Archive for the ‘Multiculturalism’ category

Lawsuit Filed Against Texas School For Punishing Student Who Refused to Recite The Mexican Pledge of Allegiance

28 February, 2013

Because Texas had the audacity to refuse Obama’s Core Curriculum, along with the associated textbooks, they are under a major attack from the Progressive Commies who have flocked to Texas in an attempt to turn the state Blue. 

In the near future, expect to see more examples of teachers in Texas bullying students into compliance with Progressive ideals:

Brenda Brinsdon

In one Texas School, Students have the Right to Opt-Out of Reciting the American Pledge of Allegiance . . . but Not the Mexican Pledge; Lawsuit Filed

ANN ARBOR, MI – Just as the 2011 school year began, Brenda Brinsdon, then a 15 year-old sophomore at Achieve Early College High School (AECHS) in McAllen Texas, was thrust into the national spotlight after she refused to stand up, extend her arms straight out with palms down and recite the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Mexican National Anthem.  Reyna Santos, the Spanish 3 teacher, required all her students to recite this allegiance to Mexico. Click here to see local news coverage.

When the time came for the students to stand up and recite the Mexican pledge, Brenda Brinsdon refused.   Brenda, born in the United States, is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an American father.  Brenda is fluent in Spanish and English and is proud of her Mexican heritage, but she is a true blooded American.  So to Brenda, the words of the pledge have a deep meaning. Her conscience and patriotism would not allow her to participate in the assignment.  She believed it was ‘un-American and she was exercising her constitutional right not to be forced to pledge allegiance to Mexico.  The school punished her for her refusal.

As a result, the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, along with local Texas attorney Jerad Najvar, filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of Brenda and her father William Brinsdon claiming that school officials violated Brenda’s  constitutional rights. Click here to read the federal lawsuit.

Ironically, the assignment to recite the Mexican pledge was given during the school’s celebration of Freedom Week, marking the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks and also on U.S. Constitution Day.  According to the McAllen School District policy for Special Programs, social studies classes during Freedom Week were required to recite the text of the Declaration of Independence.  However, excusals from recitation are granted for students who have a conscientious objection.

The longstanding Supreme Court decision, West Virginia State Bd. of Educ. v. Barnette, (1943), and the school district’s own policy prohibit a school from compelling students to recite the American Pledge of Allegiance.  However, the School District ignored those rules when Brenda Brinsdon refused to recite the Mexican pledge.

Brenda’s refusal was not well received by her teacher, Reyna Santos, or the school principal, Yvette Cavasos.  Both tried to coerce her to recite the Mexican pledge, saying this was just an assignment.  Brenda attempted to discuss reasons for her refusal to pledge allegiance to a country other than the United States with both Santos and Cavasos. When Brenda did not back down, she was punished.


Expensive USDA “Cultural Sensitivity” Training Teaches That The Pilgrims Were Illegal Immigrants

15 February, 2013

Pilgrims were “Illegal Aliens?”  

Uh…  No, they weren’t.  Technically, for that to be true, the Americas would have had to have had some form of government that specifically made it illegal to enter into the Americas without authorization.

However, that being said, IF the Pilgrims WERE illegal aliens, wouldn’t that just bolster the sentiment that we need to secure our borders?

By the way, the guy shown conducting these “Cultural Sensitivity” workshops is Samuel Betances.  He claims to be an associate of ex-Chicago Mayor, Richard Daily.  However, I’m dubious of that claim, since Mr. Betances is quoted as saying that ex-Mayor Daily tapped him when he “needed people “to talk across racial lines” in 1960s riots.”  Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t remember Richard Daily even being in politics until 1969.  Just my two-bits:

JW Releases Confidential USDA Videos Revealing “Cultural Sensitivity Training” Program

Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released previously unseen USDA videos revealing a compulsory “Cultural Sensitivity Training” program requiring USDA employees to bang on tables, chanting in unison “The pilgrims were illegal aliens” while being instructed to no longer use the word “minorities,” but to replace it with “emerging majorities.” Judicial Watch received the videos pursuant to a May 18, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The sensitivity training sessions, described as “a huge expense” by diversity awareness trainer and self-described “citizen of the world” Samuel Betances, were held on USDA premises. The diversity event is apparently part of what USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack described in a memo sent to all agency employees as a “new era of Civil Rights” and “a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA.” In 2011 and 2012, the USDA paid Betances and his firm nearly $200,000 for their part in the “cultural transformation” program.

