Archive for the ‘hypocrisy’ category

New York Public Schools Doling Out ‘Morning After Pills’ Like Candy

3 February, 2013

Welcome to Libtardsville, New York, where you can’t even freakin’ supersize your soda or carry a gun for protection, but your daughters are encouraged and assisted by the city in the killing of innocent babies without your knowledge or permission:


NYC schools giving out tens of thousands of doses of the ‘morning-after pill’


Plan B has become Plan A in the Bloomberg administration’s stealth war on teen pregnancy.

Handouts of the “morning-after pill” to sexually active students have skyrocketed under an unpublicized project in which health centers in public schools offer girls a full menu of free birth-control drugs and devices, records obtained by The Post show.

Last September, the city revealed it had started giving out Plan B and other birth control in the nurses’ offices of 13 high schools. At the time, officials said 567 girls had gotten Plan B.

But the birth-control blitz was much bigger than the city had acknowledged. About 40 separate “school-based health centers” doled out 12,721 doses of Plan B in 2011-12, up from 10,720 in 2010-11 and 5,039 in 2009-10, according to the newly released data.

About 22,400 students sought reproductive care from January 2009 through last school year, records show. Under state law, minors don’t need parental OKs to get contraceptives.

The revelations stunned Mona Davids, president of the NYC Parents Union, whose 14-year-old attends a Manhattan high school.

“I’m in shock,” she said. “What gives the mayor the right to decide, without adequate notice, to give our children drugs that will impact their bodies and their psyches? He has purposely kept the public and parents in the dark with his agenda.”

Davids, who is black, noted that most school-based health centers are in poor neighborhoods.

“This was population control on blacks and Latinos without our knowledge,” she said.


The Wisdom of Al Sharpton: “People Do Not Have the Right to Unregulated Rights in This Country”

28 January, 2013

Um…  I’m pretty darn sure that if our Founding Fathers intended for our Rights to be regulated, they would have come out and just said so and wouldn’t have used such words in the Bill of Rights as,  “shall NOT be infringed,” and, “shall NOT be violated,” and, “Congress shall make NO law…”

Yup, Our Rights were set in stone by Our Founding Fathers.  However, over a century of Progressive Marxism in this country has chipped away at  those Rights to such an extent that now we have idiots like Al Sharpton running around who actually believe, “People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country.”

A big hat tip goes out to Gonzo for bringing this to our attention:

Sharpton on 2nd Amendment: ‘People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country’
The Daily Caller

Following a public policy meeting of African-American leaders, National Urban League president Marc Morial and National Action Network president Al Sharpton called for a new national assault weapons ban, saying the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution should be regulated.

“The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not absolute. One cannot yell fire in a crowded theater and hide behind the First Amendment,” said Morial when asked by TheDC if he supports California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein’s assault weapon ban bill.

“And we absolutely think that the idea of banning a military style assault weapon, a weapon that I am confident that Thomas Jefferson and James Madison never laid their eyes on, is not inconsistent with the rights of those who self-protect, those who shoot, who want to participate in sporting and hunting,”

“No one has been more aggressive in our defense of the Constitution than this nation’s civil rights leaders. …We respect the Second Amendment,” Morial added. “None of these provisions speak in absolute terms.”

Uh, NO, Morial!  You DO NOT respect the Second Amendment.  If you REALLY respected it, you would respect that significant part of it which says, “shall NOT be infringed!”

What a lying sack of poodoo! 

Of course, this is a typical tactic that the Left uses; saying they respect and cherish something, just like you and I, but they’d just like to make some changes which they, personally, feel are for the better.

Hey, Morial, why don’t you try that tactic with your wife, Michelle Miller, over at CBS News?  Tell her you love and respect her, but you don’t think she means what she plainly and succinctly says she means and so you are going to fundamentally transform whatever she is says into whatever you wish her to say. 

Yeah, I’m sure that would go over real swell with her…
TheDC asked Rev. Sharpton if he agreed with Morial’s comments.

“Absolutely, I mean if you look at the Second Amendment it was that you would have militia to protect yourself in case the government came and attacked citizens,” he responded.

