Archive for 11 September, 2007

Israeli Airstrike Sends a Message to both Syria and Iran

11 September, 2007

You know something is up when the Western “powers that be” are suddenly tight lipped. Syria was probably stockpiling some nukes or WMD’s. Yup, it’s a pretty good bet that Israel asked permission before breaching Syria’s airspace, hence the deafening silence…


Syria complains to U.N. about Israeli airstrike

(CNN) — Syria accused Israel of a “flagrant violation” of its obligations when it carried out an airstrike inside the country last week, according to a copy of a letter released Tuesday.

Syria called the incursion a “breach of airspace of the Syrian Arab Republic” and said “it is not the first time Israel has violated” Syrian airspace, the letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon read.

It also accused the international community of ignoring Israeli actions.

Earlier, a U.N. spokeswoman said Syria had not requested a meeting of the Security Council.

Meanwhile, France — the current president of the Security Council — said it had received no letter from Syria.

Last week, Syria reported that its aircraft fired on Israeli “enemy aircraft” that flew into northern Syria early Thursday.

The airstrike may have targeted weapons that were destined for Hezbollah militants, according to sources in the region and in the United States.

The Israel Defense Forces had no comment on the report, and have refused to comment further on the new revelations.

But the sources told CNN the military operation, which happened Wednesday into Thursday, may have also involved Israeli ground forces who directed the airstrike, which “left a big hole in the desert” in Syria.

The strike may have targeted Hezbollah weapons coming into Syria or transiting through the country from Iran — a pattern that, over the past three or four years, has occurred without any retaliation or other action taken against it — the sources said.

The Israeli government is very happy with the success of the operation, the sources said.


Moscow City Council Supports Chain of Halal Stores

11 September, 2007

Creeping Sharia is alive and well in Russia. A policy favoring a separation between religion and the state is the most fair and balanced position to take. Yet, here we have the Moscow city council supporting a chain of halal shops.

I’ve got one word for Russia; Beslan…

Moscow officials want halal shops in all districts
9/12/2007 – The Peninsula – Qatar

MOSCOW • Moscow city council members plan to support the opening of a chain of halal stores selling food products prepared in accordance with Muslim tradition, a councillor said yesterday.

The head of the council’s religious and ethnic affairs committee, Igor Yeleferenko, said the committee had been approached for help by the Russian Council of Muftis.

He said the appearance of halal shops would also help foster tolerance.

“We should support representatives of all religious and ethnic groups. It means non-believers too will be able to buy wonderful fresh and tasty products,” Yeleferenko said.


Radio Frequencies Help Burn Salt Water

11 September, 2007

I can think of no better news on the 6th anniversary of 9/11 than the possibility of ending our dependence on outside sources of fuel. It is too early to get very excited yet but this could lead to our freedom from fossil fuels and our dependence on nations who hate our freedoms and successes.

By David Templeton, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
ERIE, Pa. – An Erie cancer researcher has found a way to burn salt water, a novel invention that is being touted by one chemist as the “most remarkable” water science discovery in a century.

John Kanzius happened upon the discovery accidentally when he tried to desalinate seawater with a radio-frequency generator he developed to treat cancer. He discovered that as long as the salt water was exposed to the radio frequencies, it would burn.

The discovery has scientists excited by the prospect of using salt water, the most abundant resource on earth, as a fuel.

Rustum Roy, a Penn State University chemist, has held demonstrations at his State College lab to confirm his own observations.

The radio frequencies act to weaken the bonds between the elements that make up salt water, releasing the hydrogen, Roy said. Once ignited, the hydrogen will burn as long as it is exposed to the frequencies, he said.
The discovery is “the most remarkable in water science in 100 years,” Roy said.

“This is the most abundant element in the world. It is everywhere,” Roy said. “Seeing it burn gives me the chills.” (more…)

Russia Tests the Mother, err Dad of All Bombs

11 September, 2007

Bigger explosions…  Cool…  

Russia Tests ‘World’s Most Powerful Non-Nuclear Bomb’
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 – Fox News

The Russian military has successfully tested what it described as the world’s most powerful non-nuclear air-delivered bomb, Russia’s state television reported Tuesday, the latest show of the nation’s military muscle amid chilly relations with the United States.