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 1“If you take a look at all of you here and you think about your salaries and your benefits and what you have left undone – plus my fee – plus the expense of the team that putting the video together, this is a huge expense”:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 2“I want you to say that American was founded by outsiders – say that – who are today’s insiders, who are very nervous about today’s outsiders. I want you to say, ‘The pilgrims were illegal aliens.’ Say, ‘The pilgrims never gave their passports to the Indians.’” Betances also asked the audience, “Give me a bam,” after these statements, to which the audience replied in unison:

USDA Sensitivity Training Video Excerpt 3“By the way, I don’t like the word ‘minorities.’ How about ‘emerging majorities?’”

“This USDA diversity training video depicts out-of-control political correctness,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “Can someone please explain how any of this helps USDA employees to better serve the American taxpayer? This video further confirms that politically-correct diversity training programs are both offensive and a waste of taxpayer money. No wonder it took over half a year to obtain this video from the Obama administration.”


Vatican Website Going Islamic? – UPDATED

11 February, 2013

Okay, this morning when I heard about Pope Benedict resigning, I immediately went to the Vatican’s website to read their press release.  Imagine my surprise when I was greeted with what appears to be a crescent moon with the Pope as the star:

Vatican Website Crescent

Is it just me, or do you see it, too?

UPDATE:  Here’s the Vatican’s website as it appeared on June 4th, 2011:

Vatican June 2011Nope.  Not quite crescent enough to trigger my tin-foil hat senses at that time.  However, with the addition of the yellow glow and the removal of the circular icons inside the broken circle in the newer version, it subliminally suggests a crescent moon and star…


Students Recite Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic

30 January, 2013

Hey, if Muzzies demand the Qur’an be read in its original Arabic language to truly understand it, then I demand the Pledge of Allegiance be read in English!  Case closed!

Of course, I’m pretty darn sure they replaced “one nation under God” with “one nation under Allah.”  And, that’s the sticking point where I put my foot down!  After all, even Malaysian Muzzies know that the Allah of the Qur’an is not the same God of the Christians and Jews!  [LINK]:

Fort Collins students read Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic
Jan 30, 2013 –

FORT COLLINS – A Fort Collins principal stands by his decision to allow students from a multicultural group to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic on the school’s intercom.

“We do say the Pledge of Allegiance on Mondays at Rocky Mountain High School,” principal Tom Lopez said.

Students have always said it in English. This year, a group with about 30 students approached Lopez with a request to translate and recite the pledge in other languages.

“They had to go through me for approval, and I reviewed it pretty carefully,” Lopez said.

First, the students translated and read French. Then they recited the pledge in Spanish last fall. Monday, students read the pledge in Arabic.

“We have a tremendous amount of diversity in our school,” Lopez said. “This is very American, not un-American.”

The response has been mostly positive, said Lopez, though the calls and emails from upset parents have been very negative.

“I guess I’m getting worn down a little bit by how intense their sense of hate has been represented in some of the things they’ve written and said,” Lopez said on Tuesday.

Lopez says Rocky Mountain High School is a place of inclusion.

“When they pledge allegiance to United States, that’s exactly what they’re saying — they’re just using another language as their vehicle,” Lopez said.

He says it’s likely the group will have other opportunities to recite the pledge in other languages, though he concedes it’s a wise idea to recite the pledge in English that day as well.

CAIR Wants Media To Do Away With Use Of The Word “Islamist”

3 January, 2013

Sure, I’ll do away with using the word “Islamist.”—Just as soon as Ibrahim Hooper does away with the word “Islamophobe.” 

(Fat chance of that, buddy):


(WASHINGTON, D.C., 1/3/13) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today distributed a commentary urging media outlets to drop the term “Islamist” because it is “currently used in an almost exclusively pejorative context.”