“First of all, if the government were to come to disarm you, you would not be able to use an automatic weapon to defend yourself. Let’s be serious. We’re in a world of drones now so the Second Amendment would not help you in that area. It is absurd to try to cite that.”

LOL!  He certainly doesn’t understand guerrilla warfare; you use your knife to acquire guns; your guns to acquire mortars; your mortars to acquire tanks; your tanks to acquire aircraft; your aircraft to acquire…  Well, you get the picture. 

The guns are a stepping stone to bigger and better weapons when the sh@t hits the fan and you find yourself in the cross-hairs of a fascist government.

People do not have the right to unregulated rights in this country,” Sharpton continued. “And I think that for those that use the Second Amendment [they] are conceding that they have no argument on why you need a magazine with 100 rounds of ammunition or 30 rounds of ammunition.”

Reasonable Argument #1:  Because, I’m a terrible shot…  Really, I swear.  One bullet isn’t enough for me.   I need, like, a thousand rounds just to hit the backside of a barn.  Honest!

Reasonable Argument #2:  Because, violent mobs, by definition, are not a single person.

Reasonable Argument #3:  Because, if I have to defend myself from my government because Progressive Marxist @ssholes like you, Al Sharpton, have turned the government against its People, I’m gonna’ need all the firepower I can get!

Sharpton also said “everybody is regulated with every right,” using airports as an example.

“I don’t have the right to tell them at the airport that I cite the Constitution so I’m not showing you my ID and walk through,” he said.

There you have it folks; the Left will always use a prior violation of your Rights to justify another, bigger violation of your Rights.  First, they took away our sawed-off shotguns, then our machine guns ( with the help of the NRA! ).  Then, they used those violations of our Rights to enact Clinton’s Assault Weapons Ban.  That’s how they do it.  If they get this new Assault Weapons Ban passed, they’re gonna’ use it in the future as justification for taking your handguns and hunting rifles.  Mark my words!

Morial said he is “waiting for someone to suggest that the Second Amendment gives them the right to own a tank and to park it in their driveway.”

Um…  What point are you trying to make, Mr. Morial?  Just like owning an automobile, it’s perfectly legal to own a tank.    Sheesh!  What a moron!

The group of more than 60 leaders were meeting to discuss “federal policy recommendations” for President Obama and Congress.

NY: Godless Lefturds in Crowd Bully Little Kids for Singing “God Bless the USA”

19 June, 2012

These are the Coney Island kindergarteners who were not allowed to sing God Bless the USA in school.  So, they sang it outside near the playground.

Obviously, the *leader* (i.e. – most vocal) of the Godless heckling Lefturds is not “proud to be an American” and is in need of a serious head-butt from our head-butting buddy, Leatherneck!

Obama and Biden’s Evolving Views on Coal

11 May, 2012

Gee, it seems like only a few years ago, slo-Joe Biden was saying that coal is more dangerous than terrorists:

And, Obama was busy telling everyone about how he was going to eliminate the coal industry by making it cost-prohibitive to do business:

Of course, that was all before Obama and Biden stepped foot into the White House.  Since then, much to their chagrin, they have discovered that it’s not all that easy to get “coal country” Congressmen and Senators onboard the Green Eco-Train. 

So, Obama and Biden did the next best thing and bypassed all the checks and balances put in to the government and used their communist EPA buddies to turn the thumbscrews on the coal industry.

Such fascist maneuvering, however, did not go unnoticed by the coal countries and, Obama has since lost the ability to rally the coal country voters.