Channel One television said the new ordnance, nicknamed the “dad of all bombs” is four times more powerful than the U.S. “mother of all bombs.”

“The tests have shown that the new air-delivered ordnance is comparable to a nuclear weapon in its efficiency and capability,” Col.-Gen. Alexander Rukhsin, a deputy chief of the Russian military’s General Staff, said in televised remarks. Unlike a nuclear weapon, the bomb does not pose an environmental threat from the release of radiation, he added.

The statement reflected the Kremlin’s efforts to restore Russia’s global clout and rebuild the nation’s military might. At the same time, ties with Washington have become strained over U.S. criticism of Russia’s backsliding on democracy, Moscow’s vociferous protests against U.S. missile defense plans and rifts over global crises.

The U.S. Massive Ordnance Air Blast, nicknamed the Mother Of All Bombs, a large-yield satellite-guided, air delivered bomb, had been described as the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in history.

Channel One said that while the Russian bomb contains 7.1 metric tons of high explosives compared with more than 8 metric tons of explosives in the U.S. bomb, it’s four times more powerful because it uses a new, highly efficient type of explosives, which the report didn’t identify.

While the American bomb is equivalent to 11 tons of TNT, the Russian one is equivalent to 44 tons of regular explosives. The Russian weapon’s blast radius is 300 meters, or 990 feet, twice as big as that of the U.S. design, the report said.


Leftist Anti-War Protester Declares War on U.S. & NATO Allies! – Kills Civilian

11 September, 2007

From BuckeyeTom comes the following noteworthy story (Click HERE for Video ):

Disturbed anti-war protester can’t find soldier, kills civilian with axe instead     
Sep 11 2007 – Breitbart

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) – A U.S. citizen has confessed to using an axe to kill a Dutch student after failing to find a soldier to attack, his lawyer said Tuesday.

The suspect, Carlos Hartmann, 41, of Tecumseh, Mich., has confessed to the Sept. 8 killing on a train platform in the southern city of Roosendaal, defence lawyer Peter Gremmen said.

Gremmen said Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq.

Hartmann appeared before a judge Tuesday and was ordered held for another two weeks for investigation.

“He hates soldiers, and says that the army kills people, so it would be legitimate if he were also to kill someone . . . from the American military – or from its NATO allies,” Gremmen said in a telephone interview.

When he failed to find a soldier at the Roosendaal train station, “he got such a crazy, disturbed idea that he killed a civilian,” Gremmen said.

Hartmann did not attempt to escape and was arrested shortly after the killing.


New Yorkers’ Brush with Islamonazism Leaves them Less than Congenial

11 September, 2007


Photo from Atlas Shrugs

New Yorkers Do Not Support Muslim Parade
September 11, 2007
by John Cosgove – The Conservative Voice

In stark contrast to other annual parades, the streets were virtually empty of any spectators for the Muslim Day Parade. New York City typically hosts tens of thousands for popular parades and celebrations such as St. Patrick’s Day, Thanksgiving, and New Years Eve. However, on September 9th, only a handful of Islamist enthusiasts rallied for an event supported by un-indicted terrorist co-conspirators and lead by parade marshals on record supporting the destruction of America and denying Muslims committed 9-11-01.

Apparently, New York City residents were not excited to rally in massive support of the ideas displayed along the parade route. Parade participants on the other hand fully approved. Though parade groups eagerly quarreled with protesters, they did not feel the need to correct the Islamic Thinkers Society’s poster supporting the destruction of states constructed under the rule of law, such as the U.S.

Given the notable absence of denizens, it can be surmised that a majority of New Yorkers do not believe “the holocaust is a hoax” and aren’t interested in the informative books available on the topic of “Jihad in Islam.” Perhaps the book’s cover featuring a raised fist holding an AK-47 was found distasteful among residents who still have a large crater in their city courtesy of a group of Jihadists.

The populace, still recovering from a love tap from the Religion of Peace, did not line streets. New York women did not line up for the information being handed out by a presumed woman, completely covered from head to toe. Local Jews did not line up to support the man advocating the banning of the Talmud. Nor did local elected officials apprise themselves on available advice to adjust city government into “the structure of the Khilafah Islamic State.”