By Ibrahim Hooper

As many people make promises to themselves to improve their lives or their societies in the coming year, here is a suggested New Year’s resolution for media outlets in America and worldwide: Drop the term “Islamist.”


Unfortunately, the term “Islamist” has become shorthand for “Muslims we don’t like.” It is currently used in an almost exclusively pejorative context and is often coupled with the term “extremist,” giving it an even more negative slant.

There are few, if any, positive references to “Islamist” in news articles. There are also no — nor should there be — references to “Christianists,” “Judaists” or “Hinduists” for those who would similarly seek governments “in accord with the laws” of their respective faiths.

No journalist would think of referring to the “Judaist government of Israel,” the “Christianist leader Rick Santorum” or “Hinduist Indian politician Narendra Modi,” while use of “Islamist” has become ubiquitous. It might be an interesting exercise to hold a contest, the winner of which would be the first to find a positive mainstream media reference to “Islamist.”

False argument, Ibrahim.  

Besides, even the New York Times has called Israel’s government, “Jewish.”   (CLICK HERE for the link to the NYT’s corrections page and note the usage of the phrase, “the Jewish government,” in its first correction item).  

I’d say that fits quite neatly into your “Judaist government” criteria, Ibrahim.    What are you?  A Jewophobe?

Quite likely, such a contest would end up being similar to a unicorn hunt.

The frequent linkage of the term “Islamist” to violence and denial of religious and human rights is also strongly promoted by Islamophobic groups and individuals who seek to launch rhetorical attacks on Islam and Muslims, without the public censure that would normally accompany such bigoted attacks on any other faith.

Aha!  There it is!  Still using the term Islamophobe, are we, Ibrahim?  Why is it that you want to control our language, but we can’t touch yours?  

What are you?  A hypocrite?  Or, should I say, “Islamocrite?!”


By not dropping or modifying use of the term, the media are making a political and religious value judgment each time it is used.

As are you, Ibrahim,  every time you use that ridiculous word Islamophobe!  See the hypocrisy here, Ibrahim?

That is hardly fair or balanced.

Hey, like I said, if all you Muzzy-headed types would just stop using the word Islamophobe, I’d be more than happy to stop using the word Islamist.

Now, THAT is truly “fair and balanced!”—Unlike Ibrahim Hooper’s one-sided request for the media to stop using the term Islamist.

Stupid muzzy.

Obama Administration Tacitly Admits in New Army Manual that Pedophilia is Part of Islam

17 December, 2012

Well… When your cultish religion tells you to follow the examples of a false prophet who had sex with children, this is absolutely part of your religion!  No denying it, Muzzies.  Own it!


Army acknowledges pedophilia part of Islam
Manual warns soldiers in Afghanistan not to talk about certain subjects
By Jack Minor – WND

A new Army manual that warns American soldiers in Afghanistan to avoid talking about certain topics has unwittingly acknowledged that Western taboos such as pedophilia are an inherent part of Islamic culture.

“By mentioning that pedophilia and women’s rights and saying that soldiers should not mention such things they are tacitly admitting that those things are indeed part of Islam,” said Robert Spencer, founder of Jihad Watch.

According to the Wall Street Journal, a new 75-page Army manual suggests U.S. soldiers are to blame for the large number of deadly attacks on them by Afghan security forces. The manual reportedly says the soldiers may have brought the attacks on themselves because of insensitivity towards Islamic culture.

“Many of the confrontations occur because of [coalition] ignorance of, or lack of empathy for, Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norms, resulting in a violent reaction from the [Afghan security force] member,” the draft report prepared by Army researchers and obtained by the Journal said.

Clare Lopez, a senior fellow with the Center for Security Policy, said the suggestion that U.S. soldiers are to blame for the attacks on them by Afghan security forces is outrageous.

“To suggest that our troops are somehow being murdered because of our insensitivity to their culture is essentially saying it’s our own fault that the troops are being killed because we weren’t nice enough to them,” Lopez said. “The fundamental refusal to acknowledge that the enemy fights because of what he says he fight for, which is Islam, is a failure by our professional leadership from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta on down. Because of this, we have no strategy.”