In an obvious effort to win the coal countries back, Obama’s views have suddenly “evolved” so as to appear supportive of “clean coal.”    Of course, anyone with half-a-brain knows that if Obama gets reelected, the coal industry is through.  Kaput!  End of story!:

Obama Adds ‘Clean Coal’ to Website Only After Disappointing W.V. Primary
May 11, 2012 • By MICHAEL WARREN – TheWeeklyStandard

After Barack Obama’s disappointing showing in the West Virginia Democratic primary–the president received less than 60 percent of the vote while a federal inmate in Texas won more than 40 percent–it seems the Obama reelection team may be realizing it has a problem in coal country. Below is an image of the Obama-Biden 2012 page on energy policy from a version of the site cached on May 3, five days before the West Virginia primary:

Among the topics available to read are oil, natural gas, fuel efficiency, biofuels, wind, solar, and nuclear. Now, here’s a screenshot from Obama’s energy page today:

All topics are still available to read except for “fuel efficiency.” That’s been replaced by “clean coal.” The site touts Obama’s “10-year goal to develop and deploy cost-effective clean coal technology.”

Obama isn’t likely to win West Virginia this year–ever since George W. Bush won the state in 2000, it’s been in Republican hands at the presidential level. But consider that swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio also have coal industries, and the change on Obama’s campaign website makes a bit more political sense.

Canada: Student Suspended Over Christian T-Shirt

4 May, 2012

I can guaran-damn-tee you that if his shirt had said, “Life is wasted without Muhammad,” there would have been nary a peep out of the school:

N.S. student suspended for wearing religious T-shirt
The Canadian Press –

CHESTER BASIN, N.S.— A Grade 12 student in Nova Scotia has been suspended for wearing a T-shirt publicizing his religious beliefs.

The South Shore Regional School Board suspended William Swinimer from Forest Heights Community School in Chester Basin for five days for wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words, “Life is wasted without Jesus.”

School board Superintendent Nancy Pynch-Worthylake said the wording on the shirt is problematic because it is directed at the beliefs of others.

“If I have an expression that says ‘My life is enhanced with Jesus,’ then there’s no issue with that, everybody is able to quickly understand that that’s my opinion about my own belief,” she said.

“If the shirt were to say ‘Without Jesus, your life is a complete waste,’ then that’s clear that it is an opinion aimed at somebody else’s belief.”

Ms. Pynch-Worthylake said the school has spoken with Mr. Swinimer a number of times about the shirt, asking him not to wear it again.

Mr. Swinimer was unavailable for comment.

Varrick Day, the pastor at Mr. Swinimer’s Pentecostal church, said the young man feels that his religious freedom is being restricted at the school.

“His reaction is that he is being bullied by the school itself, not the students, when it comes to his freedom of speech within the school and his freedom of sharing his faith,” Mr. Day said from Bridgewater, where he preaches at Jesus the Good Shepherd Church.


Zo Nation on Ted Nugent’s Visit from the Secret Service and Eminem’s Non-Visit

24 April, 2012

An excellent editorial from my man, Alfonzo:

“Palestinian” Sentenced to Death for Selling Home to Eeeevil Jooooos

23 April, 2012

Apparently, the Nazis were never completely defeated, they just their moved operations to “Palestine”:

Palestinian Sentenced to Death for Selling a Home to Jews
By DANIEL HALPER – The Weekly Standard

Former Palestinian intelligence official Muhammad Abu Shahala has reportedly been sentenced to death by the Palestinian Authority for selling a Hebron home to Jews. In response, Jewish officials from the community in Hebron are calling for international officials now to get involved—in order to save Abu Shahala’s life.

“According to various news agencies, Mr. Muhammad Abu Shahala, a former intelligence agent for the Palestinian Authority, has been sentenced to death, following a hurried trial. His crime: selling property to Jews in Hebron,” David Wilder and Noam Arnon, of the Jewish community in Hebron, write in a letter addressed to Ban Ki-moon, Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, and other high ranking officials.

Mr. Abu Shahala reportedly confessed following torture sessions at the hands of his captors.  The death sentence can be executed only following concurrence by Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, president of the PA. After he signs the death warrant, Abu Shahala may be killed.

It is appalling to think that property sales should be defined as a ‘capital crime’ punishable by death.  The very fact that such a ‘law’ exists within the framework of the PA legal system points to a barbaric and perverse type of justice, reminiscent of practices implemented during the dark ages.

It is incumbent upon the entire international community, which views Abu Mazen and the Palestinian Authority as a viable Middle East peace partner, to publicly reject such acts of legal murder, when the ‘crime’ is nothing more than property sales. What would be the reaction to a law in the United States, England, France, or Switzerland, forbidding property sales to Jews?