In fact, though several hundred were in attendance as part of the parade, a majority of people along the parade route were Jews and Kafir/Infidels/non-muslims who stood in defiant resistance to Islamists.


Islamic Jihad Union Takes Credit for Planning Attacks in Germany

11 September, 2007


Group claims link to foiled German attacks: ministry
Tue Sep 11, 2007

BERLIN (Reuters) – A Sunni Muslim group affiliated to al Qaeda has said it was behind planned attacks in Germany that were foiled by police last week, Germany’s Interior Ministry said on Tuesday.

Officials had previously said three men arrested last week in connection with what security services said was a foiled plan to bomb U.S. sites in Germany were members of the Islamic Jihad Union, which has its roots in Uzbekistan.

But Tuesday’s announcement was the first time German officials have said the group itself had claimed involvement.

“In an appearance on the Internet the Islamic Jihad Union has claimed that it is connected to the attacks in Germany and arrests of September 4,” said the ministry in a statement.

The statement gave no further details.

Officials had said last week the three men who were arrested — two German converts to Islam and a Turk — had trained in militant camps in Pakistan before forming a domestic cell of the Islamic Jihad Union.

The arrests came as part of the biggest German police investigation in the last 30 years.

The ministry said officials believed the claim was authentic and that it fitted in with their investigations.

“The acknowledgement emphasizes the continuing threat of Islamist terrorism,” said the ministry in its statement.

Turkey: Van Packed with 660 lbs of Sodium Nitrate Found in a Multistory Parking Lot

11 September, 2007

A Stolen van, 660 lbs of fertilizer, and a possible cellphone trigger device… Hmm, I wonder who could be responsible??? 

Van With Explosives Found in Turkey

ISTANBUL, Sept. 11 — The Turkish police found a van packed with an explosive chemical in a multistory parking lot in central Ankara today, according to the city’s top official.

The van, a Mercedes model, was found by bomb-sniffing dogs who were part of a heavy security measures in Turkey’s capital on the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States, said the official, Kemal Onal, at a televised news conference.

“The meticulous work by the police prevented a possible disaster,” Mr. Onal said. “I do not even want to think about what would have happened if the attack had succeeded.”

Mr. Onal declined to give more information on the device, but NTV, a privately owned television station, reported that officials from the bomb squad said they had found about 660 pounds of sodium nitrate, a chemical fertilizer that becomes explosive if mixed with other chemicals.

The Ankara police immediately cordoned off a surrounding three-mile area and emptied buildings nearby as fire brigades and ambulances stood by, according to news reports.

Cellphone service in the neighborhood was also temporarily disabled to prevent any possible remote control activity, NTV reported.


A Moment of Silence

11 September, 2007


Brussels Protesters Arrested for Defying the Islamization of Europe

11 September, 2007

TNR has been keeping us up to date on the following story:

Update:  HERE is a link from TNR to a news video of the arrests


Police arrest 2 far-right Belgian leaders at anti-Islam 9/11 protest
The Associated Press – IHT
Published: September 11, 2007

BRUSSELS, Belgium: Police arrested two leaders of a Belgian far-right party Tuesday for staging an illegal protest against the “Islamization of Europe,” six years to the day after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.

Police scuffled with some of the 200 people who converged on two squares in the EU district of Brussels to protest against what they perceived as the rise of Islam as a significant political force across Europe. Officers handcuffed two leaders of the far-right Flemish Interest Party, which is very critical of Muslim immigrants, and took them away in police vans.

Protesters sought to use the Sept. 11 anniversary to point out that Islam threatens democracy and the rule of law in Europe.

The demonstration was initially planned by Stop Islamization of Europe, a loose alliance with roots in Germany, Britain and Denmark, which had predicted that 20,000 people would come to Brussels from all over Europe.

Brussels Mayor Freddy Thielemans banned the protest last month, calling SIOE an inflammatory group and its proposed demonstration a threat to public order. An appeals court upheld the ban Aug. 29.

Only 200 or so protesters showed up Tuesday for a protest lasting only 30 minutes. The demonstrators faced more than 100 police, backed up by water cannons and helicopters, who closed off streets around the EU headquarters.