This year alone, more than three dozen attacks have killed 63 coalition forces. In an attempt to quell the attacks the Army report has issued a list of “taboo conversational topics.”

The topics include “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights” and “directing any criticism towards Afghans” or “anything related to Islam.”


The Army manual also advises soldiers to avoid “any criticism of pedophilia” or “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct.” (more…)

Lame Stream Media Silent About Iraqi Muzzy Bombing of Social Security Office in Arizona

3 December, 2012

I’m sure the LSM will get right on that as soon as they figure out how to use this incident to accuse Conservatives of racism and Islamophobia:


Iraqi Refugee Bombs AZ Social Security Office, MSM Remains Silent
by AWR Hawkins – 3 Dec 2012 –

On Friday morning, an Iraqi refugee used an improvised explosive device (IED) to bomb a Social Security office in Casa Grande AZ — the mainstream media remains silent.

The explosion took place before the office opened for the morning, so no one was hurt. But reports indicate the explosion “was heard and felt all over the area.”

The suspect in the bombing, Abdullatif Aldosary is an Iraqi refugee who lives in Coolidge, AZ. He is in police custody.

For reasons unreported, Aldosary had raised the Department of Homeland Security’s attention a number of times throughout the last two years, and he served 8 months in prison for harassment at some point.

On Friday night, both CNN and Reuters reported the bombing, but neither identified Aldosary or mentioned his Iraqi roots. It seems Aldosary is getting the same benefits the MSM gave Major Nidal Hasan, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, and innumerable other individuals with Middle Eastern names when they committed terrorist acts in our country.

Dearbornistan: Federal Judge Rules Christians Can Sue Muslim Festival Organizers

29 November, 2012

Now that Christians have won this ruling, they need to go not only after the organizers but, they need to go after the city of Dearborn itself for bowing to Islam!:

Judge: Christian evangelists can sue Muslims
Arab Chamber of Commerce runs festival where faithful arrested

A federal judge has ruled that Christian evangelists who were arrested at a Dearborn, Mich., festival sponsored by the Arab Chamber of Commerce can sue the business organization.

“The court finds that plaintiffs do properly allege a civil conspiracy among defendants, including the AACC, to deprive plaintiffs of their constitutional rights sufficient to survive a motion to dismiss,” the court’s ruling said.

It came in a case brought by the American Freedom Law Center on behalf of the Christians. David Yerushalmi, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, said: “The detailed allegations of our 100-page civil rights complaint sets out a pattern of misconduct that had the purpose and effect of depriving our clients of their fundamental constitutional rights.”

The judge, Stephen J. Murphy III, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, granted the AFLC’s request to amend its complaint on behalf of the missionaries “unlawfully arrested for preaching the Gospel to Muslims at the 2010 Arab International Festival.”

Added to list of defendants was the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, the organization responsible for the Dearborn Arab Festival.

It was on June 18, 2010, when four Christian missionaries, Dr. Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, Paul Rezkalla, and Negeen Mayel, were thrown in jail by Dearborn police officers for peacefully preaching to Muslims at that year’s annual event.

The four were accused of “breach of the peace.” They were ordered to trial, but, represented by Robert Muise, AFLC co-founder and senior counsel, they were acquitted.

Then Yerushalmi and Muise brought the civil rights action against the city, mayor John B. O’Reilly, police chief Ronald Haddad, 17 police officers and others.

It accuses sheriff’s officers of siding “with the Muslim mob intent on suppressing the Christians’ speech.”

The situation since then only has deteriorated, the evidence suggests. A video was made during the 2012 events indicating hundreds of angry Muslims threw chunks of concrete and eggs at a team of Christians, spraying them with urine and cursing at them – all while police stood by and then threatened the victims with “disorderly conduct.”

The video explains authorities not only failed to protect the Christians, they ordered them to leave the Arab Festival under threat of arrest for “disorderly conduct.”

However, not one Muslim was arrested for the attack that left several members of the Christian group bloodied, it says.