The letter goes on to note the similarity between this law and Nazi-era Nuremberg laws. The authors ask, “Is the Palestinians Authority a reincarnation of the Third Reich?”

According to columnist Caroline Glick, this law has long been a part of the Palestinian Authority: “The PA was established in May 1994. The first law it adopted defined selling land to Jews as a capital offense. Shortly thereafter scores of Arab land sellers began turning up dead in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria in both judicial and extrajudicial killings.”

Finally, the Hebron Jews urge action. “We appeal to all international leaders to demand the annulment of the death warrant and pending execution of Muhammad Abu Shahala, to be followed by his immediate release from imprisonment, for he has committed no crime.”

Finally???  What an odd choice of a word, here.  It’s not like the Israelis have been mum on this issue ever since  1997  when Yasser Arafat enacted the death penalty for selling homes to Jews.  No, I think it’s more of a case where the sympathizers for Islamic Squatters  were fine with it as long as it would keep the Jews from buying houses.  Finally Now, the Israelis have turned the tables and shown how it is the Islamic Squatters who are suffering death and dismemberment because of this ridiculous law, not the Jews.   Even a Muzzy lover like Obama can’t argue with that logic! 

1,911 Cats and Dogs Were Killed Last Year by PETA (95 Percent Euthanasia Rate)

27 February, 2012

Next time some Libtard starts heralding PETA, pull out this little factoid for some fun:

Documents: PETA kills more than 95 percent of pets in its care
The Daily Caller

Documents published online this month show that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an organization known for its uncompromising animal-rights positions, killed more than 95 percent of the pets in its care in 2011.

The documents, obtained from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, were published online by the Center for Consumer Freedom, a non-profit organization that runs online campaigns targeting groups that antagonize food producers.

Fifteen years’ worth of similar records show that since 1998 PETA has killed more than 27,000 animals at its headquarters in Norfolk, VA.

In a February 16 statement, the Center said PETA killed 1,911 cats and dogs last year, finding homes for only 24 pets.

“PETA hasn’t slowed down its slaughterhouse operation,” said Rick Berman, CCF’s executive director. “It appears PETA is more concerned with funding its media and advertising antics than finding suitable homes for these dogs and cats.”

In a statement, Berman added that PETA has a $37 million dollar annual budget.

His organization runs, which reports that in 2010 a resident of Virginia called PETA and asked if there was an animal shelter at the group’s headquarters. PETA responded that there was not.

Planned Barenhood Already ‘Rapes’ Women…

21 February, 2012

Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black:

Planned Parenthood Already “Rapes” Women in Pre-Abortion Ultrasound
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 2/21/12

The Planned Parenthood abortion business has crated a firestorm of criticism for itself by making the wild-eyed claim that allowing women in Virginia a chance to see an ultrasound of their unborn child before the abortion is akin to rape.

However, new information has surfaced showing the abortion business already does pre-abortion ultrasounds on women to determine the age of the unborn child prior to the abortion — making it so the abortion business, in its own words, “rapes” women already. The question then becomes whether or not women will be allowed to see the ultrasound image or heart the audio of the heartbeat of their baby.

Alana Goodman of Commentary magazine says Planned Parenthood provides the following on a telephone hotline:

“Patients who have a surgical abortion generally come in for two appointments. At the first visit we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit generally takes about an hour. At the second visit, the procedure takes place. This visit takes about an hour as well. For out of town patients for whom it would be difficult to make two trips to our office, we’re able to schedule both the initial appointment and the procedure on the same day.

Medical abortions generally require three visits. At the first visit, we do a health assessment, perform all the necessary lab work, and do an ultrasound. This visit takes about an hour. At the second visit, the physician gives the first pill and directions for taking two more pills at home. The third visit is required during which you will have an exam and another ultrasound.”

