalists. Since then, rocket fire launched at Israel’s southern communities increased. In December, a six-month period of calm collapsed and led to Israel’s Operation Cast Lead, the bombings and attacks against Hamas militants in Gaza in retaliation for bombings of Israel.
-Torturing fatah loyalists is more accurate. I wonder why the U.N. did not consider that a crime?

Sarah Palin Discusses the Libtard Media Bias

9 January, 2009

Stumble It!

Video Exclusive: A Revealing Morning With Sarah Palin
by John Ziegler –

If someone told me five months ago that in early January I would pay over $1,400 for an incredibly inconvenient plane ticket and $120 for a 3 a.m. cab fare to get from sunny Los Angeles to Wasilla, Alaska, I would have told them there was a better chance the Dow Jones would be below 9,000 and a gallon of gas less than two dollars.

If they would have told me I’d be glad to have made the journey (even with a seven-hour, weather-aided stop in Seattle), I would have told them Sarah Palin had a better chance to be John McCain’s running-mate. Of course, as we all now know this turned out to be true. And even though I still have the flu I got just before the trip, I’m thrilled to have experienced minus-eleven degrees in Alaska.

Obviously, I was there to interview Governor Palin for my forthcoming documentary about the media coverage of election 2008. My understanding is that the only reason Governor Palin did this interview (while rejecting hundreds of other requests) is because of her sincere devotion to setting the record straight on what really happened during the campaign and to determine why the news coverage was as dangerously slanted as it so clearly was.

Largely because of absurd claims by Democrats that she was violating ethics rules by answering campaign questions on state grounds (one of several ways in which the Democrats in Alaska, who used to love her, are now fully invested in the “take Sarah Palin down” industry), we did the interview at the Palin home. At 9 a.m., without a security guard or handler in sight, Bristol Palin, eight days removed from giving birth, politely answered the door and Governor Palin, not yet fully put together, rushed out to tell myself and my crew to make ourselves at home.

One of the things you quickly learn when you visit the Palins is that the legend created around who they are and how they live is no myth. It appears to be absolutely real and everything about them seems 100% sincere. From the stuffed hunting trophies on the wall, to Track’s military photo by the TV set, to Piper’s crayon school projects on the refrigerator door – everything is exactly as you imagined.

What’s particularly valuable about my perspective is that I am not Charlie Gibson, Matt Lauer or Greta Van Susteren (who I understand now gets her mail delivered to the Palin home) — the conductors of the three most prominent interviews done in this Wasilla home on a frozen lake at the end of a drive with the sign “Palins” posted on a tree. I am virtually unknown nationally and there was absolutely no reason for anything to be done differently as “show” for us. We saw the genuine Sarah Palin and it is patently obvious this is the only one who exists.

She is the real deal.


An Inconvenient Astronaut…

9 January, 2009

Yeah…  I never tire of poking fun at Al Gore and his man-made global warming sycophants:


Inconvenient Astronaut:

NASA Moonwalker Joins Skeptics Despite Gore’s Claim Skeptics Believe Moon Landing was ‘Staged’

Gore’s frequent comparison of global warming skeptics to people who “believe the moon landing was actually staged in a movie lot in Arizona” was delivered a major blow when Moonwalker and Award-Winning NASA Astronaut/Geologist [Harrison] “Jack”  Schmitt who flew on the Apollo 17 mission declared he was a skeptic. “The ‘global warming scare’ is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making. It has no place in the Society’s activities,” Schmitt said. See: Astronaut Jack Schmitt Joins Skeptics & For Gore, a very inconvenient moonwalker.

The question looms: How can Gore claim skeptics are akin to people who believed the moon landing was “staged” when one of the moonwalkers himself is a skeptic?