Muzzie Arrested in Attempt to Blow Up Federal Reserve

18 October, 2012

I’m sure this has nothing to do with Islam and is most likely in response to some hitherto unknown YouTube video… 


Plot to attack Federal Reserve in NYC: Suspect thought he had 1,000-pound bomb, authorities say
NBC News

NEW YORK – A suspected terrorist parked a van packed with what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb next to the Federal Reserve building in Lower Manhattan and tried to detonate it Wednesday morning before he was arrested in a terror sting operation, authorities said.

The suspect, 21-year-old Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, is a Bangladeshi national who came to the U.S. on a student visa in January for the specific purpose of launching a terror attack here, authorities said. He allegedly told an undercover agent last month that he hoped the attack would disrupt the presidential election, saying “You know what, this election might even stop,” according to the criminal complaint against him.

“He clearly had the intent of creating mayhem here,” Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told reporters Wednesday, saying his actions went “way past aspirational.”

The complaint said Nafis wrote a statement claiming responsibility for what he thought would be the Fed attack, saying he wanted to “destroy America” by going after its economy. He referred to “our beloved Sheikh Osama bin Laden” in the statement, which was stored on a thumb drive.


Nafis, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, attended Southeast Missouri State University for a semester, studying cybersecurity as a sophomore from January through May 2012, a school spokesman said. He sought a transfer to a New York City ESL program and left Missouri after the spring, according to a law enforcement official.

He allegedly sought out al-Qaida contacts to help him, unknowingly recruiting an FBI source in the process. At that point, the FBI and NYPD began monitoring him as he developed the plot, prosecutors said.


Law enforcement officials stress that the plot was a sting operation monitored by the FBI, Homeland Security and NYPD and the public was never at risk. The materials he believed were explosives had been rendered inoperable, officials said.


Colorado: 5 Iraqis Arrested in ‘Horrific’ Rape of Elderly Woman

15 August, 2012

Thank you, State Department and all the other governmental agencies that let all these troglodytes into America…  /sarcasm:

Jasim Mohammed Hassin Ramadon

5 Iraqi men arrested for ‘horrific’ Colorado Springs rape
August 15, 2012, by Will C. Holden –

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Colorado Springs arrested five Iraqi men Tuesday in connection with what police are calling a “rare” and “horrific” sexual assault.

Colorado Springs Lt. Howard Black told FOX21 Colorado Springs that the woman police believe the men sexually assaulted at the Wildridge Apartments suffered from injuries that could have been life-threatening.

“I have been a police officer for a lot of years,” Black said. “When I look at the injuries, this is one of the more severe sexual assault cases I have been a part of and investigated.”

Sarmad Fadhi Mohammed and Jasim Mohammed Hasin Ramadon were arrested for the actual sexual assault Tuesday. Mustafa Sataar Al Feraji, Ali Mohammed Hasan Al Juboori and Yasir Jabbar Jasim were arrested as accessories to sexual assault.

All five men are are from Iraq and living in the U.S. legally as permanent residents. All five are in their 20s. If convicted, there is a possibility they could be deported.

Big whoop-dee-doo…   No wonder they don’t respect our laws; they know they won’t go to jail.

Police said the sexual assault occurred on July 21, and started when an elderly woman who works nights responded to two groups of men appearing to be on the brink of a fight at around 1:30 a.m. The woman, who was checking her mail at the time, was able to successfully defuse the fight. Afterwards, one of the men involved in the altercation invited her back to his apartment.

At the apartment, the woman drank “what she believed to be lemonade” with four men in their 20s, according to the report. She cannot recall anything after that.

According to police, doctors at Memorial Hospital in Colorado Springs, where the woman was later admitted, said she suffered from internal injuries that appeared to be caused by blunt force trauma. When police arrived on scene of the apartment, they found blood splattered on the walls.

According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, Ramadon, one of the men accused of the sexual assault, was featured in “A Soldier’s Promise,” a 2009 combat memoir penned by Army First Sgt. Daniel Hendrex about the time he spent deployed in the Iraqi town of Husaybah.

Hendrex described helping Ramadon in his effort to immigrate to the U.S. in exchange for vital information the youngster — 14 at the time — provided Hendrex’s unit about local insurgents.