“From a health perspective, these ultrasounds are critical. They detect the exact age of the fetus, which often dictates which type of abortion procedure the woman can receive. They can also spot potential complications that could impact the procedure, like ectopic pregnancies. In clinics that don’t have access to ultrasound technology, sometimes pelvic exams can be used as a substitute. But those are arguably just as invasive as the transvaginal ultrasounds pro-choice activists are decrying,” Goodman writes. “In other words, the real reason pro-choicers oppose the law isn’t because of the “invasiveness” or “creepiness” of ultrasounds. It can’t be it. Virginia Planned Parenthood clinics already include them in its abortion procedures.”

As pro-life blogger Jill Stanek notes, the ultrasound bill in Virginia in question doesn’t mandate that an ultrasound is performed — essentially because Planned Parenthood already does them.

“There is nothing in HB 462 that mandates the use of transvaginal ultrasound rather than abdominal ultrasound, but pro-aborts have swarmed around this possibility comparing it to rape,” she says.

“Early in a pregnancy –  4-8ish weeks depending on several factors, including the girth of the mother – a baby’s age cannot be ascertained by other than a transvaginal ultrasound,” Stanek explains. “And this has been determined necessary for the safety of mothers in Virginia based on previous disciplinary actions against abortionists for grossly misjudging a baby’s age.”

Stanek points out that in 1999, the state medical board disciplined abortion practitioner Mi Yong Kim for beginning the abortion of a mother she believed was 8 weeks pregnant via pelvic exam, only to have to stop the abortion because the baby was much larger.

“A hospital ultrasound determined the baby was actually 26-4/7 weeks, and still alive. Kim performed a hysterotomy without further consulting the mother and delivered the dead baby, who weighed a little over 2 pounds, consistent with the measured gestational age,” she notes.

In 2006 the Virginia Board of Medicine suspended the license of abortionist Reffat K. Abofreka for underestimating the age of one unborn child and missing a mass on another baby.

“In January 2006 Abofreka began the abortion of a baby he thought was 12 weeks old by pelvic exam only to find the baby was much larger. The baby was later delivered alive at a hospital measuring 23-2/7 weeks but died,” Stanek noted. “In 2005 Abofreka performed no diagnostic tests whatsoever and began an abortion of a patient. When Abofreka could not get “a satisfactory amount of tissue during the procedure,” he wondered if this was instead an ectopic pregnancy and performed an ultrasound, whereupon discovering a cystic mass between the uterus and left ovary. At the hospital it was determined there was indeed a mass and also a 6-6/7 week old baby. Whether the baby lived or died is unknown.”

Catholic University Being Pressured by Muzzie Students to Remove Crosses

27 October, 2011

Which begs the question, what the hell are Muzzies doing in a Catholic university???

Muslims say crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights”
Radio Fox News

The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”

A spokesperson for the Office of Human Rights told Fox News they had received a 60-page complaint against the private university. The investigation, they said, could take as long a six months.

The complaint was filed by John Banzhaf, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School. Banzhaf has been involved in previous litigation against the school involving the same-sex residence halls. He also alleged in his complaint involving Muslim students that women at the university were being discriminated against. You can read more on those allegations by clicking here.

Banzhaf said some Muslim students were particularly offended because they had to meditate in the school’s chapels “and at the cathedral that looms over the entire campus – the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.”

“It shouldn’t be too difficult somewhere on the campus for the university to set aside a small room where Muslims can pray without having to stare up and be looked down upon by a cross of Jesus,” he told Fox News.

A spokesman for Catholic University released a statement to Fox News indicating they had not seen any legal filings — but would respond once they do.

“Our faithfulness to our Catholic tradition has also made us a welcome home to students of other religions,” said  Victor Nakas, associate vice president for public affairs. “No students have registered complaints about the exercise of their religions on our campus.”

In a 2010 interview with National Public Radio, university president John Garvey acknowledged that they don’t set aside prayer rooms for Muslim students.

“We make classrooms available, or our chapels are places where they can pray,” he told NPR. “We don’t offer Halal meat, although there are always meals that conform to Halal regulations, that allow students to do what they want.”

Banzhaf said that it is technically not illegal for Catholic University to refuse to provide rooms devoid of religious icons.