Schmitt is featured in the U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 650 (and rapidly growing) International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Below is Schmitt’s full entry in the Senate’s 650 Plus Scientist Report:

Award-Winning NASA Astronaut/Geologist and Moonwalker Jack Schmitt, formerly of the Norwegian Geological Survey and the U.S. Geological Survey, who flew on the Apollo 17 mission, has received numerous awards in his career including the Space Center Superior Achievement Award and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal. Schmitt, a member of the Geological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, rejected man-made climate change concerns in 2008. “The ‘global warming scare’ is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American lives, incomes and decision making. It has no place in the Society’s activities,” Schmitt wrote on November 17, 2008. “As a geologist, I love Earth observations. But it is ridiculous to tie this objective to a “consensus” that humans are causing global warming when human experience, geologic data and history, and current cooling can argue otherwise. ‘Consensus,’ as many have said, merely represents the absence of definitive science,” Schmitt explained.


Family of Rape Victim Ties Her Up, Takes Her to a Stable, then Cuts Her Open to Remove Fetus

9 January, 2009

Any guesses as to which religion of peace these nuts hail from?  I’ll give you a hint – it’s the same one that always blames the woman for getting raped…

Family of Afghan rape victim cut her open and removed foetus without anaesthetic
The mother and brother of a 14-year-old Afghan rape victim face charges after they cut her open and removed her foetus without anaesthetic, it has been reported.
By Ben Farmer in

The girl is critically ill in hospital after her family sewn the girl up themselves and said she had been bitten by a dog to cover their crime.

A man accused of raping the girl, from the central Afghan province of Bamiyan, is under arrest.

The rural family apparently decided to perform an abortion when the girl was five months pregnant to protect the family’s honour.

Rape victims face extreme social stigma, imprisonment and abandonment or murder by their own families in Afghanistan.

Dr Ghulam Mohammad Nader, head of Bamiyan hospital, told the BBC that the girl had been able to explain what had happened but was in a critical condition with infected wounds. She is now being treated in the capital Kabul.

“The girl stayed at home for three or four days in her condition until her father took her to hospital,” he said.

“He said a dog had bitten her so that people in the area wouldn’t know what had really happened.”

Habiba Sarabi, governor of the province, said the girl had been bound and taken to a stables for the abortion. Police are now trying to arrest her family.

Captured Map Shows Hamas Deliberately Using Civilians as Live Targets

9 January, 2009

Confiscated Intelligence Map from Hamas

Confiscated Intelligence Map from Hamas

Hamas turn a Gaza neighborhood into a warzone.


This map, confiscated Wednesday (Jan. 7) by IDF paratroopers operating in the north of Gaza, shows how Hamas uses an entire neighborhood, rigging it with explosive devices and putting the entire civilian population at great risk. The map shows the al-Tatraa neighborhood in Gaza City divided into three areas of operation (red, blue and green). The dots on the map indicate where Hamas operatives had planted a variety of IEDs (improvised explosive devices), with the colors indicating the type of IED. Additional marks show sniper positions next to mosques. Next to the entrance of the el-Tawid mosque near to Shauuda Plaza at the top left of the map there is a sniper posting with marking indicating the direction of fire marked on the map. At the bottom center of the map there is a gas station where Hamas planted an IED which, if activated, could cause a very large explosion throughout the neighborhood.

An overall study of the map demonstrates how Hamas deliberately uses civilians, using them as live targets and hiding behind them; they plant IEDs at the enterances of homes, they booby trap homes and they use places of worship, all with no regard to collateral damage or civilian lives.

Lebanese Army Arrests Squad of Militants Lauching Rockets into Israel

9 January, 2009

This updates our previous coverage HERE.

Lebanon Arrests Suspects in Katyusha Attack

( The Lebanese Army Friday arrested what it said was a squad numbering seven people who it says are responsible for the Katyusha rocket attack Thursday against Israel’s North.

The suspects admitted that they were members of the Lebanese Hamas movement.

[Not Hezbollah?  This one has me scratching my head…]

The Lebanese Army and a UNIFIL force discovered an additional, ready-to-launch rocket pod.